Nadeen Confidence April

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Growing confidence

April 2019
Teacher Liz

Nadeen, you can often be cautious when

approaching new challenges, people or ide-
as. Lately I have been watching as your
language and confidence continues to
grow & grow. It seems that you r new
found confidence is spilling over into
other areas of your learning too!
The walker stilts were your goal today.
You quietly waited till no one was using
them (were you watching and learning
from other children?) and then took the oppor-
tunity to master it. As I stood back to observe
you I noticed that it was a challenge for you.
You took hold of the handles and looked down to
your feet. And pushed each pedal down you
were slow and sure with each movement.
Nadeen, it was awesome to see you, in your own time and your
own way, take on a physical challenge. Your confidence is
growing in learning areas, I cant wait to see what you will re-
veal to us next! You are so competent, once you try Nadeen.

Nadeen, you have a independent and calm disposition, you are

determined and methodical in your approach. I will continue
to encourage you to observe and then try new physical chal-
Lets see what happens next!
Kai Pai Nadeen

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