Beef Fried Chopping Steaks and Chips

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Hi guys.

My name is Long. I am a chef from Korea and to day I will bring a whole class
about a food. It originated from Europe.
Can anyone in whole class guess the name of this food? I can tell a little bit
about this food. It involves to beef and chips.
This name of dish is beef fried chopping steaks and chips.
And then I would like to introduce one of my friends. She will be assistant to
support for me to cook this food.
Welcome Ms. Tram Ong //I confused her name
Ok. Let’s go!!!
I would like to a briefly introduce of ingredients of this food.
Should be prepare some:
- Half a pound of beef
- An onion. Just moderate. It between both small and big
- One of tomato
- Bell pepper: you should choose some green bell and yellow. Because
when you put on the dish to decorate as beautiful as better
- Some garlic, sugar, salter, salad
- Soy sauce, oyster sauce, ketchup, mayonnaise, butter

Ok. Let’s start for cooking!!!

Firstly. We should slice the beef become parallel pieces, then cut it again and
make it into the pieces like squares beef. A most important part of if you did
freeze beef with refrigerator, to make sure put them out in the fridge 20
minutes before cooking. After that, we should put it in the fork and mix some
spices, add some oyster sauce, a little bit, just 1 spoon be enough. And then
put in a half spoon soy sauce. Add some oils with quantifying of it same which
before, then add some sugar, salt, and grains of pepper in the face of it. I will
tell a little bit of secret spices a very special. That is put in some small garlic to
make food have absorbing spices and taste as well as better. Then we
combine and mix up everything and waiting 30 minutes.
And in period of time I process the beef, my assistant will prepare for other

This food should be eaten with chips become perfect. And then I’ll make it.
We need 2 item potato will be sufficient. About potato, we should wash it and
peeled, making all the pieces same, then grab more slices together and just
slice away, and you can see that we have the perfect cut slices. Then place it
in water with 1 spoon salt for 5 minutes, next step takes out to drain and
rinse. Waiting for dry. Now here is my pot hot oil. Add all slices into it and
waiting 8 minutes then remove. Leave cool on the sheet.
And next, for onions. We should square off slices by trimming approximately
2cm then place it water. We will make bell pepper with the method same
onions then remove it to fork.
Continue, turn on fire and put in oils in the pan and make it all around. Waiting
and add some small garlic in it and waiting the garlic change yellow. Should
be attention keeping the fire with high temperature. Put all of things in fork into
the pan and mixture, keeping by hand approximately 5 minutes then replace it
to the fork and waiting process the beef.
Next step, put in oils same which before with small garlic. Drop all the beef in
the fork into the pan to frying it and then mixture like we doing are. Otherwise,
opposite like before. We should keep the temperature with level medium.
Cautions, you can see carefully, if in the face of beef change not burn then put
it in the bowl.
I will supply for a little secret recipe, to get a good taste and smell better. You
can add some Brandy alcohol, butter and some spice.
Finally, you can put everything into the fork for decorating with salad, tomato
and a few things if you like.

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