Catalog Tester

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Catalog Placement Tester

User’s Guide

June 2018
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Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 2

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Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 3

Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6

Software Prerequisites................................................................................................................................ 7

Catalog Placement Tester – User Interface .............................................................................................. 8

Salient Features of Catalog Placement Tester Tool .............................................................................. 12

Running the Catalog Placement Tester Tool .......................................................................................... 18

Catalog Placement Tester tool – Outputs ............................................................................................... 19

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 4

This guide provides information to help users run the Catalog Placement Tester tool to test all the
components which are referred in Smart® 3D.
Specifications: Piping, HVAC, CableTray and Conduit
Parts: Equipment, Equipment Components, Equipment Shapes, Cables, Hangers and Supports
Parts and Assemblies.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 5


Catalog Placement Tester tool helps you to ensure that all the components in a Piping, HVAC,
CableTray and Conduit specifications are successfully placed in the model. Catalog Placement
Tester tool also helps you to ensure that parts of Equipment, Equipment Component, Shapes,
Cable parts, Hangers and Supports parts and Assemblies can be successfully placed in the
This helps you to see the graphics of all the components that are placed, and to confirm that they
are as per your design. You would want to test the correctness of the data of a specification in a
model test environment before using the specification in a production environment and testing all
the components manually is a tedious and time consuming process.
Catalog Placement Tester tool helps in all the above scenarios.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 6


Software Prerequisites
Tool version (Compatible with Smart 3D 2016)
Catalog Placement Tester Compatibility Matrix:

Catalog Placement Tool Smart 3D Version

11.00.**.**** S3D 2016

Supported Operating Systems

• Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1
• Microsoft Windows 8.1
• Microsoft Windows 10
• Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2

Software Prerequisites
• Microsoft Office Excel 2013
On invoking, Catalog Placement Tester pulls a Smart 3D License.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 7


Catalog Placement Tester – User Interface

The following screenshot shows the User Interface of Catalog Placement Tester:

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 8

Select Plant Name
The Plant Name list box is auto populated with the plants available under the active site configured on your
computer. You must select the required plant from the list.
The Catalog Name text box is auto populated with the catalog associated with the selected plant. It is a
read only box.

Select Specification(s)/Part(s)
The Select Specification(s)/ Part(s) grid lists all the Specifications/Parts for Piping, HVAC, CableTray,
Conduit, Cables and Equipment available in the selected plant. User can select single or multiple
Specifications/Parts from single or multiple disciplines using the checkboxes provided in the grid.
The disabled specifications in the grid are not allowed for selection. To enable those Specifications, you
must add the disabled specifications to allowed specifications from “system and specifications” task in
Smart 3D.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 9

Select Additional Test Cases Workbook (Hangers and Supports)
You can specify the Additional Test Cases workbook by specifying the information with reference to the
H&S Assembly, Supported and Supporting components.

Select Data Override Workbook

You can specify the overriding service limits (Piping), Desired Header Sizes (Piping, Conduit) for a
specification that needs to be used for placing the components in the data override workbook (optional). If
you do not provide any input, data is considered from catalog.

Select Target System

You can specify the target system (optional). All the components/parts are placed in the target system. If
you do not provide any input, Plant Root Node is considered as the target system.

Start Position
You can specify the global location in the plant where the components/parts must be placed. The default
values are X = 0 m, Y = 0 m, Z = 0 m.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 10

Report Folder Path
You can specify the folder where the Catalog Placement Tester report would be saved.

Place components
Click Place Components to start the placement.

Mnemonics and Short cut Keys are provided on the UI for usability purpose.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 11


Salient Features of Catalog

Placement Tester Tool
• Catalog Placement Tester tool provides the ability to select and place the components referred by
the Piping, HVAC, CableTray, and Conduit specifications.
• Catalog Placement Tester tool provides the ability to select and place Equipment, Equipment
Components, Equipment Shapes Cable parts, Hangers and Supports parts and Hangers and
Supports assemblies referred in Smart 3D.
• Provides the ability to select and place components/parts from a single or multiple disciplines under
a selected plant in a single run of the tool.
• Provides the ability to specify the target system where all the components/parts from multiple
disciplines are placed.
• Provides the ability to specify the global location in the plant where the selected components/parts
are placed.

Salient Features of Catalog Placement Tester Tool for Piping:

• Places the pipe and applicable components on selected piping specifications, for every size in the
• Places the components for a pipe size, by placing different ShortCodeHierarchyType values in the
following way:
o Valves, InlineFittings, Flanges (except Orifice and Blind Flanges), branch components are
placed on a straight pipe along the X-direction.
o All other types (Reducers, elbows etc.) are placed by placing a default branch, routing a
pipe from it, and placing the components at the end of the pipe.
o Pipe is routed from each port of the placed component.
• Places the calculated specification sizes in the following manner:
o For calculated specifications, NPDs with calculated schedule are placed after placing the
pipes with the schedule.
o A pipe is routed with the pressure and temperature combination based on the various
service limit combinations defined for the piping specification. All the components are
placed on that pipe with the logic specified above.
• Data Override feature for Service Limits data
o Catalog Placement Tester tool provides the ability for user to specify service limits for a
specification that need to be used for placing the components in the model.
o An example data workbook “DataOverrideWorkbook_Template.xlsx” is provided in which
the user needs to be provide the overriding service limits for a specification. The overriding
service limits data needs to be provided in the sheet “ServiceLimits”. The template format
of the data is the same as that Smart3D bulkloadable data.
o If service limits data is defined in the data override workbook for a specification, then that
data will be used for placing the components for that spec in the model.
o If service limits data is not defined in the data override workbook for a specification, then
the values in the catalog will be used for placing the components for that spec in the model.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 12

• Option to Specify the Desired Header Sizes (Data Override feature)
o Catalog Placement Tester tool provides the ability for user to specify Desired Header sizes
for a specification that need to be used for placing the components in the model.
o An example data workbook “DataOverrideWorkbook_Template.xlsx” is provided in which
the user needs to be provide the Header Sizes for a specification. This data needs to be
provided in the sheet “DesiredPipeHeaderSizes”. The template format of the data is the
same as that Smart3D “PipeNominalDiameters” data.
o If data for a specification is provided in the sheet then the same will be used for determining
the parts to be tested.
o If no data is defined for a specification then values from the catalog will be used for
determining the parts to be tested.
• The placement test results are written to an Excel workbook.
o A separate sheet will be created for each piping specification that is selected.
o Along with the plant, site, and catalog information, the start and end time of specification
placement are also reported in the sheet.
o The following values are reported in the sheet: The total number of parts in Piping
Commodity Filter, Successfully Placed parts, Warnings, Placement Errors, Pipe Not
Placed, and Parts to be tested manually.
o For each component, the information related to the Short Code, Option Code, First Size,
First Size Units, Second Size, Second Size Units, Multi Size Option, Selection Basis,
Commodity Code, Service Temperature, Service Pressure, Status, Error Description, Pipe
Run, and OID is written into the report.
o A summary sheet is created which gives the overview of the placement status of all the
selected piping specifications.

Salient Features of Catalog Placement Tester Tool for HVAC:

• For selected HVAC specification(s), the Catalog Placement Tester tool places all the components
present in the selected specification(s).
• Places the components based on the component type defined for the part.
o Inline components, Split components, Branch Components, End components, Endleg
components, Turn components, Division components on a straight Duct along the X-
o Surface components are placed on the surface of the duct.
o Duct is routed from each port of the placed component.
• The placement test results are written to an Excel workbook.
o A separate sheet will be created for each and every selected HVAC specification.
o Along with the plant, site, catalog information, the start and end time of specification
placement are reported in the sheet.
o The following values are reported in the sheet: Count of the total number of parts in the
Specification, Successfully Placed parts, Warnings, Placement Errors.
o For each component, the information related to the Part Number, Part Description, Status,
Error Description, Duct Run Name and OID are reported in the sheet.
o A Summary sheet is created which gives detailed overview on the placement status of all
the HVAC specification(s) that are selected for the placement.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 13

Salient Features of Catalog Placement Tester Tool for Cable Tray:

• For selected Cable Tray specification(s), the Catalog Placement Tester tool places all the
components present in the selected specification(s).
• Places the components based on the component type defined for the part.
o Straight Sections, Direction change fittings, Tee-Type Branch Fittings, Reducing Fittings,
End Fittings, Wye-Type Branch Fittings, Cross-type Branch Fittings, Miscellaneous
Fittings, Connection Parts, Earth Connectivity Connectors components on a straight cable
tray along the X-direction.
o Cable Tray is routed from each port of the placed component.
• The placement test results are written to an Excel workbook.
o A separate sheet will be created for each and every selected Cable Tray specification.
o Along with the plant, site, catalog information, the start and end time of specification
placement are reported in the sheet.
o The following values are reported in the sheet: Count of the total number of parts in the
Specification, Successfully Placed parts, Warnings, and Placement Errors.
o For each component, the information related to the Part Number, Part Description, Nominal
Width, Nominal Depth, Status, Error Description, CableTray Run Name and OID are
reported in the sheet.
o A Summary sheet is created which gives the detailed overview on the placement status of
all the Cable Tray specification(s) that are selected for the placement.

Salient Features of Catalog Placement Tester Tool for Cableway and Ductbank

• For the selected cableway/ductbank specification(s), the Catalog Placement Tester tool places all
the cross-sections present in the selected specification(s).
• The placement test results are written to an Excel workbook.
o Along with the plant, site, and catalog information, the start and end time of parts placement
are reported in the sheet.
o The count of the total number of cross-sections present, Successfully Placed, Warnings
and Placement Errors are reported in the sheet.
o For each part, the information related to Cross-Section, OID, status, Run Name and error
description is written to the report.
o Along with this, a summary sheet which gives the overview of the placement status of all
the conduit specifications selected will be created.

In the summary sheet, plant, site, catalog information and the count of the total number of
sections, Successfully Placed Cross-sections, Warnings and Placement Errors for every
selected specification are reported.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 14

Salient Features of Catalog Placement Tester Tool for Conduit

• For a selected conduit specification(s), for every size in the specification, the Catalog Placement
Tester tool places the conduit and the applicable components on it.
• Places the components based on the Commodity Type defined for the part;
o In-Line fittings, other in-line conduit fittings, Direction Change Fittings, Branches, End
fittings and PullBoxes Components are placed on a straight Conduit along the X-direction.
o Conduit is routed from each port of the placed component.
• Option to Specify the Desired Header Sizes (Data Override feature)
o Catalog Placement Tester tool provides the ability for user to specify Desired Header sizes
for a specification that need to be used for placing the components in the model.
o An example data workbook “DataOverrideWorkbook_Template.xlsx” is provided in which
the user needs to be provide the Header Sizes for a specification. This data needs to be
provided in the sheet “DesiredConduitHeaderSizes”. The template format of the data is the
same as that Smart3D “ConduitNominalDiameters” data.
o If data for a specification is provided in the sheet then the same will be used for determining
the parts to be tested.
o If no data is defined for a specification then values from the catalog will be used for
determining the parts to be tested.
• The placement test results are written to an Excel workbook.
o A separate sheet will be created for each and every selected conduit specification.
o Along with the plant, site, and catalog information, the start and end time of specification
placement are reported in the sheet.
o The following values are reported in the sheet: Count of the total number of parts in Conduit
Commodity Filter, Successfully Placed parts, Warnings, Placement Errors, Conduit Not
Placed, and Parts to be tested manually.
o For each component, the information related to the Short Code, Commodity Option, First
Size, First Size Units, Second Size, Second Size Units, Selection Basis, Contractor
Commodity Code, Status, Error Description, Run Name, and OID is written to the report.
o A summary sheet which gives the overview of the placement status of all the selected
conduit specifications is created.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 15

Salient Features of Catalog Placement Tester Tool for Cable

• Catalog Placement Tester tool places the selected cable part(s).

• The cable part is placed between the two design equipment as an originating device and
terminating device having a cable port on each of them.
• The placement test results are written to an Excel workbook.
o Along with the plant, site, and catalog information, the start and end time of parts placement
are reported in the sheet.
o The count of the total number of parts selected, Successfully Placed parts, Warnings,
Placement Errors are reported in the sheet.
o For each part the information related to Part Name, Part Description, Cable Run Name,
OID, status and error description is written into the report.

Cables are routed from a cable nozzle which is on an Equipment Shape with Part
Number “RectangularSolid 001”. Ensure that this shape part which is available in "Shapes.xls" is
loaded into the catalog.

Salient Features of Catalog Placement Tester Tool for Equipment

• Tool places the selected equipment parts, equipment components and equipment shapes.
• The placement test results are written to an Excel workbook.
o A separate sheet will be created for selected parts, components and shapes.
o Along with the plant, site, and catalog information, the start and end time of parts placement
are reported in the sheet.
o The count of the total number of parts selected, Successfully Placed parts, Warnings,
Placement Errors are reported in the sheet.
o For each part, the information related to Part Name, Part Description, Name, OID, status
and error description are written into the report.
o A summary sheet is created which gives the overview of the placement status of all the
selected equipment parts.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 16

Salient Features of Catalog Placement Tester Tool for Hangers and Supports

• Tool places the selected Hangers and Supports parts.

• Tool places the selected Hangers and Supports assemblies, for the placement of an assembly tool
places the supported components like pipe, duct, conduit and cabletray, “By Reference” option is
used for the placement.
• Option to provide the Additional Test Cases workbook.
o Catalog Placement Tester tool provides the ability for user to specify Additional Test cases
workbook for placement of Assemblies.
o An example workbook “CPT_HS_AdditionalTestCases_Template.xlsx” is provided in
which the user needs to provide the information with reference to the Additional Test
Cases. Data needs to be provided in the “Supports” sheet.
o Refer to “Legend” sheet in CPT_HS_AdditionalTestCases_Template.xlsx which has more
information about the details to be provided in the in Additional Test Cases.
• The placement test results are written to an Excel workbook.
o A separate sheet will be created for selected parts, assemblies and test cases provided in
Additional Test cases workbook.
o Along with the plant, site, and catalog information, the start and end time of parts placement
are reported in the sheet.
o The count of the total number of parts selected, Successfully Placed parts, Warnings,
Placement Errors are reported in the sheet.
o For each part, the information related to Part Name, Test Name, Part Description, Name,
OID, status and error description are written into the report.
o A summary sheet is created which gives the overview of the placement status of all the
selected parts and test cases provided in the Additional Test Cases workbook.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 17


Running the Catalog Placement Tester Tool

The Catalog Placement Tester tool provides the ability to run in the following modes:
• Standalone executable mode
• S3D Custom command mode
Important Notes:
1. We recommend that you run the Catalog Placement Tester tool as a standalone executable for
performance reasons.
2. The current login user must have write permissions on any of the Permission group.
3. “Report Folder Path” must be a trusted location for the Excel application.
Running as Standalone application
1. Copy the Catalog Placement Tester folder to a local folder.
2. Run CatalogPlacementTester.exe from the local folder.
3. Select all the required inputs from the User interface.
4. Click Place Components to start placement of components.
A progress window is displayed to show the progress.
5. After placement, check the log files in the specified log folder.
Running as Smart 3D custom command
1. Copy the Catalog Placement Tester folder to a local folder.
2. Open Smart 3D and follow the below steps
i. Go to Tools  Custom Commands.
ii. Click Add and provide the below custom command progid along with the path of the copied
folder in the Command Progid section.
iii. Provide Command name as required and click Ok.
iv. Go to Tools  Custom Commands.
v. Run the above custom command.
3. Select all the required inputs from the User interface.
4. Click Place Components to start the placement of components.
A progress window is displayed to show the progress.
5. After placement, check log files in the specified log folder.

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 18


Catalog Placement Tester tool – Outputs

Placed components in the Model


Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 19



Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 20

Cable Parts:

Equipment parts:

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 21

Hangers and Supports parts:

Hangers and Supports Assemblies:

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 22

Hangers and Supports Additional Test Cases:

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 23

Catalog Placement Tester Report

The Catalog Placement Tester tool generates the report in the form of an Excel workbook, which reports
information regarding the placement.



Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 24



Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 25

Cable parts:

Equipment parts:

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 26

Hangers and Supports parts:

Hangers and Supports Assemblies:

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 27

Hangers and Supports Additional Test Cases:

Catalog Placement Tester User’s Guide 28

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