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AP HuGs Ch 9, p.

AP Human Geography Name:_________________________
Chapter 9: Food & Agriculture

Key Issue #1: Where Did Agriculture Originate?

1. Agriculture:

2. Crop:

Introducing Food & Agriculture

3. Agricultural Revolution:

 What impact did this have on population?

 What environmental factors could have caused the agricultural revolution?

 What cultural factors could have caused the agricultural revolution?

4. Describe the 5 agricultural hearths (what was domesticated? where did it diffuse?):
 Southwest Asia:

 East Asia:

 Central & South Asia:

 Sub-Saharan Africa:

 Latin America:

5. Looking at Figure 9-2, list at least 1 country to each primary agricultural hearth:

Subsistence & Commercial Agriculture

6. What is different between subsistence agricultural v. commercial agricultural?

7. What are the percentage of farmers in developed v. developing countries? Why is there such a stark difference?

 What happened to U.S. farmers during the 1940s to 1980s?

AP HuGs Ch 9, p.2
8. The shift from local craftspeople to factories producing farm equipment is part of which revolution?

9. List 3 changes to farming because of machinery, science, and/or technology:

10. Compare & contrast Figure 9-3 & 9-4.

11. How is farm size related to economic factors?

12. How do commercial farmers expand their lands?

13. Is the U.S. gaining or losing farmland? Why?

Key Issue #2: Why Do People Consume Different Foods?

1. What constitutes as the most fundamental contrast in agricultural practices?

Diet & Nutrition

2. What are the 3 factors that impact the food variation around the world?

3. Dietary energy consumption:

4. Cereal Grain:

 Grain:

5. Describe each of the following grains (where they are found, what they are used for):
 Wheat:

 Rice:

 Maize:

 Other crops:

6. Describe average consumption of kcals per day in various regions of the world.

7. Food Security:

8. How does protein differ between developed and developing regions?

AP HuGs Ch 9, p.3
Key Issue #3: Where Is Agriculture Distributed?
Agricultural Regions & Climate
1. Provide a 4-level analysis of Figure 9-13 with at least 2 thoughts per level:

2. Compare figures 9-13 & 9-14 (provide 3 specific examples):

Subsistence Agriculture in Dry Regions

3. What are the 5 types of agriculture dominant in developing countries?
 
 

4. What are the 6 dominant types of agricultural practices in developed countries?
  
  
5. How did people find food when they were hunters and gatherers? Do any of these societies still exist? If so, where?

6. Pastoral Nomadism:

 Rely on _______________ over __________________

 What does size of herd mean?

 What do these nomads predominantly eat?

 Briefly describe how nomads determine where they are and when they move.

7. Transhumance:

8. What has changed in how agricultural experts view pastoral nomadism?

9. What is happening to pastoral nomads in present-day? Why?

AP HuGs Ch 9, p.4
Subsistence Agriculture in Tropical Regions
10. Shifting cultivation:

11. What are the 2 different types of shifting cultivation?

12. Describe slash & burn farming – how is it accomplished? why? What do the crop fields look like?

13. Explain the Kayapo people of Brazil’s Amazon as an example of shifting cultivation practices.

14. How much land is used in the world for shifting cultivation? How many people practice this?

15. Why is the amount of land on earth allocated to shifting cultivation decreasing?

16. Compare & contrast critics and supporters of shifting cultivation.

17. What is an environmental and an economic effect of shifting cultivation and the destruction of the rain forests?

18. Where are most plantations? Who often runs them? What are typical products?

Subsistence Agriculture in Population Concentrations

19. Intensive Subsistence Agriculture: (how many people practice this?)

 Where is this form of agriculture most widely practiced?

 What is the agricultural density for these areas?

 Do they use machinery? Why or why not?

20. Double-cropping:

 What are examples of crops grown with double-cropping?

21. Asia’s intensive agriculture is divided into 2 regions:

22. Describe wet-rice farming.

 Sawah:  Paddy
AP HuGs Ch 9, p.5
23. Where is rice not grown? Why not? What is grown instead?

24. What does this region have in common with wet-rice intensive farming?

** Compare & contrast the principal forms of agriculture in

higher-density developing regions v. lower-density dry regions v. lower density tropical regions. **

25. What are differences between fishing and aquaculture/aquafarming?

26. According to Figure 9-24, what are the 4 regions with the most fishing? Are they all open ocean fishing?

27. Why has production of fish not increased with increased population and demand?

28. What percentage of fish are consumed directly by humans?

29. What problem has introducing non-native species led to in the U.S.? (Sustainability & Our Environment)

30. Where are fish consumption increased the most? Why do you think that is?

31. What are the leading countries for fishing?

32. Overfishing:

Commercial Agriculture: Crop Based

33. Agribusiness:

 What are the 6 types in developed countries of agribusiness?

34. What makes commercial grain farming different from mixed crop & livestock farming?

35. What are the grains generally used for?

AP HuGs Ch 9, p.6
36. What are the 3 regions of the U.S. that grow wheat?

37. Which grain is most important and why?

38. Describe where Mediterranean agriculture is practiced and what these areas have in common.

39. Horticulture:

40. Where in the U.S. is commercial farming and & fruit farming dominant?
41. Truck farming:

42. Compare & contrast crops grown in truck farming vs. specialty farming (provide 3 specifics):

Commercial Agriculture: Mixed Crop & Livestock

43. Where is this dominant?

44. How do the mixed crops & livestock depend on each other?

45. Describe how this form of farming is practiced:

46. What are the 2 most used crops in mixed-use farming? How are these crops used?

47. How does value of land and/or supply & demand impact the form of agriculture practiced on it?

48. In choosing an enterprise, farmers consider what 2 factors:

49. Label & describe the rings of Von Thunen’s Model below

50. What are the assumptions to use Von Thunen’s Model?

51. According to Von Thunen’s Model, how does transportation factor

into crop location choice?
AP HuGs Ch 9, p.7
Commercial Agriculture: Animal-based
52. Dairy Farm:

 Milkshed:

53. Look at Figure 9-36, what are 2 patterns you notice? Why do you think these exist?

54. What do dairy farmers further from consumers typically produce?

 Provide 2 specific geo examples to support the differences in dairy farming based on proximity to a
large urban area:

55. Describe the 2 features that have exacerbated economic difficulties of dairy farmers:

56. What factors have influenced the trends shown in Figure 9-37?

57. Ranching:

58. What are the 2 most important ranched animals according to Figure 9-38?

59. What countries are the leading producers of animals? Why?

60. How has ranching changed in the U.S.? What caused this change?

** What countries are leading in all commercial farming? Why do you think that is? **

** Compare & contrast the principal forms of commercial agriculture

crop-based v. animal-based **
(grain, Mediterranean, commercial gardening/fruit farming) v. (mixed crop & livestock, dairy, ranching)

Key Issue #4: Why Do Farmers Face Sustainability Challenges?

AP HuGs Ch 9, p.8
Losing Agricultural Land
1. Historically, how did people deal with the need for more farming land? How has this changed?

2. Where in the U.S. has there been a serious loss of farmland due to urbanization?

 Where did GIS consultants identify the “best” lands to protect? Why were these locations chosen?

3. Desertification:

 Why and how are semiarid lands being overused?

 According to Figure 9-41, where is the most severe problems? Least severe problems?

4. What has caused land degradation and what are the corresponding percentages?

5. How can excessive water threaten farmland?

Improving Agricultural Productivity

6. In the late 20th century, why did subsistence farming change? What are the two ways it has changed?

 

7. Fallow (provide 2 specific examples):

8. Summarize the connection between population density and farming intensive practices:

9. Green Revolution:

10. What 2 plants had “miracle seeds” created? When? What impact did these seeds have on various areas?
 

11. What must farmers use to take advantage of these seeds?

12. What role does geography play in impacting fertilizer components and subsequent economic consequences?
Provide 1 specific geo example.

13. How are farmers in LDC’s impacted by the need for machinery?

14. How does dairy farming in the U.S. exemplify the impact of the green revolution on commercial farmers?
What is the ultimate result for commercial farmers?
AP HuGs Ch 9, p.9

Conserving Agricultural Resources

15. Complete table 9-2 for an average week (which would be 280 gallons for an average American).
How many gallons did you consume? Why do you think it was higher, lower, or almost on par with the

16. Where does California’s limited water supply come from?

17. Who and where is water demand distributed in California?

18. How does too much water negatively impact agriculture?

 Where in the U.S. does this happen?

 How do the farmers there attempt to counteract these problems?

Applying Biotechnology to Agriculture

19. When was the shift from understanding to widespread use of modifications?

20. GMO (genetically modified organism):

 How are the seeds modified?

 Compare & contrast worldwide GMO crops v. U.S. GMO crops

21. What are positives of GMO’s?

22. Why do some African countries oppose using GMO’s?

Food for thought: Do you think the U.S. should require labelling of GMO’s? Why or why not?

Global Food Trade

23. What are some positives of the global food trade?
AP HuGs Ch 9, p.10

24. Which countries are net food importers? When and why did they become importers?

25. Which countries lead in food exports?

26. How do many African and Asian countries gain agricultural supplies to increase crop yields? How do they afford
these expensive supplies?

27. How is farming divided by gender in Kenya?

28. What dilemma do developing countries face?

29. Describe where drugs are grown and their trade pattern.

 Why do you think it is predominantly MDCs that consume drugs?

Global Agriculture & Undernourishment

30. What do critics say about the global agricultural system? About the local and organic food movement?

31. According to Figure 9-56: What are 3 countries that have very high levels of undernourishment? Why do you
think that is?

32. Compare Figure 9-56 & Figure 9-57, what are similarities and differences? Why might these exist?

 What overall understanding about world undernourishment do these figures provide?

33. When did food prices increase sharply? What are the 4 factors that caused this increase?

34. How do high food prices influence cost of agricultural land?
35. How has population growth impacted agriculture in Africa?
AP HuGs Ch 9, p.11
36. Undernourishment:

37. Which countries have what percentage of the undernourished people of the world?

38. Which regions have improved their numbers of undernourished people? Why do you think that is?

Sustainable Agriculture
39. Why has demand for food remained constant in developed nations?

40. Which countries have the largest percentages of farmland devoted to organic farming in the world?

41. Describe organic farming:

42. Which are the “dirtiest” fruits and veggies? Which are the “cleanest”? Why do you think this difference exists?

43. Why is the government trying to keep food prices low? How does this impact farmers?

44. What are the 3 agricultural policies of the U.S. government?

45. What irony do governmental policies in developed nations point out?

** Briefly describe the 7 different challenges for agriculture. How are they connected? Similar & different?
Which is the most pressing for the U.S.? Why? **

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