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Lauren F.

Kelly 56 Covington Street, Bridgewater, MA 02324 508-423-5951

Bridgewater State University: Bridgewater, MA M.Ed. Student Affairs Counseling Candidate, May 2019

Providence College: Providence, RI B.A. Public and Community Service Studies & Women’s Studies, May 2013

PWC Center for Diversity & Inclusion: Bryant University Jan. 2019-present
Women’s Center Graduate Intern
• Oversee Prevention Education Peers (PEP) program: assist in the selection, onboarding, and advising of peer
educators; provide supervision and feedback in trainings; coordinate program communication and management
• Assist with the Advocacy Helpline and provide support to students impacted by power-based personal violence
• Collaborate with staff in the Hochberg Women’s Center, Intercultural Center, Machtley Interfaith Center, and
Pride Center in social justice and diversity programming
Office of Student Involvement & Leadership: Bridgewater State University Aug. 2017-present
Graduate Assistant
• Coordinate leadership development opportunities: supervise four leadership education interns, oversee the
Leadership Institute program, organize celebrations and recognition ceremonies for student leadership and impact
• Co-advisor to Program Council: provide direct support and advising to the president, 4 vice presidents, marketing
team, social justice and cultural programming; and assist in development and facilitation of e-board retreats
• Support club operations through advising the recognition process and developing resources and trainings for
organizations, club leaders, and faculty/staff advisors
Office of Student Leadership & Community Engagement: University of Massachusetts Boston June 2018-Dec. 2018
Social Justice Graduate Intern
• Organized social justice dialogue series, Tuesday Talks, in collaboration with Student Multicultural Affairs
• Oversaw Grow Peer Facilitator program: advised leadership team, supervised student program assistant, assisted
in development of new social justice and leadership workshops, and coordinated facilitator selection and training
• Researched and compiled 40-page benchmarking report to assess the department’s programs, staffing structure,
funding resources, and community partnerships
Day One: Providence, RI Aug. 2014- Nov. 2017
Prevention Education Specialist and Coordinator, June ‘15-Nov. ‘17
• Oversaw the RI Cross-Campus Learning Collaborative for Sexual Violence Prevention: professional network of
the 11 colleges/universities in the state and provided technical assistance, program support, and training
• Coordinated a high school violence prevention program, Your Voice Your View, through curriculum and program
development, implementation, and evaluation with a research team from Rhode Island Hospital
• Trained and supervised incoming education staff, research assistants, and college-level interns
Clinical Coordinator, Aug. ’14-June ’15
• Administered intake services for survivors of sexual, domestic, and child abuse; coordinated support groups; and
collaborated with community partners to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to case and care coordination
Feinstein Institute for Public Service: Providence College July 2013-July 2014
Providence College/Smith Hill Annex Co-Coordinator
• Managed operations of shared community space between the college and local community development agency
• Facilitated campus-community partnerships and supported programming that occurred within the space
• Assisted students’ community engagement and leadership development through shared initiatives
• Attended 2013 Eastern Regional Campus Compact Conference and other professional development opportunities
Department of Public and Community Service Studies: Providence College Jan. 2014-May 2014
Community Instructor
• Co-taught Introduction to Service in Democratic Communities course with department faculty
• Developed syllabus and course outcomes; supported students in their academic and personal growth
• Facilitated class through discussions, readings, workshops, and service-learning based reflection
Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) Sept.
Member & Conference Presenter
• 2018 NASPA Region I Conference
o Ed. Session Presenter: Promoting Student Self Care-A Guide for New Professionals
o Lunch & Learn Panelist: A Statewide Approach to Campus Sexual Violence Prevention
National Association of Campus Activities (NACA) Sept. 2017-present
Member & Conference Presenter
• 2018 NACA Northeast Conference
o Ed. Session Presenter: From Programmer to Professional-Marketing Your Skills for a Future Career
Bridgewater State University Student Arts & Research Symposium Sept. 2017-present
Graduate Assistant Participant
• 2018 Poster Session Presenter: Exploring the Intersection of Student Activism & Leadership Development
Green Dot: Bystander Intervention Curriculum Aug. 2015-present
Certified trainer
• 2015 Train-the-Trainer Certification at Roger Williams University
Campus Compact Sept. 2012-Dec. 2018
Member & Conference Presenter
• 2012 Eastern Regional Campus Compact Conference
o Ed. Session Presenter: Engaging Student Leadership Through Service-Learning
Feinstein Institute for Public Service: Reimagining Social Change Jan. 2015-May 2015
Practitioner Participant
• 2015 Social Justice seminar for reflective practitioners in higher education and non-profit organizations


Chi Sigma Alpha Student Affairs Honor Society: Bridgewater State University Sept.
President ’18-’19, Secretary ’18
Director of Student Involvement & Leadership Search: Bridgewater State University June 2018-Sept. 2018
Search Committee Member
Graduate Education Council: Bridgewater State University Jan.2018-May 2018
Graduate Student Representative
Sexual Assault Task-Force Committee: Providence College March 2012-May 2014
Staff Representative ’13-’14, Student Representative ’12-’13
Providence College Service Board: Providence College Sept. 2012-
May 2014
PC/Smith Hill Annex Representative ’13-’14, Student Representative ’12-’13
Feinstein Institute for Public Service: Providence College June 2012-May 2013
Service-Learning Assistant
Board of Multicultural Student Affairs (BMSA): Providence College Dec. 2011-May 2013
SHEPARD Representative
Stopping Homophobia, Eliminating Prejudice, And Restoring Dignity: Providence College Sept. 2009-May 2013
President ’12-’13, Secretary ’11-’12, Safe Space Coordinator ’10-’12
Women Will: Providence College Sept. 2009-May 2013
Vice President ’12-’13, Secretary ’11-’12, Public Relations Chair ’10-‘11
New Student Orientation Program: Providence College Aug. 2010-Sept. 2012
Orientation Leader

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