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I've been a lifeguard for 2 years and I am trying to get certified to be a Lifeguard

Instructor, or LGI, to teach others how to be lifeguards. Before I can teach potential

lifeguards, I have to try to get people to want to be lifeguards first.

Opening: I can start with uplifting music and my name and the title of the presentation

● Background: water? A pool maybe?


1. clothing and supplies

a. Fanny pack

b. Lifeguard shirt

c. Suit

d. Whistle

e. Radio

f. Shades (most important)

2. Be ready for anything

a. Someone drowning and jump in

i. Save for last bc i will get wet

b. Use that 70's show narration maybe? It'd be funny

3. Tan

4. New friends

5. Learn valuable skills

a. First aid

b. CPR

c. Emergency Oxygen
Ending: end like im about to start my shift or just by jumping into the pool

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