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Content Creation and Curation Corporations create and curate their own content using multiple media platforms. Completing this takes timer doing it effectively takes knowledge, Skill, andthe right tools. In this chapter you wil learn how to succesflly use self publishing tools to pany’s message, while concurrently selecting and ‘organizing conten. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES ".Cisingush between content creation 9, Unda how ogo can se crt! ct, use pooch pr of tee 2.Grgp to exert components of (Pe an soon mada ‘copes Benge. Steps Daniel Burrus (@DanielBurrus, website: https://www.burrus. com/biog/) \win more than 104,080 Titer flowers and a tog an bs that spar he gob, no ware tat Dane Buus argu wras one of fe rosin Boge wound Fle ‘ora works futur egerdng dbl trends and tations ete York Times hasten oti acne ofthe top ree busine gue hth hie tren cossket Buus auhorod sae bone, hing Pash Pores, toverch and ig _Aeteiatcry gate: Ta spin and Change io Caportny an Acre ru Ket Soar, Shes Seats hb a Burs Re Content Reigns Supreme ol rics, tade mass, conten, and Wogs al eeeatty peach he Jer “tang ce bsg sala a Inti pce Gas deus he pat at te ltt would ae oe eo This atcmenforsndowed he word at we nein The hea ed ina etluon of bling tol snd ccd Se soy nimi notes god ol oly core ala een ppropeinely suport ast of deed ts, Sac eda tei hve Bcone cre eed 90 } (Chapter 6 + Conte Craton and Curson 91 development because they provide channels | tharcompecr audiences ith smile interest, | thosenabing dialogue where meaningful oak Simp canbe forged “aferaton ithe key tooling any customers attention By devel oping sob socal sate and focusing eos hsuperiorsontent reston, a business can + bil long-lasting rektionsips 1 incense a company'rsoil influence 1 improve SEO eos i Content Curation versus \ Content Creation nee Creating Curated Content = fellowes. Practitioners who are leading con tent strategy tend o follow the loose rule of ty 70 peren/30 pet crete TM. cane cron ste se Souve: Guarino Be srpcxin to curated content when pulling together | py? Think pay infrmtion such as adcles, J twee, photos, vdeo, masie and more make Fs carted content PR practioner use this material to bundle ideas and contest | szeintormation in what an be seen a “new lke” foerat? ‘Michell Hal, contem marketing drecae for Carats (wnew.curas com), devel J cpedalisoffve clement eo include when curating content. ticle in search engine results. A good headline can be te iffrence between someone clicking on your article o ignoring it Five sites worth bookmarking Ivhen carting conten + Although many of these titles can be outrageous, simply bromsing thi stew ep in brainstorming eathir tiles. LpworthyGeneeatorcom: Ths website provides a new Upworthy-se ti He every time yor click “Generate Again, while thet tier can be out _gcousand inthis case, fee's good jumping point o stare pushing the boundaries wi headlines, * Title Capitlization som: This tol comes in handy ay time you are won etng which words ae capitalized in a ile, Simpy past your tile ino the felt onthe home page and it automaticly corer xptlization errr, * UherSaggestocg: This website helps find popular keywords suroundng "acous topics to hlp your article rank higher in search engine esl ‘Thesauuscom: Never underestimate che power of synonym, Often, say nly inserting one word in place of another cn take your ti wth next lee | 1 New Tike vy nw eine oni competing wh he xg | image. Useful image sss incase ‘Stock photo libra sich Shutterstock, iStock, and RGBStock 92 Part» sso Pang Pub Relations sed Soc! Media {The Creative Commons for fee “Copy images in age of ice, Image creation tool sachs Cava, Basic design tools sch a PowerPoint, and more sphisicted too a Adobe Creative Suite andthe fice, open source GaN 3 a Tn Orga yet shold ae pte mj fe os gay the flowing elements 7 {Aiton of he origina article and author (witha ak to the ati Gonmentary and/or annotation, ame the orignal ance ne) 0 your readers by cing the conten’ clevance (xn analsis the top ose st hand Jinks rete content You've no doube sen ine cetng vue iy interesting og pss, cooks and oer ernvers Now th ds back 1 thes asets—hen they relate to the topic and. additional value farther reading ‘4 Quae: Dew in qute om the nina a oF cen evel gute The 3 firma can vary depending onthe ng of the ogi seice ands eck Be set pick quote or at tht will prise, uate and/or emer Seaer This your oppotanity o bringin neligent out ves ‘the main advantages of content curation Cal te Aan: cal tation (CTA) is neesay for every bog pos, ba pecially importan for curated content. Dont leave reader hanong Tinta ise of your content chat ep expand the knowledge onthe saber Ofer readers a pee of gated content such as an ebook tgs eens tobep generate aew eds and nurture existing leads. Keping lead oe ‘enforces how you are catering to thee needs and binging thes a ceasitnt basis Creating Original Content {Comte ration ithe proces of creating your own content and siting it with lower or subscribers. Thee i nothing better than writing your own eevee he grtanizaions develop coneit strategy to flow «blacpnt,ncnponsg iow platforms sucha blogs, podcasts, inographis, case saci nao eee Acorn Justin MeGil om Hubpot, to develop content snes ee zaton nut int aut she content it currently ha. Thebes ay to seta eg to review the organization's conten marketing intativee spanning te oe et ‘deny any new project tht wll complement the upcoming go snd soca fhe company’ Next he suggests figuring out who the audience ponone the jimpores because organizations can then focus on cresting peas ene ade a br lahernty more valuable tothe target audience When ths exceune rns 4 rzairaton can lok to target anew type of consumer or continue to grow te Imake wii the current demographic: Undertaning and revoning the oer aa ns: Paterson a continual bats cst expanding a onangatos selene reach, Bhaly determine herpes of content the orpatizaion wants tomes Teas hic videos, ebooks, blogs and podcate a some ofthe thot poste rhavion ‘srl cone how a ompany cn reste orginal conten sing Ue eet poens Blogging News Blogs You probably read more blogs than you think. According to Elise Morea, boy fig sone ofthe most popular ways to report on newsworthy rope ffi

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