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(Affiliated to Osmania University)

This is to certify that the Project Report title Cash Budgeting at Maha Cements,

Hyderabad submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of BBA Programme of Department of

Business Management, Villa Marie College, Osmania University, was carried out by XXXX

under my guidance. This has not been submitted to any other University or Institution for the

award of any degree/diploma/certificate

Name and address of the Guide Signature of the Guide


I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the summer training work entitled
study on “_____________________________________________” is based on my work carried
out during the course of my study under the supervision of
________________________________ , _____________________________________&
Mrs_______________________________, Faculty, Department of Management. Villa Marie
Degree College

I assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the project
work. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and believe the project report does not
contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other degree/
diploma/ certificate in this university or any other university.


(Signature of the student)



I am extremely grateful to Principal Dr. Y. Philomena and the Department of B.B.A for giving
me the opportunity of learning through this research project. It has been an excellent and
rewarding experience, and has immensely increased my knowledge.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my project guide and mentor,
Ms.____________________, Head of Department, Department of Business Administration, for
her support, guidance and encouragement.

I would also like to extend special thanks to my family and friends who have been a constant
source of support and encouragement. Without them, this project would not have been


(Signature of the student)



The objective of this research study is to study the impact level of employee communication on
employee engagement level its effectiveness and to study relationship between demographic
variables, employee communication and employee engagement. Design/methodology/approach:
This study, employed convenience sampling technique i.e. non probability sampling method to
select the sample consisted of 60 employees of various star hotels in Coimbatore city. And data
were collected using questionnaires and were analyzed using Percentage method Results:
Analysis revealed that there is a significant relationship between the employee engagement
level and employee Communication. The whole work is been divided into five chapters where
the chapter one includes the objectives, introduction about the topic, scope, need, limitations
and the research methodology. The chapter two focus on review of literature which is on cash
budget procedures etc., chapter three discuss the Industry and the company profiles which let us
understand the trends, future prospect etc., the Chapter four is the key which consists of Data
Analysis and Interpretation and chapter five is the final chapter which consists of findings in the
study followed by recommendations and the conclusion. The Data collected for the Analysis is
been collected through majorly sources and they are Primary data and the Secondary data.

Chapter No. Description Page No.

Chapter I Introduction


Need of study

Scope of study

Objectives of the study

Research Methodology

Data Collection

Limitations of the study

Chapter -II Review of literature

Chapter - III Company Profile

Chapter - IV Data Analysis and Interpretation

Chapter - V Findings, Suggestions and


Chapter – I
Human Resource is the most potential and versatile resource. Its effective utilisation is a
sine qua non of the rate of growth of any economy regardless of the structure and system of
economy and the governance. No society and no nation can be proud of its human resource
unless there is a systematic and sustainable development of capacities of its people and convert
the human resource into human capital.

Human resource is the most strategic resource and no other resource can be fully utilised
to generate income and wealth of a nation without the active involvement of this resource.
Money, material, men, markets and machines are regarded as the most important resources of
organizations but men or human resources are treated as the only crucial and dynamic factor of
production. Though other factors of productions are also important they are considered to be
worthless without the involvement of human factor.

Importance of HRD
Human Resource Development (HRD) is mainly concerned with providing learning
experiences for the people associated with an organization through a behavioral approach
adopting various processes. Learning experiences for the people associated with an organization
through a behavioral approach adopting various processes. “The individual is provided with
learning experiences not in isolation but he shares others learning experiences also. Such
learning experiences are provided with the main objective of developing human beings for their
advantage and harnessing their physical, mental and intellectual endowments and abilities for the
growth of the organization”.

HRD from the organizational point of view is a process in which the employees of an
organization are helped / motivated to acquire and develop technical, managerial and behavioral
knowledge, skills and abilities and mould the values, beliefs and attitudes necessary to perform
present and future roles by realizing the highest human potential with a view to contribute
positively to the organizational, group, individual and social goals.
Recent economic liberalizations announced by the Government of India tend towards
market economy and started creating more dynamic environment of India than ever before. HRD
plays a significant and crucial role in market economies under dynamic environments. Human
Resources Development (HRD) should be effective and efficient. HRD cannot be effective for
the candidates who do not possess potentials to perform present and future roles in organizations
with dynamic environment. HRD to be effective should essentially have a strong base of human
resources planning, recruitment and selection based on effective HRD requirements.

The outcomes of HRD are four-fold, viz. to the organization, to the individuals, to the
groups and to the society. HRD benefits the organization by developing the employees and make
them ready to accept responsibilities, welcome change, adapt to change, enables the
implementation of the programmes of total quality management, maintenance of sound human
relations, and increase in productivity and profitability. HRD also benefits individuals in
achieving of potentials, increase in performance, fulfilling their needs and enhancing social and
psychological status.

The HRD helps the groups in the form of increase in cooperation, increase in
collaboration and team effectiveness. Further, it helps the society in the form of developing
human resources and increased contribution of human resources to the society.

Towards the accomplishment of said objectives information is obtained from both

primary as well as secondary data sources.

Primary data is generated through questionnaires by way of meeting different executives

concerned with training and development programs and seminar & survey with few departmental
heads and few employees of Port.

Secondary data is collected from in-house magazines, journals, newspapers, websites and
any other published material and mainly from the previous records of CHD.
Need of the Study:
From the information that will be gathered, the importance of effective communication on
execution and delivery process will be made known to all involved at the supervisory level of
Webmark Technologies.. This research work will also show how ineffective communication
negatively affect productivity based on the facts gathered. This research work will also be useful
to the management and their professional status.

Building human capital at all levels in organization is imperative. The method and
approach of human development differs depending on the position held by people, their roles,
experiences etc... The scope, content, methods, techniques of manpower development vary from
category to category of manpower employed in the organization. So much so employee’s
education and technical background, experience, perception and level of understanding constitute
the determinants of scope and content of training and its delivery. Factors such as organization
restructuring, technology, job restructuring require organization to train its manpower. Many
studies have been carried out encompassing various issues and dimensions of human resources
management however; most of the studies have been carried out with a focus on general policies
of HR. Zeal to know the facts, which contributed to the success of Webmark Technologies in
general, and training & development activities in particular inspired me to take up the study of its
“Communication Effectiveness”.

Scope of the Study:

The study on communication effectiveness is more relevant in today’s business scenario
characterized by very tough competition. This situation had led to a stage where organizations
are more worried about survival; this led communication to take a back seat Communication can
be analyzed as a two way process as information is not only sent but also received, understood
and implemented (Adeleke, 2004)

When we have the line of communication we mean the channel through which information is
transmitted within a construction site or organization from one person to the other.
Machinery need to be in place for further communication to take place, either downward
communication (from superior to sub-ordinate), horizontal (between colleagues of the same
level) or upward communication (from sub-ordinate to superior).

Careful attention must be paid to these means and machinery of communication because internal
communication is vital for high productivity, as an aid to construction project delivery in the
construction site and it is a more difficult process now than it was decades ago. The principal
reason for this is that there has been changes in the attitude of workers to their employers and in
the present site environment and in the site environment there has been a move away from old
concepts of unquestionable obedience, proper provision must be made for upward
communication to avoid misconceptions of information otherwise a superior personnel like
Architect, Project manager, Engineer or supervisor may generate a bad feeling and may also end
up making decisions in a vacuum and such decision may not be accepted by the junior staffs and
personnel like the labourers and gang men.

The basic questions which readily comes to the mind of the workers are of two major
categories as stated below:

1. What, where, when, why, and how does my employer expects me to perform.
2. What, where, when, why, and how does my employer benefit from my work.

Objectives of the Study:

 To identify the major factors that causes ineffective communication in the Webmark
 To identify the problem caused by these factors.
 To study the general policies and procedures of communication activities.
 To find out the methods and techniques of diagnosing the communication needs in
Webmark Technologies
 To analyses the various methods and techniques of communication to evaluate
effectiveness of such methods.
 To assess the impact of communication effectiveness of managerial skills.
 To summarize and suggest the observations in the present study.
Research Methodology

Towards the accomplishment of said objectives information is obtained from both

primary as well as secondary data sources.

Primary data is generated through questionnaires by way of meeting different executives

concerned with training and development programs and seminar & survey with few departmental
heads and few employees of Port.

Secondary data is collected from in-house magazines, journals, newspapers, websites and
any other published material and mainly from the previous records of Webmark Technologies.

The information has been collected mainly from various books however the
information pertaining to Webmark Technologies has been obtained from the following two

Primary data

This is done by personal discussion with various officials in employee relation

department and human resource development. Questionnaires were prepared by keeping in view
of the objective of the study. The first one is being management questionnaire covering
management data on participation of workers in COMMUNICATION. The second one was the
canvass among the sampled employers to find out their opinion on communication effectiveness.
The questionnaire was distributed to 150 and the response were limited to 100. The study is
confined to a sample of 60 only.

Secondary data

The secondary data is from various publications on communication effectiveness and

business communication and reports of Webmark Technologies.
Every study is conducted under some limitations. Some of the limitations of the study are as

 During the project period most of the staff members are busy with auditing and other
works. So they could not afford give full information
 Since officials, executives and others were busy the study was primarily focused on
secondary data.
 Time was a constraint for the study.
Chapter – II
Review of Literature

Even though normative contention suggests that a favorable organizational climate leads to
efficient job performance, empirical research has not addressed the trusting relationship as a
variable mediating organizational climate and job satisfaction or performance.

Supportive oral communication relates positively to individuals’ perceptions of management's

supportiveness and friendliness. Perceived support creates trust that the organization will fulfill
its exchange obligations by rewarding employee efforts. The survey results indicated that
trusting relationship was positively related to measures of communication management,
suggesting that those employees receiving positive communication are more likely to be
motivated to form trusting relationships with the management level.

Samsup Joa, Corresponding author contact information, E-mail the corresponding author,
Sung Wook Shimb, 1,

Whether organizational change results from a merger, acquisition, new venture, new process

improvement approach, or any number of flavors-of-the-day management fads, employee

communications can mean the success or failure of any major change program. The Strategic

Employee Communication Model with the best practice definitions, which are composites of

effective employee communication examples collected from researching selected Fortune 500

companies, help management understand the strategic role of employee communication in a

high-performing company. The model functions as an analytical tool to diagnose a company’s

strengths and weaknesses in employee communication so that the company can structure the

change communication program and position communication to facilitate the overall change
program. In this paper, I explain the Strategic Employee Communication Model and best

practice definitions, demonstrate a change communication approach to improving employee

communications using the Strategic Employee Communication Model, and provide a case study

of the successful use of the model and approach during a major change program.

By Deborah J. Barrett, Ph.D.

Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University

Employees need to know how well they’re communicating and dealing with others so that they
can effectively carry out their responsibilities and meet their short-term and long-term objectives.
Ironically, some managers have difficulty communicating assessments in these two areas,
especially when it comes to written comments. The managers are concerned that their feedback
on communication won’t be communicated clearly, and they worry that providing feedback on
interpersonal relations will actually strain the working relationships instead of improving them.
When written comments focus on vague and general trends and themes, these outcomes are the
most likely.

By Ken Lloyd from Oxford in 2010

The topic is to show the effectiveness of communication during working hours and how it helps
the industry to enhance production and completion of projects within the stipulated period.
Communication is defined below to make it easier to know about its meaning, purpose and

Communication is a means by which operatives and other members of the building team are
linked in order to achieve the central goal.

In organization , communication could also be achieved through letters, drawings, symbols,

signs, posters and word through which members of an organization sends and receives
information and also sends information to the public at large.
Communication in the large sense of it is used to express facts, ideas, opinion and emotions
between two or more people and through communication exchange of thought, information is
also a good tool for human relation.

Considering the above definition of communication, it is observed that everybody in an

organization is responsible for communication irrespective of the role of the person being the
originator or the receiver of the information.

In all aspects of human professions, communication is seen as a vital central organ especially
through the use of language. Humans have transferred culture, record history and document
occurrences to a good deal with the use of language from one generation to another. The organ
called communication has helped man to build societies and other social groups which has
contributed immensely to the growth of man’s life 3 enjoyable.

Through effective communication, the workers especially in firms find it easy and highly
productive to work together. Instruction and order are given and they are carried out as expected
once they are well understood and acted upon rightly.

The working day of every personnel is filled with communication in different ways and forms
through orders, directives, information, conversation, requests and rumors.

The term “communication” has been derived from the Latin word “communis” which means
common. It was Aristotle who, for the first time, Brought about a systematic study of the
communication process. According to him, there are three essential elements in a communication
system, namely, the speaker, the speech, and the audience. Communication strictly stands for
sharing of ideas in common. The word “communication”, however, has many and varied
meanings. Popularly speaking, it refers to the various means of transmitting information from
individual to individual, individual to a group of individuals or from one place to another. It is a
transmission of messages, ideas, methods, skills, and thoughts between two or more persons. It is
mutual exchange of facts, thoughts, opinions or emotions by the use ofsymbols, words, pictures,
figures, graphs and so on.
Communication is the chain of understanding which permeates an organization from top to
bottom, from bottom to top, and from side to side and which moves the organization ahead
towards its stated objectives. It is the cohesive force which holds the group together. Vardaman
and Halterman opine: “Communication is the flow of material, information, perception and
understanding between various parts and members of an organization.”


Communication is said to be effective within the working group in the industry only when the
transmitted ideas achieve their desired action or reaction, as the operation involved in the
industry is a team effort, embracing the customers with the main objective of getting things done
through human beings.

The operational procedures and other management activities associated with the design,
construction and subsequent performance of a building rely a great deal on how information is
being transmitted between the various participants of the building team and for this reason,
method of communication should not only clarify issues but must also attempt to bring harmony
to the entire work process and also foster co-operation between the parties to ensure maximum
contribution from members.

Although there is no clear cut division of communication system within the industry, the general
of communication are classified as follows:

1. Communication between employees and the management

2. Communication between the employees
3. Communication between the organization and the customers.
4. Communication in organization.

Adeleke, (2004), explains the various means by which information can be transmitted in the
organization for the successful execution of any project as the success of such project relies
largely on the establishment of a clearly defined framework or communication. He further states
that information can be transmitted formally or informally, in some cases construction contracts
may state the form which communication must take e.g. a written order for variation. The usual
means of communication as stated by Adeleke (2004), are as follows

1. The print media

 Newspapers
 Bulletins
 Handbills
 Magazines
2. Drawn and visual materials
 Drawings
 Programmes and charts
 Photographs
3. Verbal
 Face to face
4. Written materials
 Specification
 Schedules
 Bill of quantities
 Tender document
 Certificate of payment
 Reports
 Letters
5. Notice board
6. Models and samples
7. Computers
Effective Feedback has most of the following characteristics:

 descriptive (not evaluative)(avoids defensiveness.) By describing one's own reactions, it

leaves the individual fee to use it or not to use it as he sees fit..
 avoid accusations; present data if necessary
 describe your own reactions or feelings; describe objective consequences that have or
will occur; focus on behavior and your own reaction, not on other individual or his or her
 suggest more acceptable alternative; be prepared to discuss additional alternatives; focus
on alternatives
 specific rather than general.
 focused on behavior not the person. It is important that we refer to what a person does
rather than to what we think he is. Thus we might say that a person "talked more than anyone
else in this meeting" rather than that he is a "loud-mouth."
 It takes into account the needs of both the receiver and giver of feedback. It should be
given to help, not to hurt. We too often give feedback because it makes us feel better or gives us
a psychological advantage.
 It is directed toward behavior which the receiver can do something about. A person gets
frustrated when reminded of some shortcoming over which he has no control.
 It is solicited rather than imposed. Feedback is most useful when the receiver himself has
formulated the kind of question which those observing him can answer or when he actively
seeks feedback.
 Feedback is useful when well-timed (soon after the behavior-depending, of course, on the
person's readiness to hear it, support available from others, and so forth). Excellent feedback
presented at an inappropriate time may do more harm than good.
 sharing of information, rather than giving advice allows a person to decide for himself, in
accordance with his own goals and needs. When we give advice we tell him what to do, and to
some degree take away his freedom to do decide for himself.
 It involves the amount of information the receiver can use rather than the amount we
would like to give. To overload a person with feedback is to reduce the possibility that he may
be able to use what he receives effectively. When we give more than can be used, we are more
often than not satisfying some need of our own rather than helping the other person.
 It concerns what is said and done, or how, not why. The "why" involves assumptions
regarding motive or intent and this tends to alienate the person generate resentment, suspicion,
and distrust. If we are uncertain of his motives or intent, this uncertainty itself is feedback,
however, and should be revealed.
 It is checked to insure clear communication. One way of doing this is to have the receiver
try to rephrase the feedback. No matter what the intent, feedback is often threatening and thus
subject to considerable distortion or misinterpretation.
 It is checked to determine degree of agreement from others. Such "consensual validation"
is of value to both the sender and receiver.
 It is followed by attention to the consequences of the feedback. The supervisor needs to
become acutely aware of the effects of his feedback.
 It is an important step toward authenticity. Constructive feedback opens the way to a
relationship which is built on trust, honest, and genuine concern and mutual growth.

Part of the feedback process involves understanding and predicting how the other person
will react. Or in the case of our receiving feedback, we need to understand ways that we
respond to feedback, especially threatening feedback.

People often react negatively to threatening feedback. This reaction can take a number of
forms including:

 selective reception and selective perception

 doubting motive of the giver
 denying validity of the data
 rationalizing
 attack the giver of the data

Following the guidelines to effective feedback can go a long way to limit these kinds of
reactions but we need to be conscious of them nonetheless and be ready to react
When we are on the receiving end of feedback we should be careful to avoid these
pitfalls. Try to keep these points in mind.

 try not to be defensive

 check on possible misunderstanding ("Let me restate what I am hearing")
 gather information from other sources
 don't overreact
 ask for clarification


There are a wide number of sources of noise or interference that can enter into the
communication process. This can occur when people now each other very well and should
understand the sources of error. In a work setting, it is even more common since interactions
involve people who not only don't have years of experience with each other, but communication
is complicated by the complex and often conflictual relationships that exist at work. In a work
setting, the following suggests a number of sources of noise:

 Language: The choice of words or language in which a sender encodes a message will
influence the quality of communication. Because language is a symbolic representation of
a phenomenon, room for interpreation and distortion of the meaning exists. In the above
example, the Boss uses language (this is the third day you've missed) that is likely to
convey far more than objective information. To Terry it conveys indifference to her
medical problems. Note that the same words will be interpreted different by each
different person. Meaning has to be given to words and many factors affect how an
individual will attribute meaning to particular words. It is important to note that no two
people will attribute the exact same meaning to the same words.
 defensiveness, distorted perceptions, guilt, project, transference, distortions from the past
 misreading of body language, tone and other non-verbal forms of communication (see
section below)
 noisy transmission (unreliable messages, inconsistency)
 receiver distortion: selective hearing, ignoring non-verbal cues
 power struggles
 self-fulfilling assupmtions
 language-different levels of meaning
 managers hesitation to be candid
 assumptions-eg. assuming others see situation same as you, has same feelings as you
 distrusted source, erroneous translation, value judgment, state of mind of two people
 Perceptual Biases: People attend to stimuli in the environment in very different ways. We
each have shortcuts that we use to organize data. Invariably, these shortcuts introduce
some biases into communication. Some of these shortcuts include stereotyping,
projection, and self-fulfilling prophecies. Stereotyping is one of the most common. This
is when we assume that the other person has certain characteristics based on the group to
which they belong without validating that they in fact have these characteristics.
 Interpersonal Relationships: How we perceive communication is affected by the past
experience with the individual. Percpetion is also affected by the organizational
relationship two people have. For example, communication from a superior may be
perceived differently than that from a subordinate or peer
 Cultural Differences: Effective communication requires deciphering the basic values,
motives, aspirations, and assumptions that operate across geographical lines. Given some
dramatic differences across cultures in approaches to such areas as time, space, and
privacy, the opportunities for mis-communication while we are in cross-cultural
situations are plentiful.



Meaning and Definition of HRM

In simple sense, human resources management means employing people, developing their
resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and
organizational requirements with a view to contribute to the goals the organization, individual
and the society.

Michael J.Jucius defined personnel Management ad the field of management which has to do
with planning, organizing directing and controlling the functions of procuring, developing,
maintaining and utilising a labour force, such that the ---

(a) Objectives for which the company is established are attained economically and

(b) Objectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest possible degree, and
(c) Objectives of society are duly considered and served.
Scope of Human Resource Management

The scope of human resour4ce management in the modern days is vast. In fact ,the scope of
HRM was limited to employment and maintenance of and payment of wage and salary. The
scope gradually enlarged to providing welfare facilities, motivation
performance , appraisal ,human resource management ,maintenance of human relations,
strategic human resources and the like .The scope has been continuously enlarging.

The Scope off Human Resource Management includes:

 Objectives of HRM
 Organisation of HRM
 Strategic HRM
 Employement
 Development
 Wage and salary administration/compensation
 Maintenance
 Motivation
 Industrial relations
 Participative management and
 Recent developments in HRM.

Having discussed the scope of Human Resources Management, now we shall discuss the
importance of human resources management.

Role of Human Resources Management

Human Resource Management plays the most crucial role in the management of an
organization. Human resources play crucial role in the conversion process of inputs into outputs,
Product design, quality maintenance, rendering services etc., depend upon the efficiency of
human resources .Similarly, human resources plays critical role in marketing the products and
services, Human resource also plays significant role in managing finances and managing
information systems. Role of HR at TCS is presented in below figure.
Performance discussions and Allocations to
performance management for projects(Domestic
all at a centre /Overseas)

Recruitment The Centre

Manager Training





Name of the process : Communication

Process owner : Regional

HeadsHR Key Steps Outputs

!.Current Business 1.Eomm-standard 1.Well –Informed

Performance Communication. Employees.

2.Current Unit 2.Annual communication 2.Feedback from

Performance Meeting with Employees.

3.Future perspective of President.

the business from the 3.Quaterly communication

Managing Director. Meeting with the unit.

4.Industry News. Head.

4.Bi-monthly news letters.

5.Quaterly Magazine.
PCMM Goals addressed by this process :Information is shared across the

 Individuals or groups are able to raise concerns and have them addressed by

 Communication and co-ordination practices are institutionalized to ensure they are

performed as managed process.

 Information about business activities and results is communicated throughout the

Process Measure :

Process Metrics

1.Percentage of employees attending ACM,UCM.

2.Percentage of communication.

3.Average scores on tests conducted on awareness levels among


Output Metrics :

1. Average feedback on VOICE

2. Average feedback rating on Bi Monthly News letters.

3. Employee engagement indices(Questions linked to Communication

in Survey).


The Company endeavours to cascade all necessary information to all employees in a structured
manner and capture their feedback.

2.1 What

A process of structured communication from the president to all employees, communication

meeting with the president, communication meeting with the unit head ,unit newsletter and
company magazine.


2.2.1 . Align all levels of the company to the business realities.

2.2.2.Strengthen the ownership and involvement of the Employees towards the overall

functioning of the company.

2.2.3.Capture the feedback of Employees.

2.3. When

Communication Forum Frequency

EComm- structured Communication Half-Yearly

Communication Meeting with Annual


Communication Meeting with the Unit Quarterly

Head (UCM)

Unit Newsletter Bi-Monthly

VOICE-Company magazine Quarterly

2.4. Culture

At all locations
2.5. Who

Regional Head-HR


2.6.1. Ecommunication

i. The president shall communicate overall news of the company, issues, future
happenings, and concerns to his direct reporters once in 6 months. Such
communication shall happen across the table and during such communication, the
president shall take note of the feedback of his direct reporters.
ii. The direct reporters of the president shall, in turn, pass on the communication
across the table to their subordinates and shall follow the same procedure for
capturing the feedback of their subordinates.
iii. The same procedure will be followed for all the levels till the communication is
passed on to all the employees of the company and their feedback as taken.
iv. In the units, the heads of department shall pass on the information to all
employees in the shop floor and capture and their feedback.
v. All feedback captured across all locations shall be sent to the auchorperson in
vi. The auchorperson shall prepare a consolidated feedback report of the overall
company and hand it over to the president for initiating necessary action.
2.6.2. Annual communication meeting with president..

i. A communication meeting with the president takes place annually at all locations.
ii. It is an open forum where the president briefs all employees and any employee is free
to interact with the president by way of asking questions and/or giving feed back on
any issues.
2.6.3. Quarterly communication meeting with the unit Head.

i. Unit heads shall meet all the employees in their respective units on a quarterly basis.
ii. It is an open forum where as the unit head interact with all Employees.
And any Employee is free to any question, raise any concerns and/or give feed
back on any issues.

2.6.4. Bi-monthly newsletters

A newsletter shall be published bi-monthly in all units giving details of only that
particular unit.

2.6.4. Quarterly magazine

The VOICE of Webmark Technologies fertilizers limited is published quarterly

giving an overall perspective of the company and is circulated to all employees of the company.

3.Accessment and Review:

The process of communication shall be reviewed annually at the beginning of

every financial year.
Chapter – III
Company Profile
About Webmark Technologies

A Global Consulting Firm We offer industry-specific solutions and integration services through a
unique onsite, offsite, offshore delivery model that helps our clients achieve reduced "time to
market" their products and world-class quality on-time in budget. Since 2004, Webmark
Technologies has gained its reputation by delivering quality services through delivering time
critical solutions and continuously evolving through innovative delivery methods. We have a
dedicated team of high-quality professionals who constantly work with diverse industrial players
of varied sectors like biometrics, education, banking, media monitoring, retail, shipping &
logistics etc.

We strive to build up innovative solutions for our patrons through advance technologies and
enable them to compete successfully into their technical domains. Transparency & visibility in
communication being our core policies where our clients always have the ownership in scrutiny
of project status each time they work with us. Our back-up resource management gains its
strength from the presence of 25 IT colleges in our vicinity and through our in-house domain
training centres

With constant innovation, we have made our physical presence in India, USA & Europe. Our
services are not merely restricted to the big organizations but we cater solutions to small and
medium scale enterprises too.

An ISO 9001:2008 certified conglomerate and Gold Certified Partner with Microsoft, we are also
a member of honoured organizations like National Association of Software and Services
Companies (NASSCOM), The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE), Electronics & Computer Software
Export Promotion council (ESC INDIA) and Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), which
in turn provides reliability & assurance not only to our existing but prospective clients also.

We dedicate ourselves to the provision of the premier quality Java, J2SE, J2EE and J2ME
development services. We levitate our enormous know-how in developing Java and its other
counterpart systems as mentioned above to convey premium systems apposite to our client's
business requirements. Over the time we have erected up a depository of information and
competence, which we bring to bear on all our assignments.

Board of Advisors

President & CEO

A visionary and a strategist, Akhilesh Conceived & Designed Webmark Technologies in 2004,
now leading and steering the team, built this organization delivering solutions globally. He has
helped position the company by spearheading business strategies and strengthening global
delivery and customer support centers in USA and Europe. Akhilesh firmly believes

that by collaborating, the team can exponentially increase throughput. With this in mind the
organization's philosophy is always to act as an augmentation of the client's teams and
supporting them to compete more effectively in the global business arena. Akhilesh is a Certified
Project Manager from PMI UK and a Masters in Computer Applications.

Our Strengths

If there is something constant in this cosmos, it is CHANGE. Webmark Technologies challenges

that change. Moving ahead of the curve, we convey exceedingly qualitative, timely delivered &
cost effective offshore software development services to our clients.

Our global software outsourcing model makes sure we deliver utmost targeted result to YOU.
Adhering to strict deadlines our proficient team players act just like an extension to our clients'
software team.

Webmark Technologies has materialized as a top provider of multi-faceted KPO solutions to

organizations across the globe. We cater innovation without burning a hole in your pocket.
Managing transition process and delivering the customized solutions at the apt time, is what
Webmark Technologies is known for. Right from developing software to its testing and
implementation, web development and integration, multimedia development, we endeavor in
fetching value and contentment for you. Web based project management; transparent policies
trailed by visible communication are among the many traits which make our clients keep coming
back to us.

Demonstrating sheer hard work that reflects in the goodwill etched out, our proliferated clientele
is a proof of the say.

Webmark Technologies confidently believes in

Together We Can

Together We Will

Together We Make A Difference

That's The Power Of Three, Webmark Technologies

Corporate Social Responsibility

With a vision to harness technology to its best, Webmark Technologies has not narrowed itself to
maturating in the IT sector alone. As years have ticked by, we have sighted a lucid thoroughfare
to capture our idea of taking on our success to yet another level. Spreading our visualization to
other fragments of society who struggle for their fundamental requirements is where A3Logcis’
extended assistance steps in.

Children in poverty make up thirty-nine percent of the population, and most of these children do
not receive a good education due to the paucity of money & other resources. Because of which
their parents cannot afford to even dream of sending their wards to school. As a result of which,
many children doom in the darkness of illiteracy. Education is considered to be the elementary
right of every child. In order to illuminate dimmed smiles and motivate the ignited minds,
Webmark Technologies has stepped ahead of the usual. We have adopted an entire school in
Rajasthan under the “FOOD FOR EDUCATION” Initiative.

With school strength of 150, we have taken up the total responsibility of feeding, educating and
helping them progress in life. We aim at drawing out the feeling of being under-privileged that is
instilled in these children. With efforts that understand the gravity of the present scenario,
Webmark Technologies is and will always strive to let each child be blessed with the fruit of
education. In nexus to this attempt we also lend a hand in providing essential technology in form
of equipments such as computers that aid in fostering the education of the children. For this, we
have associated ourselves with "SMILE" the society that works for mobilizing and improving the
life experiences of underprivileged children and women. We make available the very best of
Webmark Technologies in nurturing these young inquisitive minds which can be answered
through computers. Allowing access to this wonder machine we have donated workstations and
are on a look out to cement the very foundation of these children by doing more and more in the
times to come.


We dedicate ourselves to the provision of the premier quality Java, J2SE, J2EE and J2ME
development services. We levitate our enormous know-how in developing Java and its other
counterpart systems as mentioned above to convey premium systems apposite to our client's
business requirements. Over the time we have erected up a depository of information and
competence, which we bring to bear on all our assignments.

This implies when we develop, or consult on a project for a client, we deliver proficiency each
time. We have been involved in everything from start-ups to outsized companies and have
worked on projects of all categories, across continents. In short, we have a mammoth quantity of
knowledge and know-how that we display on the dais for our clients.

Applications developed on the Java platform tag along, their own set of pros. Java applications
can be downloadable programs that stay sheltered and guarantee effortlessness in distribution.
Java programming language facilitates, features such as packaging, interfacing and threading,
thereby ensuing in the delivery of applications that have the potential to tremendously secure in
their orientation. Webmark Technologies puts its best foot forward in java application
development. By deploying innate Java based features we make sure of a greater deliverance
standard for application development using Java.

Standard Editation (J2SE)J2SE tenders a milieu for Core Java and Desktop Java applications
development. In nexus to this it also proffers the base for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
(J2EE) and Java Web Services technologies
The Java2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) consists of the key building blocks for lettering
urbane solutions using the Java language. J2SE provides an all inclusive, firm, and secure basis
for edificing and deploying network-centric enterprise applications that run on systems ranging
from desktop PCs to workgroup servers. They convey what you need to Web-enable your
enterprise: easier Web development and deployment, enterprise interoperability, security
advancements, sooner performance, and much more.

J2SE seizes the strain off by constructing communally integrated systems using the hardware and
software platform. It also abridges the process of wiring programs into most relational database
systems and integrating SQL access into object-oriented Java language systems, as well. The
J2SE solution that we have on offer is a feature-complete, API-rich development platform, with
everything you need to make your business noticed on the web. For focused markets, it can be
extended via Java optional packages.

Standard Editation (J2EE)

Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, is a Java platform used for expansion and running
distributed n-tier architecture applications that are normally cushioned on modular mechanism
operating on an application server. Java 2EE encompasses copious API specifications. It
facilitates in the development of an enterprise application that can drift amongst platforms, and is
greatly scalable while slotting in several technologies.

With the aid of Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) we make feasible solutions for
developing, deploying, and supervising multi-tier server-centric applications. Building on J2EE
platform appends the potential that is basic to offer an all inclusive, steady, protected, and speedy
Java platform to the enterprise level. It nails value by appreciably dipping the cost and intricacy
of developing and deploying multi-tier solutions. Hence, results in services that can be quickly
set out and effortlessly enhanced.

If you wish to fabricate or develop component-based N-tier enterprise applications, then propose
it to us. As, we are the ones who are on the lookout to make this proposal worthwhile, for you.
We advocate that you use J2EE platform as you cannot close your eyes to its advantages
mentioned underneath:-

Total Web services support

Quicker solution delivery point to market by consumption of open-source components

Autonomy of choice by circumventing single-source for enterprise software needs

Simplified connectivity

Microsoft .Net Technology

Microsoft .NET is a technology which merges efficiently the information, users, program
systems and hardware. .NET can unite numeral of technologies that are providing companies the
likelihood to acquire and utilize the imperative information at the requisite moment and place.
.NET technology tenders many benefits. It lends a hand to the software development team to
fashion powerful high quality but easy to use information systems. In view of the fact that it is
platform independent

.NET permits businesses to speedily amalgamate their existing systems, information and devices,
thus assisting in alliances and effective communication.ys,

We proudly flaunt our practiced .NET developers who are always on a look out to implement
any requirements into steadfast and scalable high-end applications using .NET Forms. .NET key
benefits are enumerated as under:-

Integrated toolset

Easy programming model and

Language conformity

Taut integration with Windows OS fetches extra values for our clientele. .Net is a cutting edge
web development technology that helps fabricate supple, intricate and technologically advanced
web applications. Webmark Technologies is the best alternative for clients who are on a look out
for high quality .Net applications. Our web developers have attained substantial experience in
developing .NET applications that is directly reflected in their proficiently executed assignments.

.Net Migration Solutions

Necessitation for technology migration of applications or databases in enterprises crops up from

amendments in business hassles or technology challenges either to perk up operational
competence or to cope up with the risk. Several enterprises are straddled with the challenge of
making certain, that investments in legacy systems do not get locked in proprietary and outdated
technologies while drifting to newer systems. While alternatives such as rewriting or buying
latest products subsist, migration leverages the

business model and the features of the application that can be done in a prudent manner

Following are the major issues that leads to various apprehensions like:-

Scalability concerns

Multifarious IT architecture

Archaic technology

Complicatedness in upgrading for new users etc.

This entire combination of rationalities underline dictates the migration to superior solutions. We
personify ourselves as your outsourcing partner for migrating applications from an aged
technology to Microsoft.Net Platform or a Microsoft solution. Webmark Technologies take
immense pride in demonstrating its skills through its seasoned team of engineers and certified
technicians. With a massive experience rolled up on our sleeve we proffer roadmaps and
strategies to voyage from existing systems to newer ones at easy on pocket prices. Our .NET
application migration services take account of:

Evaluation of your progress system that can aid in deciding whether to stay, build or buy new-
fangled solutions.

Choice of the target milieu and scheduling the migration.

Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 / 1.1, Visual Studio.Net 2005

Implementation and support services

Webmark Technologies .NET migration programs incorporate the underneath:-

Migrating databases

Data servers

Applications in the identical or diverse platforms

Dynamics CRM

The contemporary myth around a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution

deployment is, If you fabricate it, CRM users will approach. The veracity, however, is that end
users have numerous ways to inertly or actively defy CRM systems they do not like. That is one
of the many reasons why Webmark Technologies has productively deployed myriad Microsoft
Dynamics CRM projects for our clients. Its mechanism is exactly the way your populace does
with a proverbial interface and intuitive tools to proficiently get the job done

Our CRM helps companies put together and administer their customer database by means of
Microsoft Dynamics CRM software. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a comprehensible, supple and
integrated solution that prolifies sales hit and makes available finer customer service. Our
specialists envelop complete array of skill sets crucial for a flourishing Microsoft Dynamics
CRM implementation. CRM deployment allows you to deliberate the paramount wants of your
customer, get acquainted with their experience with your products alongside perk up your sales
force productively.

If you call for a CRM solution from Webmark Technologies we know that you have hit the exact
topographic point. Having brilliant know-how in Microsoft CRM, we propose functionality and
ease of use that is far superior to what others could tender. Of those desirous of generating and
upholding their customer records from the foremost spot of contact to procurement and post-
sales, then Microsoft Dynamics CRM is the solution that you can bank on. We proffer our value
elevating proficiency in Microsoft CRM 3.0 software solutions so that you can empower your
sales personnel to allow admittance and update in real time the most up-to-date customer status
and recent sales quotes.

By inculcating your business with Microsofts CRM, you step on to the number one situate of the
podium. This turns out primarily due to CRM, that not only astounds your customers and keep
your sales crew well clued-up but also bestows you with the competitive periphery that
distinguishes your existence. All in all you decipher your customers better than anyone else


Technology progresses, Markets spread out, and Commerce advances.

Yes we are talking about the Oracle Technology. We put into practice production strength
backup & recuperation processes. Alongside upgrade to and from all versions of Oracle,
troubleshoot issues and advocate/employ the accurate solutions for organizations across all
market sectors. Our client base embraces companies from the entire globe

With proficiency and knowledge wrapping the entire Oracle product range, we make sure that
our clients uphold a robust architecture to convey most advantageous performance, maximum
uptime and security to their business.

Since Oracle is a dominant gizmo for executing enterprise solutions it is often found crucial for
organic growth. This is so because we rarely use Oracle solutions for undersized and middling
magnitude businesses.

Following are the victorious vicinities that we have spread our expertise to:-

Internet services



Asset management

Workflow automation
Job tracking and billing

Channeling Oracle Application server to its pinnacle brilliance, we have created three-tier
architecture applications also. Our technical competence encompasses the underneath:-

Oracle Databases: 9i, oracle 10g and 11g

Oracle Enterprise Manager to administer production databases

Toad to develop applications

SQL loader to load applications

Oracle Real Application Cluster

Oracle Data Sentinel

Oracle Application Server 10g


Guarantees Database Class, Performance, and Accessibility

The MySQL database server is the world's most admired open source database. Its architecture
formulates it, as a tremendously prompt and effortless database to customize. Extensive reclaim
of code within the software and a minimalistic approach to generating functionally-rich features
has resulted in a database management system unparalleled in speed, solidity, steadiness and
ease of deployment.

The inimitable separation of the core server from the storage engine makes it feasible to dart with
strict transaction control or with ultra-fast transaction less disk access, whichever is most
apposite for the situation

With Webmark Technologies, you can streamline the manual, time-intensive errands linked with
MySQL design, development, admin, presentation and availability. As a vital part of our
application and services management key, we offer MySQL with precise competence for:
Database management

Performance and Accessibility management

Business services management

End user management

Modify, configuration and liberate management

These capabilities enable IT to surpass service levels and optimize support processes.

We build up standardized versions of the open-source MySQL database. It makes capital by

promoting service agreements that envelop upgrades, technical support and preservation of those
programs. Developers have embraced MySQL because its code is available in open source that
can be downloaded, viewed and changed effortlessly. That makes it relatively easy to inscribe
programs that labor with the database.

Services - Application Development

Owing to the dynamic technology environment, your business always faces the constant threat of
going out of the lead. A mild alteration in the customer preferences can cause your current
applications incompatible for the business challenges you face. Then you surely call for a partner
who can guarantee success with an approach that gives you the unique balance of cost, speed,
and quality. Webmark Technologies is the answer to it. We have a distinct & established
application development process which embraces the entire

Software development life cycle. This initiates right from business case analysis to warranty
support of other application

We belong to the favored category of application development outsourcing vendors. Delivering

substantial paybacks to our global customers has been our utmost objective. Custom application
development is Webmark Technologies’s forte. Our team of proficient IT professionals engage
themselves in understanding the in & out of your business objectives. They examine your recent
and upcoming needs in nexus with the market and work in close alliance to engineer the most
apposite application that suits your business.
Webmark Technologies offers an extensive range of IT development solutions namely:-

Rejuvenating existing or old applications

Develops fresh & innovative applications for a new set-up

Client-Server Application Development

Customized Web based applications

Distributed Application Development etc.

When making use of our IT development solutions, you are sure to enjoy the benefits that accrue
with there deployment. They can chiefly be elaborated as under :-

Abridged defects

Reduced turn around time

Leveraging the existing finest practices and artifact templates

A global delivery model that is flexible for application development

Rapid team ramp-up and ramp-down as per project needs

Services - KOP Services

KPO is emerging as a new-fangled sector in the present times. With its proliferated presence in
the market, we have extended our KPO services in the domain of data research, development and
analytics. Through our KPO services we strive to

Handle your hardware proficiently

Facilitate in comprehending your market

Shriveled design time

Series of gains to help you make well versed decision

Currently we deliver in the related areas such as data research, analytics and development.

It is explained as under:- Data Research & Analytics

1. Strategic Market Research Following services can be positioned under this head:- Insights
into case studies & their reviews along with marketing intelligence that helps in evaluating the
market scenario. SWOT Analysis followed by trailing & benchmarking the competitor.

2. Business Information Services Client needs are attended to, by our BIS professionals. These
services chiefly are; profile for pitch books, news runs/tracking, ownership/insider holdings,
fundamental data such as price-volume charts or graphs, IBES forward estimates, CUSIP
identification, ratings, management bios, product overviews and Securities and Exchange
Commission filings.

Data Development Services

Database Publishing

Bespoke Documents, templates are generated competently & speedily with the assistance of
computers, by putting this service into practice.

Data Enhancement Making Use of the services of veteran professionals the client is enriched
with the information on the following; sales and marketing, planning, strategy, and other
With the proper categorization of internal data its usefulness is increased manifold for the client.
This refined data is integrated into the client's current databases or management information

Services - Data Center Management

Furtherance of development calls for intricate IT infrastructure. Lot of time is deployed into
ensuring that your IT is in competent succession by you. To add to this, there are loads of other
concerns piled up. Like energy costs, server utilization, limited physical space & IT staff and
numerous vendors. This makes it the apt time for Webmark Technologies to step in & help you
out in simplifying your IT infrastructure. With uncertainties enveloping the market your IT
system is prone to abrupt breakdowns. As a result of which an expert hand is essentially

Our data centers are spread globally at various places like United States, United Kingdom,
France, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, India and across 8000 locations in 125 different

Our world class datacenters are enabled with the following capabilities:

The following cannot be left unmentioned when it comes to our Data centre Management

1. Continuous system integration and improvement

We do not merely take your systems and maintain them. We work with you to revamp your
system to condense your total cost of ownership. We also apply the preeminent practices and
insights that we have and continue to gain and apply those best practices to perk up your
systems, resulting in further dipping your total cost of ownership.

2. Proactive monitoring and preventive maintenance

Several hosting companies provide monitoring services and support. They notify you if a
problem transpire and then your IT team has to act on that information. We are different! We
proactively monitor your systems and if we notice any predicament, we actually fix it so that
your systems can continue to run smoothly. We also believe in preemptive maintenance. E.g. We
do not wait till the disk fails we fix it at the first sign of snag.

Precisely, we are a combination of system integrator, hosting provider and systems operator. As
such, we are involved in the design phase, build phase and operation phase of the Data Center for
your mission critical applications. Since we are the ones accountable for operations, we make
sure that the design and build are done properly unlike a systems integrator who would design a
system, but will not be present if, a problem occurs in the other two phases. Whereas, we are
there with you in the other two phases as well.

Services - Database Management

The heart of every information system is the Database. They continuously collect & deliver vital
information that ropes in business intelligence, collaboration, customer service and decision
making all through an enterprise. But businesses today are exposed to numerous challenges. The
constant change that is innate in composite environments, along with delivering tangible value
from their database investments, are among the numerous challenges faced by organizations. We
empower our clients by

providing width and profundity of technical know-how required to congregate these challenges
posed by dynamic IT settings. Database management is a part of a bigger set of IT management
solutions across many disciplines. Hence it cannot subsist in isolation. Webmark Technologies
has designed and developed diverse management solutions that can automate database
management with intelligent monitoring and proactive management. This results in better-quality
application competence and database control.

We offer an all-inclusive range of database administration services. The entire range includes the
following database products such as Oracle, MS-SQL, and MS Access. The services rendered
cover database administration, implementation, optimization, support and maintenance and
disaster recovery of business-critical databases. We are equally proficient in delivering additional
database services. They are database reverse engineering, data migration, data warehousing,
database replication, and data modeling. Webmark Technologies database experts generate a
supple database environment that is all geared up to mature with your needs.
Our Database Management Services comprise of the following :-

Installing, Configuring Upgrading database software across diverse platforms

Assisting application development by means of high end PL/SQL programs

Manual and computerized Database Monitoring of production milieu through industry standard

Delineating and executing backup and recuperation tactics for 24*7 dynamic production

Performance tuning & diagnosis focused at diverse stratums i.e. database Server, database
schema & SQL level

Scheming extremely scalable data models for applications that can furnish high volume of data
& toting up of new features

Defining & accomplishing database architecture for new-fangled and on hand applications that
can convey utmost performance, elevated scalability and availability

Integrated Data Migration stratagems and their execution during application upgrade OR across
different database versions OR softwares

Crafting data warehouse models and integrated ETL techniques with industry standard licensed
and open source tools

Business Intelligence elucidation for intricate reporting requirements using OLAP and data

Production Support during grave hours at various stages from a database server correlated issues
to a manual data fixes on application table

Services - Integration Services

Webmark Technologies has devised such Integration Solutions that facilitate the concerns to
accomplish integration maturity for integrations sandwiched between enterprise applications,
partners (customers, suppliers, logistics, marketplaces etc) and people (employees, business users
etc). We have the following Integration solutions to offer, namely

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

Business to Business (B2B)

Business Process Integration (BPI)

Workflows Composite Applications

Service Oriented Integration Webmark Technologies also provide Data Integration solutions,
which transversely extends into ETL, Platform integrations, CDC / Real-time / Near-real time
data integration, Unstructured Data Handling, Enterprise Information Integration. Apart from the
above, we offer a gamut of Integration services to address diverse needs of the organizations.

Where the organizations have integrations that are custom built and ad-hoc, Webmark
Technologies tenders Need Assessment Integration Health-Check and Product Evaluation

Organizations with multiple Integration products exist and who aspire to fuse & develop single
product or choose a new product to take care of all sorts of integration needs, Webmark
Technologies proposes services such as ‘Pilot Execution and Migration roadmap.

We have an Integration Competency Center (ICC) service for organizations in order to provide a
variety of Integration related services for their business divisions.

We also make available end-to-end B2B services including map analysis, mapping specifications
creation, map conversion, map creation, trading partners on-boarding, package implementation
and 24x7 support.

The present times witness a dynamic business scenario, typified by active markets, mergers &
acquisitions coupled with severe competition. In order to uphold control, enterprises need to
build up a finer aptitude to sense and respond speedily and smartly to market alterations.

Few such challenges that can be listed are as:-

Business processes span IT applications

Incongruent applications need to share data

Cohesive view of data preferred

Application processes need to inter-operate

The sure shot way to gun down these challenges is to avail the Integration Services of Webmark

Industry - Banking & Finance

To achieve elevated performance, the banks have to be in tune with the present global banking
scenario. In the recent past the banking industry has witnessed influential change in all probable
forms and functions right from meltdowns to mergers. Today, banks are reassessing their current
strategies, re-evaluating the business models and reinvesting in building competencies in systems
and processes. While internal challenges are behemoth, the external world is surging up with a
new face as well.

New-fangled regulations, taut compliance, closer watch and high intervention by government
bodies are forcing the banks to be agile, yet robust

With international competence we assist our clients in harnessing a pool of services, like
consulting, technology and outsourcing services complemented by deep financial services
industry expertise. Webmark Technologies helps achieve competitive lead by propelling high
performance. We comprehend and value the change and have proactively invested in generating
solutions that help banks create fresh business opportunities, strike the existing ones more
resourcefully and deal with the new challenges on the horizon.

Our technology expertise whether in IT or IT-enabled services, has demonstrated its worth in all
the tasks taken up by us. Webmark Technologies team of practiced professionals is poised to
make the distinction through its business technology contributions in the varied segments of
banking across geographies.
Industry - E-Larning
There is a steady evolution of technology in the High Tech industry that necessitates recurring,
trouble free accessibility, and dependable web-enabled knowledge up gradation and education.
E- Learning wraps all forms of improved learning through technology. IT aids in bridging
countless gaps that include catering distance education to those who face geographical
blockades. The capability to leverage implicit information as an asset to increase employee
productivity and ultimately, business performance can endow with a crucial edge to players in
this fiercely aggressive industry.

We have an all geared up, availability of domain experts to provide customized e-learning
solutions to help customers enhance their workforce performance and amplify their customers

With the assistance of our IT professionals who have drawn customized e-learning, we are able
to deliver solutions that go well with your target audience. These solutions are much better than
anticipated. We have consistently handled assignments that required upgrades to diverse client
learning management systems and hence launched e-learning courses on finest systems.

We offer the following in the E-Learning services:

Evaluating the needs through consulting, along with advocating those solution designs that
suffice customer needs.

Structuring end-to-solutions that bring into play multiple modalities to facilitate learners to
successfully retain information.

Examining, scheming, and developing media-rich, interactive, easily searchable custom content.

Edificing content for varied modes of instruction such as classroom, online, blended,
synchronous, and asynchronous.

Webmark Technologies is committed to provide trustworthy advice to customers in strategizing

their learning programs and synchronizing them to their business needs.
Industry – ERP

ERP the acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning is a colossal software architecture that ropes
in the streaming and allocation of geographically strewn enterprises. The extensive information
is put athwart all the serviceable divisions of a business house. Enterprise Resource Planning is
the unification of chiefly three mechanisms; Business Management Practices, Information
Technology and Specific Business Objectives. It proffers an all-inclusive synopsis of the entire
business implementation to personnel, which actually persuades their verdict in a productive

As the name suggests, ERP should necessarily endow the business with an extensive collection
of functionalities sustained by features like :-





Premium business procedures

Global focus

ERP software architecture in the present times can probably encircle an expansive array of
enterprise wide functions and amalgamate them into a single database repository. ERP at
Webmark Technologies rears one of the finest Quality enterprise applications and technology,
and supplies services in process modeling, application evaluation and selection, development /
implementation and support. We are able to influence exceedingly practiced resources that are
transversely linked with industries and applications. Not only that, we can speedily convey
smart and ground-breaking enterprise solutions.

ERP offerings that are success laced for any business who wish to endeavor big are:-
1. Pre-implementation Services

The key to any great business is, in recognizing its objectives. To foster ERP, its execution,
administration and indulgence in business goals is vital. Webmark Technologies’s proficient
team assists the client in spotting and delineating business objectives throughout the ERP
execution. We also aid in designing the System Landscape, which embraces sizing the hardware
and network, and provide various preferences for alike.

2. Implementation Services

While implementing, our steadfast team works intimately with the client to build up quantifiable
business cases. All this is done to make sure that accurate deliverables and goals are designed
and pulled off through implementation. ERP solutions prepared by us minister you to success.
We tag along a cogent methodology for accomplishment of ERP packages. The methodology is
well thought-out around the subsequent stages.

3. Post-Implementation Services

Once the ERP system has been put into practice, we supply numerous models of helpdesk
support: offsite, remote, onsite or hybrid. Apposite service level prospects are positioned and
documented in the form of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the matching attempt.
Chapter – IV
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Perceptions of the employees:

1.You are aware of the company’s vision, mission, the spirit of Webmark Technologies
(values and beliefs)?


1 Strongly agree 28 47%

2 Agree 30 50%
3 Disagree 02 3%
4 Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents 47% were strongly agreed , 50% were agreed ,3% were disagreed
that they were aware of the company’s vision, mission, the spirit of Webmark Technologies
(values and beliefs). So the management should concentrate Mainly on the employees who were
disagreed that were aware of the company’s vision, mission, and the spirit of the Webmark
Technologies (values and beliefs). Because every employee should know about the company’s
vision, mission to achieve the objectives of the company.
2. You are aware of the policies of the company?


1 Strongly agree 26 43%
2 Agree 30 50%
3 Disagree 04 7%
4 Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I came to know that 43% were strongly agreed, 50% were agreed ,
7% were disagreed that they were aware of the company’s policies of the company.

So the management should take care of the employees mainly who were disagreed
that were aware of the company’s policies of the company.
3. You are aware of the developments /improvement activities taking place in the company
and Webmark Technologies?


1 Strongly agree 14 23%

2 Agree 41 68%

3 Disagree 05 9%
4 Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I find that 23% were strongly agreed , 68% were agreed ,9% were
disagreed that they were aware of the developments /improvement activities taking place in the
company and Webmark Technologies. So the management should take care of the employees
who were disagreed that they were aware of the developments/improvement activities in the
company and Webmark Technologies.
4. You are aware of the developments taking place in your department /plant from time to


1 Strongly agree 25 42%

2 Agree 29 49%
3 Disagree 05 9%
4 Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I know that 42% were strongly agree , 49% were agreed ,9% were
disagreed that they were aware of developments taking place in your department /plant from time
to time. So the management should take care of the employees who were disagreed that they
were aware of developments taking place in your department/plant from time to time. It is very
important to know the developments in their department/plant to cope up with changes.
5. You are aware of all the committees /joint forums existing in the company?


1 Strongly agree 10 17%

2 Agree 32 53%
3 Disagree 15 25%

4 Strongly disagree 03 5%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I find that 17% were strongly agreed , 35% were agreed ,25% were
disagreed and 5% were strongly disagreed that they were aware of all the committees /joint
forums existing in the company. So the management should take care of the employees who
were disagreed and strongly disagreed (25% and 5% respectively) that they were aware of all the
committees/joint forums in the company.
6. You are satisfied with plant in House magazines –MOVING MOUNTAINS & VOICE.?


1 Strongly agree 15 21%

2 Agree 47 67%
3 Disagree 08 12%
4 Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I came to know that 21% were strongly agreed , 67% were agreed,
12% were disagreed that they were satisfied with plant in House magazines –MOVING

So the management should take care of the employees who were disagreed that
they were satisfied with plant in House magazines-MOVING MOUNTAINS &VOICE.
7. You could able to communicate your views/concerns freely to the management /co-


1 Strongly agree 22 36%

2 Agree 33 55%
3 Disagree 04 7%
4 Strongly disagree 01 2%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I came to know that 36% were strongly agreed , 55% were agreed
,7%were disagreed and 2% were strongly disagreed that they could able to communicate your
views/concerns freely to the management /co-employees/colleagues. So the management should
take care of the employees who were disagreed and strongly disagreed (7% and 2%
respectively) that they could able to communicate your views/concerns freely to the
management /co-employees/colleagues.
8. You are aware of the names and career profiles of our top management?


1 Strongly agree 14 24%

2 Agree 35 60%

3 Disagree 08 14%
4 Strongly disagree 01 2%

Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I came to know that employees 24% were strongly agreed , 60%
were agreed ,14%were disagreed and 2% were strongly disagreed that they were aware of the
names and career profiles of our top management.

So the management should take care of the employees who were disagreed and
strongly disagreed (14% and 2% respectively) that they were aware of the names and career
profiles of our top management.
9.You are aware about the challenges that company is facing and the measures being taken
to meet them?


1 Strongly agree 12 20%

2 Agree 42 70%

3 Disagree 05 8%
4 Strongly disagree 01 2%

Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I find that 20% were strongly agreed , 70% were agreed ,8%were
disagreed and 2% were strongly disagreed that they were aware about the challenges that
company is facing and the measures being taken to meet them.

So the management should take care of the employees who were disagreed and
strongly disagreed (8% and 2% respectively) that they were aware about the challenges that
company is facing and the measures being taken to meet them. It is very important to know the
employees because the employees also should know the competitors and their challenges.
10. You are aware of the certified standing orders of our company?


1 Strongly agree 12 20%

2 Agree 36 60%
3 Disagree 10 17%
4 Strongly disagree 02 3%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I find that 20% were strongly agreed , 60% were agreed ,17% were
disagreed and 3% were strongly disagreed that they were aware of the certified standing orders
of the company.

So the management should take care of the employees who were disagreed and
strongly disagreed (17% and 3% respectively) that they were aware of the certified standing
orders of the company.
11. Your immediate supervisor regularly shares the information related to organization
/department developments with you?


1 Strongly agree 20 33%

2 Agree 34 57%
3 Disagree 04 7%
4 Strongly disagree 02 3%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I find that 33% were strongly agreed , 57% were agreed ,7%were
disagreed and 3% were strongly disagreed that they their immediate supervisor regularly shares
the information related to organization /department developments with them.

So the management should take care of the employees who were disagreed and strongly
disagreed (7% and 3% respectively) that they their immediate supervisor regularly shares the
information related to organization /department developments with them.
12. 5 minutes shop floor meetings at your work place on daily basis improve your
efficiency levels?


1 Strongly agree 25 41%

2 Agree 19 32%
3 Disagree 15 25%
4 Strongly disagree 01 2%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I came to know that 41% were strongly agreed , 32% were agreed ,
25%were disagreed and 2% were strongly disagreed that the 5 minutes shop floor meetings at
your work place on daily basis improves your efficiency levels.

So the management should take care of the employees who were disagreed and strongly
disagreed (25% and 2% respectively) that the 5 minutes shop floor meetings at your work place
on daily basis improves your efficiency levels.
13. You are aware of all corporate social responsibility activities undertaken by the


1 Strongly agree 15 25%

2 Agree 32 53%
3 Disagree 12 20%
4 Strongly disagree 01 2%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I came to know that 25% were strongly agreed , 53% were agreed
,20%were disagreed and 2% were strongly disagreed that they aware of all corporate social
responsibility activities undertaken by the company.

So the management should take care of the employees who were disagreed and strongly
disagreed (20% and 2% respectively) that they aware of all corporate social responsibility
activities undertaken by the company. Because the company exist in the society so the company
have the some social responsibility and the employees also should know what the company is
doing for society.
14. You are aware of the new joining employees in our company from time to time?


1 Strongly agree 20 34%

2 Agree 32 53%
3 Disagree 05 8%

4 Strongly disagree 03 5%
Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I came to know that 34% were strongly agreed , 53% were agreed
,8%were disagreed and 5% were strongly disagreed that they aware of the new joining
employees in the company from time to time.

So the management should take care of the employees who were disagreed and
strongly disagreed (8% and 5% respectively) that they aware of the new joining employees in the
company from time to time. When the employees aware of the new joining employees then they
can easily communicate with them.
15. You are aware about the employee related policies like grievance redressal policy,
performance appraisal system for NMS, career progression policy, training policy etc.


1 Strongly agree 18 30%

2 Agree 36 60%
3 Disagree 06 10%
4 Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 60 100%


Out of 60 respondents I find that 30% were strongly agreed , 60% were agreed ,10%were
disagreed that they aware about the employee related policies like grievance redressal policy,
performance appraisal system for NMS, career progression policy ,training policy etc.

So the management should take care of the employees who were disagreed (10%) that they
aware about the employee related policies like grievance redressal policy, performance appraisal
system for NMS, career progression policy, training policy etc. Because every employee should
aware of the policies that are made for employees for their better improvement.
Chapter – V
Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion
 Improvement in the notice boards.
 Writing descriptive articles that explain COMMUNICATION CHANNEL aspects in a
manner that is interesting for employees to read.
 Updates about fertilizers industry all over the country or world in connection blocks
 Making connection page simpler .weekly mail on effects of COMMUNICATION
CHANNEL habits and short success story of not more than 2600 words.
 Inter developmental meetings will improve communication programs.
 More improvements is required in the location maps in surroundings particularly near
 Implement a suggestion box which especially concentrates on inviting suggestions in the
areas of safety, improvements and personal issues.
 Develop audio communication at new administration block.
 Communication by SMS which helps the employees to get the information well in
 Personal computer should be available to low and operational level employees to be in
frequent touch with their superiors.
 Cross check-up teams in corporate whether the communication is being related to ground
level and concerned.
 Proper encouragement is to be given by the management by rewarding the suggestions.
 Communication especially from bottom to top should be developed to avoid the gap and
mis communication.
 By providing deck phones to the technicians to inform immediately without getting late.
 Available communication channels (SMS, E-mail, notice boards, magazines etc..) should
be utilized in right way to reach respective group of employees as per their accessibility
 Improve email communication as this is the most frequently used channel.
 Involvement of employees is the critical factor .this can be achieved through
encouraging employees in different ways and means.
 Personal communication is important with every individual.
 COMMUNICATION CHANNEL corner should be updated regularly.
 Management should motivate people to participate in various COMMUNICATION
CHANNEL programs.
 Frequent meetings to be conducted and encourage individuals to participate in various
 Meetings conducted must and should verify the root level at field.
 Glass doors to be provide at communication free area. Such as encouraging informal
 If one person conducts pep-talk (spirit boosting talk) at the COMMUNICATION
CHANNEL corner during the lunch time twice per a month, it is better.
 Regular review of the Ad status.
 Information-hourly and daily basis- should be communicated to every individual
 Provide suggestion box for better communication
 COMMUNICATION CHANNEL is not a follow up kind, it should be self initiation
that requires organization to take up such sessions for the employees which make
them feel self responsible.
 Improve visibility of COMMUNICATION CHANNEL notice boards.
 Department wise publicity will help for interest generation among individuals
 Information designed should create certain fun to read posters, particularly on
importance of quality.

It is better to concentrate on perfection in process, and then quality.

The essence of management is communication; effective employee communications are therefore
essential to ensuring the ongoing success of an organisation. Communicating effectively will help
employees to buy into the organisation’s direction, enable them to understand their roles clearly, and
show how they add value. In turn, this will lead to greater employee engagement and, ultimately, lead
them to advocate more strongly on behalf of their organisation.

Enterprise uses a multi-channel approach to its communication strategies to increase awareness of its
key messages. Using a mix of formal and informal communication helps to improve effectiveness. Its
internal communications strategies ensure the company values and culture are maintained. Its
‘onboarding’ programme and The Hub intranet encourage employee engagement, knowledge and
increases motivation.

To maximise effectiveness of its communications strategies, Enterprise tailors its communication

messages and channels to each specific audience’s needs. This ensures that any barriers to
communication are dealt with. Enterprise regularly evaluates its internal and external communications
strategies to maintain its focus on high levels of customer service and employee relations.


 Effective technical communication, M ashraf rizavi.

 Essentials of business communication , Mary Ellen Guffery.
 Madhukar, R.K., Business Communication, Vikas Publishing House PVT LTD.
 Murphy, Effective, Business Communication, McGraw-Hill.


 Google
 Winkpedia

1. You are aware of the company’s vision, mission, the spirit of Webmark Technologies (values and

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

2 You are aware of the policies of the company?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

3. You are aware of the developments /improvement activities taking place in the company and
Webmark Technologies?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

4. You are aware of the developments taking place in your department /plant from time to time?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

5. You are aware of all the committees /joint forums existing in the company?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

6. You are satisfied with plant in House magazines –MOVING MOUNTAINS & VOICE.?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

7. You could able to communicate your views/concerns freely to the management /co-

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

8. You are aware of the names and career profiles of our top management?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

9.You are aware about the challenges that company is facing and the measures being taken to meet

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

10. You are aware of the certified standing orders of our company?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

11. Your immediate supervisor regularly shares the information related to organization /department
developments with you?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

12. 5 minutes shop floor meetings at your work place on daily basis improve your efficiency levels?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

13. You are aware of all corporate social responsibility activities undertaken by the company?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

14. You are aware of the new joining employees in our company from time to time?

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

15. You are aware about the employee related policies like grievance redressal policy, performance
appraisal system for NMS, career progression policy, training policy etc.

A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree

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