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Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728

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The operational performance of ‘‘net zero energy building”: A study in

Zhihua Zhou a, Lei Feng a, Shuzhen Zhang a, Chendong Wang a, Guanyi Chen a,⇑, Tao Du b,a, Yasong Li c,
Jian Zuo d
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Indoor Air Environmental Quality Control, Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Low and Medium Grade Energy, School of Environmental Science
and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
Tianjin Eco-City Construction and Investment Co. Ltd, Tianjin, China
Qingdao Longhu Real Estate Development Co. Ltd, Qingdao, China
School of Architecture & Built Environment, Entrepreneurship, Commercialization and Innovation Centre (ECIC), The University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, Australia

h i g h l i g h t s

 Choose energy efficiency technology in office building to implement ‘‘nZEB”.

 Simulate its energy consumption.
 Study on the operational performance.
 Optimize its running.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: There is no lack of studies on ‘‘net zero energy buildings” (‘‘nZEB”). However, the vast majority of these
Received 7 February 2016 studies focus on theories and simulation. The actual operational performance of ‘‘net zero energy build-
Received in revised form 11 May 2016 ing” during occupation has been largely overlooked by previous studies. This study aims to investigate
Accepted 14 May 2016
the operational performance of net ‘‘zero energy buildings” via the case study of an office building in
Available online 3 June 2016
Tianjin, China. Using simulation, the energy consumption of the building at design phase was estimated
and a solar photovoltaic (PV) system was selected. A whole year operation of the occupied building
showed that energy consumption of the case building was much higher than the energy generated from
‘‘Net zero energy building”
Office building
the solar PV system. This was mainly due to three issues. Firstly, the equipment was different in terms of
Solar photovoltaic system category, quantity and running time between operation and design stages, leading to considerable
Energy efficiency underestimate of energy consumption at the design stage. Secondly, the operational strategies need to
be further improved in order to regulate users’ behaviors. Thirdly, the efficiency of solar PV system
was substantially reduced due to poor atmospheric environment (i.e. haze weather). Therefore, during
the design process of ‘‘net zero energy buildings”, it is imperative to ensure that the energy simulation
accurately reflects how the building will actually operate once occupied. The research also revealed other
barriers to the design and implementation of ‘‘nZEB” in China, such as extra efforts required for effective
communicating the capacity of the HVAC design and systems to clients, and the increased cost of ‘‘nZEB”
(e.g. solar PV system) particularly for public buildings. Finally, the solar radiation intensity of standard
year adopted in the simulation needs to be replaced by the most recent meteorological data.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction China, buildings represent approximately 28% of the nation’s total

energy consumption [2,3]. In particular, public buildings account
Energy consumption makes significant contributions to global for only 5–6% of the total building area in urban areas [4], yet con-
warming and pollutant emissions. The building sector accounts sume the same amount of electricity as residential buildings with a
for a large proportion of the primary energy consumption [1]. In total floor areas eight times more than that of public buildings [5].
Therefore, it is imperative to improve the energy efficiency of
⇑ Corresponding author. public buildings.
E-mail address: (G. Chen).
0306-2619/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728 717


c specific heat capacity, J/(kg °C) Q0 cooling/heating capacity of heat pump unit, kW
COP coefficient of performance Q pv ;power total annual electricity production from photovoltaic
cos U power factor panels, MW h
Eds simulated energy consumption, MW h Qs the annual energy savings, kW h/year
Eo operational energy consumption, MW h S total area of photovoltaic panels, m2
i imported energy U voltage, V
I electric current, A V water flow velocity, m3/h
j exported energy W solar;rec solar radiation intensity on the surface of photovoltaic
m the amount of the exported energy panels, MW h/m2
n the amount of the imported energy q average density of water, kg/m3
Npayback the payback period, years k conversion efficiency of photovoltaic system, %
P cumulative power consumption, kW h DI capital cost, RMB yuan
Pe electric power, kW Dt temperature difference between supply and return
Pp tariff, RMB yuan/kW h water, °C
PEexport the annual exported primary energy DTQ the time interval of the accumulated heating/cooling, s
PEimport the annual imported primary energy DTP the time interval of cumulated electricity power, s
Q cumulative cooling/heating capacity of heat pump unit,

Policymakers are embracing the concept of ‘‘net zero energy can play an important role in achieving ‘‘nZEB”. These technologies
buildings” (‘‘nZEB”) as a vital strategy to meet the energy and car- include heat pump systems [42–45], evaporative cooling [46–48]
bon emission reduction targets [6]. The ‘‘nZEB” is a building which and the heat recovery techniques in fresh air systems. For example,
generates as much primary energy as its energy consumption over vertical close-loop ground-coupled heat pumps (GCHP) can reduce
a period of time [7]. In buildings, renewable energy is the only way the annual electrical energy consumption for cooling and heating
to generate energy (export energy). Energy consumption (import by as much as 70% compared to air source heat pump systems [49].
energy) includes heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and Renewable energy plays a crucial role in achieving ‘‘nZEB” [2].
appliances [8]. The energy balance is achieved when the annual Renewable energy resources include wind power, solar photo-
net primary energy is equal or less than zero, shown as Eq. (1) [8]. voltaic (PV) system, biomass energy and geothermal energy [50].
Solar PV system has gained rapid growth where surplus energy
n X
m can be fed into the local grid. Biogas can be used for cooking and
Net primary energy ¼ PEimport i  PEexport j 6 0 ð1Þ heating in the building, but is mainly used in smallholders in rural
i j areas [51]. The intermittent nature of wind energy has restricted
its wide implementation [52]. By contrast, solar power has gained
There are two common strategies to achieve ‘‘net zero energy”
wider implementation in ‘‘nZEB” due to its accessibility and easy
consumption in buildings, i.e. ‘‘minimize the energy demand of
integration with existing building systems.
the building, and supply the remaining energy demand by means
Building operation strategy plays a crucial role in the delivery of
of on-site renewable energy resources” [9].
‘‘nZEB”. Various strategies can be adopted for system optimization
A lot of studies have been conducted to address these two
according to the cooling and heating demands [53]. Energy savings
strategies. These include, optimizing building orientation and
of 17% can be achieved when the system is operated with more
shape; using insulated materials for the building envelope [10–
appropriate control functions [54]. As a result, the energy produc-
12]; adopting efficient heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
tion/consumption schedule can be optimized which consequently
(HVAC) facilities [13–16] and systems [17–21]; using smart control
maximize benefits.
technologies [22]; encouraging energy saving behaviors within
A vast majority of existing studies on ‘‘nZEB” focused on the
occupants [23–28]; and utilizing various types of renewable
measures of energy savings by means of simulation at the design
energy resources [29–33].
stage. By contrast, the actual operation of ‘‘nZEB” was largely over-
For example, previous studies have shown that heating energy
looked. As a result, it is difficult to accurately analyze the economy
could be reduced by more than 35% by means of optimizing the
of ‘‘nZEB”, which prevents its wide implementation. This study
shape and orientation of buildings [34]. Similarly, the total heating
examines ways to reduce the energy consumption at the design
and cooling demand could be cut by nearly 26% via proper opti-
stage via appropriate energy efficient technologies. According to
mization strategy on building envelop such as window-wall ratio
the annual energy consumption simulation results, a solar photo-
and shading system [35].
voltaic system was designed and installed on the building. The
Natural ventilation systems also offer an avenue to reduce the
energy production and consumption during operation were exam-
energy consumption compared with active cooling methods [36].
ined by comparing the simulated results to the actual operation
In particular, higher ventilation rates are essential for cooling
data. The building management systems were then optimized.
during the summer season [37].
Finally, the economy of ‘‘nZEB” was analyzed.
Artificial lighting accounts for around 20% of energy consump-
tion globally [38]. Lighting related energy consumption can be
reduced through the use of daylighting. Ihm P’s study demon- 2. Methodology
strated that day-lighting controls can save the lighting energy as
much as 77% [39]. 2.1. Energy simulation
Nearly half of energy consumption in commercial buildings is
used for heating, cooling and ventilation (HVAC) systems [40,41]. At the design stage, building energy simulation is often
Therefore, the energy savings from the design of HVAC systems conducted to determine strategies for achieving ‘‘net zero energy”
718 Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728

consumption. The energy performance of the preliminary design 2.2. Energy consumption metering
was simulated by the e-QUEST software. Response factor method
was employed to calculate the heat transfer quantity from the Energy consumption metering was used to determine the
building envelope. The annual energy consumption can be calcu- energy use during the operational phase of the building. The test
lated dynamically according to various building parameters, such was carried out on both energy consumption system and energy
as building structure, material of the envelope, heating and cooling generation system by means of a combination of auto-system
mode and the form of energy systems, users’ behaviors, lighting monitoring and manual testing. For the energy consumption sys-
equipment, and indoor design temperatures. tem, the test was mainly conducted on the amount of energy con-
sumed by various systems, such as cooling and heating units, water
pumps, air conditioning system, elevators, lighting system, and
2.1.1. Simulation models other indoor equipment. The operational efficiency of major elec-
The case study building is located in Binhai District, Tianjin, tric equipment was also tested. For heating and cooling units, the
China. The designed outdoor dry-bulb temperature for summer test parameters included the amount of cool or heat generation,
cooling is 33.4 °C, and the wet-bulb temperature is 26.9 °C. The the supply and return water temperature, and the flow rate. The
designed outdoor dry-bulb temperature for winter heating is amount of cool or heat generation was monitored by the heat
11 °C, and the relative humidity is 53%. It is a two-story office meters installed in the system. The cooling and heating power
building with a total floor area of 3467 m2 and a total height of can be calculated by formula (2). The amount of cold or heat supply
15 m. The building’s floor area ratio is 0.37 and its shape coefficient during a period of time can be calculated by formula (3) in a cumu-
is 0.22. The building is divided into two parts for different func- lative manner. In this study, the DTQ represents the time interval
tions, i.e. one as exhibition and sale areas, and the other for offices and the accumulation time for the heat meter is set as 10 s. The
and archives. Fig. 1 shows the simulation model of the building via performance of the unit is represented by COP value, which refers
the e-QUEST software. to the ratio of the compressor’s cooling power (or heating power)
to its shaft power under the same condition, and can be calculated
2.1.2. Indoor equipment by formula (4). During the operation, the performance of the unit
The main indoor heat sources in the building are lighting, was tested under a steady-state operating conditions [55], i.e. the
equipment and occupants. According to the functions of the differ- system’s load is less than 60% of the actual maximum load and
ent zones, the occupant density, design temperature, fresh air vol- the unit’s operation load should not be less than 80% of the rated
ume and equipment density are designed (shown in Table 1). The load.
main equipment and associated running schedule are shown in Q 0 ¼ cqV Dt=3600 ð2Þ
Table 2.
Q¼ Q 0  DT Q ð3Þ

COP ¼ ð4Þ
The shaft power of the unit represented by Pe can be calculated
by formula (5) after testing the current and voltage. The electricity
consumption of equipment was measured separately depending
on the system it belongs to. Consequently, the cumulative electric-
ity consumption can be calculated by formula (6), in which DTN
equals to 30 s.
Pe ¼ UI cos U ð5Þ
P¼ P e  DT P ð6Þ
Fig. 1. Physical model.

Table 1
Indoor heat sources.

Function Occupant density (m2/p) Fresh air volume (m3/h p) Equipment density (W/m2) Design temperature (°C)
Summer Winter
Office 8 30 6 26 20
Exhibition hall 20 30 2.0 26 20
Exhibition room 50 10 0.6 27 18
Archives 50 30 1.4 26 20
Conference room 0.5 30 0.1 26 20

Table 2
Running schedule of main equipment.

Equipment Schedule
Lighting and indoor equipment Monday to Friday: 9:00–17:00
Heating 2013-11-1–2014-3-15 Monday to Friday: 8:00–16:30 Otherwise in low temperature operation
Cooling 2014-5-1–2014-9-1 Monday to Friday: 8:00–16:30
Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728 719

The energy generation system selected for this case building As shown in Fig. 2, the minimum total energy consumption can
was solar PV system. Various parameters of energy generation be obtained all orientations when the WWR was 0.2. Therefore, the
were tested such as voltage, current, electricity generation capac- WWR of the case building was selected as 0.2.
ity, electricity consumption, and the amount of electricity fed into
grid. Some other detailed parameters of PV panels were tested as 3.1.2. Envelope insulation
well, such as the direct current generated by the PV panels and In order to minimize the energy consumption, the structural
the alternating current transformed by the inverter. and thermal properties of the building envelope were selected as
the optimal configuration of materials available in the current mar-
ket (see Table 3). The heat transfer coefficient of the exterior wall,
3. System description roof and overhead floor was selected as 0.15 W/(m2 K), 0.12 W/
(m2 K), and 0.13 W/(m2 K) respectively. External windows were
In order to reduce the energy demand, both passive and active made of aluminum alloy and double glazed Low-E glass with a heat
design methods were taken into consideration. The annual energy transfer coefficient of 1 W/(m2 K), the shading coefficient of 0.42,
consumption of the building was then simulated by e-QUEST. the visible transmittance of 0.42, and the reflectivity of 0.55. The
Finally, a solar PV system was selected according to the simulation heat transfer coefficient of the building envelope is significantly
results, with an aim to balance the energy consumption and energy lower than that specified in the national standard.
generation of the building.

3.1.3. Natural ventilation

3.1. Passive energy saving measures The first and second floors of the case study building have a
shared lobby, through which the natural ventilation can be
A variety of passive and active energy-saving technologies were achieved by using air density difference during the transition sea-
employed in the case building in order to reduce the energy son. The inlet is outside of the building and the air flows unassisted
consumption. through the tunnel into the building. During the cooling season,
the air outdoor is pre-cooled by the tunnel, reducing the energy
consumption of fresh air (see Fig. 3).
3.1.1. Window-wall ratio
The window wall ratio (WWR) is the ratio of the total external 3.1.4. Natural day-lighting
window area (including transparent curtain wall) in one orienta- There are two types of natural lighting systems used in this
tion to the total wall area (including the window area) in the same building. Lighting pipes were used in those places that did not
orientation. The size and orientation can have positive or negative require high lux levels. For example, in the atrium, the use of sky-
effects on the total energy consumption. For example, larger win- lights was particularly effective. During the actual operation of the
dows are beneficial to daylighting and heating load in winter, how- building, the natural lighting is able to meet the requirements of
ever the cooling load will increase in summer. Therefore, the illumination intensity completely in the atrium without any artifi-
appropriate WWR helps to reduce the heating and lighting energy cial lighting.
consumption. Fig. 2 shows the e-QUEST simulation results of the
total energy consumption when the WWR was 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, and
3.2. Active energy saving measures
0.1 respectively.

3.2.1. HVAC systems

The indoor cooling and heating systems contained GCHP sys-
tem, two Air Handle Units (AHU), sixty fan coil units, and two sets
of fresh air systems. The open plan zones were equipped with vari-
able air volume air conditioning system and variable frequency
AHU. The small rooms were equipped with fan-coil units and fresh
air systems. The performance parameters of AHU are shown in
Table 4.
The fan coil units can be adjusted by occupants, however were
also linked to window operation. For example, if the window is
open, the fan coil units will automatically be shut down. Once
the window is closed, the fan coil units will be automatically
adjusted according to the indoor temperature.
In order to reduce the cooling and heating loads, natural venti-
lation and an earth-air heat exchanger (EAHE) system were also
Fig. 2. Air conditioning and lighting energy consumption under different window- used within the building. During the transition seasons, the fresh
wall ratios.
air was extracted from the air inlet outside of the building and then

Table 3
Main material and thermal performance of the building envelope.

Position Wall and insulation materials Thickness Heat conductivity Density

mm W/(m K) kg/m3
Wall material Autoclaved aerated concrete block (B04) 300 0.11 6450
Thermal bridge beam column Autoclaved aerated concrete block (B03) 50 0.069 6350
Exterior wall insulation Rock wool board 150 0.037 6180
Roof insulation Extruded polystyrene board (XPS board) 300 0.03 28–35
Heating and non-heating wall Autoclaved aerated concrete block (B05) 200 0.13 6550
720 Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728

Fig. 3. Schematic of building natural ventilation.

Table 4
The performance parameters of AHU.

Mixing section Surface cooling section Air supply section

Fresh air temperature (°C) 21 Mixed temperature (°C) 26.1/26.3 Supply air temperature (°C) 21
Fresh air volume (m3/h) 860/500 Cold/heat output (kW) 27.89/10.35 Air supply (m3/h) 19,173/14,282
Return air temperature (°C) 26.4/26.5 Cooling supply and return water temperature (°C) 16/21 Shaft power (kW) 7/5.5
Return air volume (m3/h) 18,313/13,782 Heating supply and return water temperature (°C) 42/37 Fan efficiency (%) 70

supplied to rooms through the indoor air supply outlet under the was equipped with a sensor, which is connected to the data com-
ground. It is then discharged through the skylight. The fresh air munication interface. They are controlled automatically according
system can automatically adjust the air supply volume according to the illumination of the room, as well as the occupants’ behavior.
to the indoor CO2 concentration.
(3) Energy management system
3.2.2. Lighting system
To minimize the energy consumption, natural lighting was used The energy management system plays a crucial role in achiev-
in the hall. Lighting pipes were installed in the stairwell and the ing net zero energy consumption. By collecting, comparing and
equipment room in the basement, the exhibition room on the first analyzing the energy use data of the whole building, the system
floor, and in the archive room and the kettle room on the second can be used in solar photovoltaic system and indoor lighting, HVAC
floor. The indoor lighting for other zones was achieved via a com- and other energy systems.
bination of natural daylighting and artificial lighting. When natural
lighting was not able to fulfill the illumination requirements, fluo- 3.3. Renewable energy system
rescent lamps with high photosynthetic efficiency (83–110 lm/W)
were adopted in the case study building. According to the functions of the case study building and avail-
ability of renewable energies, the most suitable systems were solar
3.2.3. Control system energy and the GCHP system.
Using the earth as mass for a source cooling/heating, the GCHP
(1) HVAC control system system consists of a heat pump unit, heat exchanger, water pumps
The frequency conversion of the compressor was employed to and so on. A heat pump unit with a cooling capacity of 175 kW, and
control the air conditioning system by monitoring the rate of build- a heating capacity of 168 kW was chosen. In order to enhance the
ing load and the variation of the return water’s temperature. The operational efficiency of the unit, the outlet temperature of the
primary pump of air conditioning water system can be frequency evaporator in summer is set as 16 °C, which is 9 °C higher than that
operated by controlling the loop water system pressure and the of the conventional unit. As a result, the COP can be increased by
temperature difference between supply and return water. For the about 40%. The parameters of GCHP unit are shown in Table 5.
modular air conditioning units as well as new wind generating In addition, a solar PV system was employed for power genera-
units, Direct Digital Control (DDC) was used to adjust the air flow, tion. The electricity generated by the PV system can be used for the
while the fresh air damper can be adjusted according to the CO2 HVAC, lighting and other systems within the building. A small
concentration within the zones. proportion of the surplus will be used to charge the batteries
whereas the vast majority of surplus will be fed into the grid
(2) Lighting control system (see Fig. 4). When the electricity generated by the PV system does
not fulfill the building energy demand, the energy stored in batter-
Fluorescent lamps were selected in the case study building, ies will be used in the first instance in order to reduce energy costs.
which are controlled by digital technologies. Each fluorescent lamp When the energy in the batteries runs out, electricity will be drawn
from the grid. The schematic diagram of the system is shown in
Fig. 4.
Table 5 According to the simulation model of building design, the yearly
The performance parameters of GCHP. energy production from PV system is 288.54 MW h, which was 20%
Working Capacity Rated Inlet/outlet Inlet/outlet more than the required energy demand. This is due to a consider-
condition (kW) power temperature of temperature of ation of potential issues that may arise during the operation stage,
input evaporator (°C) condenser (°C) including; the differences between simulation results and actual
conditions in terms of building functions; the type, quantity and
Cooling 175 29.5 21/16 30/35 power of appliances; and the total solar radiation. The total radiant
Heating 168 37.5 5/8 37/42
intensity of solar energy in Tianjin area was modeled as
Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728 721

Fig. 4. Schematic of solar photovoltaic power generation system.

Table 6
Performance parameters of solar cell module.
summer. In winter, the inlet/outlet water temperature of con-
Name Unit Performance parameters denser was 37/42 °C and the rated COP value was 4.5, similar to
Size mm 1580  798 the conventional units. The total energy consumption of the GCHP
Rated power Wp 210 units, water pumps, ventilation system, lighting system and office
Module efficiency % 16.7
equipment was simulated (see Table 7). Results showed that the
annual energy consumption of the case study building was about
241 MW h. The average energy consumption per unit area was
69.6 kW h/m2, among which the HVAC system was 35.1 kW h/m2
1.492 MW h/m2 [56], and the performance parameters of the solar
(50.4%), the lighting system was 13.1 kW h/m2 (18.8%) and the
panel were determined as shown in Table 6. The total installed area
office equipment was 21.4 kW h/m2 (30.8%).
was 1759 m2. A schematic of the system is shown in Fig. 5.
At the design stage, a solar PV system was selected with a
capacity of 20% higher than the simulated energy consumption.
4. Results and discussion Theoretically, the demands of zero energy consumption could be
achieved using this system. However, the operational results
4.1. Energy consumption simulation showed that the electricity generated from the solar PV system
only met 29.5% of the building energy consumption. Fig. 6 showed
Using the building envelope properties and equipment the building’s actual power consumption and generation in com-
described in Section 3.1, the building was simulated to determine parison to the simulation results. The actual power consumption
the annual heating and cooling loads. Accordingly, the cooling and was 30.9% higher than that predicted by the simulation model.
heating sources were selected. The inlet/outlet water temperature By contrast, the actual power generation was only 36.8% of the
of the evaporator was 21/16 °C and the rated COP value was 5.9 in amount predicted by the simulation.

Fig. 5. The actual installation positions of PV panels.

722 Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728

Table 7
Simulated energy consumption of each system.

Month Lighting Office equipment Water pump Ventilation fan Heating Cooling Total
MW h MW h MW h MW h MW h MW h MW h
1 3.81 6.3 1.21 4.88 11.11 0 27.31
2 3.64 5.76 1.1 4.41 9.16 0 24.07
3 3.73 6.3 0.27 4.14 4.36 0 18.8
4 3.81 6.1 0 0.78 0 0 10.69
5 3.89 6.3 0.88 0.8 0 0 11.87
6 3.65 6.1 1.02 2.9 0 6.81 20.48
7 3.89 6.3 1.38 5.2 0 14.08 30.85
8 3.81 6.31 1.3 4.8 0 13.06 29.28
9 3.73 6.1 0 0.78 0 0 10.61
10 3.89 6.31 0 0.8 0 0 11
11 3.73 6.1 1.04 4.54 5.42 0 20.83
12 3.81 6.31 1.21 4.83 9.42 0 25.58
Total 45.39 74.29 9.41 38.86 39.47 33.95 241.37
Energy consumption per unit area (kW h/m2) 13.1 21.4 2.7 11.2 11.4 9.8 69.6

Fig. 6. The building’s actual and simulated power consumption, actual and simulated power generation.

Fig. 7. The simulation results on design, corrective simulation and actual energy consumption of HVAC.

4.2. The actual energy consumption ventilation and the EAHE system. In order to examine the operat-
ing COP of GCHP system, two tests were undertaken on a typical
4.2.1. HVAC system day in winter and on a typical day in summer. The operating COP
From the monitoring results it was possible to observe that was 4.1 in winter (91% of the rated value). Under non laboratory
when outdoor temperature was 18 °C, the indoor air temperature conditions, this operating COP is considered as acceptable. How-
was stable at approximately 21 °C by means of the natural ever, in summer, the operating COP was as low as 1.7 (29% of the
Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728 723

Fig. 8. Nature lighting effect in the hall.

rated value) which is considerably inefficient. Results showed that to 39.3 kW h/(m2 a), 12% higher than the ‘‘simulation for design”
there was a certain level of difference between the meteorological value. During the actual operation, as the GCHP system was not
conditions during the test and the climate file used in the simula- rationally controlled according to the operational characteristics,
tion model. However, despite these differences, the operating COP its actual operational power consumption was 48.2 kW h/(m2 a),
is not expected to vary that significantly. Further analysis showed 22.5% higher than the corrective simulation result. Thus, if strictly
that the building’s actual operational load was significantly lower controlled in accordance with the operation requirements, the
than the design load due to the low occupancy rate. As a variable HVAC system, especially the GCHP system in this case study build-
frequency system, when the load was low, the unit could automat- ing, can save energy per unit area of 8.9 kW h/(m2 a).
ically regulate the frequency to reduce the supply capacity for high
operation efficiency. This study revealed that building users had a 4.2.2. Lighting
lack of training in the correct way in which to use the GCHP sys- Natural lighting was shown to fulfill the requirements in the
tem. The GCHP system was not set to operate in the variable fre- hall without artificial lighting (see Fig. 8), even in overcast condi-
quency mode, and hence operated in a low-efficient fixed tions. As the service area did not have strict lighting requirements,
frequency mode with both compressors running all of the time. the tubular day-lighting system was generally able to fulfill the
By contrast, the system operated with a high COP in winter as heat- anticipated design aims, although its lighting effect varied accord-
ing supply is required in all rooms to prevent damage to water ing to the outdoor sunlight intensity (see Fig. 9). The running time
pipes in the cold weather, no matter the occupancy of the room. of lighting systems in the actual building in operation phase in the
In addition, there were some variations to the building func- different function areas was not as same as that in the design sim-
tions and indoor equipment compared with the initial design. ulation. Therefore, the power consumption of lighting system was
Therefore, the energy consumption of the HVAC system was re- re-simulated according to actual conditions. The corrective simula-
simulated according to the actual performance curve of GCHP sys- tion result was compared with actual power consumption as
tem, running schedule and other conditions (see Fig. 7). There is shown in Fig. 10. The lighting power consumption per unit area
lack of date at the design stage (hereinafter referred to as ‘‘simula- was amended from the original 13.1 kW h/(m2 a) to 14.3 kW h/
tion for design”). The annual energy consumption of HVAC system (m2 a), and the actual power consumption was 15.9 kW h/(m2 a).
(including heating, cooling, water pumps, ventilation, etc.) per unit It can be seen that although the power consumption of the lighting
area was 35.1 kW h/(m2 a). After re-simulation (hereinafter system was relatively low, there was energy saving potential of
referred to as ‘‘corrective simulation”), this figure was amended 1.6 kW h/(m2 a) if an operation strategy was in place.

Fig. 9. Lighting effect of tubular daylighting system.

724 Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728

Fig. 10. The simulation results on design, corrective simulation and actual power consumption of lighting system.

operation stage, a large number of additional water dispensers

Table 8
Annual energy consumption of subsystems (MW h). were installed in offices, which increased the energy consumption.
Moreover, both the water boilers and water dispenser were kept
Eds Eo Eo/Eds (%)
running 24 h a day in the case study building so that the temper-
HVAC 121.69 167 137.2 ature of water within those tanks remained over 95 °C. This also
Lighting equipment 45.39 55 121.2
contributed to high energy consumption. If the operation of these
Office equipment 74.29 93 125.2
Total 241.37 316 130.9
appliances was controlled in accordance with design requirements,
the energy consumption per unit area could be reduced to
26.8 kW h/(m2 a). This is 6 kW h/(m2 a) of energy savings com-
pared to the current operation.
4.2.3. Office equipment and others
There were a large number of office related devices and equip-
ment which contribute to energy consumption, such as the eleva- 4.2.4. Total actual energy consumption
tor, computers, printers, copiers, projectors, large display screens, Since the completion of the case study building, the whole sys-
and water boilers. Of these items, the elevator was the largest tem was tested for an entire year (see Table 8). From January 2014
energy consumer. In both the design and operation stages, the ele- to December 2014, the total energy consumption of this building
vator was controlled according to the operation strategy, so that was 316 MW h per anumn, and the energy consumption per unit
the actual operating energy consumption was consistent with the area was 75.9 kW h/(m2 a). The actual electricity generation of
simulated value. Computers also significantly contributed to solar PV system was 106 MW h, which was significantly lower than
energy consumption, however, it is difficult to design energy effi- the amount of energy consumed by the building. In spite of this,
ciency control strategies for computers due to the large quantity the energy consumption of this case study building was 18.4% less
used in the building. The third appliance with high energy demand than that of conventional energy saving building. Among the build-
are the water boilers. At each floor, there was a water boiler for ing systems, the HVAC system saved 27.4% of energy, while the
supplying boiled water to occupants as Chinese people prefer to lighting and indoor electrical equipment saved 5%.
drink boiled water. The operation of the water boiler can be con-
trolled automatically according to the water temperature. It was 4.3. Solar electricity generation
also switched on half an hour earlier before the start of working
hours and shut down after business hours. However, during the At the design stage, the simulated solar electricity generation
capacity was greater than the simulated energy consumption in
March, April, May, June, September and October (see Fig. 11).
Theoretically, the excessive electricity can be fed into the local
power grid, however, during the actual operation of the building,
the electricity generation was always lower than the energy con-
sumption (see Fig. 12).
The ratio of actual generation capacity to theoretical generation
capacity was the largest in November (65.5%), and was the lowest
in October (13%). It is imperative to investigate the significant gap
between the actual power generation and simulated value. The
most critical evaluation metric of solar PV panel is the power gen-
eration efficiency, which can be calculated by formula (7).
Q pv ;power
k¼ ð7Þ
W solar;rec  S
The rated power generation efficiency of solar PV panels
selected for the case building was 16.7%. However, according to
Fig. 11. The simulated power generation and power consumption in 2014. formula (7), the design requirements can be met when the
Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728 725

Fig. 12. The actual power generation of solar PV system and the actual electricity consumption in 2014.

Fig. 13. The solar radiation intensity and power generation of solar PV system in July 13th, 2014.

Fig. 14. The solar radiation intensity and power generation of solar PV system in December 8th, 2014.

efficiency is 11.5%. In order to examine the actual conversion effi- PV system was 1060 kW h; the power generation efficiency was
ciency of the solar PV system, two tests were undertaken on a typ- calculated as 10.2% during that day which is 89% of the designed
ical day in winter and on a typical day in summer. Fig. 13 shows efficiency.
the solar radiation intensity, and the comparison between the Fig. 14 shows the solar radiation intensity, and the comparison
designed and actual power generation on July 13th, 2014. The total between designed and actual power generation in December 8th,
solar radiation was 5882 W h/m2 and power generation of the solar 2014. The total solar radiation was 2915 W h/m2 and power
726 Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728

Fig. 15. The influence of cleanliness of photovoltaic panels on electricity generation.

Fig. 16. The comparison of actual solar photovoltaic power generation between 2014 and 2015.

generation of the solar PV system was 387 kW h, resulting in the (2) cleaning the surface of PV panels regularly, and (3) educating
power generation efficiency of 7.6% which is 66% of the designed building users. The comparison of actual electricity generation in
efficiency. 2015 with that from 2014 is shown in Fig. 16. By avoiding break-
The power generation efficiency by the solar PV system was down during the operation, electricity generated from the system
lower than the designed value in both summer and winter. This is largely increased. However, a considerable gap remains between
is mainly due to three issues. First, too much dust accumulated actual electricity generation and designed value. The actual electric-
on the surface of PV panels. In recent years, the air pollution has ity generation was only 73.5% of the designed value. This is likely
been severe in China. This is a particular issue in winter when there due to the severe haze weather during the investigation period.
are high concentrations of particulates in the air. Second, fog and
haze weather occurred frequently in Tianjin during this time. Con-
4.4. The economy of ‘‘nZEB”
sequently, the solar radiation intensity received by the ground sur-
face was significantly lower than that of a standard year. This made
The economy of ‘‘nZEB” has attracted wide concern. This paper
it difficult to achieve the designed efficiency of electricity genera-
has revealed that the case study building cost RMB 17,300 yuan/m2
tion. Third, there were some issues associated with the solar PV
to operate, 70% higher than that of an ordinary energy efficient
system such as malfunction of the inverter, and the control system.
building. There are two main contributors to the increased cost.
An investigation of the effect of dust on the actual generating
The first is the cost of the solar PV system, including solar PV pan-
capacity of the PV panels was made. HIP-210NKHE1 PV panels
els, batteries, etc. The second are the windows; the window air
installed in the case building are divided into two groups. Each
tightness and thermal insulation of domestic products cannot ful-
group of PV panels was connected to a small array, where the
fill the design requirements. As a result, expensive imported prod-
actual generation capacity on sunny days of the year was moni-
ucts were adopted in the case study building. However, the case
tored. For the first group, the surface ash was cleaned before the
study building is still able to achieve about 27.4% more energy sav-
test. The testing time are: 2014-01-01, 2014-02-20, 2014-03-04,
ings than conventional buildings. The payback period is 9 years,
2014-04-03, 2014-05-20, 2014-06-05, 2014-07-13, 2014-08-08,
calculated using formula (8). More efforts are required to further
2014-09-04, 2014-10-06, 2014-11-02, 2014-12-05. The testing
facilitate the implementation of ‘‘nZEB” in China.
results (see Fig. 15) shows that the actual generation capacity of
PV panels in the case study building can drop by nearly 19% due DI
Npayback ¼ ð8Þ
to the accumulation of dust on the PV panels’ surface. ðQ PV;power þ Q s Þ  Pp
In 2015, three measures were put forward with an aim to deal
with these issues; (1) strengthening the operation management, where QPV, power = 211 MW h; Pp = RMB 1 yuan/kW h; Qs = 76 MW h.
Z. Zhou et al. / Applied Energy 177 (2016) 716–728 727

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