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Executive Summary

This report is being written on ‘World Health Organization’ (WHO) which provides
an analysis & evaluation of the current & prospective change plan of actions
which are being taken by this organization.

The report which includes all the crucial points of change management such as
principles, theories, tools & techniques of overcoming all the barriers of that
change process as the organization faces in its internal & global fields.

In order to collect data for this report, research was carried out in terms of
various methods such as text books, internet, class materials & media release
etc. while it took a great amount of time because of the variety of sources to look
through and find the relevant information. In terms of research, online sources
from ‘who’ were particularly useful in all aspects of this report.

Other electronic sources include online, newspaper, articles, official media

releases etc using a wide variety of sources which allowed this report to reflect
fact instead of opinion. Amongst the other sources used, some core text books
were the main basis but other relevant printed material was also used.

On the basis of collected information, it is viewed that’ WHO’ has been taking
proper steps & strategy to face all challenges which are the crucial points of
global change management. However, they should drive more if they want to
implements its change immediately.

Table of contents page no

Introduction 3

Principles of change and its playing roles on the organization


Analysis of change theories and tools within the organization


The effect of globalization on change management


The barriers of change process and ways of overcoming


Identification of source of conflict within change and ways of dealing these

conflict 8

Conclusion 9

References 10


Today’s world is changing faster than ever before. Technological developments,

financial scandals, globalization, restructuring & mergers, new ideas about
management government legislation all putting pressure on organizations to
change to be agile. Yet the process of change is difficult,& implementing it
successfully makes considerable demands on the managers involved. The
economic climate, political trends, change in consumer demands, management
policy &structure, employment levels & financial resources-all these elements
are constantly at play into the organization. World Health Organization (WHO)
which is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that acts as a
coordinating authority on international public health. WHO was established on 7th
April 1948 belonging headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Moreover, the agency
inherited the mandate and resources of its predecessor, the health organization,
which had been an agency of the ‘League of Nations’. WHO has been working as
change agent in the health sector from beginning of its establishment as it is
providing health assistance all over the world including several activities such as
publishing, programs&projects, conventions, research &policy documents,
private sector partnerships etc.

WHO is consisting 193 member states ,including all UN member states except
Liechtenstein and two non-UN members, Nilu & cook islands.All state members
used to meet through World Health Assembly generally in May each year.
Director- General ,Chief of who appointing every five years while WHO is
financed by contribution from member states and from donors .In recent years,
the WHO’s work has involved more collaborations ; there are current around 80
such partnerships with NGO’s & the pharmaceutical industry, as well as with the
foundations such as the Bill and mellinda Gates foundation & the Rockefeller
foundation. Voluntary contributions to the WHO from national & local
government’s foundations &NGO’s, other UN organization, and the private
sector, noe exceed that assessed contributions (DUES) from the 193 member

WHO is taking steps to ensure effective change in all sectors trough its specific
strategies but in fact, some barriers which has interrupted its activities that are
being tried to overcome its dynamic integrated change management team.

Let us see what are the steps of change, techniques of change, barriers of
change& ways of strategies are being conducted by WHO to develop its
integrated management of change plan of actions.

Principles of change:

Change management is a basic skill in which most leaders & managers need to
be competent. There are very few working environments where change
management is not important. World Health Organization (WHO) is not out of
changing environment as there are several new diseases like swine flue, dengu,
sars etc which are attacking the human life all over the world. So, obviously, it is
a vital factor for WHO to overcome this changing risk with its strong principle of
managements. When leaders or managers are planning to manage change,
there are following principles that need to be kept in mind:

*Different people react differently to change.

*Every one has fundamental needs that have to be meeting.

*Change often involves a loss, and people go through the loss “curve”

*Expectations need to be managed realistically.

*Fears have to be dealt.

There are some ways by which WHO is applying above principles for managing
change & innovation.

*Giving people information in open & honest ways according their needs but in
very optimistic ways.

*For large groups, produce a communication strategy that ensures information is

disseminated efficiently & comprehensively to everyone. For example, when
swine flu attacked some countries, WHO delivered message without delay to its
regional office as well as to the bottom part of its management & looked some
initiative to recover this problem.

*Giving people choices to make and be honest about the possible consequences
of those choices, let meet their control inclusion needs. Now a days, WHO have
discovered some syringe, injections which are very easier to use &patient feel
better by using of it.

*Giving people time, to express their views; support their decision making,
providing coaching, counselling or information as appropriate, to help them
through the loss curve. For instance, WHO conducts surveys by health worker,
discover people opinion, identify problems, giving some training, workshops on
related change matter & taking steps to change.

*Keep observing good management pracyice, such as making time for informal
discussion and feedb Analysis of change theories within the World Health
Organization: A number of models have been developed to explain the change
process which are described & evaluated bellow:

Analysis of change theories within the World Health Organization:

A number of models have been developed to explain the change process which
are described & evaluated bellow:

According to KURT LEWIN change management this can be described as follows;

*Unfreezing- altering the present stable equilibrium which supports existing

behaviours & attitudes.

*Changing-developing new responses based on new information.

Re-freezing- stabilizing the change by introducing the new responses into the
personalities of those concerned.


*Settings & defining the future state or organizational conditions desired after

*Diagnosing the present condition in relation to these goals.

*Defining the transition state activities and commitments required to meet the
future state.

*Developing strategies and action plans for managing this transition in the light
of an analysis of the factors likely to affect the introduction of change.

According to KEITH TRUELY-

*Directive-The imposition of change in crisis period without consultation.

*Bargained-Sharing power, negotiation, compromise & agreement before being

implemented the change.

*Hearts &minds-Trustto change the attitudes, values, and beliefs of the whole
work place.

*Analytical-A theoretical approach to the change process using models of

described before.

JOHN P.KOTTERS ‘ Eight steps to successful change’ within the organization-

1. Incrasing urgency.

2. Build the guiding team-set up right person in the right place.


3. Get the vision right.

4. Communicate for buy –in-involves as many as possible.

5. Empower action-Reward & recognise progress & achievements.

6. Create short term wins.

7. Don’t let up –Ongoing chnge.

8. Make change stick-Reinforce the value of successful change via

recruitment,promotion,new change leaders,weave change into culture.
[ health organization-change]

Effect of globalization on change management in terms of the World

Health Organization (who):

Goran Therborn(2000a:154)defines contemporary globalization in terms

that we think are useful :” Tendencies to a world wide research ,impact,or
connectedness of social phenomena or to a world-encompassing awarness
among social factors.”

The characteristics of contemporary globalization include the

internationalization of financial markets and corporate strategies ,the
diffusion of technology and related R&D and knowledge world wide,the
emergence of global media.This help transform consumption patterns into
culture al products through world wide consumer markets. A global
political economy,its social &ecological impacts as well as critical
responses to it, is now reported widely(THERBORN 2000b)

From the source of WHO ‘climate change& health’ meetings-

Climate change is a significant global impact and emersing threat to

public health,and changes the way we must look at protecting vulnerable

The most recent report of the inter govermental panal on climate change
confirmed that there is overwhelming evidence that humans are affecting
the global climate,and highlighted a wide range of implications for human
health, climate variability and change cause death and disease through
natural disasters.such as heatwaves,floods & droughts.In addition,many
important diseases are highly sensitive to changing temparatures and
precipitation.These includes common vector-borne diseases such as
Malaria& dengue;as well as other major killers such as malnutrition
&diarrhoea. Climate change already contributes to the global burden of
disease,and this contribution is expected to grow in the future.

Fortunately, much of the health risk is avoidable through existing health

programmes & interventions,concentred action to strenghten key features
of health systems&to promote healthy development choices,can enhance
public health now as well as reduce vulnerability to future climate
change.In addition,many of the actions that are necessary to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions can also bring very large public health benefits
for example,through reduced air pollution.

WHO has an active & long-standing programme on protecting health from

climate change,guided by a world health assembly resolution.Through its
country, regional & headquarters offices, who provides evidence &
supports capacity building & implementation projects to strenghten the
health system response to climate change,and to ensure that health is
appropriately considered in decisions made by other sectors such as
energy & transport. The organization also provides the health –sector
voice within the overall UN response to this global challenge.
[ change/en/]

[source:WHO’s meeting titled-‘Climate change & human health’]

The barriers of change process:

The change can be driven by events-The need to change is forced upon

the organization. More proactively, the driver for change may be an
innovator strategic plan or positive response to environmental trends.
Change may be inspired by an energetic & determined individual WHO
wants to get things done.

In spite of above mentioned facts, change can be deteriorated by some

barriers which is called resistance to change. This is a feature of all human

behaviours, particularly where alternations to well-or long-established

habits or routines are concerned. One of the most difficult aspects of
introducing change is to carry all staffs along with the change. People will
go along with change if they know, believe or perceive that it is in their
interests to do so .It is therefore, necessary to identify the barriers to

WHO is also facing some barriers to change which may be classified as

two categories i,e-operational,behavioral.

Operational barriers may be location, tradition, success, decline& failure,

technology, vested interest. Similarly, behavioral barriers may consist
confidence in the future, lack of direction & purpose, fear & anxiety,

By following steps WHO can be overcome the barriers as they face into the
change management-

*Enhanced process & procedures.

*Improved IT system.

*Amended infrastructure such as new buildings or machinery.

*Reduced cost of operations or reduced cost to serve customers.

*Enhanced skills& capabilities of staff.

*Improved customer service.

*Changing organisational structure which can include outsourcing.

*Revitalized culture of the organization.

*A merger or de-merger between organizations.

Source of conflicts within change management: All people, entrepreneurs,

managers, employees, suppliers, and customers regarding WHO resist
change for a number of reasons;

*Personal reasons-

1. Fear of the unknown.

2. A low tolerance of change


3. Prejudice.

4. Dislike of the methods being used to implement the change.

*Communications reasons-

1. Not being given adequate reasons for change.

2. Mistrusting or misunderstanding the reason given

*Social reasons-

1. Existing satisfaction with present colleagues, equipment & systems.

2.Initial dislike of new colleagues, equipment or systems.

3. Dislike of outside interference.

*Economic reasons-

1. Lack of belief in ability to acquire the new skills needed.

2. An increase fear of unemployment.

Following diagrams summarises the requirements for the effective

management of change:

Fig-1: Managing change

WHO is alert to make sure all the change as required by this diagram,

According to official records of the WHO No-180 ‘The work of who 1969’
The director-general stated as “ While the search for new approaches
continued, the best possible use was made of old & proven methods of
education & trainings to increase the manpower needed in every medical
& allied category. By the end of WHO’s second decade, over 32000
fellowships had been awarded by the organization to the benefit of many
countries, advances have also been made in medical research: in co-
operation with innumerable medical scientists throughout the world has
sponsored a substantial number of projects which have enriched our
knowledge of a host of unsolved problems still standing between US&
adequate control of the main health hazards.”


By concrete analysis of World Health Organization (WHO) establishments,

activities, strategy & drives in terms of change management principles,
theories, barriers, &effective ways of overcoming the matter; it is clearly
scanning up that WHO which covers mental &social well-being as well as
the more traditional physical aspects. Out of which, sometimes some
diseases which are appeared in the world eventually but WHO is not afraid
of that as it overcomes all the phenomenon by its time being change
management. However, in some cases WHO is not successful accurately
still now. To overcome the challenge of 21st century’s change
environment, WHO should follow the tips & techniques of change
management as discussed above.



1. accessed on

2. management.html.accessed on


3. change/en/. accessed on 12/05/2010

4. management.htm. accessed on


Text books:

1. Armstrong, Michael &Stephens, Tina(2005)Management &


2. Clegg, Stewart, Kornberger, Martin &Pitsis, Tyrone (2005) Managing


3. Eyre, E. c &Pttinger, Richard(1982)Mastering basic management.3rd


4. Newton, Richard(2007)Managing change step by


5. Journal-Official records of WHO No-180 ‘The work of who


6. Class materials provided by teacher.

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