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Global Environmental Change 12 (2002) 73–77

Institutions for Global Environmental Change

Monitoring the effectiveness of international regimes inadequate in creating the conditions needed to achieve
is now an academic industry in its own right. Regimes sustainability. Admittedly, none was designed with
have come of age. For the main global environmental sustainability specifically in mind. But an ‘effective’
change issues such as climate change and biodiversity, regime should be capable of being tested on this
they are the big game in town. In his thoughtful and measure. A sustainability test would also require
comprehensive review of the recent work on regime regimes to be examined on issues of justice and equity.
effectiveness, Oran Young indicates that it is possible to May be the next round of effectiveness analysis will
monitor how far regimes are changing policy, shifting address these deficiencies.
behaviour, and inclining nation states towards sustain-
ability. What is particularly interesting is that regimes Tim O’Riordan and Andrew Jordana
appear to hold, even when pummelled by belligerent School of Environmental Sciences
national leaders. They are robust because collectively we University of East Anglia CSERGE
appear to care for the well-being of the planet, at least to Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK
some degree. What is less edifying is that all regimes are E-mail address:

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Evaluating the success of international environmental regimes:

where are we now?
Oran R. Young*
Dartmouth College, Institute on International Environment Governance, 6214 Fairchild, Hanover, NH 03755, USA

Writing in these pages in 1996 [Vol. 6 (4), pp. 394– following paragraphs, I describe recent developments in
397], Marc Levy observed that research on the this field and comment on some of the most promising
consequences of international environmental regimes research initiatives currently underway.
has become a growth industry among students of
international institutions, and he offered a preliminary
assessment of approaches to the study of regime
effectiveness highlighting compliance, behavioural 1. Defining and measuring the dependent variable
change, and policy suitability. What has happened in
this field of study during the intervening years? Interest Most research on the consequences of international
has continued to rise, and we have made significant regimes focuses on regime effectiveness as the dependent
progress in devising analytic techniques appropriate to variable (Underdal and Young, forthcoming). In es-
an analysis of the effectiveness of international environ- sence, the resultant stream of analysis asks how the
mental regimes. Yet major challenges lie ahead in this actual state of the world differs from what it would have
important area of study, especially when we seek to been in the absence of a specific regime and treats this
separate the effects of institutions from the impacts of difference as a measure of the effectiveness of the
other driving forces in international society. In the relevant regime. While this procedure has obvious
attractions, it raises two major issues that have come
*Tel.: +1-603-646-1253; fax: +1-603-646-1279. to occupy much of the attention of researchers in this
E-mail address: (O.R. Young). field.

0959-3780/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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74 Institutions / Global Environmental Change 12 (2002) 73–77

The first of these issues is conceptual in nature and reasonable to conclude that these occurrences are
focuses on different ways to think about changes in the consequences of the creation of the regime. The causal
state of the world. Adopting a distinction that origi- chain in such cases is both direct and short. If a regime
nated among scholars concerned with the effectiveness arises to deal with a problem like ozone depletion and
of public policies, the mainstream of research on regime the production of ozone-depleting chemicals declines
effectiveness rests on a distinction among the outputs, during the ensuing years, on the other hand, the claim
outcomes, and impacts of institutions (Underdal, forth- that the regime can be credited with success in the realm
coming). Roughly speaking, outputs encompass those of problem solving is a far more difficult one to justify
procedures and arrangements (e.g. ratification of inter- persuasively. The causal chain under such conditions is
national agreements, promulgation of appropriate longer, and there is more room for other causal forces
regulations, creation of relevant organizations) needed (i.e. independent variables) to come into play. Not
to transform a regime from a paper arrangement into a surprisingly, therefore, the development of analytic
going concern. Outcomes are behavioural consequences techniques designed to reveal causal connections be-
arising from the creation and operation of a regime. tween institutions and their consequences constitutes a
They include compliance and conformance on the part major focus of interest among students of regime
of regime members as well as other behavioural changes effectiveness (Young, 2001a).
occasioned by the operation of a regime. The idea of Some researchers have sought to carry this line of
impacts, by contrast, refers to problem solving in the thinking a step further by aggregating the consequences
sense of measurable changes in the status of the problem of regimes in such a way as to produce an overall index
a regime is designed to address (e.g. reductions in of regime effectiveness. The most sophisticated effort of
emissions of ozone-depleting chemicals, improvements this sort treats effectiveness (E) as the proportion of the
in the state of fish stocks) that can be attributed to the distance between the no-regime counterfactual (NR)
operation of the regime. Clearly, these categories of and some measure of the collective optimum (CO)
consequences are not mutually exclusive; effective covered by the actual performance (AP) of the regime
regimes typically have consequences that fall into all (Sprinz and Helm, 1999). This approach yields the
three categories. But note that a regime can produce formula
outputs without generating either outcomes or impacts
E ¼ AP-NR=CO-NR: ð1Þ
and that the production of outputs and outcomes
together still does not ensure success with regard to This formula has the attractive properties that it
problem solving. Even if the Kyoto Protocol were to produces an overall score for the effectiveness of any
enter into force and be fully implemented, for instance, given regime falling into the interval between 0 and 1
the problem of climate change would not go away. Since and that these scores are comparable across regimes.
problem solving constitutes the ultimate measure of But note that the approach does not solve the problems
regime effectiveness, it is well to bear in mind that referred to in the previous paragraphs. There is no
success in the realm of outputs and outcomes does not procedure built into this index for combining various
guarantee effectiveness at the level of impacts. types of outputs, outcomes, and impacts to generate a
These observations lead to a second problem that is composite measure of actual performance or AP. Above
more analytic in nature. How can we demonstrate the all, this approach does not solve the problem of
existence of causal connections between the operation demonstrating causal connections (Young, 2001a). In
of a regime and the outputs, outcomes, and impacts effect, the issue of causality is embedded in the no-
thought to be regime consequences (Young, 1999b; regime counterfactual which is a measure of what would
Miles et al., 2001)? If a regime arises in response to a have happened in the relevant issue area if the regime
problemFsuch as the depletion of stratospheric ozone- had not come into existence.
Fand the problem subsequently disappears or subsides, These difficulties have led some students of regime
can we be certain that this achievement is properly effectiveness to propose an alternative approach to the
interpreted as a consequence of the regime? As subject (Mitchell, forthcoming). This alternative starts
experienced researchers know, there is always a danger by taking some empirically tractable phenomenon (e.g.
in such situations that apparent connections will turn trends in the production and consumption of ozone-
out to be spurious correlations. But note that there is an depleting chemicals) as the dependent variable and
important relationship between the character of a proceeds to inquire into the role of a number of
regime’s consequences and the difficulty of making independent variables, including institutions or aspects
persuasive claims about their causal significance. If the of institutions, as determinants of the value of the
negotiation of an international agreement (e.g. the 1987 dependent variable selected. This way of thinking frees
Montreal Protocol) leads to outputs like treaty ratifica- the measurement of the dependent variable from the
tion and the promulgation of implementing regulations need to establish causal connections and allows the
within individual member countries, for example, it is analyst to focus on the proportion of the variance in
Institutions / Global Environmental Change 12 (2002) 73–77 75

some measurable variable(s) attributable to the opera- they formulate hypotheses about the importance of a
tion of a number of independent variables, including but common discourse or the presence of an epistemic
clearly not limited to institutional factors. For the most community to the success of specific regimes (Litfin,
part, those who think in these terms assume, either 1994; Haas, 1997). The individual hypotheses flowing
explicitly or implicitly, that analysts will make use of from these divergent perspectives are not necessarily
some form of multivariate statistics (e.g. multiple contradictory or mutually exclusive. But they rest on
regression), although there are other techniques of different models of social processes, a fact that often
analysis that may prove relevant in this context (Ragin, makes it difficult to compare and contrast them in a
1987). It is unlikely that this way of thinking will meaningful fashion.
displace analyses that treat regime effectiveness as the The other branch of this stream of analysis directs
dependent variable. But as a means of supplementing attention to factors involving the attributes of regimes
mainstream efforts to explain variations in the effective- and the conditions under which they operate in contrast
ness of regimes, this alternative seems promising. to alternative models of social action (Wettestad, 1999).
One influential strand of this mode of analysis focuses
on problem structure and seeks to rank problems on a
2. Explaining regime effectiveness scale ranging from benign to malign (Miles et al., 2001).
The implication is that malign problems are particularly
Assuming we can find satisfactory methods for hard to solve and that we can expect regime effectiveness
measuring variations in success or effectiveness both to vary inversely with the degree of malignancy of the
across regimes and through time with respect to problem structure. Yet others take the view that regime
individual regimes, the next challenge is to develop design matters and argue that the effectiveness of
explanations that can account for these variations. individual regimes will be determined, at least in part,
Mainstream efforts to respond to this challenge divide by their institutional attributes and especially by the fit
into two branches, one examining the relative impor- between these attributes and the nature of the problem
tance of factors relating to power, interests, and to be solved (Mitchell, 1994). Even hard problems can
knowledge as determinants of regime effective and the be solved, on this account, if the regimes created to cope
other directing attention to the relative importance of with them are well-suited to the essential features of the
problem structure, institutional attributes, and socio- problems they address. Beyond this lies the observation
economic settings in this context. In both cases, research that the socio-economic settings within which regimes
has focused so far on the formulation of generalizations operate are important determinants of the success of
that spell out the role of specific factors as determinants these arrangements (Young, 1999a). A regime that links
of regime effectiveness. actors that share a tradition of effective cooperation in
Accounts dealing with the role of power, interests, other issue areas or that operates in a setting character-
and knowledge are typically rooted in the larger ized by economic prosperity, for instance, is more likely
intellectual constructs that students of international to succeed than a similar arrangement that must build
relations employ (Baldwin, 1993; Hasenclever et al., bridges among antagonistic actors or function during a
1997). The views of those who emphasize the impor- period of economic recession. Again, these arguments
tance of power reflect the perspectives of neo-realism, a are not mutually exclusive. But they do point to
way of thinking that produces hypotheses of the fundamental differences regarding the extent to which
following type: the success of specific regimes requires institutions are independent drivers or arrangements
the active participation of a hegemon or dominant whose success is determined by external forces.
power; the ability of regimes to solve specific problems Taken together, these explanatory hypotheses repre-
will change as a function of shifts in the underlying sent a significant advance in our understanding of the
configuration of power among the member states sources of regime effectiveness. Nevertheless, they leave
(Keohane, 1986). Neo-institutionalists, by contrast, a good deal to be desired as contributions to a theory of
approach the effectiveness of regimes in terms of effectiveness. It is easy to find prominent examples that
utilitarian perspectives that emphasize configurations run counter to virtually every generalization about the
of interests among key actors. They articulate hypoth- roles of power, interests, and knowledge as determinants
eses to the effect that regimes will prove successful to the of institutional success. Some regimes succeed in the
extent that they reduce transaction costs associated with absence of a hegemon; transparency is not always
interactions among the relevant actors; transparency needed to ensure effectiveness; the absence of an
regarding the degree to which actors comply with regime epistemic community need not be fatal to the operation
rules or fulfill institutional commitments is a key of specific regimes. Similar comments are in order about
determinant of the success of regimes (Oye, 1986). For generalizations relating to problem structure, regime
their part, those who focus on the role of knowledge design, and setting. Although some problems are
tend to espouse social constructivist modes of analysis; undoubtedly harder to solve than others, we lack a
76 Institutions / Global Environmental Change 12 (2002) 73–77

convincing procedure for operationalizing the benign/ management of marine fisheries, international water-
malign continuum (Young, 1999a). Analyses of the ways, and transboundary pollution. As the ranks of
consequences of regime design almost always focus on problems have grown, so too have the ranks of
the details of specific arrangements; they do not lend international regimes designed to solve or manage these
themselves to the formulation of powerful general- problems. Some of the resultant regimes are more
izations pertaining to matters of design. The idea of successful than others by any standard. As a result, we
socio-economic setting encompasses a wide range of face an urgent need to learn more about what factors
factors that are not easy to cast in the form of determine the relative effectiveness of individual regimes
meaningful hypotheses. and whether there are opportunities to increase success
What is to be done? Certainly, there is much to be said through well-informed efforts to design institutional
for continuing the mainstream effort to explore the roles arrangements to fit the contours of specific problems.
of power, interests, and knowledge along with the effects Recent years have witnessed a sharp rise of interest in
of problem structure, regime design, and socio-economic this research challenge, and there is clear evidence that
setting in this realm. But an alternative approach is now we are making progress in this field of study. Still, much
emerging that takes the view that regimes must fulfill remains to be done before we can even begin to talk
certain basic functions to succeed as problem-solving about the development of a theory of regime effective-
devices but that there are many different ways to handle ness. Among the greatest challenges in this field are the
these functional requirements in specific cases (Young, need to find persuasive methods to demonstrate the
2001b). To illustrate, it seems clear that successful causal links between regimes and their consequences and
regimes establish behavioural mechanisms that are able the need to move beyond simple hypotheses connecting
to channel the behaviour of key actors, give rise to regime effectiveness to individual factors relating to
robust social practices that engage actors and capture power, interests, and knowledge. These are major
their loyalties, and include steering systems that monitor challenges; they cannot be met in the absence of a
progress toward desired ends and adjust regulatory and concerted effort on the part of the research community.
other provisions as needed to achieve these ends. An Yet the good news is that we have not begun to exhaust
examination of the various ways in which individual the range of analytic techniques that can be brought
regimes fulfill these functional requirements is not likely to bear on the problem of understanding regime
to lead to simple generalizations of the sort considered effectiveness.
earlier in this section. Yet it is reasonable to expect that
this way of thinking can contribute substantially to the
development of inventories of best practices relating to
the design and operation of environmental regimes
(Honkanen et al., 1999). With regard to steering References
systems, to take a concrete example, the repertoire of
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Coordination. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia.
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triggering a need for ratification on the part of Honkanen, M.L., von Moltke, K., Hisschemoller,. M., 1999. Report of
individual member states. Of course, it will never do to the Concerted Action on the Effectiveness of International
think of these inventories as cookbooks containing Environmental Agreements, Noordwijk. Workshop, October
simple recipes guaranteed to produce successful results 15–18, 1998. Report number R-99/05, Institute for Environmental
Studies, Vrije Universiteit. of Amsterdam.
under a wide range of conditions. Even so, such Keohane, R.O. (Ed.), 1986. Neorealism and Its Critics. Columbia
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responsible for designing and operating regimes to deal Ltifin, K.T., 1994. Ozone Discourses: Science and Politics in Global
with a variety of specific problems. Environmental Cooperation. Columbia University Press, New
Miles, E.L., et al., 2001. Explaining Regime Effectiveness: Confronting
Theory with Evidence. MIT Press, Cambridge.
3. Next steps Mitchell, R.B., 1994. Regime design matters: intentional oil pollution
and treaty compliance. International Organization 48, 425–458.
The ranks of environmental problems continue to Mitchell, R.B. Quantitative analysis in international environmental
politics: toward a theory of relative effectiveness. In: Underdal, A.,
grow. Today, we are increasingly concerned with global
Young, O.R. (Eds.), Regime Consequences: Methodological
problems, such as ozone depletion, climate change, and Challenges and Research Strategies. (Forthcoming).
the loss of biological diversity, that have risen to Oye, K.A. (Ed.), 1986. Cooperation under Anarchy. Princeton
prominence alongside more traditional issues like the University Press, Princeton.
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Ragin, C.C., 1987. The Comparative Method: Moving beyond Young, O.R., 1999a. Governance in World Affairs. Cornell University
Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. University of California Press, Ithaca.
Press, Berkeley. Young, O.R. (Ed.), 1999b. The Effectiveness of International Regimes:
Sprinz, D.F., Helm, C., 1999. The effect of global environmental Causal Connections and Behavioral Mechanisms. MIT Press,
regimes: a measurement concept. International Political Science Cambridge.
Review 20, 359–369. Young, O.R., 2001a. Inferences and indices: evaluating the effective-
Underdal, A. Methodological challenges in the study of regime ness of international environmental regimes. Global Environmen-
effectiveness. In: Underdal, A., Young, O.R. (Eds.), Regime tal Politics 1, 99–121.
Consequences: Methodological Challenges and Research Strate- Young, O.R., 2001b. Can new institutions solve atmospheric
gies. (Forthcoming). problems? confronting acid rain, ozone depletion, and climate
Wettestad, J., 1999. Designing effective environmental regimes: the key change. Paper prepared for the Global Change Open Science
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