Sample Lesson Plan 1

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CLP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: Shuqi (Gemini) Wang

Level: E1 Date/Time: Wed., 11.14. 7-9pm
Goal: Finish 4a and 4d

Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To…
1. describe their hobbies using “like/love +ing”
2. describe their likes and dislikes using more expressions
3. describe their abilities using “can” and “be good at”
4. say a sentence with proper stress

Theme: Abilities and interests

Materials & Technology:
● Textbook: Life 2 Unit 4 pp. 49 and pp.52
● Other materials: Powerpoint


Review or Preview (if applicable)

Interaction: T-Ss, S-S 15

Announcements about the observer, test, and Thanksgiving activities

How’s everybody feeling! We’ve done the unit 3 tests on Monday, so there is only one final test
left and you will have plenty of time to prepare for it!

About the registration for the next spring, one thing you should know is that please choose
“continuant “so you won’t need to go through a placement test again.
(open the website and demonstrate)

Great, after announcements let’s review Monday’s class first.

We talked about...movies, right. So HOW OFTEN do you go to a movie? What kind of movies
do you like?
Ss answer the questions voluntarily. T give immediate feedback.

Great. After talking about things we usually do or never do, we read an article about… twins!
Correct. What do you remember about the three twins? Like what do they do? How do they
spend their free time?

Ss may mention the word “athlete” and “professional” they learnt in Monday’s class. Ask
other students if they still remember these words and if they have any questions.

Linking & Transitioning to rest of lesson:
Well done everybody! Today we will continue with this topic. Last class we talked about
people in the book. How about talking about something interesting about yourself? About your
Activity 1: Language Focus - like/love doing sth.

1.1 Pre-Stage: 30
Interaction: e.g. T-Ss, then S-S

So, what are some things you’d like to do if you have free time? Like at weekends?
I remember both Mari and Julio like watching TV right? And arlene enjoy… shopping.
Ok now can you think of something new that you want to do but are not doing? For example, I
like playing video games but I don’t have time now. Do you want to do something else? Why
you want to do that?
Please talk with your classmates (there will be 3 or 4 students so if 3 I will make it a group
talk while 4 a pair talk)

T monitor and note verbs and nouns they used

Ok, can you share with us your “new” hobbies? And why you want to do them?

1.2. During Stage:

Interaction: T-S, S-Ss

It is interesting to think about these acticities right? Now let’s check a list of activities and see
if they are interesting to you. But first, please match the verbs and nouns correctly and then
find out the complete expressions of activities. Discuss with your partner for about 5 mins ok?

Great! Now let’s check the answer. Can xxx tell us the first four? Read the expressions. Good,
What about 5-8? xxx can you read them?
Ok let me ask you. Do you think the expressions will still work if we change the verbs in front
of them? Some of them right? Which?
Ok so we can see that for some really “big” verbs like “go”, “take”, it may be ok to use them
in different situations. But for most of nouns, we have special verbs matched with them.
For example, we use “watch” before the activities like….

(PPT slides)

What about something you DON’T like? What verbs are you gonna use?
Is there other ways to say likes and dislikes?

1.3 Post-Stage:
Interaction: S-S

*exercise 9: 2 truths and 1 lie

*exercise 11 use these topics to ask your partner more questions about likes and dislikes

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:

Students can describe likes and dislikes in complete sentences using the target structure
Feedback: pronunciation and V-ing form
Transition to #2: Alright now let’s try more questions with your partner.

Activity 2: Meaningful Output - Speaking (start at 8)

2.1 Pre-Stage: 30
Interactions: T-S, S-Ss

Let’s try to do some practice now!

(1) worksheet activity

First, we will try to find our partners’ likes and dislikes. Please take a look at this handout.
(If there is more than 3 students, divide the group first)
So you have different questions. What you need to do is ask your partner questions on your
sheet. After you get the answer, let your partner ask you the questions on his or her sheets.
Take turns until you finish everything.
Write more information after you get the answer. Remember how we do that? Right. Ask a
second question/ the follow-up question.
What kind of language you are going to use?
Do you just go on into the next question after you get the answer from your partner?
Great! Any questions? Let’s begin!

2.2. During Stage:

Interaction: S-S
Students carry out the activity. T monitor and note down some mistakes.

2.3 Post-Stage:
Interaction: T-S, S-Ss

Ok can you share something interesting with us?

If no one volunteers, T will ask one student to share his or her partner’s answer on one specific

(2) things you love and hate about NYC

Let’s watch a video first and then we’ll discuss.
So after watching it, do you agree? Can you share 5 things you love and hate about this city
with your partner?
(or a whole class discussion depending on the number of students presented today)

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback:
students use the target structure and more extended expressions to describe their likes and
dislikes in given situations in (1), and more openly in (2)
Feedback: pronunciation, target structure (verb form)
Transition to #3: We all want to do things we love when we have time. Now think if you have a
vacation for one year, meaning you don’t have to go to school or work for one year. What
would you do?

Activity 3: Meaningful Input – Listening

3.1 Pre-Stage: 30
Interaction: S-S

Discuss the question. What will you do if you have one year of vacation?
Ss share their thoughts.
Ok so you’d like to go traveling (check this phrase), and he wants to….

Do you want to go volunteering? Or did you take part in any kind of volunteer work before?
Read the small article and discuss if it were you, which job do you want to do? Why?
Is “gap year” common in your country?

3.2. During Stage:

Interaction: T-S

Ok that sounds really interesting. Now let’s listen to find what this person want to do in the
audio file.
Do you need a second time?
The second time please mark the expressions that you hear in the box.

Alright let’s see. Which job does she want to do? Why?
Ok because she LOVE animals.
Why doesn’t she choose other jobs? Because she...IS NOT VERY GOOD AT writing… she
CAN speak English well but she does not know….
Ok let’s see the box. What expressions did you hear?

3.3 Post-Stage:
Interaction: T-S, S-Ss

sentence stress
In previous classes we have learnt word stress right? For example how do you pronounce
these words? (slides)
What about in sentences?
Try to say the sentences by yourself with your partner first.
Let’s listen to the audio and repeat ok?

Alright here is one issue I want to talk about. How do you say “I can do it” and “I can’t do

Transition to #3: Great, we have figured out everything in this interview. Now imagine you are
an interviewer or will you introduce the job to someone? Or how can you
ask and choose a volunteer work you like?

Activity 4: Meaningful Output - Speaking (interview)

4.1 Pre-Stage:
Interaction: T-S, S-Ss 15

So who wants to be the interviewer? The one who answer the phone and explain all the things?
Ok then xx will be the interviewee ok?
Let’s prepare first. For interviewer, what things you need to say?
Let’s take a look at p171.
First she asked “are you good at teaching?” So you need to …. right ask what she can do. Her
If she is ok with this, you should...introduce the job in detail…
Go through tips on slides
If necessary, do a modeling with one of the students

4.2. During Stage:

Interaction: S-S

T monitor, write down students’ mistakes and provide necessary help

4.3 Post-Stage:
Interaction: T-S, S-Ss

So which job did your partner choose? Why?

Did you hear any other thing that is interesting from your partner?

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:

Students carry out a complete interview using target structures with proper sentence stress
FB: pronunciation, grammar, stress

Transition to Wrap-Up: Good job everyone! Tomorrow I’ll try to give you the test results and
we’ll continue with unit 4 ok? Any questions?



Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

Students may have difficulty in interview part
solution: give more instruction and modeling before the during stage

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
more videos about “thing I love and hate about…” and pair dicussion

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