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Extraverted: Deal with things according to how they fit with your personal value system. They
focus on other people and are supportive of others and are good at reading others. Take their
responsibilities very seriously and are very dependable. Does what needs to be done. They have
a tendency to want to control their environment.​ They are very sensitive to others, are hurt by
indifference and don’t understand unkindness. They have difficulties accepted difficult
(Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Sensing)
Intrapersonal English Project

Page # Quote Interpretation Stage of


180 “He passed the time trying to Although Louie is severely POW
strengthen his legs, pulling himself weakened and barely surviving,
upright and standing for a minute or he still pushes himself to get
two while holding the wall, then stronger. Perseverance
sinking down.”

5 “His siblings would recall him Louie is a somewhat violent, Child

careening about, hurdling flora, outgoing, and active child, who is
fauna, and furniture. The instant quite independent and plays by his
Louise thumped him into a chair and own rules.
told him to be still, he vanished.”

184 & Louie pretends to break during He is defiant and cunning POW
187 interrogation and tell the Japanese
critical military information. He
gives them positions of the fake
airfields in Hawaii. He also draws an
elaborate, false diagram of his
bomber’s radar system.

296 “He felt his consciousness slipping, Resilient POW vs

his mind losing adhesion, until all he the Bird
knew was a single thought: ​He
cannot break me​.”

128 “Louie was bent over the raft when Louie is an optimist, he has Downed
Mac suddenly began wailing, “We’re always believed that things were
going to die!” Louie reassured him going to be alright and that
that the squadron would come for nothing could hurt him. Perhaps
them, and that they were likely to be this is what kept him flying
found that night…” dangerous bomber missions.

5-6 “At five, he started smoking, picking Louie is wild and disorderly. Child
up discarded cigarette butts while
walking to kindergarten. He began
drinking one night when he was
eight… ”

102-1 “The question of how to stop the Louie is resourceful and creative, Crew
03 bomber remained. Louie had an idea. able to work hard under serious member
What if they were to tie two pressure.
parachutes to the rear of the plane,
pitch them out of the waist windows
at touchdown, and pull the rip cords?
No one had ever tried to stop a
bomber in this manner.”

1. You find it difficult to introduce yourself to other people. -1

2. You often get so lost in thoughts that you ignore or forget your surroundings. +1
3. You try to respond to your e-mails as soon as possible and cannot stand a messy inbox.
4. You find it easy to stay relaxed even when there is some pressure. +3
5. You do not usually initiate conversations. -1
6. You rarely do something just out of sheer curiosity. -3
7. You feel superior to other people. +1
8. Being organized is more important to you than being adaptable. -3
9. You are usually highly motivated and energetic. +3
10. Winning a debate matters less to you than making sure no one gets upset. +3
11. You often feel as if you have to justify yourself to other people. -3
12. Your home and work environments are quite tidy. +3
13. You do not mind being at the center of attention. +3
14. You consider yourself more practical than creative. +1
15. People can rarely upset you. -3
16. Your travel plans are usually well thought out. -2
17. It is often difficult for you to relate to other people’s feelings. +2
18. Your mood can change very quickly. +1
19. In a discussion, truth should be more important than people’s sensitivities. +2
20. You rarely worry about how your actions affect other people. -2
21. Your work style is closer to random energy spikes than to a methodical and organized
approach. -2
22. You are often envious of others. -3
23. An interesting book or a video game is often better than a social event. +3
24. Being able to develop a plan and stick to it is the most important part of every project. +2
25. You rarely get carried away by fantasies and ideas. +1
26. You often find yourself lost in thought when you are walking in nature. +1
27. If someone does not respond to your e-mail quickly, you start worrying if you said
something wrong. -3
28. As a parent, you would rather see your child grow up kind than smart. +2
29. You do not let other people influence your actions. +2
30. When you sleep, your dreams tend to focus on the real world and its events. +1
31. It does not take you much time to start getting involved in social 
activities at your new workplace. 
34. You are a relatively reserved and quiet person.
35. If you had a business, you would find it very difficult to fire loyal but underperforming
36. You often contemplate the reasons for human existence.
37. Logic is usually more important than heart when it comes to making important decisions.
38. Keeping your options open is more important than having a to-do list.
39. If your friend is sad about something, you are more likely to offer emotional support than
suggest ways to deal with the problem.

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