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Rock Mass Classification and Slope Stability Assessment of Road Cut Slopes in
Garhwal Himalaya, India

Article  in  Geotechnical and Geological Engineering · August 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s10706-012-9501-x


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3 authors, including:

Shantanu Sarkar D. P. Kanungo

CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India Central Building Research Institute


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Geotech Geol Eng
DOI 10.1007/s10706-012-9501-x


Rock Mass Classification and Slope Stability Assessment

of Road Cut Slopes in Garhwal Himalaya, India
S. Sarkar • D. P. Kanungo • Sandeep Kumar

Received: 26 October 2010 / Accepted: 24 February 2012

 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract There are many rock mass classification discontinuities considered as main input parameters
schemes which are frequently used for different in most of the classification schemes. The CSIR
purposes such as estimation of strength and deforma- classification system (RMR, Bieniawski 1974) and
bility of rock masses, stability assessment of rock slopes, the NGI index (Q system, Barton et al. 1974) have been
tunneling and underground mining operations etc. The used as popular classification systems since they were
rock mass classification includes some inputs obtained proposed. Although some modifications were proposed
from intact rock and discontinuity properties which have to improve applicability of two classification systems,
major influence on assessment of engineering behaviour the latest forms of RMR and Q proposed by Bieniawski
of rock mass. In the present study, detail measurements (1989) and Barton (2002) respectively. The ratings of
were employed on road cuts slope faces in Garhwal both RMR and Q were also used as numerical input to
Himalayas to collect required data to be used for rock estimation of strength and deformability of rock masses
mass classification of Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and based on some empirical equations (Hoek and Brown
Geological Strength Index (GSI). The stability assess- 1980; Hoek et al. 2002; Barton 2002; Sonmez et al.
ment of rock slopes were also done by using Slope Mass 2006). Slope Mass Rating (SMR) technique developed
Rating. In addition the relation between RMR and GSI by Romana (1985) based on RMR system to assess the
were also evaluated using 50 data pairs. slope stability of rock slopes. This system can be used
as preliminary assessment to distinguish stability of
Keywords Rock mass rating  Geological strength rock slopes into similar zones. Later, to overcome some
index  Slope mass rating  Slope stability  Himalaya difficulties encountered about the classification of weak
rock masses, Hoek and Brown (1997) proposed
Geological Strength Index (GSI) as practical tool to
1 Introduction be used in Hoek and Brown failure criterion. Some
measurable joint parameters were induced to the
There are various field based rock mass classification original GSI chart by Sonmez and Ulusay (1999 and
systems proposed in literature. The properties of 2002) and Cai et al. (2004).
Roads in hilly terrain are often excavated without
prior knowledge on the rock mass strength and slope
S. Sarkar (&)  D. P. Kanungo  S. Kumar
CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India stability. A rapid assessment of rock mass properties
e-mail: and slope stability of road cut slopes in Garhwal
D. P. Kanungo Himalayas, India were studied in the present study.
e-mail: For this aim Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and Geological

Geotech Geol Eng

Strength Index (GSI) of road cut slopes were deter- for each rock mass class. Since 1997 GSI has been
mined to evaluate the rock mass which may be useful continuously modified over the years. Hoek et al.
for slope stability assessment of road cut slopes in (1998) introduced a new rock mass category into the
Himalayas. RMR and GSI values of rock masses in GSI System called foliated/laminated rock mass
which 50 road cut slopes excavated were determined structure. Hoek (1999a) included a rock mass structure
based on field studies. Slope Mass Rating (SMR) to the GSI system to deal with intact or massive rock.
technique was also applied to classify slopes based on Later Marinos and Hoek (2000) slightly changed the
failure potential. uppermost part of the GSI chart and classified the rock
mass structure into six classes.
Sonmez and Ulusay (2002) provided a quantitative
2 Rock Mass Classification of Road Cuts numerical basis to estimate more precise values of
GSI. This modified quantitative rock mass classifica-
As mentioned above RMR, GSI and SMR systems tion is based on the structure rating (SR) and surface
were used in this study. Therefore, a brief description condition rating (SCR). SR is based on volumetric
of them is given below. joint count (Jv) and SCR is based on roughness,
The Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system was devel- weathering and infilling in joints. The relationship of
oped by Bieniawski (1973) and has been modified Jv and SR is given in the chart which can be used to
over the years (Bieniawski 1979, 1989). RMR has a assign a rating for SR. The modified chart represents
wide application in different rock engineering fields five rock mass categories ranging between 5 and 100
such as mining, hydro power projects, tunneling and (Fig. 1).
hill slope stability. The RMR include five input Cai et al. (2004) also suggested a quantitative
parameters to obtain basic RMR value (RMRbasic). measure for the GSI system based on the concept of
block size which considers a prismatic block resulted
1. Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) of rock
from three discontinuity sets and surface conditions.
This GSI chart has a limitation in the estimation of
2. Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
block volume with different geometries and the
3. Spacing of discontinuities
approach is not consistent with the last rock mass
4. Condition of discontinuities
groups of the GSI chart. On the contrary volumetric
5. Groundwater condition
joint count (Jv), considered in the modified GSI chart
The ratings for these five parameters are summed to of Sonmez and Ulusay (2002) considers both block
yield the RMRbasic ranging between 0 and 100. The size and roundness of the block, and is a more suitable
rating tables for these five parameters and the rock parameter to define the rock mass structure (Sonmez
mass classes are given by Bieniawski (1989). et al. 2004). In the present study GSI for rock slopes
To overcome difficulties encountered during the were obtained using the chart proposed by Marinos
classification of weak rock masses, Hoek and Brown and Hoek (2000) which gives a GSI range and the
(1997) proposed a rock mass classification called modified quantitative approach proposed by Sonmez
Geological Strength Index (GSI) which is an engi- and Ulusay (2002) which gives a precise value.
neering geological evaluation of the rock mass. GSI Romana (1985) developed the Slope Mass Rating
allows the influence of variables, which make up a technique for stability assessment of the rock slopes
rock mass, to be assessed and hence the behaviour of which is primarily based on the application of
rock masses to be explained more clearly (Marinos RMRbasic and the orientation of discontinuities. This
et al. 2005). The GSI is essentially based on the technique is suitable for preliminary assessment of
blockiness of the rock mass and the conditions of slope stability in the rocks, including the very soft or
discontinuities, and is simple to apply in the field. A heavily jointed rock masses. In this SMR approach
chart was proposed by Hoek and Brown (1997) which adjustment rating for joints depending on the orien-
classifies the rock mass structure into four classes and tation of joints in relation to the slope has been
depending upon the surface condition a range of GSI introduced by Romana (1985). Later it was slightly
can be obtained for a given rock mass exposed on a modified by Anbalagan et al. (1992) to incorporate
slope. Hence the GSI chart represents a range of values wedge failure along with plane and topple failures.

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 1 The modified quantitative GSI System (Sonmez and Ulusay 2002)

The adjustment rating for joints is the product of the • F2 depends on the dip of the joint plane or the
three following factors: plunge of the line of intersection between two joint
• F1 is a measure of parallelism between the slope • F3 depends on the relation between the dip of the
face and the joint plane or the line of intersection slope face and dip of the joint plane or plunge of
between two joint planes the line of intersection of two joint planes

Geotech Geol Eng

The ratings (F4) assigned to the excavation methods determined to estimate the RQD following Palmstrom
range from ?15 (natural slope) to -8 (deficient (2005) equation, in which RQD is estimated from the
blasting). The adjustment ratings for joint orientations number of joints per unit volume.
and method of excavations are given in the paper by
RQD ¼ 110  2:5 Jv ;
Romana (1985). SMR can be obtained from the
RMRbasic as follows: where Jv is the total number of joints per m3.
The hydrological conditions of the slopes were also
SMR ¼ RMRbasic þ ðF1  F2  F3 Þ þ F4 ð1Þ
observed. Most of the cases it was dry. Along with
where, F1, F2, F3—adjustment ratings for joints and these data, attitude of discontinuities and slope angles
F4—adjustment rating for excavation method. were also measured.
The SMR values range from 0 to 100. This range To determine GSI, structure of rock mass and
has been classified into five different stability classes surface condition of the discontinuities was studied in
(Table 1). detail in the field. The rock mass were classified into
five classes i.e., massive, blocky, very blocky, blocky
disturbed and disintegrated. The two extreme classes
were less in numbers as compared to other classes. For
3 Field Studies surface condition rating, weathering, roughness and
infilling material data were collected. Surface rough-
Field data were collected from 50 road cut slopes ness data has shown a wide range from very rough to
along Rishikesh–Chamoli road (NH-58) of Garhwal slickensided. Weathering varied from low to decom-
Himalaya. The rock slopes were selected in such a posed. Field photographs of few of the slopes are
manner that they represent varied geological and slope shown in the Figs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
stability conditions. The data includes slope angle,
rock type, joint orientation, joint set number, joint
spacing, joint condition, joint roughness, joint alter-
ation, rock mass structure and hydrological condition. 4 Evaluation of Data
These data were collected to determine RMRbasic, GSI
and SMR of these slopes. The joint data for all the five parameters such as
The selected slopes present a variety of rock types compressive strength, RQD, joint spacing, joint con-
having various degrees of weathering and joint dition and hydrological condition were evaluated for
conditions. The rock types encountered in these slopes all the fifty slopes to determine RMRbasic. Hydrolog-
are sand stone, greywacke, shale, limestone, slate, ical condition was considered to be drained so that
quartzite, schist and gneiss. The parameters of the results can be compared with the GSI values. The
discontinuities of the studied slopes varied consider- ratings for these parameters were assigned from the
ably. The compressive strength of rock mass showed a Bieniawaski (1989) rating. RMRbasic for all the slopes
large variation for different rock types. Joint spacing were determined by adding all the ratings. The values
and openings also show a wide range of values. The of RMR obtained range from 23 to 87.
presence or absence of filling was noted along with GSI for these slopes were determined following the
type of filling. Number of joints per cubic meter was GSI chart given by Marinos and Hoek (2000) which is

Table 1 Description of SMR classes (Romana 1985)

Class no V IV III II I

SMR 0–20 21–40 41–60 61–80 81–100

Description Very bad Bad Normal Good Very good
Stability Completely unstable Unstable Partially stable Stable Completely stable
Failures Big planar or soil like Planar or big wedges Some joints or many wedges Some blocks None

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 2 Massive rock mass structure (Slope 48)

Fig. 3 Blocky structure in quartzites (Slope 40)

based on structure of the rock mass and surface the bottom row. GSI ranges were obtained for all the
condition. This considers six rock mass structures, fifty slopes. To obtain a quantitative value of GSI the
which includes massive at the top row and laminated at modified quantitative approach as suggested by

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Fig. 4 Rock mass showing very blocky structure (Slope 29)

Fig. 5 Very blocky rock structure potential for wedge failure along two intersecting joint planes (Slope 46)

Sonmez and Ulusay (2002) was used. Structure rating From this structure rating (SR) and surface condition
(SR) was obtained from the volumetric joint count rating (SCR), GSI were obtained from the chart
based on the relation of SR and Jv shown in the Fig. 1. (Fig. 1). This gives a quantified GSI value. Hence for

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 6 Disturbed blocky structure in folded phyllites (Slope 34)

Fig. 7 Completely disintegrated rock mass (Slope 10)

each slope a range of GSI was initially obtained which the quantified GSI values are given in the Table 2.
was further downscaled to a particular value with the The GSI obtained for the studied slopes range from
help of modified chart. The values of range of GSI and 10 to 72.

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Table 2 GSI range (Hoek

Slope GSI Quantified Slope GSI Quantified
and Brown 1997) and the
reference range GSI reference range GSI
quantified GSI values
obtained from modified 1 20–35 28 26 30–45 38
approach (Sonmez and
Ulusay 2002) 2 20–35 27 27 45–65 58
3 65–85 72 28 35–55 43
4 45–65 63 29 35–55 40
5 30–45 42 30 30–45 32
6 37–55 45 31 20–35 24
7 55–75 69 32 65–85 72
8 15–30 26 33 65–85 72
9 30–45 39 34 10–25 15
10 5–20 13 35 45–65 62
11 75–95 85 36 30–45 32
12 45–65 60 37 20–35 27
13 20–35 23 38 45–65 60
14 30–45 36 39 55–75 72
15 45–65 58 40 55–75 72
16 45–65 60 41 45–65 58
17 20–35 30 42 20–35 27
18 45–65 58 43 37–55 54
19 35–55 45 44 5–20 15
20 5–20 20 45 5–20 19
21 45–65 61 46 35–55 45
22 15–30 27 47 15–30 19
23 20–35 32 48 65–85 70
24 37–55 45 49 15–30 20
25 45–65 60 50 30–45 36

After obtaining RMRbasic of the rocks exposed J1  42=N350; J2  41=N120;

on the slopes, Slope Mass Rating (SMR) technique J3  51=N225 and Slope  60=N215
was applied to each slope for stability assessment.
SMR was obtained from RMRbasic and adjustment Analysing the stereo plots it was observed that the
ratings (F1, F2 and F3) for discontinuity. F1, F2 maximum chance of planar failure to occur is along
and F3 were determined from the discontinuity and the plane J3 (Fig. 8a). Hence SMR was determined for
slope orientation data. Since all the slopes are road the joint plane J3 as follows:
cut slopes where rock mass has undergone pre- aj  as ¼ 225  215 ¼ 10; F1 ¼ 0:85
liminary blasting with mechanical excavation, the
rating for method of excavation (F4) was assigned bj ¼ 51; F2 ¼ 1
as 0. The discontinuity orientations and slope bj  bs ¼ 51  60 ¼ 9; F3 ¼ 50
direction data were also plotted in stereographic
projections for stereo analysis to assess the probable RMR ¼ 55
failure modes. SMR was computed considering the Where, aS—slope strike; aj—joint strike; bs—slope
joint plane(s) along which maximum probability of dip and bj–joint dip. Following Eq. 1,
failure exists. For example, in one of the slopes
SMR ¼ 55 þ ð0:85  1:0  50Þ ¼ 12:5
(Table 3, Slope Ref. 9), there are three major
discontinuity planes. The joint and slope orientation The values of F1, F2 and F3 were determined from the
data are as follows: rating table of adjustment factor for joint orientation

Geotech Geol Eng








Fig. 8 Stereo plots and photographs of slope potential for a planar failure and b wedge failure

given by Romana (1985). In this case SMR value of study, only preliminary assessment of slope stability
12.5 falls in the class V of completely unstable has been attempted using the SMR concept.
category. The stereo plot and field photograph in case
of a wedge failure is shown in the Fig. 8b for which
SMR was found to be 59.1. 5 Results and Discussion
The values of RMR and SMR are given in the
Table 3. SMR values obtained for the 50 slopes range Rock mass of the studied slopes were classified into
from 0 to 79. This is to be mentioned here that to define various classes based on RMR values which ranges from
the slope stability in terms of factor of safety, a 23 to 87. Rock mass classification was also done by GSI.
deterministic approach has to be used which needs a It is observed that the specific GSI values obtained from
detailed geotechnical investigation. In the present the quantified approach lie well within the GSI range

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Table 3 RMR, SMR and inferred slope stability classes of the road cuts
Slope Ref. RMR SMR Slope stability class Slope Ref. RMR SMR Slope stability class

1 37 33.4 Unstable 26 55 49 Partially stable

2 34 33.1 Unstable 27 72 54.5 Partially stable
3 77 74.6 Stable 28 61 57.4 Partially stable
4 77 69.35 Stable 29 50 59.1 Partially stable
5 58 7 Completely unstable 30 47 5 Completely unstable
6 58 7 Completely unstable 31 35 0 Completely unstable
7 82 73 Stable 32 77 77 Stable
8 35 29.9 Unstable 33 82 75.62 Stable
9 55 12.5 Completely unstable 34 25 16 Completely unstable
10 24 20.4 Completely Unstable 35 74 38.3 Unstable
11 87 87 Completely Stable 36 47 40.62 Unstable
12 74 73.1 Stable 37 35 28.7 Unstable
13 37 1 Completely unstable 38 74 50 Partially stable
14 50 50 Partially stable 39 80 71 Stable
15 70 61 Stable 40 82 77.8 Stable
16 71 29 Unstable 41 74 69.8 Stable
17 45 10 Completely unstable 42 35 35 Unstable
18 72 12 Completely unstable 43 65 62.6 Stable
19 59 9 Completely unstable 44 25 16 Completely unstable
20 27 21 Unstable 45 23 15.35 Completely Unstable
21 72 52 Partially stable 46 61 55.9 Partially stable
22 37 33.4 Unstable 47 27 27 Unstable
23 43 23 Unstable 48 77 77 Stable
24 58 58 Partially stable 49 25 25 Unstable
25 69 18 Completely unstable 50 48 21.4 Unstable

obtained using the GSI chart of Marinos and Hoek stated that in general GSI for disintegrated structure
(2000). However there is no definite trend observed when is \25, for blocky disturbed 25–45, for very blocky
specific GSI values were plotted with corresponding GSI 45–65, for blocky 65–80 and for massive [80.
range (Fig. 9). In some cases the values are near the lower It has been already established that RMR can be
range while in some cases the values lie at higher range. estimated from GSI and the relation between GSI and
However, 50% of the data has GSI values close to the RMR89 after Hoek and Brown (1997) is as follows
middle of the range. Thus it is possible to assign a precise (Singh and Goel 1999):
GSI value along with a GSI range to describe the rock
GSI ¼ RMR89  5 for GSI [ 18
mass in terms of engineering geology. However it
depends on the objective and scope of the study. The GSI values for the 50 slopes obtained in the
The study has shown that the GSI values for present study were compared with the RMR values
disintegrated rock mass ranges from 13 to 27, and for this GSI and RMR values were plotted as
however, mostly they are\25. GSI of the rock slopes shown in the Fig. 10. From the best fit line it can be
with blocky disturbed structure class ranges from 23 to inferred that GSI can be roughly correlated with RMR
54, however majority are in between 25 to 45. For very as GSI & RMR—9. Though the GSI and RMR is
blocky structure GSI ranges from 43 to 63. The blocky correlated here as both are systems for rock mass
structure shows GSI values from 69 to 72 and for classification but it is preferred not to determine GSI
massive structure it is more than 80. Hence it can be from RMR or vice versa. Because GSI is only good for

Geotech Geol Eng

Slope Reference No.

27 Quantified GSI
Quantified GSI
GSI range
GSI range

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

Fig. 9 The GSI range and specific GSI values obtained for the slopes


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

Fig. 10 Plot of RMR and GSI

a quick assessment of rock mass condition while RMR Slope stability assessment based on SMR values
gives a better understanding of rock mass condition shows that there are 14 unstable and 12 completely
except for a highly disintegrated rock mass. unstable slopes while only 10 slopes fall in stable class

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out of 50 slopes studied. This is because in the present rainfall, earthquake or human intervention. The slopes
study, slopes showing indications of instability were having SMR of 40–60 of the partially stable class
mostly selected. It is worth mentioning here that the could be the potential sites for slope failures in future.
stability of the slopes may further decrease under wet RMR and SMR values were plotted in the Fig. 11.
conditions as in the present study hydrological con- The Figure shows the trends of RMR values corre-
dition has been considered as dry. The slopes having sponding to respective SMR values. In most of the
SMR values below 40 i.e., in the unstable to cases the difference of both was not very large
completely unstable class may produce landslide (average 10). However, it was observed that in some
under influence of external factors such as heavy slopes SMR is very low even if RMR is considerably

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Fig. 11 Graphical representation of RMR and SMR values of the studied slopes

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high. This shows that even if the slopes have rock mass condition GSI alone can be used to define
considerable good rock mass quality but due to the instability in slopes.
unfavourable joint orientation, they could be potential
for slide. This indicates how joint orientation governs Acknowledgments Authors are grateful to the Director,
CSIR-Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee for his
stability of slopes. Further, it was also found that in
kind permission to publish the work. The technical discussion
general the rock slopes having GSI \25 are unstable with Dr R. K. Goel, CSIR-CIMFR, Roorkee is acknowledged.
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