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The Artist’s =m Complete & (ruide to NOISSHadd Xa TV IOV Gary Faigin THE SIX BASIC FACIAL EXPRESSIONS bisGusT WATSON-GUPTILL PUBLICATIONS E 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 $35.00 The Artist's Complete Guide to FACIAL EXPRESSION Gary Faigin Tris comprehensive visual index to the subtleties of emotion conveyed by facial ex- pression is the only book of its kind. The Antists Complete Guide to Facial Expression carefully explains and illustrates the role of the muscles of expression and the effects of ‘these muscles on the face. The images pre- sented, from the author's own work and from photographic and artistic sources, focus on the action of muscles in three key areas of the face—the forehead and brows, the eyes, and the mouth and chin. Gary Faigin shows how the successful por trayal of the face is dependent on an under- standing of the deep forms of head and skull. Faigin goes on to illustrate the ex- pressive results of individual facial muscles. This structural information is then drawn together in a brilliant section, which is de- voted to depicting the six basic human expressions—sadness, anger, joy, fear, disgust, and surprise. Each emotion is por- trayed in steadily increasing intensity, from subtle signs of the emotion to full-blown expressions, Detailed renderings are sup- plemented by illustrations from such other sources as news photos, cartoons, movie posters, and art masterworks—complex, finished works that show the basic emo- tional patterns in use. An appendix features examples of each nuance of the basic ex- pressions, including similar facial states of purely physical origin, such as yawning or the face of pain. The Artists Complete Guide to Facial Ex- pressions a major contribution to the litera- ture of art instruction. This is a unique work, highly intelligent yet lively and enter- taining, on a subject crucial to the develop- ment of every artist. 288 pages. 8/% H (21 28 cm). 400 black-and-white illustrations. Index. WATSON-GUPTILL PUBLICATIONS Gary Faigin is a painter and printmaker whose work has been exhibited in one-man and group shows around the country. He was trained at the Art Students League and the Ecole des Beaux Arts de Paris. He currently lectures at the Art Students League of New York, and has served on the faculties of the National Academy School of Design School of Fine Art and the Parsons School of Design. His own school, the Academy of Realist Art, offers classes in Santa Fe, Seattle, and New York City. He lives in Seattle and Santa Fe with his wife, architect and designer, Pamela Belyea. Jacket design by Bob Billie, Graphiti Graphics WATSON-GUPTILL PUBLICATIONS a a

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