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Name:_______________________________________ Grade & Section:______________ Date:______________

I. Identify the missing word/s to complete the sentence.

1. The land of Promise which is the second largest and southernmost island in the Philippines is
the __________________.
2. Mindanao hast the largest concentration of _______________ groups and _______________
3. The _____________ are native or who have maintained their indigenous beliefs and traditions
instead of converting to Islam or Christianity.
4. The indigenous belief system is called ________________.
5. Before Islam came to the Philippines, early Filipinos worshipped nature and believed that plants
and inanimate objects are home to ______________ _____________.
II. Answer the following:
1. A traditional dance which demonstrates the various ways of wearing a malong and its uses.
_________________ 2. Sacred cloth which is exchanged during marriages and used as a cover during births.
3. The traditional tight-fitting trousers made of a Yakan Fabric characterized by its vertical
stripes design.
4. Sequin-like capiz shells used to give a distinct design and color to their clothes.
5. Most common material used by the ethno-linguistic groups in Mindanao.
_________________ 6. A prcess of dyeing the fabric in which the yarns have been ti-dyed before weaving.
_________________ 7. A square cloth used by the Yakan women as a head cover or as belt.
_________________ 8. The common colors tones found in a Bagobo’s t’nalak.
9. The common colors tones found in a T’boli’s t’nalak.
_________________ 10. Features long skirt for the women, frequently woven with metallic threads, and shorted,

wrap-around skirts for the men.


GROUP ACTIVITY. (2-3 members each)

III. The different ethno-linguistic groups of Mindanao have distinct cultures and traditions as displayed
in their arts and crafts. Their art forms can be easily recognized through the use of different
materials, patterns, colors, and design motifs.

1. Draw the different traditional clothing of B’laan, Bagobos, T’boli, Maranao and Yakan.
2. Explain the kind of cloth and designs used in each group.
3. Do this activity by partner or triad (2 or 3 members) on a piece of oslo paper. (Example FORMAT given
below) SECTION:________



Name:__________________________________ Grade & Section:_________ Date:______________


II. Name and define the pictures: (2pts each number)

9. 13.

10. 14.



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