Social Media Badge Portfolio

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For Immediate Release:

November 14, 2018

SUU Introduces Social Media Certificate to be Awarded with Diploma
SUU is the first university in Utah to announce a social media intensive program and certificate called
the Social Media Badge.
SUU’s new social media program allows students to augment their degree with a practical skill set
that will broaden the spectrum of jobs available to recent graduates.
Jonathan Holiman, professor of communication and co-creator of the Social Media Badge says,
“Knowing how to utilize the power of social media to promote an idea, concept, or brand is essential
in today’s society.”
Holiman’s thoughts are confirmed by his Co-Badge-Creator, Jennifer Burt.
Burt says that “Social media has a higher success rate than anything else you can do to promote your
In just four social media intensive courses, a student learns skills that will set them forth as an expert
in their field.
“Many schools offer individual courses, but no others are bringing it all together in a user-friendly
format that is accessible to ALL majors,” reminds Burt.
All students of all majors, however, may not be interested in the Social Media Badge. Laura Lee, a
Sophomore studying math and music said, “I wouldn’t participate in Social Media classes. A focus on
Social Media doesn’t fit in with what I want to do. I might emphasize in something else.”
Luckily for students like Lee, there are various badges offered with SUU. These badges include;
Design Tools, Social Media, Digital Communication, Technical Writing, Entrepreneurship, and Web
For more information about how you can succeed in the badge program, visit,
About Southern Utah University
SUU is a caring campus community where students come to explore their interests and prepare for
meaningful careers and life experiences. SUU’s communication department is part of the College of
Humanities and Social Sciences. Students rank high in regional and national competitions for
journalism and broadcasting.
Contact: Lydia Lee, communication department, SUU
Phone: 333-333-3333 Email:
Resources: Jennifer Burt, Communication Department
Johnathan Holiman, SUU Communication 333-333-3335
Related Links:
SUU Academic Advising Office: SUU Communication Department Office:

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