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The Awakening

Reading Quiz Chapter 1-13

Who is described as a mother-woman? Why?
Adele, she idolizes her children and she worships her husband
Who performs just for Edna at the Saturday night party for the island guests?
Mademoiselle Reisz (Just put Reisz)
When she returns home from the late-night swimming party, where does Edna stay, even after
Leonce returns?
She stays outside in the hammock
Why do Edna and Robert go to the Chenerie?
They plan to go to church there
*Name two ways Edna is an outsider in the story
She is not from Louisiana and she is not Creole
Where does Robert plan to go?
What does Edna tell Adele she will never do for her children or for anyone else?
She would never sacrifice herself for her children or for anyone else

Reading Quiz Ch. 14-25

What does Edna tell Adele she will never do for her children or for anyone else?
She wouldn’t give herself
According to Mme. Lebrun, over whom did Robert fight Victor a year or two earlier?
In New Orleans on a Tuesday, what does Edna do that offends Leonce?
She doesn’t stay home and accept the visitors, she does artwork instead
What does Edna fling to the carpet and stomp on?
Her wedding ring
What cultural activity does Edna spend time doing at home?
Whom does Edna visit in order to discover Mlle. Reisz's address?
Madame Lebrun
What does Mlle. Reisz have that Edna is determined to see?
A letter from Robert
Why does Leonce visit Dr. Mandelet?
He thinks that something is wrong with Edna
To her father's dismay, what does Edna refuse to attend?
Her sister’s wedding
Where does Edna go with Alcee Arobin and Mrs. Highcamp?
To the horse races

Chapter 26-39 Quiz

What is the pigeon house?
Edna’s New Residence
What is Mr. Pontellier's reaction to Edna's announcement about the pigeon house?
He is displeased and writes a letter scolding her
What social event does Edna give while Leonce is out of town?
Birthday party
Who arrives while she is waiting for Mlle. Reisz's apartment?
Why does Edna go to Adele's house? How does Edna's reaction to the event differ from Adele's?
Because Adele is in labor. She feels uneasy because of her childbirth experience and leaves
What does she find when she returns from Adele's?
She finds a letter from Robert and her old bathing suit
What does she do at the very end? Be specific.
Exhaustion overpowered her and she eventually surrenders to the expanse of the sea

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