RFSToolv3 UserGuide

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Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action
1+0 1+1

Tx Regeneration sec- Major Minor RS-TIM (regeneration sec- Check STM-1 source
tion trace identifier tion trace identifier mis-
mismatch (J0) match) detected on each
STM-1 channel from external
line which is known as J0
byte in regeneration section

Tx Multiplex section Major Minor Multiplex Section AIS (MS- Check STM-1 source
alarm indication sig- AIS) specified as all "1"s in
nal (MS-AIS) the entire STM-1 from exter-
nal line, excluding the STM-1

Tx Multiplex section Major Minor From external line. The Mul- Check STM-1 source
remote defect indica- tiplex Section Remote Defect
tion (MS-RDI) Indication (MS-RDI) is used
to return an indication to the
transmit end that the
received end has detected
an incoming section defect or
is receiving MS-AIS

Tx Excessive BER Major Minor In the direction from external Check STM-1 source
(HBER) line, when the line BER
exceeds 5*10-5

Sync Fail Major Minor Managed only if the Check STM-1 source
addressed STM-1 has been
configured as primary/sec-
ondary synchronization

Sync Degraded sig- Major Minor Managed only if the Check STM-1 source
nal addressed STM-1 has been
configured as primary or sec-
ondary synchronization

High Order Path Major Minor The AU4-AIS is specified as Check STM-1 source
alarm indication sig- all "1"s in the entire high order
nal (AU4-AIS) path Administrative Unit. The
alarm becomes significant
and must be reported if STM-
TIM, or MS-AIS alarm is not
present. As consequent
action, any E1 extracted from
STM-1 will be replaced with
AIS (and then circuit emu-
lated according the provi-
sioned settings).

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

898/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing
Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action
1+0 1+1

Loss of Administra- Major Minor This alarm is raised when 8 to Check STM-1 source
tive Unit Pointer 10 consecutive invalid point-
(AU4-LOP) ers is received or 8 to 10 con-
secutive NDF is received.
The alarm becomes signifi-
cant and must be reported if
STM-1 TIM, MS-AIS, or AU4-
AIS alarms are not present.
As consequent action, any
E1 extracted from STM-1 will
be replaced with AIS (and
then circuit emulated accord-
ing the provisioned settings).

High OrderSignal Major Minor This alarm is raised when the Check STM-1 source
Label Mismatch value of C2 byte in VC-4 POH
(VC4 -SLM) is different between received
VC-4 and Tx VC-4. The vale
of C2 byte should be 0x02 for
E1 mapping for channelized
SDH. The alarm becomes
significant and must be
reported if STM-1 LOS, STM-
AU4-AIS or AU4-LOP alarms
are not present. As conse-
quent action, any E1
extracted from STM-1 will be
replaced with AIS (and then
circuit emulated according
the provisioned settings).

Loss of Multiframe of Major Minor The value of H4 byte in VC-4 Check STM-1 source
Tributary Unit POH is not in the range (01H-
(VC4-LOM) 04H) or H4 multiframe is not
recovered within 'm' VC-4
frames, a LOM defect shall
be declared; 'm' shall be in
the range of 8 to 40 and is not
configurable. The alarm
becomes significant and
must be reported if STM-1
alarms are not present. As
consequent action, any E1
extracted from STM-1 will be
replaced with AIS (and then
circuit emulated according
the provisioned settings).

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Maintenance and Trouble-clearing 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 899/980
Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action
1+0 1+1

Low Order Path alarm Major Minor The TU12-AIS is specified as Check STM-1 source
indication signal all "1"s in the entire low order
(TU12-AIS) pathTributary Unit. The
alarm becomes significant
and must be reported if STM-
1 LOS, STM-1 LOF , STM-1
AU4-LOP, VC4-SLM or VC4-
LOM alarms are not present.
As consequent action, the
relevant E1 will be replaced
with AIS (and then circuit
emulated according the pro-
visioned settings).

Loss of Tributary Unit Major Minor This alarm is raised when 8 to Check STM-1 source
Pointer 10 consecutive invalid point-
(TU12-LOP) ers is received or 8 to 10 con-
secutive NDF is received.
The alarm becomes signifi-
cant and must be reported if
alarms are not present. As
consequent action the rele-
vant E1 will be replaced with
AIS (and then circuit emu-
lated according the provi-
sioned settings).

Low Order Path Sig- Major Minor This alarm is raised when the Check STM-1 source
nal Label Mismatch value of V5 [bit5-7] in VC-12
(VC12-SLM) POH is different from the
expected value (010: asyn-
cronous mapping). The
alarm becomes significant
and must be reported if STM-
1 LOS, STM-1 LOF , STM-1
LOM, TU12-AIS or TU12-
LOP alarms are not present.
As consequent action the rel-
evant E1 will be replaced with
AIS (and then circuit emu-
lated according the provi-
sioned settings)

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

900/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing
Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action
1+0 1+1

E1 in STM-1 Tx Alarm Major Minor It reports the Alarm Indication Check STM-1 source
Indication Signal Signal detected on E1 in
(E1-tx AIS) STM-1 on ingressing (Tx
side) and it is detected
according to G.775-sect.4.
The alarm becomes signifi-
cant and must be reported if
AIS or LP-AIS alarm is not

E1 in STM-1 Loss of Major Minor Due to Loss-of-CESoETH Check STM-1 source

CESoETH Frames alarm detection an AIS is
inserted as consequent
action. AIS insertion: set all
'1' on data.

E1 in STM-1 Rx Alarm Major Minor It reports the Alarm Indication Check STM-1 source
Indication Signal Signal detected on each E1
(E1-rx AIS) in STM-1 on egressing (Rx
side) and it is detected
according to G.775-sect.4.
The alarm becomes signifi-
cant and must be reported if a
Loss of CESoETH Frame
alarm is not present.

E1 in STM-1 Rx Loss Major Minor It reports the loss of frame Check STM-1 source
Of Frame detected on each E1 in STM-
(E1-rx LOF) 1 on egressing (Rx side) and
it is detected according ITU-T
G.706-sect.4, and G.706-
Annex_B. The alarm
becomes significant and
must be reported if the E1 is
configured as framed and a
Loss of CESoETH Frames
or E1-rx AIS alarms are not
present. Due to LOF alarm
detection an AIS must be
inserted as consequent
action. AIS insertion: set all
'1' on data.

Firmware Download Minor Minor Status of download Wait for downloading to

In Progress complete

Underlying Resource Major Major On detection of card failure Replace STM-1 Access
Unavailable (URU) the STM-1 port objects emit a card
communication Alarm notifi-
cation showing the transmis-
sion resources are affected
by the equipment failure

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Maintenance and Trouble-clearing 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 901/980
Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action
1+0 1+1

16E1DS1 ASAP Card Fail Major - Failure of ASAP Card Replace ASAP Card
Equipment Mismatch Major - Card in slot does not match Install correct configured
Card configured in Core-E card

Card Missing Major - ASAP Card is missing from Install ASAP Card in slot

Unconfigured Equip- Major - Card is not Enabled on the Enable card

ment Settings screen

Firmware Download Minor - Status of download Wait for downloading to

In Progress complete

Loss Of Signal (LOS) Major - Loss of signal on each Check E1 source and/or
incoming E1 signal cable
(detected according to ITU-T

Tx Alarm Indication Major - Alarm Indication Signal Check E1 source

Signal (Tx AIS) detected on each incoming
E1 signal (Tx side) (detected
according to ITU-T G.775-

Loss Of Frame (LOF) Major - Loss of frame on each incom- Check to CRC4 multi-
ing E1 signal (detected frame alignment of the
according to ITU-T G.706- Far End equipment

Loss of Cell Delinea- Major - Loss of ATM cell delineation Check the ATM scram-
tion (LCD) on each incoming E1 signal, bling of the Far End
when the E1 port is used as equipment
physical layer for ATM
(detected according to ITU-T

Loss of IMA Frame Major - Loss of IMA Frame on each Check the IMA configu-
(LIF) incoming E1 signal, when the ration of the Far End
E1 port is used as IMA link equipment
(detected according to IMA
Standard AF-PHY-

Link Out of Delay Major - It reports the event that, when Check the synchroniza-
Synchronisation the E1 port is used as IMA tion of the Far End equip-
(LODS) link, it is not synchronized ment
with the other links within the
IMA group (detected accord-
ing to IMA Standard AF-

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

902/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing
Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action
1+0 1+1

RDI/Link Failure Major - It reports, when the E1 port is Check the Far End
used as IMA link, the OR of equipment
other alarms that are fore-
seen by IMA Standard AF-
– Tx-Mis-Connected
– Rx-Mis-Connected
– Tx-Unusable-FE
– Link Rx-Unusable-FE

IMA Group Trail Sig- Major - It reports, for a configured Check the Far End
nal Fail (TSF) IMA Group, the event that its equipment
Group Traffic State Machine
is 'down', that is NE and FE
Group State Machine are
both NOT in "operational"
state (IMA Standard AF-
IMA Group TSFAlarm is also
generated by OR of the fol-
lowing alarms (IMA Standard
– Tx-Unusable-FE
– Link Rx-Unusable-FE
– Group Start-up-FE
– Group Config-Aborted
– Group Config-Aborted-
– Group Insufficient-
– Group Insufficient-
– Group Blocked-FE
– Group GR-Timing-Mis-

Underlying Resource Major Major On detection of card failure Replace 16E1DS1

Unavailable (URU) the E1 port objects emit a ASAP
communication Alarm notifi- Card
cation showing the transmis-
sion resources are affected
by the equipment failure

EAS Card Card Fail Major - EAS card failed Replace EAS Card

Equipment Mismatch Major - Card in slot does not match Install correct configured
card configured in Core-E card

Card Missing Major - EAS card is missing from slot Install EAS Card in slot

SFP missing alarm Major - The SFP optional plug-in is Install the plug-in in the
provisioned, but not present SFP slot

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Maintenance and Trouble-clearing 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 903/980
Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action
1+0 1+1

Unconfigured Equip- N/A - Card in slot is not provisioned Provision card

ment (enabled)

LOS on Gigabit ETH Major - Loss of Ethernet is detected Check link partner and
Interface cable between link part-
ner and Ethernet con-

Firmware Download Minor - Status of download Wait for downloading to

In Progress complete

Underlying Resource Major - On detection of card failure Replace EAS card

Unavailable (URU) the Ethernet port objects emit
a communication Alarm noti-
fication showing the trans-
mission resources are
affected by the equipment

Fans Unit Card Fail Major - Fan failed Replace fan unit

Card Missing Major - Fan unit is missing from slot Install fan unit

Unconfigured Equip- Minor Minor Unit is not Enabled on the Enable fan unit
ment Settings screen

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

904/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing
Table 57. Modem Card and ODU300 Alarm Matrix


Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action

1+0 1+1 1+1

Modem Card Card Fail Major Minor Minor Modem Card failed Replace Modem Card

Equipment Mismatch Minor Minor Minor Card in slot does not Install correct config-
match card configured ured card
in Core-E memory

Card Missing Major Minor Minor Modem Card is missing Install Modem Card in
from slot slot

Unconfigured Equip- Minor Minor Minor Card is not Enabled on Enable card
ment the Settings screen

PNU Cable Loss Major Minor Minor Bad cable connection Check/repair IF cable
at IF in/out connector connection on alarmed
on Modem Card Modem Card

Loss of Radio Frame Minor Minor Minor Far end problems, RF 1. Switch far end 
path problems, or local equipment (in a 
circuit failures have protected system). 
caused BER to If alarm clears,
increase to the point replace far end off-
that frames are being line Modem Card.
lost 2. Check/troubleshoot
far end alarms
3. Replace alarmed
Modem Card

Loss of Alignment N/A Minor Minor Delay between main 1. Replace main Radio
and protect RF paths Modem Card
detected 2. Replace protect
Modem Card
3. Replace main ODU
4. Replace protect ODU

Demod Function Fail Major Minor Minor Internal receive circuit Replace Modem Card

High BER Major Minor Minor Bit Error Rate threshold 1. Verify RF path is
(10E-4) exceeded on clear, antenna is
RCVR input circuits on aligned, and no 
modem existing weather-
related problems
2. Verify RSL is above
RCV threshold. 
If not – check 
upstream transmitter

Early Warning N/A Minor Minor 10E-9 BER detected No action is required at
this time. Monitor
receive signal for
increased degrading

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Maintenance and Trouble-clearing 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 905/980

Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action

1+0 1+1 1+1

Link Identifier Mis- Major Major Major Link identifier number Set numbers at both
match provisioned on Modem ends of hop to match
Card settings screen is
different from link iden-
tifier number provi-
sioned at other end of

TCA on Radio Link N/A N/A Major Alarm threshold Switch far end equip-
exceeded on standby ment (in a protected sys-
Modem Card tem). If alarm clears,
replace far end off-line
Modem Card

TCA on Radio Hop Major N/A Minor Alarm threshold

exceeded on standby
Modem Card after
switching from main to

UAT on Radio Link N/A N/A Major 10 consecutive SES Switch far end equip-
(unavailable time ment (in a protected sys-
period) detected on tem). If alarm clears,
main Modem Card replace far end off-line
Modem Card

UAT on Radio Hop Major N/A Minor 10 consecutive SES

(unavailable time
period) detected on
standby Modem Card
after switching from
admin to standby

Firmware Download Minor Minor Minor Download status Wait for downloading to
In Progress complete

Degraded Signal Minor Minor Minor Low quality sync signal Replace Modem Card
from Modem Card

License Mismatch for Major Major Major Modem card type does Replace Modem Card
Equipment Provi- not match card type with correct card type
sioned stored in memory on
the Core-E Card flash

Underlying Resource Major Major Major On detection of card Replace Modem Card
Unavailable (URU) failure the Radio port
objects emit a commu-
nication Alarm notifica-
tion showing the
resources are affected
by the equipment fail-

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

906/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing

Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action

1+0 1+1 1+1

ODU300 Card Fail Major Minor Minor ODU failed Replace ODU

Equipment Mismatch Major Minor Minor ODU does not match Replace ODU
ODU configured in
Core-E memory

RCV Function Fail Major Minor Minor ODU receiver circuit Replace ODU

RF Frequency Mis- Major Minor Minor Frequency out-of- Re-configure frequency

match range of configured Tx

Shifter Frequency Major Minor Minor Configured shifter Re-configure shifter

Mismatch value not supported by value

TX Power Mismatch Minor Minor Minor Configured TX power Re-configure Tx power

value not supported by value

Software Mismatch Minor Minor Minor Software version on Download correct soft-
ODU does not match ware version
software version on

ODU Not Responding Minor Minor Minor Loss of communication 1. Replace ODU
with ODU 2. Replace alarmed 
Modem Card

Firmware Download Minor Minor Minor Download status Wait for downloading to
In Progress complete

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Maintenance and Trouble-clearing 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 907/980
Table 58. MPT Access Peripheral Card and MPT-HC/MPT-HC V2 Alarm Matrix


Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action

1+0 1+1 1+1

MPT Access Card Fail Major - - MPT Access Card Replace MPT Access
Card failed Card

Equipment Mismatch Major - - Card in slot does not Install correct config-
match card configured ured card
in Core-E memory

Card Missing Major - - MPT Access Card is Install MPT Access

missing from slot Card in slot

Unconfigured  Minor - - Card is not Enabled on Enable card

Equipment the Settings screen

MPT Power Supply Major - - Power Supply Failure Check/repair the cable
Failure connection. If ok,
replace MPT-HC

Loss Of Ethernet Sig- Major - - Loss of the incoming Check the cable con-
nal Ethernet signal (the nection. If ok, replace
signal is missing) or a the MPT Accerss unit
communication prob-
lem with the remote
peer (i.e. the communi-
cation has not been
established for physi-
cal problem on cable or
interface -> link down)

Ethernet Link Error Minor - - Partial failure of electri- Check the cable con-
cal or optical cable for nection. If ok, replace
the GbEth port the MPT Accerss unit

Degraded Signal of Minor - - This alarm is active Check the cable

the MPT Ethernet only when the interface
Interface is selected as Primary
or Secondary synchro-
nization source

Firmware Download Minor - - Download status Wait for downloading to

In Progress complete

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

908/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing

Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action

1+0 1+1 1+1

MPT-HC/ Card Fail Major Minor Minor MPT-HC failed Replace MPT-HC
Equipment Mismatch Major Minor Minor MPT-HC does not Replace MPT-HC
match MPT-HC config-
ured in Core-E memory

RCV Function Fail Major Minor Minor MPT-HC receiver cir- Replace MPT-HC
cuit failed

RF Frequency Mis- Major Minor Minor Frequency out-of- Re-configure frequency

match range of configured Tx

Shifter Frequency Major Minor Minor Configured shifter Re-configure shifter

Mismatch value not supported by value

TX Power Mismatch Minor Minor Minor Configured TX power Re-configure TX power

value not supported by value

Modulation parame- Major Minor Minor The modulation param- Change the modulation
ters Mismatch eters already config- parameters
ured and stored in the
MPR DB are not actu-
ally supported by MPT

Software Mismatch Minor Minor Minor Software version on Download correct soft-
MPT-HC does not ware version
match software version
on Core

MPT-HC Not Minor Minor Minor Loss of communication 1. Replace MPT-HC

Responding with MPT-HC 2. Replace alarmed
MPT Access Card

Firmware Download Minor Minor Minor Download status Wait for downloading to
In Progress complete

Loss of Radio Frame Major Minor Minor Far end problems, RF 1. Switch far end 
path problems, or local equipment (in a 
circuit failures have protected system). 
caused BER to If alarm clears,
increase to the point replace far end off-
that frames are being line MPT-HC.
lost 2. Check/troubleshoot
far end alarms
3. Replace alarmed

Loss of Alignment N/A Minor Minor Delay between main 1. Replace main MPT-
and protect RF paths HC
detected 2. Replace protect MPT-

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Maintenance and Trouble-clearing 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 909/980

Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action

1+0 1+1 1+1

Demod Function Fail Major Minor Minor Internal receive circuit Replace MPT-HC

High BER Major Minor Minor Bit Error Rate threshold 1. Verify RF path is
(10E-4) exceeded clear, antenna is
aligned, and no 
existing weather-
related problems
2. Verify RSL is above
RCV threshold. 
If not – check
upstream transmitter

Early Warning N/A Minor Minor 10E-9 BER detected No action is required at
this time. Monitor
receive signal for
increased degrading

Link Identifier Mis- Major Major Major Link identifier number Set numbers at both
match provisioned is different ends of hop to match
from link identifier num-
ber provisioned at
other end of hop

MPT Loop Communi- Minor Minor Minor Communication prob- Check the radio hop
cation alarm lem between the local
MPT and the remote
MPT for all the func-
tionalities requiring a
communication loop
(ATPC, ACM, Pre-dis-

Sync Degraded sig- Minor Minor Minor This alarm can raise if Check the radio hop
nal the addressed Radio
interface has been con-
figured as primary/sec-
source. It is active if the
frequency of the clock
recovered from radio
Rx signal is mistuned

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

910/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing

Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action

1+0 1+1 1+1

Coupling port Loss of N/A Minor Minor For the MPT Coupling Check the cable
Ethernet Signal optical port: 
- the loss of incoming
Ethernet signal (the
signal is missing); 
- a communication
problem with the 
alternate MPT (i.e. the
communication has
not been established
for physical problem
on cable or interface
-> link down).
When this alarm is
raised, RPS is not

Coupling port Link N/A Minor Minor For the MPT Coupling Check the cable
Error optical port, the ratio
between the number of
received errored pack-
ets and the total num-
ber of received packets
is above a given
When this alarm is
raised, RPS is not

Traffic port Link Error Minor Minor Minor For the MPT Traffic Check the cable
optical port, the ratio
between the number of
received errored pack-
ets and the total num-
ber of received packets
is above a given

MPT Tx Clock Failure Minor Minor Minor The MPT is not able to Check the radio hop
lock the air Tx symbol
rate to the NE Clock

TCA on Radio Link N/A N/A Major Alarm threshold Switch far end equip-
exceeded on standby ment (in a protected sys-
MPT-HC tem). If alarm clears,
replace far end off-line

TCA on Radio Hop Major N/A Minor Alarm threshold

exceeded on standby
MPT-HC after switch-
ing from main to

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Maintenance and Trouble-clearing 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 911/980

Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action

1+0 1+1 1+1

UAT on Radio Link N/A N/A Major 10 consecutive SES Switch far end equip-
(unavailable time ment (in a protected sys-
period) detected on tem). If alarm clears,
main MPT-HC replace far end off-line

UAT on Radio Hop Major N/A Minor 10 consecutive SES

(unavailable time
period) detected on
standby MPT-HC after
switching from admin
to standby

Degraded Signal Minor Minor Minor Low quality sync signal Replace MPT-HC
from MPT-HC

PPP IP Fail Minor Minor Minor Point to point IP failure Check the settings

Incompatible protec- N/A Major Major 1+1 configuration has Remove the protection
tion been provisioned configuration or modify
between the two MPT- the hardware
HC or the two MPT-HC
V2, but the RPS or the
XPIC module have not
been deployed. When
this alarm is active, the
Transmitter is muted

XPIC cable loss (only N/A Major N/A Loss of signal on the Chec the cable
for MPT-HC V2 with XPIC interface
external module”

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

912/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing
Table 59. MPT Access Peripheral Card and MPT-MC Alarm Matrix

Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action
1+0 1+1 HS

MPT-MC Card Fail Major Minor MPT-MC failed Replace MPT-MC

Equipment Mismatch Major Minor MPT-MC does not Replace MPT-MC

match MPT-MC config-
ured in Core-E memory

RCV Function Fail Major Minor MPT-MC receiver cir- Replace MPT-MC
cuit failed

RF Frequency Mis- Major Minor Frequency out-of- Re-configure frequency

match range of configured Tx

Shifter Frequency Major Minor Configured shifter Re-configure shifter

Mismatch value not supported by value

TX Power Mismatch Minor Minor Configured TX power Re-configure TX power

value not supported by value

Modulation parame- Major Minor The modulation param- Change the modulation
ters Mismatch eters already config- parameters
ured and stored in the
MPR DB are not actu-
ally supported by MPT

Software Mismatch Minor Minor Software version on Download correct soft-

MPT-MC does not ware version
match software version
on Core

MPT-MC Not Minor Minor Loss of communication 1. Replace MPT-MC

Responding with MPT-MC 2. Replace alarmed
MPT Access Card

Firmware Download Minor Minor Download status Wait for downloading to

In Progress complete

Loss of Radio Frame Major Minor Far end problems, RF 1. Switch far end 
path problems, or local equipment (in a 
circuit failures have protected system). 
caused BER to If alarm clears,
increase to the point replace far end off-
that frames are being line MPT-MC.
lost 2. Check/troubleshoot
far end alarms
3. Replace alarmed

Loss of Alignment Minor Minor Delay between main 1. Replace main MPT-
and protect RF paths HC
detected 2. Replace protect MPT-

Demod Function Fail Major Minor Internal receive circuit Replace MPT-MC

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Maintenance and Trouble-clearing 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 913/980
Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action
1+0 1+1 HS

High BER Major Minor Bit Error Rate threshold 1. Verify RF path is
(10E-4) exceeded clear, antenna is
aligned, and no 
existing weather-
related problems
2. Verify RSL is above
RCV threshold. 
If not – check
upstream transmitter

Early Warning N/A Minor 10E-9 BER detected No action is required at

this time. Monitor
receive signal for
increased degrading

Link Identifier Mis- Major Major Link identifier number Set numbers at both
match provisioned is different ends of hop to match
from link identifier num-
ber provisioned at
other end of hop

MPT Loop Communi- Minor Minor Communication prob- Check the radio hop
cation alarm lem between the local
MPT and the remote
MPT for all the func-
tionalities requiring a
communication loop
(ATPC, ACM, Pre-dis-

Sync Degraded sig- Minor Minor This alarm can raise if Check the radio hop
nal the addressed Radio
interface has been con-
figured as primary/sec-
source. It is active if the
frequency of the clock
recovered from radio
Rx signal is mistuned

MPT Tx Clock Failure Minor Minor The MPT is not able to Check the radio hop
lock the air Tx symbol
rate to the NE Clock

TCA on Radio Link N/A N/A Alarm threshold Switch far end equip-
exceeded on standby ment (in a protected sys-
MPT-MC tem). If alarm clears,
replace far end off-line

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

914/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing
Equipment Alarm Description Most Probable Cause Action
1+0 1+1 HS

TCA on Radio Hop Major N/A Alarm threshold

exceeded on standby
MPT-MC after switch-
ing from main to

UAT on Radio Link N/A N/A 10 consecutive SES Switch far end equip-
(unavailable time ment (in a protected sys-
period) detected on tem). If alarm clears,
main MPT-MC replace far end off-line

UAT on Radio Hop Major N/A 10 consecutive SES

(unavailable time
period) detected on
standby MPT-MC after
switching from admin
to standby

Degraded Signal Minor Minor Low quality sync signal Replace MPT-MC
from MPT-MC

PPP IP Fail Minor Minor Point to point IP failure Check the settings

EPS – Equipment Protection Switching

LOS – Loss of Signal

RPS – Radio Protection Switching

RCV – Receiver

TCA – Threshold Crossing Alarm

UAT – Un-Available Time

– Check the basics first.

• For example, if multiple alarms are present, and these include power supply voltage or hard-
ware alarms, always check their cause before looking at resultant down-stream path failure or
path warning (signal) alarms.

• Similarly, if a path-related failure is indicated (no hardware or software alarms), investigate the
path. Go to the WebEML History screen (15 minute view) to check supporting data, such as low
RSL and incidence of intermittent pre-failure BER alarms, which if present are evidence of a
path-related failure.

– Check if symptoms match the alarm. Alarms reflect the alarm state, but in exceptional
circumstances an alarm may be raised because of a failure to communicate correctly with the alarm
source, or a failure in alarm management processing. Always check to see if symptoms match the
alarm, using LED indications and the WebEML.

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– Check if recent work may be a cause. Recent work at the site may be a cause or contributing factor.
Check for a configuration change, software upgrade, power recycling (reboot), or other site work:

• Many hardware alarms are only initiated as a loss-of-communications alarm during a reboot,
software upgrade, or reconfiguration. By not being able to communicate with the Core-E, their
settings cannot be loaded. The fault may be at the hardware device (most likely), communi-
cations to it, or the Core-E.

• Hardware/software compatibility alarms will be raised when a new plug-in is installed that needs
a later version of 9500 MPR-E software.

• Hardware incompatible alarms will be raised when a plug-in is installed in a slot that has been
configured for a different plug-in.

– MSS before an ODU. If there is doubt about whether a fault is in the MSS or ODU, always replace
the MSS first; it is quicker and easier.

– Hot-pluggable. MSS cards are hot-pluggable. There is no need to power-down before replacing,
but traffic will be lost unless the plug-in is protected.

– Plug-in restoration time. Ensure adequate time is allowed for services to resume when a plug-in
is replaced.

6.4.3 Troubleshooting Path Problems

A path-related problem, with the exception of interference, is characterized by traffic being similarly
affected in both directions. Generally, if you are experiencing only a one-way problem, it is not a path


A path extends from ODU antenna port to ODU antenna port.

– Normally a path problem is signalled by a reduced RSL, and depending on its severity, a high BER.

– Only in worst case situations, such as an antenna knocked out of alignment, will a path fail
completely, and stay that way.

– For weather-related problems, such as rain or ducting, the path problem will disappear as the
weather returns to normal. Path Problems on a Commissioned Link

A path problem on an existing link, one that has been operating satisfactorily may be caused by:

– Weather-related path degradation

If BER alarms are fleeting/not permanent and RSL returns to its normal, commissioned level after
the alarm is cleared, rain, diffraction, or multipath fading is indicated. Rain fade is the likely cause
of fade for links 13 GHz and higher. Diffraction and multipath/ducting for links 11 GHz and lower. If
these alarms are persistent, there could be a problem with the link design or original installation.

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– Changed antenna alignment or antenna feed problem

If RSLs do not return to commissioned levels after a period of exceptionally strong winds, suspect
antenna alignment. Also, check the antenna for physical damage, such as may occur with ice-fall.
For a remote-mounted ODU, check its antenna feeder.

– New path obstruction

Where all other parameters check as normal, and the path has potential for it to be obstructed by
construction works, view/survey the path for possible new obstructions.

– Interference from other signal sources

Interference usually affects traffic in just one direction. Unlike other path problems, RSL is not
affected. If suspected, check for new link installations at, or in the same geographical area, as the
affected site. Ultimately, a spectrum analyzer may have to be used to confirm interference, which is
not an easy task given the need to connect directly to the antenna port, after removing the ODU. Path Problems on a New Link

For a new link, potential problems can extend to also include:

– Incorrect antenna alignment

One or both antennas incorrectly aligned. Refer to Installation alignment procedure on CD.

– Mismatching antenna polarizations

Given a typical polarization discrimination of 30 dB, for most links it is not possible to capture a signal
to begin the antenna alignment process.

– Incorrect path calculations

If the RSLs are too low or too high, antenna alignment is correct, and Tx power settings are correct,
check the path calculations used to determine the link performance. A good calculation match is +/
- 2 dB. Disagreements in excess of 3 dB should be investigated.

– Reflections

Reflection (path cancellation) problems may not have been picked up at the path planning stage, par-
ticularly if the survey was a simple line-of-sight. If suspected, resurvey the path.

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6.4.4 Troubleshooting Configuration Problems
Configuration problems should only occur during the setup of a new link, or reconfiguration of an existing
link. The more common problems may be broadly categorized as:

– Compatibility Problems

The two alarms that may activate are Configuration Not Supported and SW/HW Incompatible:

• Configuration Not Supported: The plug-in installed is not enabled or is incorrect for the con-

• SW/HW Incompatible: Typically raised when new hardware is plugged into an existing MSS
that has software from an earlier release. To remove the alarm, compatible 9500 MPR-E soft-
ware is required; install the latest software.

– Incorrect circuit connections

No alarms are activated for incorrect circuit connections. An incorrect assignment means the
expected end-to-end circuit connectivity will not happen. Re-check circuit assignments for all nodes
carrying the lost circuit(s).
Take extra care when configuring ring circuits.

– Incorrect ID naming and commissioning

All traffic-carrying circuits must have a unique flow ID for the cross-connect capability to operate.

– Incorrect/incompatible trib settings

Trib line interface settings incorrect, or line levels incompatible. While no alarm activates for an incor-
rect setting, its effect may result in line levels being too low (LOS alarm), or too high, resulting in a
high BER.

6.4.5 Troubleshooting Ethernet Problems

This section gives general guidance on troubleshooting problems related to the four Ethernet ports on the
Core-E Card.

The most common Ethernet problems are network and connectivity related and therefore always check
the following first:

– for User and NMS ports, verify link partner capability, provisioning, and connection

– for Radio ports, verify the cabling between ODU and MSS.

In order for the green Link LED to light:

1) Cable must be connected to Ethernet port

2) Ethernet port must be enabled (provisioned Enabled). Applicable for User and NMS ports

3) Speed and mode must be provisioned the same as the link partner.

The yellow LED opposite the green on the connector indicates activity only. The flashing yellow LED is
not an indicator of signal type or quality.

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6.4.6 Troubleshooting TMN Problems
This section gives general guidance on troubleshooting TMN problems related to Ethernet port 4 on the
Core-E Card. Ethernet port 4 on the Core-E Card can be used to transport SNMP IP data. Troubleshoot
port 4 connectivity alarms the same as Ethernet ports 1-3.

The most common TMN problems are network related and first alert is normally observed by improper
operation at the SNMP master. Always check the following first:

– Verify master is properly registered in NE to receive traps.

– Verify SNMP version matches system requirements
– Verify correct community string and privileges
– Verify proper network routing.

Refer to Table 60. for detail TMN network troubleshooting.

Table 60. TMN Network Troubleshooting

Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Unusually slow communication in 1. Normal network management 1. There may be too many radios being
radio network traffic is saturating the communica- managed within a single region. Split the
tions channel. radio network management into differ-
ent regions and backhaul the traffic for
each region through separate channels.
2. Polling radios for PM data or 2. Poll the radios more slowly.
missed alarms too rapidly
3. Multiple remote software down- 3. Download to fewer radios at a time.
loads in process
4. IP traffic other than network 4. Configure external routers to allow
management traffic being routed only network management related traffic
through radio network through the Management network of the
radios. Dynamic route updates (OSPF,
RIP) may attempt to reroute high speed
traffic through the TMN network if a high
speed ink fails.
Unable to operate controls using To perform control operations, the Register the Manager as a craft device.
SNMP Manager must be registered as a Manager registration type can be
craft device. changed as needed to type ‘ct’ to allow
control operation and then be changed
back to ‘nml’ for normal operation.
Can Read SNMP objects but cannot 1. Incorrect community string 1. Use the correct community string.
Write to SNMP objects
2. If the TMN Interface is config- 2. Use the correct write community
ured for SNMPv2, the write com- string.
munity string is probably wrong.
No traps being received from NE 1. Manager not registered in NE to 1. Register Manager with NE.
receive traps
2. Communication failure in net- 2. Check network connectivity. Check
work redundant network paths and routing.
Traceroute (tracert) is useful for locating
path or routing faults.
Unable to communicate with the NE Possible communication path fail- Use traceroute (tracert) to help locate for
through the radio network (unable to ure or routing failure within the communication path or routing prob-
‘ping’ the NE). radio network. lems.
Can ‘ping’ the TMN Interface but can- If using SNMPv2, using the wrong Verify community string or username/
not communicate with the NE using community string. passphrase.
SNMP, or can only see a few SNMP
objects in the NE.

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6.5 Card Removal and REPLACEMENT
The basic rules for installing plug-in cards are as follows:

Never install, change or remove a card without first connecting

to the shelf with an ESD grounding cable. Failure to do so may
cause ESD damage to the cards.

Plug-ins must be withdrawn and inserted using their finger-grip

fastener/pulls. Never withdraw or insert using attached cable(s).
Pulling on the cables may damage the cable, plug-in connector,
and/or plug-in card connector attachment.

When installing a plug-in, ensure its backplane connector is

correctly engaged before applying sufficient pressure to bring
the plug-in panel flush with the front panel. Improper alignment
can result in damaged pins on the backplane connector and/or
damage to the plug-in connector.

All slots must be filled with either a peripheral plug-in card or a

blank panel. Failure to do so will compromise EMC integrity and
cooling air from the fan.

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920/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing
Use extreme caution when connecting or disconnecting the ODU cable on the Modem Card.
The shelf battery voltage is present on the center conductor of the connector.
When removing or replacing a Modem Card, withdraw the card from the shelf before
disconnecting the cable to the ODU. Failure to follow these cautions may cause arcing
and/or possible power spikes that could affect traffic on other links installed at the node.

Removing an in-service card in an unprotected link will cause loss of traffic.

Removing an in-service card in a protected link requires switching the traffic
onto the standby (protection) channel.

– All plug-ins can be removed and installed with power applied.

If the main Core-E Card fails, traffic and platform data will switch to the spare
Core-E Card automatically. Do not remove power from the NE during the
removal and replacement of the failed main Core-E Card without
first reviewing/performing the following procedure:

a) Turn off NE power.

b) Remove failed main Core-E Card.

c) Turn on NE power.

d) Wait two (2) minutes.

e) Install replacement Core-E Card.

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6.5.1 Core-E Card Removal and Replacement – Core-E Protected Radio

If the Main Core-E Card in slot 1 fails, traffic/services protection and control platform protection
switches to the spare Core-E Card in slot 2. Loopbacks and all other manual operations, such as
manual switch, tx mute, will be lost (deactivated). Alarms previously active will be newly
detected and reported via notification, with a new time stamp.

After the removal of a faulty card, when you re-insert the new card,
before re-connecting the Ethernet cables between the Core-E card and other systems,
wait that the Core-E card LED STATUS (S) ends its flashing activity.

Verify the replacement Core-E Card meets the following compatibility rules:

– Main Core-E Card (in slot 1) and Spare Core-E Card (in slot 2) must be the same type.

– Local and far end Core-E Cards must use the same software version, but do not have to be the same

6.5.2 Flash card replacement procedure

– First case: Core-E Protected

1) Get a spare FLASH CARD with the same sw-package release and license of the Main flash.

2) Remove the faulty FLASH CARD from the main Core-E and insert the spare one.

3) Insert the Core-E with the new FLASH CARD

4) The MIB (MAIN FLASH) will be automatically aligned with the MIB (SPARE FLASH).

– Second case: Core-E Not Protected (NB)

1) Get a spare FLASH CARD with the same sw-package release and license.

2) Remove the faulty FLASH CARD from the main Core-E and insert the spare one.

3) Insert the Core-E with the new FLASH CARD

4) Carry-out the RESTORE procedure.

ATTENTION (caution to avoid complete traffic loss)

Do not insert in the system a Flash Card the content of which is unknow.
You must be aware that, if a Flash Card with SW information different from that running in the
system is inserted “as it is”, the software download will be automatically carried out from the
Flash Card toward the System, thus causing a complete system crash.

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The license of the Spare Flash card can be different from the license of the Main Flash card.
Only the license of the Main Flash card manages the NE.
By changing the Main Flash card, also the MAC address changes:
in this case the cross-connection must be reviewed.

6.5.3 ODU300 or MPT-HC V2 or MPT-MC removal and replacement

Disconnect the cables from the Outdoor Unit to be replaced and connect them to the spare ODU.

6.5.4 MPT-HC removal and replacement

Disconnect the cables and the co-box from the MPT-HC to be replaced and connect them to the spare

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6.6 Upgrade from Not Protected to a Protected Radio (with ODU300)

6.6.1 1+0 Adaptive Modulation to 1+1 HSB Adaptive Modulation and 1+1 EPS
Starting from a 1+0 configuration (see an example in the graphics below) perform the following procedure
to upgrade to a 1+1 HSB radio with Adaptive Modulation and 1+1 EPS.

This is an in-service but not a hitless procedure.

1) Plug-in the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4 (spare). An Unconfigured Equipment alarm dis-
plays. Note: in the figure is shown the 32E1 Access card.

2) Plug-in Modem card in slot 8 (spare). An Unconfigured Equipment alarm displays.

3) On WebEML Settings screen enable the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4.

4) On WebEML Settings screen enable the Modem card in slot 8.

5) On WebEML Settings screen provision the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slots 3 and 4) for 1+1
EPS Protection Type.

6) On WebEML Settings screen provision the Modem cards (slots 7 and 8) for HSB Protection
Type. Local station and remote station will observe 2 seconds sync loss.

7) Connect the signal cables to the spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4.

8) Connect the new IDU/ODU cable to the spare Modem card in slot 8.


After the changes a modification must be done in the TDM2Eth cross-connections of the remote
NE: the MAC address must be changed from “Unicast” to “Multicast” as explained in Figure 126., Figure
127. and Figure 128.

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924/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing
6.6.2 1+0 Static Modulation to 1+1 HSB Static Modulation and 1+1 EPS
Refer to the 1+0 Adaptive Modulation to 1+1 HSB Adaptive Modulation procedure above.

6.6.3 1+0 to 1+1 Frequency Diversity and 1+1 EPS

This is an in-service but not a hitless procedure.

Starting from a 1+0 configuration (see an example in the graphics below) perform the following procedure
to upgrade to a 1+1 Frequency Diversity and 1+1 EPS.

1) Plug-in the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4 (spare). An Unconfigured Equipment alarm dis-
plays. Note: in the figure is shown the 32E1 Access card.
2) Plug-in Modem card in slot 8 (spare). An Unconfigured Equipment alarm displays.
3) On WebEML Settings screen enable the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4.
4) On WebEML Settings screen enable the Modem card in slot 8.
5) On WebEML Settings screen provision the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slots 3 and 4) for 1+1
EPS Protection Type.
6) On WebEML Settings screen provision the Modem cards (slots 7 and 8) for 1+1 FD Protection
Type. Local station and remote station will observe 2 seconds sync loss.
7) Connect the signal cables to the spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4.
8) Connect the new IDU/ODU cable to the spare Modem card in slot 8.
9) Properly configure the protection ODU.


After the changes a modification must be done in the TDM2Eth cross-connections of the remote
NE: the MAC address must be changed from “Unicast” to “Multicast” as explained in Figure 126., Figure
127. and Figure 128..

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6.7 Upgrade from Not Protected to a Protected Radio (with MPT-HC/


With MPT-MC only the 1+1 HSB configuration is available.

6.7.1 1+0 Adaptive Modulation to 1+1 HSB/FD Adaptive Modulation and 1+1 EPS
Starting from a 1+0 configuration (see an example in the graphics below) perform the following procedure
to upgrade to a 1+1 HSB radio with Adaptive Modulation and 1+1 EPS.

This is an in-service but not a hitless procedure.

1) Plug-in the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4 (spare). An Unconfigured Equipment alarm dis-
Note: in the figure is shown the 32E1 Access card.

2) Plug-in MPT Access card in slot 8 (spare). An Unconfigured Equipment alarm displays.

3) On WebEML Settings screen enable the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4.

4) On WebEML Settings screen enable the MPT Access card in slot 8.

5) On WebEML Settings screen provision the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slots 3 and 4) for 1+1
EPS Protection Type.

6) On WebEML Settings screen provision the MPT Access cards (slots 7 and 8) for HSB or FD
Protection Type. The Local station and the Remote station will observe a short traffic impact.

7) Connect the signal cables to the spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4.

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8) Connect the new Power Supply cable and new Ethernet cable to the spare MPT Access card
in slot 8.

9) In case of 1+1 FD properly configure the protection MPT-HC.


After the changes a modification must be done in the TDM2Eth cross-connections of the remote
NE: the MAC address must be changed from “Multicast” to “Unicast” as explained in Figure 126., Figure
127. and Figure 128..

6.7.2 1+0 Static Modulation to 1+1 HSB/FD Static Modulation and 1+1 EPS
Refer to the 1+0 Adaptive Modulation to 1+1 HSB/FD Adaptive Modulation procedure above.

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6.8 Downgrade from Protected to a Not Protected Radio (with

6.8.1 1+1 HSB Adaptive Modulation and 1+1 EPS to 1+0 Adaptive Modulation

Downgrading from 1+1 HSB and 1+1 EPS to 1+0 configuration is an out-of-service procedure.
The main channel must be in service including sync source before starting procedure.

1) Disconnect signal cables from the spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4.
Note: in the figure is shown the 32E1 Access card.

2) Disconnect IDU/ODU cable on the spare Modem card in slot 8.

3) On WebEML Settings screen for Modem cards (slots 7 and 8) enable Local Tx Mute for Channel
#1 and Channel #0.

4) On WebEML Settings screen for Modem cards (slots 7 and 8) set Protection Type to no Pro-

5) On WebEML Settings screen provision the MPT Access cards (slots 7 and 8) for HSB or FD
Protection Type. The Local station will observe a short traffic impact.

6) On WebEML Settings screen for Modem cards (slots 7 and 8) disable Local Tx Mute for Chan-
nel #1 and Channel #0.

7) On WebEML Settings screen for the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slots 3 and 4) set Protection
Type to no Protection.

8) On WebEML Settings screen for spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slot 4) set Equipment
Type to EMPTY.

9) On WebEML Settings screen for spare Modem card (slot 8) set Equipment Type to EMPTY.

10) Remove spare Modem card (slot 8).

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11) Remove spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slot 4).

12) Power off and power on the NE.


After the changes a modification must be done in the TDM2Eth cross-connections of the remote
NE: the MAC address must be changed from “Multicast” to “Unicast” as explained in Figure 126., Figure
127. and Figure 128..

6.8.2 1+1 HSB Static Modulation and 1+1 EPS to 1+0 Static Modulation
Refer to the 1+1 HSB Adaptive Modulation and 1+1 EPS to 1+0 Adaptive Modulation procedure above.

6.8.3 1+1 FD to 1+0

Downgrading from 1+1 FD to 1+0 configuration is an out-of-service procedure.

The main channel must be in service including sync source before starting procedure.

1) Disconnect E1 signal cables from the spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4.
Note: in the figure is shown the 32E1 Access card.

2) Disconnect IDU/ODU cable on the spare Modem card in slot 8.


Local AIS will remain active throughout remainder of procedure.

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3) On WebEML Settings screen for Modem cards (slots 7 and 8) set Protection Type to no Pro-

4) On WebEML Settings screen provision the MPT Access cards (slots 7 and 8) for HSB or FD
Protection Type. The Local station will observe a short traffic impact.

5) On WebEML Settings screen for the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slots 3 and 4) set Protection
Type to no Protection.

6) On WebEML Settings screen for Modem cards (slots 7 and 8) set Protection Type to no Pro-

7) On WebEML Settings screen for spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slot 4) set Equipment
Type to EMPTY.

8) On WebEML Settings screen for spare Modem card (slot 8) set Equipment Type to EMPTY.

9) Remove spare Modem card (slot 8).

10) Remove spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slot 4).

11) Power off and power on the NE.


After the changes a modification must be done in the TDM2Eth cross-connections of the remote
NE: the MAC address must be changed from “Multicast” to “Unicast” as explained in Figure 126., Figure
127. and Figure 128..

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930/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Maintenance and Trouble-clearing
6.9 Downgrade from Protected to a Not Protected Radio (with MPT-HC/


With MPT-MC only the 1+1 HSB configuration is available.

6.9.1 1+1 HSB/FD Adaptive Modulation and 1+1 EPS to 1+0 Adaptive Modulation

Downgrading from 1+1 HSB/FD and 1+1 EPS to 1+0 configuration is an out-of-service procedure.
The main channel must be in service including sync source before starting procedure.

1) Disconnect the signal cables from the spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) in slot 4.
Note: in the figure is shown the 32E1 Access card.

2) Disconnect IDU/ODU cables on the spare MPT Access card in slot 8.


In case of 1+1 FD local AIS will remain active throughout remainder of procedure.

3) On WebEML Settings screen for MPT Access cards (slots 7 and 8) enable Local Tx Mute for
Channel #1 and Channel #0.

4) On WebEML Settings screen for MPT Access cards (slots 7 and 8) set Protection Type to no

5) On WebEML Settings screen provision the MPT Access cards (slots 7 and 8) for HSB or FD
Protection Type. The Local station will observe a short traffic impact.

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6) On WebEML Settings screen for MPT Access cards (slots 7 and 8) disable Local Tx Mute for
Channel #1 and Channel #0.

7) On WebEML Settings screen for the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slots 3 and 4) set Protection
Type to no Protection.

8) On WebEML Settings screen for spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slot 4) set Equipment
Type to EMPTY.

9) On WebEML Settings screen for spare MPT Access card (slot 8) set Equipment Type to

10) Remove spare MPT Access card (slot 8).

11) Remove spare the Access card (E1 or STM-1) (slot 4).

12) Power off and power on the NE.


After the changes a modification must be done in the TDM2Eth cross-connections of the remote
NE: the MAC address must be changed from “Multicast” to “Unicast” as explained in Figure 126., Figure
127. and Figure 128..

6.9.2 1+1 HSB/FD Static Modulation and 1+1 EPS to 1+0 Static Modulation
Refer to the 1+1 HSB/FD Adaptive Modulation and 1+1 EPS to 1+0 Adaptive Modulation procedure

6.10 Cleaning

Do not use acid, alcohol, or brushes to clean cards because

damage to the silkscreen labeling and antistatic coating can
result. Cleaning should be confined to the removal of dust and
dirt using a damp cloth.

Cleaning should normally be confined to the removal of dust and dirt using a soft bristled (natural fiber)
brush and a low velocity blower (such as a vacuum cleaner with a plastic blower nozzle). Do not use acid
or synthetic bristled brushes to clean cards that contain electrostatic-sensitive components.

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7 Line–up and Commissioning
This chapter details all phases necessary for the equipment line–up and commissioning.

Subject On page

Introduction 934

General 934

Safety–EMC–EMF–ESD norms and Cautions to avoid equipment damage 935

Conventions 935

Summary of the commissioning phases 936

General information about test bench drawings 937

Commissioning of STATION A – phase 1 (Turn up) 938

Commissioning of STATION B – phase 1 (Turn up) 940

Fine antenna alignment and preliminary checks – Stations A & B 940

End of commissioning phase 1 (Turn up) in STATION A 944

Commissioning station A – phase 2 (acceptance test) 945

Commissioning station B – Phase 2 (acceptance Test) 971

Final operations 971

Annex A: fine antenna alignment 971

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7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 General
This chapter details all phases necessary for the equipment line–up, commissioning, and acceptance,
providing the user with the information needed to connect, power on, and perform a minimum turn–up of
a radio link comprising two 9500 MPR-E Rel.3.1.0 Network Elements.

It is assumed that, at both premises (Station A and Station B), the mechanical installation and cabling of
the INDOOR and OUTDOOR units is completed, the antennas are installed and pre–positioned, and the
MSS–ODU cable(s) has/have been connected to the MSS.

Any information needed to complete the above mentioned operations are out of the scope of this chapter.

For this purpose refer to the Installation section.

All the cables and measurement kits as described in Table 61. below are supposed to be available.

Table 61. Test and commissioning instruments


Laptop computer running the 1 SWP 9500 MPR-E V03.01.00

supervisory software

PDH Analyzer – Pattern Generator 1 E1 traffic

SDH Analyzer – Pattern Generator 1 STM-1 traffic

ATM Analyzer 1

V.11 Analyzer 1

Link Service kit cable (for MPT 1

antenna alignment)

In alternative, for Ethernet Data Optional

channel functionality tests:

– 1 PC + 1 Ethernet cable (for

ping function)
– 2 PCs (for ping function)
– 2 Ethernet Data Analyzers

Multi–meter 1 Voltmeter AC and DC – Loop tester

Cable Tester 1 For RJ45, Ethernet, Optical fiber etc.

TRS 1 Test Result Sheet, available as separate document

The Alcatel–Lucent Software package SWP 9500 MPR-E V3.1.0 must have already been installed in the
PC used as the WebEML (WebEML) and the same software V3.1.0 must be already present as commit
version in the Flash Card of both two Network Elements.

Before proceeding with line–up and commissioning, ensure that you have the equipment and accesso-
riesrequired for that purpose.

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7.1.2 Safety–EMC–EMF–ESD norms and cautions to avoid equipment damage
Warning: to make sure of the continuity and avoid short circuit, all cables / connectors connections (RJ45,
Coaxial, Ethernet, Optical Fiber.. ) made on the field have to be verified and checked with Cable tester.
The waterproofness must be also checked.

If not yet done, read whole Chapter 1 on page 31: it describes the operations and/or precautions to be
observed to safeguard operating personnel during the working phases, and to guarantee equipment
safety. Read them with accuracy before to start every action on the equipment.

7.1.3 Conventions
To simplify the description of actions, the following symbols are in use:

Symbol used Meaning

& Manual action

3 Check/Verify

WebEMLŸ On WebEML Select

Ÿ Select a Menu item

o Sub Menu item

The commissioning operations described in this document are for a radio link between a Station A and
a Station B.

If the network includes supervision, station A is the one located between the supervisory station and sta-
tion B (see figure below). Installation and commissioning begin at station A.


Figure 654. Relative positions of stations A and B

WARNING: at the beginning of this procedure, the “local IP address” and “Ethernet IP address” of both
the NE 9500 MPR-E stations, are still set to default value “” (as delivered from Alcatel–Lucent
factory). For this reason, their physical connection to the TMN network must be done after having changed
such addresses to correct values.

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7.1.4 Summary of the line–up, commissioning, and acceptance phases
Note: The following procedure must be used for every Modem unit installed in MSS.

The commissioning procedure is summarized as follows:

[1] Turn up (phase 1)

1) Visual inspection and NE configuration.

a) Station A, roughly point the antenna towards station B (if not done in the Hardware Instal-
lation procedure)

b) Commission station A (phase 1)

c) Commission station B (phase 1)


2) Fine antenna alignment and preliminary checks – Stations A & B

a) Station B, fine align the antenna towards station A, and preliminary checks

b) Station A, fine align the antenna towards station B, and preliminary checks


[2] Site acceptance tests (phase 2)

3) Station A, perform all the commissioning checks and tests – Report the results in the TRS.


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4) Station B, perform all the commissioning checks and tests – Report the results in the TRS.


7.1.5 General information about test bench drawings

In the test bench drawings depicted in the following paragraphs of this chapter, take always into account
the following considerations:

[1] Actual station configuration

For detailed information on the layout and equipment interconnections refer to the Plant documen-

[2] “1+0” and “1+1” configurations

Test bench drawings refer usually to the “1+0” configuration. When necessary, the additional material
for “1+1” configurations is drawn in dotted line.

[3] Equipment interfaces for test access points, signal meaning and use

The standard equipment interfaces for access points are always considered at Station DDF. Station
DDF is not detailed in the drawings: refer to your own plant documentation for details.

[4] Craft terminal need

The WebEML (WebEML) is always required.

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7.2 Commissioning of STATION A – phase 1 (Turn up)

– Where necessary, switch OFF the power supply before disconnecting the earth connection.

– Do not connect instruments directly to the MSS/ODU cable connector since the connector
carries DC voltage used to supply the ODU.

– Do not connect the IDU-ODU cable between MSS and ODU, while the MSS is powered up.

7.2.1 Turn–on preliminary operations


3 The antenna of station A (or B) is pointed towards station B (or A) the best as possible (use compass
if necessary).

3 The hardware configuration of the equipment corresponds to the expected one.

3 Make visual inspection for units’ installation and cabling:

• The MSS subrack allocation according to the station lay–out

• The MSS subrack and units ground connections

• The power supply voltage is present with the correct polarity at the MSS power supply input

• Tributaries are cabled on the station DDF

• The MSS–ODU cables ground kit connections

• The ODU(s) ground connections (In the case of a non–integrated antenna, the antenna and the
ODU(s) must be ground connected)

• The MSS(s) / ODU(s) cables are connected to MSS(s) and ODU(s)

• The ODU(s) cables connectors waterproofing.

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7.2.2 Powering up the MSS(s) with ODU(s) connected
This operation has the following scopes:

– verify the SWP present both in WebEML and NE

– make the Central Frequency and Shifter values of ODUs be acquired by MSS (so that they are
retained in the NE’s data base).

Proceed as follows:

a) Switch on the MSS by using the circuit breakers

b) Connect locally the WebEML to the MSS of the local station and perform the NE login with NEtO.

1) Make a local connection through the Ethernet cable, between the Ethernet port of the PC and
the NMS interface on the MSS

2) Power on the PC and wait for its start–up

3) Start–up the WebEML and wait for the NEtO screen

4) Insert the “local IP address” of the NE 9500 MPR-E station

5) Start supervision on the local Network Element

c) Configure the NE as explained in the Provisioning chapter.

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7.3 Commissioning of STATION B – phase 1 (Turn up)
– To commission Station B, perform (at Station B premises) the same operations carried on at Station
A–Phase 1.

& For near future tests, establish, on the DDF of Station B, hardware loops on every tributary.

7.4 Fine antenna alignment and preliminary checks – Stations A & B

7.4.1 Fine antenna alignment

When Station A and Station B are fully configured and operational, and assuming that the antenna insta-
tion A (or B) has been previously correctly pointed toward the antenna in station B (or A), you should
receive some field from station B (or A).

Note 1: Verify that the ATPC is disabled.

Note 2: In case of 1+1 (with asymmetric coupler) to facilitate the alignment make sure that Channel #1
is active.

Now, proceed to a fine tuning of the antenna to improve as much as possible the received level, in both-
Station A (at Station A premises) and Station B (at Station B premises). To perform the fine antenna align-
ment refer to Annex A: fine antenna alignment on page 971.

7.4.2 Preliminary checks

At first on Station A (at Station A premises), then on Station B (at Station B premises), log in the NE and-
perform following checks by WebEML:

Subject On page

Verify ODU(s) alarm status 940

Transmitter power output check 941

Received power measurement 941 Verify ODU300/MPT-HC alarm status

Purpose: Verify no abnormal communication alarm between MSS(s) and ODU(s)

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS.

& WebEML Ÿ Views Ÿ Equipment

o In the left window, select ODU ch#1n

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3 In the lower right window, verify in the alarms list for that there is no internal communication failure

3 In the lower right window, verify in the alarms list that there is no TX failure

i Repeat for Ch#0 if any (1+1) Transmitter power output check

Purpose: Verify via WebEML the ODU(s) transmitted power output.

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS.

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the Modem unit (Channel #1) (for ODU300) or on the
front panel of the MPT Access peripheral unit or MPT-HC (for MPT-HC)

3 Verify that ATPC is ”Disabled” (If required, change the ATPC status to disable in the ATPC field then
o Apply)

3 Verify that Tx Power value complies with the suitable value already set (If required, change the Tx
Power in the RTPC field then o Apply)

i Repeat for Ch#0 if any (1+1). Received power measurement

Purpose: Verify via WebEML the received power to detect any interference

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS.

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the Modem unit (Channel #1) (for ODU300) or on the
front panel of the MPT Access peripheral unit or MPT-HC (for MPT-HC)

o Select “Measurements” tab panel

o In the Sample time (sec), write the suitable measurement poling time then press o Start

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Figure 655. Received power check

Pressing “Start” will prompt a graphic monitoring view of the transmitted and received levels:

Figure 656. Power measurements

Ticking the box “Show Details” in the lower left corner will call a summary view of the TX an Rx levels:

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Figure 657. Received power details

3 Verify in the hop calculation (plant documentation) that the calculated received level has been

3 Verify that there are no interferences.

i Repeat for Ch#0 if any (1+1)


– If in the Tx end field the indication in dBm is +99, the Transmitter is off (or in HSB Configuration the-
transmitter is in standby).
– If in the Tx end field the indication in dBm is +99 and, at the same time, in the relevant Rx end field
the information in dBm is –99, probably the supervision has been lost.

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7.5 End of commissioning phase 1 (Turn up) in STATION A
– In Station A, proceed to a final fine alignment of the antenna toward the antenna of Station B. To per-
form the fine antenna alignment, refer to Annex A: fine antenna alignment on page 971.

– In Station A, proceed to the remote NE (station B) acquisition (by opening a second NEtO session)
in order to verify in both the stations:

3 Received level complies with hop calculation

3 No alarm showing (except unloaded tributaries)

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7.6 Commissioning station A – phase 2 (acceptance test)
Commissioning phase 2 is a site acceptance test procedure made up of the required tests to ensure that
the equipment is fully operational.

This phase describes first of all the way to check and to change (if necessary) via the WebEML menu the
different configuration parameters already set, for most of them, during the Provisioning followed by var-
ious tests.

Most of the tests and checks results have to be recorded in the TRS (Test Results Sheet). Operator will
be invited to do so each time it is required by the following sentence: “Report… in the TRS.”

N.B. The lettered titles in following table [ a ) , b ) , etc.] correspond to the page’s heading titles of
the TRS document.

Test On page Report

in TRS

a) Installation and cabling visual inspection 947

Indoor System installation and cabling visual inspection 3

Outdoor System installation and cabling visual inspection 3

b) System configuration 947

Check Software Release 3

Check/set Mode (Presettings or Adaptive modulation), Channel spacing, 3


Check/set Link Identifier configuration (optional) 3

Check/set the QoS criteria to be used 3

Check/set the Automatic Restoration Criteria (only 1+1) 3

HSB Transmission Protection (1+1 HSB configurations only) 3

Radio Protection (RPS) 3

EPS Protection 3

Check/set Tx/Rx Spacing, Transmission and Reception frequencies 3

Check/set Tx power (ATPC Off) or Tx range and Rx threshold (ATPC On) 3

Check/set the XPIC configuration (if required) 3

Check/set the synchronization 3

Tx and Rx power measurement (with WebEML) 3

IF Loopback functionality (ODU300) 3

Core-facing loopback functionality (MPT-HC/MPT-MC) 3

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Test On page Report
in TRS

c) P32E1 unit 952

Balanced or Unbalanced impedance 3

Check/set E1 tributaries configuration 3

Protection functionality (1+1 only) 3

E1 point to point loop test 3

d) STM-1 unit 955

Check/set STM-1 configuration 3

Protection functionality (1+1 only) 3

STM-1 point to point loop test 3

e) 16E1/DS1 ASAP unit 958

Check/set E1 layer configuration 3

Check/set IMA layer configuration 3

Check/set ATM layer configuration 3

Check/set ATM PW layer configuration 3

f) EAS unit 959

Check/set EAS unit configuration 3

g) AUX unit 958

Check/set AUX unit configuration 3

Check/set the Housekeeping configuration 3

h) Core-E unit 959

Check the Software Licence Code 3

Check/set Traffic Ethernet port parameters 3

i) NE configuration 959

Check/set the local NE IP address 3

Check/set OSPF Area Configuration 3

Check/set the Ethernet access (OS) configuration 3

Check/set IP static routing configuration 3

j) Data/Time settings 960 3

k) E1 Hop stability test 960 3

l) STM-1 Hop stability test 962 3

m) Ethernet Traffic stability test 964 3

n) ATM Traffic stability test 968 3

o) 64 kbit/s Service Channel functionality test (optional) 970 3

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7.6.1 Installation and cabling visual inspection Indoor System installation and cabling visual inspection

See and fill the indoor inspection check list in the TRS. Outdoor System installation and cabling visual inspection

See and fill the indoor inspection check list in the TRS.

7.6.2 System configuration

Purpose: Verify via WebEML the configuration of the Local Station.

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS Check Software Release

& WebEML Ÿ Menu bar Ÿ Menu SW Download ŸSW Status

Check the Software release.

Report in the TRS. Check/set Mode (Presettings or Adaptive modulation), Channel spacing,


& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the Modem unit for ODU300 or of the MPT Access unit
or on the MPT-HC/MPT-MC for MPT-HC/MPT-MC o Settings tab panel

In the left window o Mode (Presettings or Adaptive modulation), Channel spacing, Modulation (Sup-
ported Modulation Schemes and Switching Threshold, if the Adaptive Modulation has been enabled)

If required, change any paramater.

Report the parameters in the TRS. Check/set Link Identifier configuration (optional)

Double click on the front panel of the Modem unit for ODU300 or of the MPT Access unit or on the MPT-
HC/MPT-MC for MPT-HC/MPT-MC o Link Identifier

If it is necessary, change any parameter.

Report the Link Identifier status (Enabled or Disabled), and, if Enabled, the “Expected” and“Sent” values. Check/set the QoS criteria to be used

& WebEML Ÿ Menu bar Ÿ Configuration ŸSystem Settings

Select the suitable QoS criteria to be used: Disabled/802.1p/DiffServ.

Report in the TRS.

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Line–up and Commissioning 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 947/980 Check/set the Automatic Restoration Criteria (only 1+1) HSB Transmission Protection (1+1 HSB configurations only)

& WebEML Ÿ Views Ÿ Protection Schemes

In the left window o HSB Protection

In the lower right window o Protection Scheme Parameters Tab panel o Protection Type 1+1

If required, change Operation type (Revertive or Not Revertive) then o Apply

Report the Operation Type in the TRS. Radio Protection (RPS)

& WebEML Ÿ Views Ÿ Protection Schemes

In the left window o Rx Radio Protection (RPS)

In the lower right window o Protection Scheme Parameters Tab panel o Protection Type 1+1

If required, change Operation type (Revertive or Not Revertive) then o Apply

Report the Operation Type in the TRS. EPS Protection

& WebEML Ÿ Views Ÿ Protection Schemes

In the left window o Equipment Protection

In the lower right window o Protection Scheme Parameters Tab panel o Protection Type 1+1

If required, change Operation type (Revertive or Not Revertive) then o Apply

Report the Operation Type in the TRS. Check/set Tx/Rx Spacing, Transmission and Reception frequencies

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the Modem unit for ODU300 or of the MPT Access unit
or on the MPT-HC/MPT-MC for MPT-HC/MPT-MC

In the central window o Channel #1 o Shifter, Tx frequency

Repeat for Channel 0 (only in 1+1)

Report the Shifter, Tx and the Rx frequencies in the TRS.

If required, change the Tx frequency then o Apply. Rx Freq. will be automatically adjusted. Check/set Tx power (ATPC Off) or Tx range and Rx threshold (ATPC On)

ATPC Disabled:

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the Modem unit for ODU300 or of the MPT Access unit
or on the MPT-HC/MPT-MC for MPT-HC/MPT-MC o Setting tab panel

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“RTPC&ATPC” field

3 ATPC “Disabled”

Repeat for Channel 0 (only in 1+1)

Report the ATPC “Disabled” status, Tx nominal Power and Tx Power setting into theTRS.

ATPC Enabled:

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the Modem unit for ODU300 or of the MPT Access unit
or on the MPT-HC/MPT-MC for MPT-HC/MPT-MC o Setting tab panel

“RTPC&ATPC” field

3 ATPC “Enabled”

Repeat for Channel 0 (only in 1+1)

Report the ATPC “Enabled” status, ATPC Range and ATPC RX Threshold setting in the TRS.

If required, change ATPC Mode or ATPC Range or ATPC Rx Threshold then o Apply Check/set the XPIC configuration (if required)

& WebEML Ÿ Menu Configuration Ÿ XPIC Configuration

Check/set all the parameters regarding the XPIC (refer to paragraph 3.16 on page 441).

Report in the TRS. Check/set the synchronization

& WebEML Ÿ Tab panel Synchronization

Check/set all the parameters regarding the synchronization.

Report in the TRS. Tx and Rx power measurement (with WebEML)

Purpose: Verify via WebEML the Transmitted (PTx) and Received (PRx) power.

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the Modem unit for ODU300 or of the MPT Access unit
or on the MPT-HC/MPT-MC for MPT-HC/MPT-MC

o From the left window o select Channel #1 o select Measurements tab panel

o In the Sample time (sec), write the suitable measurement poling time then press o Start
Pressing “Start” will prompt a graphic monitoring view of the transmitted and received levels.

Ticking the box “Show details” in the lower left corner will call a summary view of the TX an Rx levels.

Report the Current Tx Local End (PTx) and the current Rx Local End (PRx) in the TRS.

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Line–up and Commissioning 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 949/980 Loopback functionality IF Loopback functionality (ODU300)

Purpose: Verify via WebEML the IF cable loopback functionality (only in the local NE)

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software and E1 Data Analyzer

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

Connect Pattern Generator/Error Detector analyzer on one Tributary Access
(At the Station DDF)

– A delay up to 10 seconds may be observed for each activation/deactivation.

– Ensure that the local tributary access is active (unframed and configured).

– Ensure that the local transmitter is muted (double click on the front panel of the Modem unit oSet-
tings tab panel).

IF cable loopback

Figure 658. IF Cable loopback

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the Modem unit o “Loopback” tab panel

In the left window o IF cable

In the lower right window o Active o Apply

3 Error Detector showing no errors.

3 Loopback showing in the Summary Block Diagram view.

To remove the loopback: in the lower right window o Not Active o Apply

Report about the Loopback functionality in the TRS.

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

950/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Line–up and Commissioning Core-facing loopback functionality (MPT-HC/MPT-MC)

Purpose: Verify via WebEML the Core-facing loopback functionality (only in the local NE)

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software and E1 Data Analyzer

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

Connect Pattern Generator/Error Detector analyzer on one Tributary Access
(At the Station DDF)

– A delay up to 10 seconds may be observed for each activation/deactivation.

– Ensure that the local tributary access is active (unframed and configured).

Figure 659. Core-facing loopback

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the MPT-Access unit or on the MPT-HC/MPT-MC o
“Loopback” tab panel

In the left window o Core-facing

In the lower right window o Active o Apply

3 Error Detector showing no errors.

3 Loopback showing in the Summary Block Diagram view.

To remove the loopback: in the lower right window o Not Active o Apply

Report about the Loopback functionality in the TRS.

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Line–up and Commissioning 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 951/980 Protection functionality (1+1 only)

Purpose: Force command (if the active channel is the Main) and Lockout command (if the
active channel is the Spare)

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

& WebEML Ÿ View Ÿ Protection Schemes

In the left window o Rx Radio Protection o Main #1 or Spare #0

In the Commands tab panel window Commands scroll list o Forced or Lockout o Apply
Repeat for HSB Tx Protection (for “1+1 HSB” configurations only)

Repeat for Equipment Protection

3 Check in the Summary block diagram that the full channel (Tx and Rx) path is in service.

Report about the Channel protection switching functionality in the TRS.

7.6.3 P32E1 unit Balanced or Unbalanced impedance

& WebEML Ÿ Menu bar o Configuration o System Settings

Set the impedance for the E1 streams.

Report the Impedance in the TRS. Check/set E1 tributaries configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the P32E1DS1 unit

In the left window o E1 port# 1

In the lower right window o “Settings” Tab panel

If it is necessary, change the E1 parameters.

Report in the TRS.

Repeat for each E1 port# Protection functionality (1+1 only)

Purpose: Force command (if the active channel is the Main) and Lockout command (if the
active channel is the Spare)

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

& WebEML Ÿ View Ÿ Protection Schemes

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In the left window o Equipment Protection o Main #1 or Spare #0

In the Commands tab panel o Forced or Lockout o Apply

3 Check in the Summary block diagram that the full channel (TX and RX) path is in service.

Report about the Channel protection switching functionality in the TRS. E1 point to point loop test

Purpose: Verify the point to point Tributaries quality

Verify the tributaries alarm status monitoring functionality

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software and E1 Data Analyzer

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

Connect Pattern Generator/Error Detector on Tributary Access (At the Station

& WebEML Ÿ Diagnosis Ÿ Summary Block Diagram View

Report the result in the TRS.

Figure 660. Test bench for tributary functionality check with ODU300

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Figure 661. Test bench for tributary functionality check with MPT-HC/MPT-HC V2/MPT-MC

[1] Point to point Tributaries quality test

Assuming that all the tributaries have been enabled and configured (Unframed status and configu-
ration) via WebEML in both stations and that every tributary is looped at the DDF in the remote sta-

i Perform one minute of BER test on each E1 tributary

3 Verify that the analyzer detects no error.

3 Verify the tributary alarm status:

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the P32E1DS1 unit
In the lower right “Alarms” tab panel, verify that while the data analyzer is connected,
the“AlarmLossSignal” on the relevant tributary is off.

Leave the “Alarms” screen open, to perform following check

[2] Check of the tributaries alarm status monitoring functionality

To create an alarmed condition, remove the “Tributary loopback” at the Remote station.

In the lower right “Alarms”, verify that while the data analyzer is connected, the “AlarmLossSignal”on the
relevant tributary goes on.

Restore the “Tributary loopback” at the Remote station, and verify that the “AlarmLossSignal” on there-
levant tributary goes off.

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Figure 662. Tributary alarm status monitoring

Report about the Tributary BER test and alarm WebEML monitoring in the TRS.

7.6.4 STM-1 unit Check/set STM-1 configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the SDHACC unit

In the left window o STM-1 port# 1

In the lower right window o “Settings” Tab panel

If it is necessary, change the STM-1 parameters.

Report in the TRS.

Repeat for each STM-1 port#2 (if any) Protection functionality (1+1 only)

Purpose: Force command (if the active channel is the Main) and Lockout command (if the
active channel is the Spare)

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

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& WebEML Ÿ View Ÿ Protection Schemes

In the left window o Equipment Protection o Main #1 or Spare #0

In the Commands tab panel o Forced or Lockout o Apply

3 Check in the Summary block diagram that the full channel (TX and RX) path is in service.

Report about the Channel protection switching functionality in the TRS. STM-1 point to point loop test

Purpose: Verify the point to point STM-1 quality

Verify the tributaries alarm status monitoring functionality

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software and SDH Data Analyzer

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

Connect Pattern Generator/Error Detector on STM-1 Access (At the Station

& WebEML Ÿ Diagnosis Ÿ Summary Block Diagram View

Report the result in the TRS.

Figure 663. Test bench for tributary functionality check with ODU300

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Figure 664. Test bench for tributary functionality check with MPT-HC/MPT-HC V2/MPT-MC

[1] Point to point quality test

Assuming that the STM-1 has been enabled and configured via WebEML in both stations and that
every STM-1 is looped at the DDF in the remote station:

i Perform one minute of BER test the STM-1

3 Verify that the analyzer detects no error.

3 Verify the STM-1 alarm status:

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the SDHACC unit
In the lower right “Alarms” tab panel, verify that while the data analyzer is connected,
the“AlarmLossSignal” on the relevant STM-1 is off.

Leave the “Alarms” screen open, to perform following check

[2] Check of the alarm status monitoring functionality

To create an alarmed condition, remove the “Loopback” at the Remote station.

In the lower right “Alarms”, verify that while the data analyzer is connected, the “AlarmLossSignal”on the
relevant signal goes on.

Restore the “Loopback” at the Remote station, and verify that the “AlarmLossSignal” on therelevant STM-
1 goes off.

Report about the BER test and alarm WebEML monitoring in the TRS.

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7.6.5 16E1/DS1 ASAP unit Check/set E1 layer configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the 16E1/DS1 ASAP unit
To configure refer to par. 3.18.1 on page 476.

Report in the TRS. Check/set IMA layer configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the 16E1/DS1 ASAP unit
To configure refer to par. 3.18.2 on page 477.

Report in the TRS. Check/set ATM layer configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the 16E1/DS1 ASAP unit
To configure refer to par. 3.18.3 on page 479.

Report in the TRS. Check/set ATM PW layer configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the 16E1/DS1 ASAP unit
To configure refer to par. 3.18.4 on page 485.

Report in the TRS.

7.6.6 AUX unit Check/set AUX unit configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the AUX unit
To configure refer to par. 3.20.1 on page 498.

Report in the TRS. Check/set the Housekeeping configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the AUX unit
To configure refer to par. 3.20.2 on page 499.

Report in the TRS.

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7.6.7 EAS unit Check/set EAS unit configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the EAS unit
To configure refer to par. 3.14 on page 424.

Report in the TRS.

7.6.8 Core-E unit Check the Software Licence Code

& WebEML Ÿ Menu bar o Supervision o SW licence

Report the Licence string and code in the TRS. Check/set Traffic Ethernet port parameters

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel of the Core-E unit

In the left window o Ethernet Port#1 or Ethernet Port#2 or Ethernet Port#3 or Ethernet Port#4 or Optical
SFP Ethernet Port #5.

In the lower right window o “Settings” Tab panel

If it is necessary, change the parameters.

Report in the TRS.

7.6.9 NE configuration Check/set the local NE IP address

& WebEML Ÿ Configuration Ÿ Network Configuration Ÿ Local Configuration

Report the local IP Address in the TRS. Check/set OSPF Area Configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Configuration Ÿ Network Configuration Ÿ IP Configuration Ÿ OSPF Area Configuration

Report the Id, IP Address, IP Mask and Stub flag in the TRS. Check/set the Ethernet access (OS) configuration

& WebEML Ÿ Double click on the front panel fo the Core-E unit Ÿ TMN Interface tab panel
Report the IP Address, IP Mask, IP Routing protocol and OSPF Area in the TRS.

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

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& WebEML Ÿ Configuration Ÿ Network Configuration Ÿ IP Configuration Ÿ IP Static Routing Config-


Report the IP Address, IP Mask and Default gateway IP Address or interface type into theTRS.

7.6.10 Data/Time settings

& WebEML Ÿ Menu bar Ÿ Configuration Ÿ NE Time

Enter the time settings.

Report in the TRS.

& WebEML Ÿ Menu bar Ÿ Configuration Ÿ Network Configuration Ÿ NTP Server Configuration
Enter the IP address of the NTP Server, if any.

7.6.11 E1 Hop stability test

N.B.: this test is in alternative to that described in point d) (performed on one Ethernet port)

Purpose: Verify the Hop stability

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software and E1 Data Analyzer

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

Connect Data analyzer on one Tributary Access (At the Station DDF)

– The Hop stability test is performed during two consecutive hours, one time, on one Tributary, in real-
working condition whatever the protection configuration (1+ 0 or 1+1).

– The two-hour stability test must be free of error in normal propagation conditions (out of fading

i Via the WebEML, let only one active tributary in both station

i In the remote Station, place a hardware loop on the relevant tributary access (at the station DDF).

i In the local station, connect the E1 Data Analyzer on the relevant tributary. Check that the 
“Tributary Alarm Loss” disappears.

3 Verify in both stations that there are no active software loopbacks or switching requests.

3 Verify in both stations that none alarm is showing.

Report the two-hour error-free of error Hop Stability Test result in the TRS.

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Figure 665. Test bench for hop stability test with ODU300

Figure 666. Test bench for tributary functionality check with MPT-HC/MPT-HC V2/MPT-MC

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Line–up and Commissioning 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 961/980
7.6.12 STM-1 Hop stability test
N.B.: this test is in alternative to that described in point d) (performed on one Ethernet port)

Purpose: Verify the Hop stability

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software and E1 Data Analyzer

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

Connect Data analyzer on one Tributary Access (At the Station DDF)

– The Hop stability test is performed during two consecutive hours, one time, on one STM-1, in real-
working condition whatever the protection configuration (1+ 0 or 1+1).

– The two-hour stability test must be free of error in normal propagation conditions (out of fading

i Via the WebEML, let only one active STM-1 in both station

i In the remote Station, place a hardware loop on the relevant STM-1 access (at the station DDF).

i In the local station, connect the SDH Data Analyzer on the relevant tributary. Check that the 
“STM-1 Alarm Loss” disappears.

3 Verify in both stations that there are no active software loopbacks or switching requests.

3 Verify in both stations that none alarm is showing.

Report the two-hour error-free of error Hop Stability Test result in the TRS.

Figure 667. Test bench for hop stability test with ODU300

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Figure 668. Test bench for tributary functionality check with MPT-HC/MPT-HC V2/MPT-MC

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

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7.6.13 Ethernet Traffic stability test
Purpose: Verify the quality of point to point Ethernet Data Channels

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software and, in alternative:

• 1 additional PC and 1 Ethernet cable
• 2 additional PCs
• 2 Ethernet Data Analyzers


a) Connect WebEML to MSS of local station

b) Perform the connectivity test on port #1, according to the chosen test bench:

• Test bench with 1 additional PC and 1 Ethernet cable: see point [1]

• Test bench with 2 additional PCs: see point [2]

• Test bench with 2 Ethernet Data Analyzers: see point [3]

c) Perform the connectivity test on ports #2 , #3, #4 and #5 (if enabled)

If required in plant documentation, repeat the connectivity test [step b) above] for the other three-
ports, with obvious test bench changes on remote station.

Report about the connectivity test of Ethernet Data Channels in the TRS.

d) Perform the hop stability test

1) Set up the test bench with 2 Ethernet Data Analyzers (point [3]). On both stations, connect the
Data analyzer on Ethernet port #1 on the Core-E unit.

2) Start this test after the “learning” of the MAC address.

3) Configure the pattern A generator, in order to generate continuos traffic, and set the data rate-
half to the radio capacity and with packet size of 1518 bytes.

4) Perform the stability test for 2 hours.

5) Compare the number of TX and Rx Frames on the Pattern A: the number of frames must be
equal in normal propagation conditions (out of fading period).

Report the two-hour error-free Ethernet Stability Test result in the TRS.

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964/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Line–up and Commissioning
[1] Test bench with 1 additional PC and 1 Ethernet cable

a) Connections
On local station, connect the additional PC on Ethernet port #1 (testing port).
On remote station, through the Ethernet cable, connect the NMS Ethernet port to the
Ethernet port #1 (port to be tested)

b) Set “Enable”, “Flow Control disable”, and “Capability Advertised” for ports to test
& WebEML perform the following operations on each data port (Ethernet ports #1 to #4)
of both stations:
• Enabled Ÿ Apply
• Auto Negotiation Status Ÿ Disabled Ÿ Apply
• Flow Control Ÿ Disabled Ÿ Apply
• Capability Advertised Ÿ “1000 Mb/s Full” Ÿ Apply

c) Perform the connectivity test on port #1

1) at local station, on PC connected to Ethernet port #1 (N.B.), ping the remote station
(using) the NE’s “Ethernet Configuration IP address”) with 50 packets with 1000 byte
N.B.: the “PC’s IP address” and the NE’s “Ethernet Configuration IP address” must
belong to the same subnetwork.
Windows OS details, if necessary:
– Start o Programs o Accessories o Command Prompt
– ping <space> –l <space> 1000 <space> –n <space> 50 <space> IP Address

2) the RIGHT LED on the corresponding front panel blinks with cable inserted and traffic
At least 45 packets must pass without any packet loss from the 5th packet

Figure 669. Test bench for optional Ethernet Data Channel functionality with 1 additional PC and
1 Ethernet cable

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[2] Test bench with 2 additional PCs

a) Connections
On local station, connect the additional PC on Ethernet port #1 (testing port)
On remote station, connect the additional PC on Ethernet port #1 (port to be tested)

b) Set “Enable”, “Flow Control disable”, and “Capability Advertised” for ports to test
& WebEML perform the following operations on each data port (Ethernet ports #1 to #4)
of both stations:
• Enabled Ÿ Apply
• Auto Negotiation Status Ÿ Disabled Ÿ Apply
• Flow Control Ÿ Disabled Ÿ Apply
• Capability Advertised Ÿ “1000 Mb/s Full” Ÿ Apply

c) Perform the connectivity test on port #1

1) at local station, on PC connected to Ethernet port #1, ping the far–end PC with 50
packets with 1000 byte length.
Windows OS details, if necessary:
– Start o Programs o Accessories o Command Prompt
– ping <space> –l <space> 1000 <space> –n <space> 50 <space> IP Address

2) the RIGHT LED on the corresponding front panel blinks with cable inserted and traffic
At least 45 packets must pass without any packet loss from the 5th packet.

Figure 670. Test bench for optional Ethernet Data Channel functionality with 2 additional PCs

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[3] Test bench with 2 Ethernet Data Analyzers

a) Connections
On local station, connect the Data analyzer on Ethernet port #1 (testing port)
On remote station, connect the Data analyzer on Ethernet port #1 (port to be tested)

b) Set “Enable”, “Flow Control disable”, and “Capability Advertised” for ports to test
& WebEML perform the following operations on each data port (Ethernet ports #1 to #4)
of both stations:
• Enabled Ÿ Apply
• Auto Negotiation Status Ÿ Disabled Ÿ Apply
• Flow Control Ÿ Disabled Ÿ Apply
• Capability Advertised Ÿ “1000 Mb/s Full” Ÿ Apply

c) Perform the connectivity test on port #1

1) Start this test after the “learning” of the MAC address.

2) Configure Pattern Generator A in order to generate 50 packets with 1000 byte length,
and set the data rate half of the radio capacity.
3) the RIGHT LED on the corresponding front panel blinks with cable inserted and traffic
At least 45 packets must pass without any packet loss from the 5th packet.

Figure 671. Test bench for optional Ethernet Data Channel functionality with
2 Ethernet Data Analyzers

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

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7.6.14 ATM Traffic stability test
Purpose: Verify the quality of point to point ATM Data Channels (where 16E1/DS1 ASAP
unit has been installed)

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software and 1 4xE1 ATM/IMA Generator/Analizer


– The Hop stability test is performed during two consecutive hours, one time, on one IMA Group con-
figured on 16E1DS ASAP peripheral, in realworking condition whatever the radio peripheral protec-
tion configuration (1+ 0 or 1+1).

– The two-hour stability test must be free of error (no ATM Cell Loss) in normal propagation conditions
(out of fading period)

a) Connect WebEML to MSS of local station

b) Check IMA connectivity in the local Station:

• "configure on ATM/IMA instrument a 4xE1 IMA Group with MPR default configuration values

• "activate the IMA Group of ATM/IMA instrument: it will result in "Not Operational" state since
no connection to MSS and IMA configuration has been yet performed

• "connect E1 ports of ATM/IMA instrument to DDF connection points corresponding to E1 ports

#1,#2,#3,#4 of relevant ASAP peripheral

– on MSS, enable E1 ports #1,#2,#3,#4 of relevant 16E1DS1 ASAP peripheral by config-

uring as Framed their Signal Mode

– without change to default configuration values, activate ATM interface #1 associated to

IMA Group #1 of relevant ASAP peripheral

– associate to IMA Group #1 of relevant ASAP peripheral and make active as IMA Links the
E1 ports #1,#2,#3,#4

– activate ATM interface #1,associated to IMA Group #1 of relevant ASAP peripheral

– the IMA Group #1 of relevant ASAP peripheral and the one in the ATM/IMA instrument
shall become "Operational" ("TSF" alarm should be cleared, if previously raised)

c) Perform the IMA connectivity test for all E1 ports of relevant ASAP peripheral(s)
Repeat the IMA connectivity test [step b) above] for the other E1 ports, with the below association

• associate to IMA Group #2 of relevant ASAP peripheral the E1 ports #5,#6,#7,#8

• associate to IMA Group #3 of relevant ASAP peripheral the E1 ports #9,#10,#11,#12

• associate to IMA Group #4 of relevant ASAP peripheral the E1 ports #13,#14,#15,#16

Report about the IMA connectivity test of ATM Data Channels in the TRS.

d) Configure ATM traffic in the local Station

• On ATM interface #1 (associated to IMA Group #1) of relevant ASAP peripheral create and con-

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– "one ATM Traffic Descriptor for an ATM Circuit of type CBR, PCR=17960 cell/s,
CDVT=1000 microsecond, ATM Policing Enabled

– "one VP of "Not Logical" type, with VPI=1 and associate the above ATM TD (both for

• On PW Layer of relevant ASAP peripheral create one ATM PW flow associated to the above
VP, with PW Label = 100, 1 cell max per frame and 1 millisecond timeout (no VPI translation)

• On PW Layer of relevant ASAP peripheral create one ATM PW flow associated to the above
VP, with PW Label = 100, 1 cell max per frame and 1 millisecond timeout (no VPI translation)

• Configure the cross-connection of the above ATM PW flow towards the relevant radio periph-
eral, with associated VLAN ID = 4000

e) Configure in the remote Station a Loopback at DDF level, as shown in Figure 672.

f) Configure and start in the local Station the ATM Generator/Analizer

• Configure, ATM Generator of ATM/IMA instrument for one ATM Cell stream, with rate 17960
cell/s, VPI=1, VCI=1 (if the ATM Generator has this capability, use test pattern inside ATM Cells
to detect Cell Loss), without starting traffic

• Start ATM Analyzer

• Start ATM Generator

• Check the same rate of ATM Cell of configured ATM Circuit is transmitted by ATM Generator
is also received by the ATM Analyzer (since ATM Traffic is looped-back by the remote Station);
if random pattern is available on ATM/IMA instrument, directly check on ATM Analyzer that no
cell is actually lost

Report the two-hour error-free ATM Stability Test result in the TRS.

Figure 672. Test bench for ATM traffic

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7.6.15 64 kbit/s Service Channel functionality test (optional)
Purpose: Verify the point to point Service Data Channel quality

Required Instruments: PC with WebEML software and RS422 / V11 64 Kbit/s Data Analyzer

Procedure: Connect WebEML to MSS

Define the operational ESC ports (Enable/Disable) (local and remote NE).
Cross-connect the configured ports to the appropriate radio channel (local and
Connect Data analyzer on the service channel Access

Figure 673. Test bench for 64 kbit/s Service Channel functionality check

Assuming that the User service Channel is looped in the remote station:

i Perform 10 minutes of BER test.

3 Verify that the Data analyzer detects no error.

Report about the 64 Kbit/s Data channel BER test into the TRS.

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7.7 Commissioning station B – Phase 2 (acceptance Test)
Repeat in Station B all the tests performed in Station A except the Hop Stability Test that has to be run
only one time for the full hop.

Fill a second Test Result Sheet for Station B


7.8 Final operations

Complete the commissioning of each NE, creating the NE operator profiles and saving its data.

7.9 Annex A: fine antenna alignment

Safety requirements for workers on antenna pole, and microwave radiations (EMF norms)

When operating on the antenna pole, strictly follow cautions.
In particular, if ODU is powered on from MSS, do not stand on the antenna axis
and beaware of the compliance boundaries.

Antenna pre–pointing should have been done during equipment hardware installation.

This annex explains how to carry out the antenna fine alignment.

To monitor the received level during alignment in the local station:

– use the ODU Rx power monitoring in addition to a voltmeter,

– or, after having logged in the NE, use the WebEML received power measurement facility

Alignment procedure using the ODU Rx power monitoring

a) the radio link must be up and the ATPC disabled

b) in general, fine alignment should be done only on one station of the radio link

c) connect a voltmeter to the ODU (by using the Light Serfice kit cable for the MPT)

d) proceed with Vertical alignment, then with Horizontal alignment

e) in configurations with two antennas, repeat the procedure for the second antenna.


Procedures for Vertical and Horizontal alignment depend on the type of integrated polemounting

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ACM Adaptive Coding Modulation

ACR Adaptive Clock Recovery

ADM Add Drop Multiplexer

AIS Alarm Indication Signal

ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown

ANSI American National Standards Institute

AP Access Point

APS Automatic Protection Switching

APT Active Problem Table

AS Alarm Surveillance

ASAP Alarm Severity Assignment Profile

ATM Asynchronous Transport Module

ATPC Automatic Transmit Power Control

AVC Attribute Value Change

BBE Background Block Error

BER Bit Error Rate

BR & SW Bridge & Switch

Browser Application which allows to browse all RM-MIB objects

CCLNP ConnectionLess Network Protocol

CD Current Data

CDCC Data Communication Channel

CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory

CES Circuit Emulation Service

CI Communication Infrastructure

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Abbreviations 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 973/980

CLA Common Loss Alarm

CRU Clock Reference Unit

CTP Connection Termination Point

DCI Drop & Continue Interconnection

DCN Data Communications Network

DCR Differential Clock Recovery

DS Degraded Signal

EAS Ethernet Access Service

EC Equipment Controller

ECC Embedded Communication Channels

EFC Ethernet Flow Control

EFD Event Forwarding Discriminator

EML Element Management Layer

EML domain A set of NEs that are maintained by the same EML-OS.

EoSDH Ethernet over SDH

EOW Engineering Order Wire

EPG Eps Protection Group

EPS Equipment Protection Switching

EPU Eps Protection Unit

EM-OS Element Manager-Operation System

EMS Event Management Services

ES Errored Second

ET Elementary Topology. It is a grouping of some nodes connected

according to specific rules. A typical ET is a ring.

ETH ETHernet

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

EW Early Warning

FCM Fixed Coding Modulation

FCS Frame Check Sequence

FD Frequency Diversity

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FE Fast Ethernet

FLS Frame Loss Second

FM FM Fault Management

Gbit/s Gigabits per second

GFP Generic Frame Protocol

GNE Gateway Network Element

HBER High Bit Error Ratio

HD History Data

HET Hetero frequency

HS Hitless Switch

HSB Hot Stand-By

HTML HyperText Markup Language

ICP Internal Communication Problem

IDU InDoor Unit

IM Information Model

IMA Inverse Multiplexing over ATM

IP Internet Protocol

IWF Inter-Working Function

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IM Information Manager

JUSM Java User Service Manager

Kbit/s Kilobits per second

LAG Link Aggregation Group

LAN Local Area Network

LAPD Link Access Procedure on D-channel

LBER Low Bit Error Ratio

LDPC Low Density Parity Check

LOF Loss Of Frame

LOS Loss Of Signal

MAC Medium Access Control

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Abbreviations 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 975/980

Mbit/s Megabits per seconds

MEF Metro Ethernet Forum

MIB Management Information Base

MPR Microwave Packet Radio

MPT-HC Microwave Packet Transport - High Capacity

MSS Microwave Service Switch

NE Network Element

NEC Network Element Clock

NEtO Network Element Overview

NMS Network Management system

Node It is the view of the NE at NML level

NSA Not Service Affecting

NTP NetworkTime Protocol

OC ODU Controller

OCN Object Creation Notification

ODN Object deletion Notification

ODU OutDoor Unit

OFS Out of Frame Seconds

OH OverHead

OS Operation System

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy

PDU Power Distribution Unit

PFoE Power Feed over Ethernet

PM Performance Monitoring

PNU Packet Node Unit

Port Physical Interface of a Node. A port can be SDH or PDH.

PI Physical Interface

PPI PDH Physical Interface

PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence

PSU Power Supply Unit

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PTU Packet Transport Unit

QL Quality Level

QoS Quality of Service

RACS Received Automatic Control Status

RAI Remote Alarm Indication

RDI Remote Defect Indication

RI Remote Inventory

RPG Rps Protection Group

RPU Rps Protection Unit

RPS Radio Protection Switching

RPPI Radio Plesyochronous Physical Interface

SA Site Aggregator

SCG Service Channel Protection Group

SCN State Change Notification

SCU Service Channel Protection Unit

SD Signal Degrade

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SES Severely Errored Second

SF Signal Failure

SFP Small Form-factor Pluggable

SONET Synchronous Optical Network


SSM Synchronization Status Message

STM Synchronous Transport Module

TCA Threshold Crossing Alarm

TCO Total Cost of Ownership

TD Threshold Data

TDF Total Discarded Frames

TMN Telecommunications Management Network

TPS Tx Protection Switching

User Manual 9500 MPR Rel. 3.1

Abbreviations 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 977/980

TPG Tps Protection Group

TPU Tps Protection Unit

TRCF Total Received Correct Frames

TRO Total Received Octets

TRSEF Total Received Service Errored Frames

TRsp Tx Rx spacing

TS Time Slot

TTF Total Transmitted Frames

TTO Total Transmitted Octets

TTP Trail Termination Point

UAS UnAvailable Second

UAT UnAvailable Time

USM User Service Manager

UPA Unavailable path alarm

URU Underlying Resource Unavailable

VC Virtual Channel

VCC Virtual Channel Circuit

VP Virtual Path

VPC Virtual Path Circuit

WTR Wait Time to Restore

9500 MPR Rel. 3.1 User Manual

978/980 3DB18809AAAA Issue 1 Abbreviations
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