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Nama Kelompok

1. Dian Nur Elisa (21040118120026)

2. Alfatah Arzaquzzaki (21040118120049)


Dialogue For Present Tense

Dian : “Hello.”

Fatah : “Hai.”

Dian : “Hello what is your name?”

Fatah : “My name is Fatah! And you?”

Dian : “My name is Dian…. What do you do?

Fatah : “Iam still college student!”

Dian : “Oh…Me too!”

Fatah : “Where do you study?”

Dian : “I study in Diponegoro University!”

Fatah : “Me too! I study in faculty of engineering.”

Dian : “I study in faculty of law”

Fatah : “where do you live?”

Dian : “I stay in Mulawarman street in rent a house”

Fatah : “Oh ok!”

Dian : “I want to ask you Fat.”

Fatah : “What do you want to ask.?”

Dian : “ what are you doing?”

Fatah : “ Iam doing my article. And you An?.”

Dian : “ Iam waiting for my friend.”

Fatah : “ What is name your friend?”

Dian : “The name is Rahman. He is college student in Diponegoro University too.”

Fatah : “Really?.”

Dian : “Yes. He study in Faculty of Science and Mathematics.”

Fatah : “ Do you live together?”

Dian : “ No! he live with his brother.”

Fatah : “Oh..Ok.

Dian : “There! My friend is come. Good bye Fat!.”

Fatah : “Ok bye.”

Dialogue for Past Tenses

“Vacation in Semarang”

Fatah : “Assalamualaikum, hi dian”

Dian : “Waalaikumsalam, oh hi tah. How are you? ”

Fatah : “i`m fine dian. What are you doing in this park?”

Dian : “ohhh i was finding the idea to make poetry.”

Fatah : “for what you made poetry? What are there the exercise to make that from Mrs.

Dian : ”No, this poetry is for my sister wedding”

Fatah : ”oohh, By the way How was your weekend?”

Dian : ”My weekend was very nice, i was very happy last week”

Fatah : ”Why? What had you done?”

Dian : “ My last weekend, i and my group from Teknik Komunikasi did to take pictures in
Semarang and Did you know that you make me happy?”

Fatah : “ So what????”

Dian : “ I took pictures in some place that interest in semarang like Marina Beach, Lawang
Sewu, Blenduk church, and Srigunting park”

Fatah : “ Then, what again?”

Dian : “ In Lawang Sewu, there was one thousand of windows and this building was used
for the Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij or NIS.”

Fatah : “ wowww that was interesting, can i saw the pictures”

Dian : “ i`m sorry, i did not bring my pictures, if you want to see, you can come to the saw
the pictures in my house this night “

Fatah : “ OK, No problem for me, i will came to your house. I will continued jogging”

Dian : “ OK bye tah assalamualaikum.”

Fatah : “ Bye, waalaikumsalam see you next time”

Dian : “ see you too”


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