Envl 4300 Lab 7

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Lab 7: Air Quality

Lab 7: Air Quality Around Stockton University

Dana Rafter, Rachel Schafer, Jake McClaskey (Wednesday Section)
ENVL 4300
Dr. Tait Chirenje
Stockton University
Lab 7: Air Quality
Table of Contents:






Lab 7: Air Quality
Air quality is an important factor that has the potential to impact our daily lives and long
term health. In order to maintain good air quality, the EPA has set standards for the six main
“criteria” pollutants: carbon monoxide, lead, ozone, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and
sulfur dioxide. Exceedances in concentrations of these pollutants can cause a wide variety of
health problems, typically including lung irritation/damage, increased asthma, and cardiovascular
issues. These pollutants also come from a wide variety of sources, but the most common involve
the combustion of fossil fuels. For the purposes of this lab, air quality parameters were
monitored around various locations, both indoor and outdoor, around Stockton University. The
interiors of cars were also monitored. Graywolf indoor/outdoor air quality monitors were used to
measure the following parameters: sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia,
ozone, temperature, VOCs, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and relative
humidity. The main objectives of this lab were to gain a more in depth understanding of air
quality, compare indoor, outdoor, and car air quality, and determine how air quality varies in
South Jersey. It was found that indoor air quality was worse than outdoor air quality, especially
inside of a printing studio room, while the air quality inside cars was generally worse than the
interior of buildings, especially inside of older cars. The air quality in South Jersey tends to vary
seasonally, with elevated concentrations of pollutants in the summer months, particularly ozone
and PM2.5.

Good air quality is something that many people may take for granted. However; air
quality is an extremely important factor as it impacts our daily lives and potentially even our
long term health. Air quality is a measure of how clean or polluted ambient air is at a given time.
It is measured through the Air Quality Index (AQI). AQI shows the changes in amount of air
pollution at a given time and location. It is measured based on numerical values from 0 to 500.
Values between 0 and 50 are considered good air quality. Good air quality poses little to no
health risks. Values between 51 and 100 are in the moderate air quality range. Moderate air
quality is acceptable, however, certain pollutants may impact those who are more sensitive.
Values between 101 and 150 are considered unhealthy for sensitive groups. While the general
public may not be affected at these levels, sensitive groups are likely to experience health
Lab 7: Air Quality
impacts. Values between 151 and 200 are considered unhealthy. At these levels, everyone may
experience health impacts. Values between 201 and 300 are considered very unhealthy, and
everyone may experience more serious health impacts. Values between 301 and 500 are
considered to be hazardous. At these levels, health warnings of emergency conditions are issued,
and the entire population is likely to be affected. This data typically comes from systems such as
satellites that collect air quality data and monitor particle pollution in the atmosphere (SciJinks,
The EPA defined national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for six of the most
common air pollutants. These six pollutants, known as “criteria pollutants”, are carbon
monoxide, lead, ground-level ozone, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide.
These pollutants are caused by a wide variety of sources. Primary NAAQS are set to protect
human health, while secondary NAAQS protect human welfare from adverse effects of criteria
pollutants, including protection against visibility impairment and property damage (EPA, 2015).
The first criteria pollutant, carbon monoxide, is colorless, odorless gas that results from
incomplete fossil fuel combustion. It impairs the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to tissues,
which in turn causes cardiovascular, pulmonary, and nervous system problems. Symptoms of
carbon monoxide poisoning may include dizziness, fatigue, nausea, headache, memory loss,
visual impairment, and decreased muscle control Its sources include motor vehicles, small
engines, some industrial processes, incinerators, etc. The primary for standard for carbon
monoxide is 9 ppm at an eight hour average concentration, and 35 ppm at a one hour average
concentration. The standard is not to be exceeded more than once a year (NHDES, 2012).
The next criteria pollutant, lead, is a heavy metal that is found naturally in the
environment or in manufactured products. Elevated levels of lead can cause brain, nervous
system, and kidney damage. It can enter the body through ingestion or inhalation. Children are
typically at a greater risk. Lead typically leaches into soil and groundwater, which puts
vegetation and wildlife at risk as well. Sources of lead include soil, dust, types of transportation
that use lead in their fuel, car battery plants, etc. The standard for lead is 0.15 micrograms per
cubic meter on a rolling three month average, and it is not to be exceeded (NHDES, 2012).
Ground level ozone is a colorless gas that forms from the reaction between volatile
organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides, and oxygen in the presence of heat and sunlight.
Health impacts of ozone include coughing, chest tightness, lung damage, and increased asthma.
Lab 7: Air Quality
It also can damage the respiratory system. Ozone may lead to a decrease in crop yields and
damage to forests. Sources of ozone include motor vehicles, industrial solvents, electric utilities,
etc. The standard for ozone is 0.075 ppm at an eight hour average concentration (NHDES,
Particulate matter is a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets in the air, ranging in
size. Symptoms of particulate matter include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, decreased
lung function, increased asthma, chronic bronchitis, irregular heartbeat, etc. Particulate matter
also creates other issues as it serves as a carrier for toxic metals, and cause decreased visibility in
many parts of the US. Sources of particulate matter include windblown dust, crushing and
grinding operations, unpaved roads, and fuel combustion. Some forms may also be formed in
the atmosphere. The standards for particulate matter are broken up into two categories: PM10
and PM2.5. The standard for PM10 is 150 micrograms per cubic meter at a 24 hour average
concentration. The standard for PM2.5 35 micrograms per cubic meter at a 24 hour average
concentration (NHDES, 2012).
Nitrogen dioxide is a brownish gas that forms when fuel is burned quickly and at high
temperatures. It also contributes to ozone and particle pollution. Health impacts of nitrogen
include lung damage and irritation, and lower resistance to sickness. It can also damage aquatic
and terrestrial systems through regional transport and deposition. Sources of nitrogen dioxide
can include motor vehicles, electrical utilities, and industrial boilers. The standard for nitrogen
dioxide is 100 ppb at a one hour average concentration, and 53 ppb for an annual arithmetic
mean (NHDES, 2012).
The last criteria pollutant, sulfur dioxide, is a highly reactive, colorless gas. It has no
odor at low concentrations, but at high concentrations, it as a strong smell. Health impacts of
sulfur dioxide include breathing problems, lung damage, respiratory damage, and worsening of
cardiovascular disease. It also poses a threat to the environment as it forms acid aerosols and
sulfuric acid. This can cause acidification of waterbodies, corrosion of buildings, and reduced
visibility. The standard for sulfur dioxide is 75 ppb at a one hour average concentration
(NHDES, 2012).
This laboratory will include comparing air quality parameters, both indoors and outdoors,
at various locations around Stockton University. A similar study was done in Hong Kong by Lee
and Chang in 2000. They investigated the indoor and outdoor air quality at schools in Hong
Lab 7: Air Quality
Kong. They chose five classrooms, either air conditioned or ventilated with ceiling fans, for the
study. They examined parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, sulfur
dioxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, formaldehyde, and total bacteria
counts. These parameters were monitored both indoors and outdoors simultaneously. They
found that average particulate concentrations were higher than the Hong Kong objective, and the
maximum indoor PM10 level exceeded 1000 µg/m3. Indoor CO2 levels also exceeded 1000 µl/l,
and maximum levels reached 5900 µl/l in a classroom with a cooling tower ventilation system
while class was in session. Lee and Chang recommended increasing ventilation to help alleviate
CO2. Although other parameters in the in the study were within the standards, it was evident
that air quality in the classrooms was a bigger issue than air quality outside (Chang & Lee,
The purpose of this lab was to gain experience using air quality monitoring equipment
and determine air pollutant concentrations. More in depth knowledge of air quality was gained
through the completion of this lab. Analyzing large datasets and determining patterns was also
accomplished in this lab. It was also important to determine if indoor air quality and air quality
in cars were worse than outdoor air quality, and to determine how air quality varies in South

The air quality around Stockton University was measured and analyzed. Graywolf
indoor/outdoor air quality monitors (IQ and TG probes) were used to collect data. The
parameters measured included the following: sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide,
ammonia, ozone, temperature, VOCs, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and
relative humidity. Groups walked around campus to sample the air quality of various areas.
Wednesday’s lab group sampled the AS lobby, Campus Center fireplace, Chrissy’s office in
USC2, C/D atrium, hydrology lab, AS printing studio, USC2 hallway, USC hallway, USC 245
classroom, USC chemistry lab, and the walk from the bus stop to the USC building. The data
was collected from the monitor and put into excel files. There was no data collected outside
because it was too cold for the monitor to function.
The data was compared to Thursday’s section and historical data. The air quality was
compared from outside to inside. The air quality was also compared between different buildings.
Lab 7: Air Quality
The data gathered was also compared to the ambient air quality standards. The group determined
which parameters exceeded the ambient air quality standards.

There was no data acquired in 2019 which measured outside air, as outside temperatures
were too low for the probes to function during the Wednesday lab section, and the data collected
in the Thursday lab section for air outside of the USC-1 building and in the USC Health Center
quad did not properly translate any data into excel files. Because of this, outside air data
collected in 2018 from parking lots 2 and 3 and the big blue parking lot were used for the
comparison of outdoor air quality to air quality inside of buildings and running cars.
Certain datasets were selected from both laboratory days in order to compare the air
quality inside of cars and buildings to the outside air quality. The selected locations for analysis
of air quality data include: the interior of the Arts and Sciences building lobby, the C-wing
atrium, the campus center by the fireplace, the office of a professor in the recently-built USC-2
building, a printing studio within the Arts and Sciences building, the interior of a 2004
Volkswagen GTI, the interior of a 2006 Toyota Camry, and the interior of a 2018 Subaru
Forester. For comparison, both the interior and exterior air quality of a 1972 Buick GS was
analyzed, which was measured in a previous year.
After analyzing the data, it was determined that the interior of older running cars poses
the biggest air quality hazard. Table 1 shows the average concentrations of selected parameters
from the interior of four different cars:
Lab 7: Air Quality
Table 1:

Air Quality Inside of Running Cars: Average Concentrations of Selected Parameters

Car Year, Make, Ozone Total VOCs Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide
Model (ppm) (ppb) (ppm) (ppm)

2004 Volkswagen 0.02 383 459 2.8


2006 Toyota Camry 0.03 30 368 0.0

2018 Subaru 0.03 29 582 0.0


1972 Buick GS 0.02 184 772 16


1972 Buick GS 0.02 159 809 57


Inside of the Volkswagen GTI, the amount of volatile organic compounds is noticeably
higher than in any of the other cars. While the federal government has not issued any standards
for VOCs in air in non-industrial settings, they still may pose a risk to human health at elevated
concentrations in air. Exposure to high levels of VOCs in air may lead to symptoms including
dizziness, fatigue, conjunctival (eye) irritation, nausea, headache, and a variety of other issues
that may not be safe to experience while operating a motor vehicle (EPA, 2017). To determine
just how variable the levels of VOCs were during the approximately three and a half minute time
of measurement for the Volkswagen GTI, a box and whisker plot was created using the VOC
data in the car, seen in Figure 1:
Lab 7: Air Quality

Figure 1: A Box and Whisker Plot of the Concentration of Volatile Organic Compounds (ppb) Inside of a Running
2004 Volkswagen GTI.

The trend within the data saw a steady rate of growth in the concentration of VOCs
within the car as time passed, eventually reaching a maximum concentration of 961 ppb, far
higher than the maximum level reached in any other car. If measurements were allowed to
commence over a longer period of time, the VOC concentration more than likely would have
steadied out within the 900 ppb range within the running car.
Another vehicle of concern was the 1972 Buick GS and the levels of carbon monoxide
that were measured in both the interior and exterior of the running vehicle. The levels within the
running car reached levels near the one hour length of exposure standard, and they exceeded the
eight hour length of exposure limit, so if the operator of the vehicle were to drive for any
significant amount of time, they would more than likely experience adverse symptoms due to the
elevated carbon monoxide levels. Carbon monoxide levels within the running Buick GS were
found to steady out at around 16 ppm. Perhaps even more concerning was the amount of carbon
monoxide that the running vehicle was emitting to the air outside of the vehicle. The carbon
monoxide concentrations in the exterior air around the vehicle were variable, but peaked at a
concentration of 98.7 ppm, approximately three times the health standard for one hour of
exposure, which is 35 ppm. A box and whisker plot was created for the carbon monoxide
Lab 7: Air Quality
concentrations in the air around the exterior of the vehicle to reveal the variability within the
concentration of carbon monoxide, seen in Figure 2:

Figure 2: A Box and Whisker Plot of the Concentration of Carbon Monoxide (ppm) Outside of a Running 1972
Buick GS

The range from the second quartile to the third quartile encompasses a concentration range from
around 38 ppm to around 78 ppm, indicating just how variable to concentration of carbon
monoxide was throughout the time of measurement. The concentrations outside of the vehicle,
while it was running, exceed the health standard for carbon monoxide in air for just one hour of
exposure, which would pose a threat to both the operator of the vehicle and everyone around the
vehicle. The 2006 Toyota Camry and the 2018 Subaru Forester did not reveal any striking
discoveries about their internal air qualities like the other two vehicles.
Table 2 shows the average concentrations for selected parameters from the interior of
rooms in different buildings around Stockton University’s campus:
Lab 7: Air Quality
Table 2:

Air Quality Indoor Buildings: Average Concentrations of Selected Parameters

Location Ozone Total VOCs Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide

(ppm) (ppb) (ppm) (ppm)

AS Lobby 0.03 8 470 0.0

C-Wing Atrium 0.02 20 691 0.0

Campus Center 0.04 13 445 0.0

Professor's Office 0.02 20 628 0.9

AS Printing Studio 0.03 658 430 0.2

The three selected areas that experience heavy foot traffic (AS Lobby, C-Wing Atrium,
and Campus Center) were not found to have elevated levels of any selected air hazards.
However, a printing studio within the Arts and Sciences building was found to have rather high
levels of VOCs, which may adversely affect someone who is spending large amounts of time in
that room working on a project or in a class. Main sources of VOCs in indoor air are paints and
hobby supplies, many of which were both present in the room, and are likely responsible for the
relatively high concentrations. A box and whisker plot was created using the data of VOC
concentrations in the room to determine if the bulk of the measured VOC concentrations in the
room over the time of analysis were high relative to the levels in the rest of the monitored
locations. The plot is seen in Figure 3:
Lab 7: Air Quality

Figure 3: A Box and Whisker Plot of the Concentration of Volatile Organic Compounds (ppb) Inside a Printing
Studio in the Arts and Sciences Building at Stockton University

The concentration of VOCs within the studio were rather steady, remaining at levels mostly
between 630 and 675 ppb. While the average level of VOCs in this room were higher than the
levels witnessed in the 2004 Volkswagen GTI, the maximum concentration of VOCs observed in
the car as it continued to run was higher than any level reached in the room. All other rooms
analyzed were found to not pose a threat to human health due to their air quality.
Table 3 shows the average concentrations for selected parameters from outside air at two
separate locations on Stockton University’s campus:
Table 3:

Air Quality Outdoors: Average Concentrations of Selected Parameters

Location Ozone Total VOCs Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide

(ppm) (ppb) (ppm) (ppm)

Parking Lots 2 and 0.03 55 788 0.0


Big Blue Lot 0.03 N/A 342 1.0

Lab 7: Air Quality
There were no real threats to human health observed at the two outdoor sites measured in
2018. There was, however, elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide in parking lots 2 and 3.
This is likely due to the automobile traffic in these lots at the time of analysis, as the combustion
of fossil fuels leads to carbon dioxide emissions, which is a greenhouse gas and also leads to acid
rain. The data collected during this laboratory revealed that the air quality inside of cars tends to
be worse than the air quality inside of buildings, especially if the car is a relatively old one.
Outside air was found to have the purest air, relative to indoor air and the air inside of running
Air quality tends to vary seasonally due to various reasons. Since most of these pollutants
are gaseous, temperature tends to play an important role. It is likely that many of these
pollutants would be more problematic in the summer months as they would expand and spread
out due to the temperature increase. Ozone in particular, is more readily formed on warm, sunny
days when the air is stagnant. Conversely, ozone production would be much more limited in the
winter months when the weather is more cold and windy. This can be seen in the multiyear tile
plot air quality data (EPA, 2018) for Atlantic County, New Jersey as seen below in Figure 4. In
Figure 4, it can be seen that between 2017 and 2018, ozone concentrations tend to elevate to the
“moderate” AQI during the summer months, while in the winter, ozone concentrations tend to
stay within the “good” AQI range (EPA, 2018).
Lab 7: Air Quality

Figure 4: Daily ozone concentrations in Atlantic County, NJ from 2017 to 2018.

Similar trends can be seen in particulate matter (2.5), as seen below in Figure 5. Between
2017 and 2018 in Atlantic County, PM2.5 had elevated concentrations much more frequently in
the summer months, again this could be due to temperature increase, or it could also be due to
anthropogenic activities. The largest source of particulate matter in South Jersey is likely due to
fuel combustion. People tend to travel more and are generally out and about during the summer,
which would explain the increase in particulate matter concentrations.
Lab 7: Air Quality

Figure 5: Daily PM2.5 concentrations in Atlantic County, New Jersey between 2017 and 2018.

Similar trends can be seen in other pollutants in South Jersey. Although the air quality in
the area is generally good throughout the year, some pollutants tend to elevate to moderate AQI
levels in the summer. Again, there are a variety of factors that influence air quality and its
variability. It can change due to atmospheric conditions in certain months, change in daily
weather, anthropogenic activity, etc. The most probable causes for fluctuations in air quality in
South Jersey are temperature increases in the summer, and the increase of anthropogenic activity
in summer months.
Lab 7: Air Quality
Indoor air quality is a major area of concern for human health, as most people spend the
majority of their time indoors. The objective of this lab was to study the quality of air both inside
of buildings and running cars, as well as the quality of outdoor air. Parameters such as carbon
dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide, and total volatile organic compounds were determined with a
Graywolf indoor/outdoor air quality monitor at different indoor and outdoor locations on
Stockton University’s campus, and inside of different running cars. It was found that indoor air
quality was generally worse than outdoor air quality. The air quality inside of running cars was
also found to be generally worse than the air quality inside of buildings, especially in older cars.
A 1972 Buick GS had the worst air quality among the cars that were measured. The carbon
dioxide and carbon monoxide emissions were found to exceed national standards. The only
indoor location that raised concern was a printing station inside of the Arts and Sciences
building, which had the highest concentrations of volatile organic compounds due to the paint
and other materials used in the room. Outdoor air quality was also found to be worse in southern
New Jersey during the summer months due to elevated temperatures allowing for the formation
of tropospheric ozone and the increased burning of fossil fuels due to human activities that leads
to higher levels of particulate matter suspended in the air. It is important to ensure that rooms and
vehicles regularly get properly ventilated in order to ensure that indoor air quality is safe for
people to breathe.
Lab 7: Air Quality
EPA (2018). Air Data - Multiyear Tile Plot.


EPA (2015). Criteria Air Pollutants.



EPA (2018). Trends in Ozone Adjusted for Weather Conditions.


Lee, S., & Chang, M. (2000). Indoor and outdoor air quality investigation at schools in Hong

Kong. Chemosphere,41(1-2), 109-113. Retrieved from


NAAQS Table. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from


NHDES (2012). EPA Criteria Air Pollutants.



SciJinks (2019). How is Air Quality Measured? https://scijinks.gov/air-quality/

United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2017). Volatile Organic Compounds’ Impact

on Indoor Air Quality. Retrieved from https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-



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