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Melissa Payne

The five most important points that stood out to me on the LinkedIn videos are, to
have a professional photo, customize a headline, write a summary, add your work
experience and education. First impressions are everything. A professional photo of
yourself is important to have on your LinkedIn profile because it is the first thing that an
employer looks at. Also, a person with a photo has 21 times more views than someone
who does not and 9 times more connection requests. Second would be to customize a
good headline this is the, second place a connection will look at and this will make it
easier for others to find you. The third important point is to have a well written summary
that explains, who you are, who you help and what type of career interests you. The
fourth point is to add your work experience, this will help explain more of who you are
and who you help. The last important part would be to add your education. This section
tells a lot about you and it is the perfect way to connect with former classmates.
The points in the video were very helpful in creating my LinkedIn profile and
personal brand. The way that I applied these steps was by first adding a professional
photo. I then added my headline as a, “Finance and Credit Student at Salt Lake
Community College.” The video was helpful in that I would have overlooked the
summary section if I had not watched the video. The work section took the most time and
then added in the education.
I believe my personal brand shows that I am a stay at home parent and student. I
think that my colleagues perceive my positive characteristics as, educated, motivated and
organized. My negative characteristics would be, my summary needs some help. Some of
the steps I could take to help my online brand would be to write an awesome summary
and start volunteering. Some of the things that could help improve my personal brand in
person would be to get outside of the house and volunteer.
An example of how a person’s personal brand can affect future career and
employment opportunities would be, that you could lose out on getting the job you
wanted if your personal brand is unprofessional.

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