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Christian Swine


Born 1950, MD 1975, specialist Internal

medicine 1980, working in the area of geriatric
medicine from 1985. Since 1990 he started
geriatric medicine departments in the
university hospitals of the UCL “Université
Catholique de Louvain”, first in the university
hospital of Mont-Godinne, then in the academic
hospital St Luc. He is in charge of the training of
future geriatricians in the university hospitals,
and is president of the master of advanced
studies in geriatrics UCL. Board Member of the
EAMA (European Academy for Medicine of

Special areas of interest: As a clinician: the interdisciplinary cooperation

around the geriatric patient in acute unstable disability. As a professor:
teaching geriatrics to the medical students, promotion of a broader core
curriculum for better training of future doctors in the medical approach of the
elders. As researcher: (co)promotes several PhD’s in the domains of frailty and
functional decline, optimizing prescriptions in elderly, biological correlates of
frailty, caregiving-related health problems.

Representative publications:
Spinewine A, Swine C, Dhillon S, Lambert P, Nachega J, Wilmotte L, Tulkens PM.
Impact of a Collaborative Approach on the Quality of Prescribing for Geriatric
J Am Geriatr Soc 2007;Accepted

Didier Schoevaerdts, Youri Glupczynski, Bénédicte Delaere, Jean-Daniel Hecq,

Christian Swine.
Effect of 5-year multidisciplinary collaborative program on antibiotic consumption
in an acute geriatric ward.
J Am Geriatr Soc 2006; (research letter) in press

Spinewine A, Dillon S, Mallet L, Tulkens PM, Wilmotte L, Swine C. Implementation

of ward-based clinical pharmacy services in Belgium – description of the impact
on a geriatric unit.
Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 2006 ; 40 : 720-728.

Spinewine A, Dumont C, Mallet L, Swine C. Medication Appropriateness Index :

Reliability and recommendations for future use. Journal of American Geriatric
Society, 2006 ; 54 : 720-722 (research letter).

Anne Spinewine, Christian Swine, Soraya Dhillon, Bryony Dean Franklin, Paul M
Tulkens, Léon Wilmotte, and Vincent Lorant Appropriateness of use of
medicines in elderly inpatients: qualitative study
British Medical Journal 2005;331:935-8. doi:10.1136/bmj.38551.410012.06

Pascale Cornette, William D’hoore, Brigitte Malhomme , Dominique Vanpee,

Philippe Meert, Christian Swine.
Differential risk factors for early and later hospital readmission of older patients.
Aging Clin Exp Res. 2005; 17: 322-328.

Cornette P, Swine C, Malhomme B, Gillet JB, Meert P, D'Hoore W.

Early evaluation of the risk of functional decline following hospitalization of older
patients: development of a predictive tool. Eur J Public Health 2006; 16: 203-208.

Vanpee D, Swine C. Scale of levels of care versus DNR orders. J Med Ethics

Desmet C, Beguin C, Swine C, Jadoul M. Falls in hemodialysis patients :

prospective study of incidence, risk factors and complications. Am J Kidney Dis.
2005 Jan; 45(1):148-53.

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