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Original Article

Cancer Treatments and Their Side Effects Are Associated With

Aggravation of Insomnia: Results of a Longitudinal Study
e Savard, PhD1,2,3; Hans Ivers, PhD1,2,3; Marie-He
Jose lène Savard, PhD2,3; and Charles M. Morin, PhD1

BACKGROUND: Insomnia affects between 30% to 60% of patients with cancer but to the authors’ knowledge little is known regard-
ing factors associated with its development. It has been postulated that adjuvant cancer treatments and their side effects could trig-
ger sleep disturbances in this population but empirical evidence is lacking. The goal of the current study was to assess, separately in
patients with breast and prostate cancer, the effect of adjuvant treatments on the evolution of insomnia symptoms and the mediating
role of somatic symptoms. METHODS: As part of a population-based epidemiological study, patients with breast cancer (465
patients) and prostate cancer (263 patients) completed at baseline (perioperative period) and 2 months, 6 months, 10 months, 14
months, and 18 months later the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and a questionnaire assessing various somatic symptoms. RESULTS: In
patients with breast cancer, radiotherapy (overall effect) and chemotherapy (at 2 months), but not hormone therapy, were associated
with increased insomnia severity, whereas androgen deprivation therapy was related to increased insomnia in patients with prostate
cancer. In patients with breast cancer, the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on insomnia was found to be significantly medi-
ated by a variety of somatic symptoms, whereas night sweats had a particularly marked mediating role for hormone therapy, both
in patients with breast and prostate cancer. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the current study indicate that cancer treatments
and their side effects contribute to the aggravation of insomnia symptoms. Side effects of cancer treatments should be monitored
more closely and managed as effectively as possible to prevent the occurrence or aggravation of insomnia. Cancer 2015;000:000-
000. VC 2015 American Cancer Society.

KEYWORDS: cancer, insomnia, sleep, cancer treatment, longitudinal, side effects.

Insomnia is a common problem in patients with cancer. Although insomnia is highly prevalent before any treatment is
administered,1 longitudinal data suggest that there are factors occurring during the cancer care trajectory that trigger its de-
velopment. A recent population-based epidemiological study revealed that insomnia affected up to 59% of patients during
the perioperative period.2 However, 14.4% of patients had a first incidence and 19.5% had a recurrence of insomnia
symptoms during the course of the study, for a total incidence rate of 31.8%.3
Although causes of insomnia comorbid with cancer are most likely multifaceted,4,5 it has been postulated that ad-
juvant treatments play a significant role.6,7 To the best of our knowledge, only a few longitudinal studies to date have
focused on this issue. Although lack of an association has also been noted,8 receiving chemotherapy has been found to
predict an increase in sleep disturbance during the cancer care trajectory.1,9 Two studies of patients with breast cancer
found that radiotherapy was associated with a temporary augmentation of sleep difficulties10,11 and one study revealed
that intensity-modulated radiotherapy for the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer was associated with an increased
rate of clinically significant sleep impairments.12 In patients with prostate cancer, the introduction of androgen depri-
vation therapy was found to be related to increased insomnia symptoms.13 Hence, it would appear that all 3 of these
adjuvant treatments can increase the risk of insomnia, although studies disentangling their respective effects are

Corresponding author: Jos ee Savard, PhD, Centre de recherche du CHU de Qu

ebec, 11 C^
ote du Palais, Qu
ebec, Qu
ebec, Canada, G1R 2J6; Fax: (418) 691-2971;
School of Psychology, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; 2Centre de recherche du CHU de Qu
ebec, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; 3Cancer Research
Center, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

We wish to acknowledge the important contribution of Julie Villa, Aude Caplette-Gingras, Marie-Solange Bernatchez, Val erie Tremblay, Lucie Casault, Caroline
Desautels, Genevi eve Dumont, Dave Flanagan, Nathalie Gagnon, Catherine Gonthier, Geneviève Laurent, Marie-Eve Le May, Julie Maheux, Marie-Esther Paradis,
Sylvie Perron, Julie Roy, Sophie Ruel, Elaine Th
eriault, Claudia Trudel-Fitzgerald, and Maude Villeneuve who were involved in the recruitment and assessment of
the participants or the data entry and the study coordination, as well as the participants who volunteered their time for this study.

DOI: 10.1002/cncr.29244, Received: July 3, 2014; Revised: October 16, 2014; Accepted: December 17, 2014, Published online Month 00, 2015 in Wiley Online
Library (

Cancer Month 00, 2015 1

Original Article

There are several plausible mechanisms through 1519 were excluded and 715 refused to participate in the
which cancer treatments could lead to sleep disturbances. study, thus giving a participation rate for the larger study
Although other mechanisms are possible (eg, anticipatory of 57.4% (962 patients; for a detailed flowchart see the
anxiety, behavioral changes such as day napping that study by Savard et al3). For the purpose of the current
impair circadian rhythms, or chemotherapy-induced analysis, only the 2 larger subgroups of patients could be
inflammation),4,14-16 adjuvant treatments can also induce included (ie, patients with breast cancer [465 patients]
sleep disturbances through some of their negative side and prostate cancer [263 patients]) (Table 1).
effects. Nocturnal hot flashes (due to chemotherapy and
hormone therapy17), urinary incontinence (eg, due to Study Design
radiotherapy to the urogenital area), and gastrointestinal This study used a prospective longitudinal design com-
symptoms (eg, chemotherapy-induced nausea) as well as prising 6 time points: baseline (perioperative phase; T1)
pain (eg, associated with the use of aromatase inhibitors in and 2 months (T2), 6 months (T3), 10 months (T4), 14
both men and women16) are all very likely to negatively months (T5), and 18 months (T6). Overall, 72.7% of the
affect sleep quality.6,7,18 However, to our knowledge, very patients with breast cancer (338 patients) and 69.6% of
little research data are available to help delineate their role patients with prostate cancer (183 patients) completed all
in precipitating insomnia comorbid with cancer. 6 assessments (Mean (M) 5 5.2).
The goals of this secondary analysis of a previous ep-
idemiological study by Savard et al2,3 were to assess, sepa-
Demographics, health behaviors, and cancer
rately in individuals with breast and prostate cancer, 1) the characteristics
effect of adjuvant treatments on the evolution of insomnia Demographics, medical comorbidity, medication use,
symptoms and 2) to what extent somatic symptoms medi- and health behaviors (smoking status, alcohol and caffeine
ated the relationship between adjuvant treatments and use, and physical activity) were collected using a question-
insomnia symptoms. It was hypothesized that all adjuvant naire. Cancer-related data (eg, cancer site and stage and
treatments would be associated with increased insomnia adjuvant treatments received) were obtained from the
through the mediating effect of somatic symptoms. patient’s medical record.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Insomnia Severity Index

Participants The Insomnia Severity Index (ISI)19 is a 7-item question-
Recruitment naire evaluating insomnia severity (eg, difficulties falling
Inclusion criteria for the main study were: 1) a first diagnosis asleep). Each item is rated using a 5-point Likert scale
of nonmetastatic cancer (a few patients with American Joint ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (very much), for a total
Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging system stage score ranging from 0 to 28. The French-Canadian version
IV prostate cancer were included but they had no distant me- of the ISI was validated in the context of cancer.20 A cutoff
tastases); 2) patients were scheduled to undergo curative sur- score of 8 was found to indicate the presence of clinical
gery; 3) patients were aged 18 to 80 years; and 4) patients levels of insomnia.20
were able to read and understand French. Exclusion criteria
were: 1) the administration of neoadjuvant cancer treatment; Physical Symptoms Questionnaire
2) upcoming surgery was part of brachytherapy for prostate The Physical Symptoms Questionnaire is adapted from
cancer; 3) presence of severe cognitive impairments (eg, the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale21 and assesses
Alzheimer disease) or severe psychiatric disorder (eg, psycho- 18 somatic symptoms commonly associated with cancer
sis); 4) presence of a sleep disorder other than insomnia (eg, and its treatment. Only the frequency scores (from 0 indi-
sleep apnea); and 5) presence of severe visual, hearing, or lan- cating never to 4 indicating almost constantly) were ana-
guage defects. lyzed. Symptoms had to meet the following criteria to be
Participants were recruited at the CHU de Quebec investigated as possible mediators: 1) be reported by
from January 2005 to May 2007. Patients meeting the ini- 20% of the sample; 2) have a mean frequency >2 on the
tial inclusion criteria were approached by a research assist- scale of 0 to 4; 3) 1 cancer treatment was found to be sig-
ant on the day of their preoperative visit and eligible nificantly associated with the symptom; and 4) the symp-
patients were invited to provide their written consent. The tom exhibited at least a small association (beta >.10)22
study was approved by the ethics review board of the study with ISI scores. Seven symptoms were retained as possible
institution. Of the 3196 patients approached at the clinics, mediators: headache (breast cancer), dyspnea (both),

2 Cancer Month 00, 2015

Cancer Treatments and Insomnia/Savard et al

TABLE 1. Participant Characteristics by Cancer Site

Breast Cancer n 5 465 Prostate Cancer n 5 263

Variable Mean (SD) No. (%) Mean (SD) No. (%)

Age, y 54.9 (9.6) 61.7 (6.4)

Sex (female) 465 (100) 0 (0.0)
Marital status
Married/cohabitating 286 (62.0) 205 (78.5)
Single 54 (11.7) 13 (5.0)
Separated/divorced/widowed 121 (26.3) 43 (16.5)
Primary diploma or less 24 (5.2) 25 (9.7)
High school diploma 192 (41.7) 90 (35.0)
College degree 120 (26.1) 65 (25.3)
University degree 124 (27.0) 77 (30.0)
Annual family income (in Canadian dollars)
<$20,000 72 (18.7) 24 (10.4)
$20,001-$40,000 114 (29.6) 75 (32.5)
$40,001-$60,000 73 (19.0) 59 (25.5)
$60,001-$80,000 61 (15.8) 33 (14.3)
$80,001 65 (16.9) 40 (17.3)
Current occupation
Working (full/part time) 201 (43.6) 96 (36.9)
Family work 32 (6.9) 1 (0.4)
Sick leave 79 (17.1) 18 (6.9)
Retired 138 (29.9) 142 (54.6)
Unemployed 11 (2.4) 3 (1.2)
Time since initial diagnosis, mo 1.6 (0.9) 3.9 (2.7)
AJCC Cancer stage of disease
0 44 (9.5) 0 (0.0)
I 198 (42.6) 2 (0.8)
II 148 (31.8) 160 (60.8)
III 57 (12.3) 83 (31.6)
IVa 0 (0.0) 18 (6.8)
Unspecified 18 (3.9) 0 (0.0)
Cancer treatments received during the studyb
Radiotherapy 367 (85.6) 10 (4.2)
Chemotherapy 232 (54.1) 2 (0.8)
Hormone therapy 309 (72.0) 25 (10.4)
Other (eg, trastuzumab) 37 (8.6) 0 (0.0)
Type of chemotherapyc
AC 85 (36.6)
FEC plus docetaxel 36 (15.5)
FEC 35 (15.1)
AC plus paclitaxel plus gemcitabine 14 (6.0)
AC plus docetaxel 13 (5.6)
AC plus paclitaxel 9 (3.9)
Other/not specified 40 (17.2) 2 (100.0)
Type of hormone therapyc,d
Anastrozole 148 (47.9) 0 (0.0)
Tamoxifen 146 (47.2) 4 (16.0)
Letrozole 28 (9.1) 0 (0.0)
Exemestane 9 (2.9) 0 (0.0)
Bicalutamide 0 (0.0) 19 (76.0)
Goserelin 3 (1.0) 16 (64.0)
Leuprolide 0 (0.0) 3 (12.0)
Insomnia Severity Index
Baseline 10.3 (5.9) 305 (66.2)e 6.4 (5.6) 96 (36.9) e

2 mo 9.7 (5.6) 264 (62.6) 7.0 (5.2) 89 (38.7)

6 mo 8.5 (5.8) 203 (51.0) 5.9 (5.3) 66 (29.0)
10 mo 7.7 (5.4) 166 (43.1) 5.4 (4.9) 57 (26.4)
14 mo 7.3 (5.4) 149 (40.6) 5.8 (5.1) 64 (30.9)
18 mo 7.0 (5.1) 137 (38.8) 5.3 (4.5) 52 (25.2)

Abbreviations: AC, cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin; AJCC, American Joint Committee on Cancer; FEC, 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide;
SD, standard deviation.
Patients with stage IV cancer did not have distant metastases.
Some patients did not receive any adjuvant treatment whereas others received >1 treatment during the study.
The percentages computed over the number of users.
Patients could have received >1 treatment.
The percentage of patients displaying a clinical level of insomnia (Insomnia Severity Index 8).
Original Article

nausea (breast cancer), digestive problems (breast cancer),

night sweats (both), pain (both), and 2 items related to
urination (frequent and involuntary; r 5 0.48), which
were combined together (both).

At each time point, participants were given a battery of
self-report scales including the ISI and the Physical Symp-
toms Questionnaire that they had to complete within the
next week and mail back. More details on the procedure
are available elsewhere.2

Statistical Analyses
Descriptive and inferential statistics were conducted using
SAS statistical software (version 9.3; SAS Institute Inc,
Cary, NC).23 The alpha level was fixed at 5% (2-tailed) for
all inferential tests. All participants with at least 1 available
Figure 1. Percentage of patients with (a) breast cancer and
time point on the main outcome (ISI) were included in the (b) prostate cancer exposed to each treatment since the last
analyses (728 participants) and no data imputation was per- assessment at each time point are shown.

formed because the chosen statistical models are robust to

missing data. Several variables were investigated for a possi-
ble inclusion in statistical models as covariates (eg, demo- The best-fitting covariance matrix for each model was
graphics, cancer site and stage, medications, comorbidity, selected based on the Bayesian information criterion.
and health behaviors) but none of them was retained Empirical “sandwich” estimators of standard errors for
because none had at least a minimal correlation with the de- fixed effects were used.
pendent variable (ISI) (correlation coefficient [r] 5 60.30) Longitudinal mediation analyses were computed
(a medium effect size [r 0.30] rather than statistical signif- using an autoregressive mediation model,25 which permit-
icance was deemed to be a more appropriate criterion ted the examination of both concurrent (associations of
because of the large sample in the current study, which was variables all assessed at the same time point) and longitu-
likely to yield numerous significant but fortuitous associa- dinal (effect of each treatment at 1 time point on the me-
tions).24 In both groups, patients did not receive any adju- diator and insomnia severity assessed at the subsequent
vant treatment at baseline, and therefore these data could time point) mediation. For longitudinal relations, only
not be used as dependent variables. In patients with breast lag-1 associations (between consecutive time points) were
cancer, T5 and T6 could not be used either because none investigated, mainly because we were interested in investi-
of the patients received radiotherapy at those times, thus gating the proximal factors triggering an aggravation of
leaving T2 to T4 for these analyses. Because <10 of the insomnia. Paths tested are illustrated in Figure 2.
patients with prostate cancer received radiotherapy and Three linear mixed models were performed for each
chemotherapy at any time point of the study, only the use mediator (symptom) to estimate: 1) the total relationship
of hormone therapy was analyzed (from T3 to T6) (Fig. 1). (treatment!insomnia); 2) the alpha relationship (treat-
Three binary independent variables, specifying ment!mediator); and 3) the beta (mediator!insomnia)
whether each participant was exposed to chemotherapy, and direct (treatment!insomnia, controlling for the me-
radiotherapy, and hormone therapy at each time point, diator) relationship. The overall mediation effect was esti-
were created. Linear mixed models using a factorial mated as the product of the alpha and beta regression
design (group [chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hor- coefficients and its standard error was computed accord-
mone therapy] 3 time) were performed to test the signif- ing to the procedure of MacKinnon et al (Z-prime for-
icance of temporal changes, while adjusting means for mula).26 The ratio of the mediation effect (alpha-beta
missing data and taking into account individual baseline product) on its standard error yielded a Z-prime statistic,
(random effect). Main treatment and time effects and which was compared against the appendix in MacKinnon
treatment 3 time interactions were systematically tested et al26 (ie, null hypothesis indicates no mediating effect;
and interactions were decomposed using simple effects. N 5 500) to determine the significance of the mediating

4 Cancer Month 00, 2015

Cancer Treatments and Insomnia/Savard et al

effect. The percentage of the total effect explained by the nificant time effect (F(2,760) 5 9.77; P<.001) and a sig-
mediated (indirect) effect was computed as the ratio of the nificant and unique radiotherapy effect (F(1,345) 5 3.84;
mediation standard coefficient on the standard coefficient P 5 .05), but no significant main effect for chemotherapy
for the total treatment effect. A mediation was considered (F(1,190) 5 0.79; P 5 .38) or hormone therapy
a total mediation when only the mediation (indirect) (F(1,175) 5 0.06; P 5 .80) after controlling for the effect
effect was statistically significant, whereas a partial media- of the other 2 treatments. However, simple effects demon-
tion was determined when both mediation and directs strated that women receiving chemotherapy had signifi-
effects were significant. cantly greater ISI scores at T2 than those not receiving this
treatment (M of 10.6 vs 9.1; F(1,760) 5 5.29 [P 5 .02])
(Fig. 3a), which corresponds to their peak exposure to
chemotherapy (Fig. 1a). Overall, the exposure to radio-
Objective 1: Effect of Adjuvant Treatments on
therapy was associated with significantly higher ISI scores
the Evolution of Insomnia Severity
Breast cancer
throughout the study (M of 9.0 vs 8.4) (Fig. 3b). No treat-
In participants with breast cancer, the results of a normal ment 3 time interaction was found to be statistically sig-
linear mixed model conducted on ISI scores revealed a sig- nificant (P 5 .23 for chemotherapy, P 5 .87 for
radiotherapy, and P 5 .66 for hormone therapy).

Prostate cancer
The mixed model analysis conducted among participants
with prostate cancer revealed a significant main effect for
hormone therapy (F(1,9) 5 5.01; P 5 .05) but no signifi-
cant time effect (F(1,610) 5 0.62; P 5 .60) or interaction
(F(1,610) 5 0.83; P 5 .48). Overall, participants
reported significantly higher ISI scores throughout the
study when exposed to hormone therapy (M of 7.3 vs 5.4)
(Fig. 3d). In addition, simple effects revealed that patients
receiving hormone therapy had significantly greater ISI
scores at T4 (P 5 .03), T5 (P 5 .04), and T6 (P 5 .03),
which corresponds to the peak exposure to hormone ther-
apy in that group (Fig. 1b).

Objective 2: Mediating Effect of Somatic

Symptoms in the Relationship Between
Figure 2. Summary of the relationships tested with the longi- Adjuvant Treatments and Insomnia
tudinal autoregressive mediational model of the lagged (P)
and current (C) contributions of chemotherapy (C), radio- Table 2 presents the results of mediation effects calculated
therapy (R), and hormone therapy (H) to the Insomnia Sever- by the product method for both subgroups of partici-
ity Index, mediated by the frequency of a physical symptom,
is shown. The first letters of the abbreviations in circles desig- pants. All significant relationships indicated worse insom-
nate the time point (P indicates previous assessment and C nia symptoms in association with cancer treatments and
indicates current assessment), whereas the second letters
designate the variable (C indicates chemotherapy; R, radio- somatic symptoms. With the exception of one effect for
therapy; H, hormone therapy; S, symptom; and I, insomnia). radiotherapy, all effects indicated a total mediation.
For example, PC indicates “previous chemotherapy.” The
mediation was tested by estimating 2 paths: treatment to
mediator (alpha relation) and mediator to insomnia (beta
Breast cancer
relation). Indirect alpha relations between treatments and the Concurrent mediation effects were more frequent (10 sig-
mediator were tested for previous treatments (PC, PR, and
PH!CS) and current treatments (CC, CR, and CH!CS). Indi-
nificant effects from 21 tests) than lagged ones (6 signifi-
rect beta relations between the mediator and insomnia were cant effects from 21 tests). More specifically, the
tested for the previous mediator (PS!CI) and the current concurrent effect of chemotherapy on insomnia symp-
mediator (CS!CI). Direct relations between treatments and
insomnia, controlling for the mediator effect, were tested for toms was significantly mediated by urinary symptoms
previous treatments (PC, PR, and PH!CI) and current treat- (39.1% of the total effect explained by the mediation
ments (CC, CR, and CH!CI). Autoregressive relations to con-
trol for temporal dependency were tested for both the effect), nausea (34.7% of the total effect), night sweats
mediator (PS!CS) and insomnia (PI!CI). (30.0% of the total effect), digestive symptoms (14.4% of
the total effect), and dyspnea (13.5% of the total effect).

Cancer Month 00, 2015 5

Original Article

Figure 3. Adjusted Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) scores are shown for participants exposed or not to each cancer treatment since
the time of the last assessment. Only time points with at least 10 participants exposed are shown: (a) chemotherapy in breast
cancer, (b) radiotherapy in breast cancer, (c) hormone therapy in breast cancer, and (d) hormone therapy in prostate cancer.

TABLE 2. Concurrent and Longitudinal Mediational Effects of Symptoms on the Relationship Between
Treatment and Insomnia, According to Treatment and Cancer Type

Breast Cancer (n 5 465) Prostate Cancer (n 5 263)

Chemotherapy Radiotherapy Hormone Therapy Hormone Therapy

Concurrent Longitudinal Concurrent Longitudinal Concurrent Longitudinal Concurrent Longitudinal

Symptoms Z0 (%) Z0 (%) Z0 (%) Z0 (%) Z0 (%) Z0 (%) Z0 (%) Z0 (%)

Headache NS 1.39a (73.0) T NS 0.95b (35.9) T 0.90b (15.4) T NS - -

Dyspnea 0.96b (13.5) T NS 1.64a (19.8) P NS NS NS 1.35a (18.0) T NS
Nausea 2.45 (34.7) T 1.08b (14.3) T NS 0.92b (3.9) T NS NS - -
Digestive 1.72a (14.4) T 1.56a (20.2) T NS NS 1.44a (21.8) T 1.09a (36.7) T - -
Urination 3.09a (39.1) T NS NS NS NS NS 1.55a (16.6) T NS
Night sweats 2.05a (30.0) T NS 1.12a (14.9) T NS 3.56a (100) T NS 1.83a (48.6) T 0.85b (45.8) T
Pain NS NS NS NS NS NS 1.25a (13.8) T NS

Abbreviations: %, percentage of the total relation accounted for by the mediation effect; NS, not significant; P, partial mediation; T, total mediation; Z0 , Z-prime
statistic for the alpha 3 beta mediation test.
P <.01.
P <.05.

The lagged (longitudinal) effect of chemotherapy on effect [partial mediation]) and night sweats (14.9% of the
insomnia was significantly mediated by headache (73.0% total effect). The lagged radiotherapy effect was signifi-
of the total effect), digestive symptoms (20.2% of the total cantly mediated by headache (35.9% of the total effect)
effect), and nausea (14.3% of the total effect). The con- and nausea (3.9% of the total effect). Finally, the concur-
current effect of radiotherapy on insomnia symptoms was rent effect of hormone therapy on ISI scores was signifi-
significantly mediated by dyspnea (19.8% of the total cantly mediated by night sweats (100% of the total

6 Cancer Month 00, 2015

Cancer Treatments and Insomnia/Savard et al

effect), digestive symptoms (21.8% of the total effect), matic symptoms suggest that this negative impact is sig-
and headache (15.4% of the total effect), whereas the nificantly due to its side effects, in particular headache,
lagged effect was significantly mediated by digestive nausea and digestive symptoms, urination, and night
symptoms only (36.7% of the total effect). sweats.
Some chemotherapeutic agents can induce headache
Prostate cancer (eg, 5-fluorouracil) and a bidirectional relationship
Again, concurrent effects were more frequent (4 signifi- between headache and insomnia appears to exist.31
cant effects from 4 tests) than lagged effects (only 1 Indeed, the discomfort associated with headache may
significant effect). The concurrent effect of androgen de- interfere with falling and staying asleep throughout the
privation therapy on symptoms of insomnia was signifi- night, but disturbed sleep can also cause headache. A dele-
cantly mediated by night sweats (48.6% of the total terious impact of chemotherapy-induced nausea and di-
effect), dyspnea (18.0% of the total effect), urinary gestive symptoms on sleep has already been shown.32
symptoms (16.6% of the total effect), and pain (13.8% of However, it should be noted that this effect could also be
the total effect), whereas the lagged effect was signifi- explained by the use of antiemetic medications that can al-
cantly mediated by night sweats only (45.8% of the total ter sleep as well (eg, dexamethasone33). Increased urina-
effect). tion, another possible side effect of chemotherapy, was
associated with greater severity of insomnia, which is con-
DISCUSSION sistent with an increasing body of literature indicating a
The current longitudinal study assessed, within the con- link between nocturia and poor sleep in the general popu-
text of breast and prostate cancer, the role of adjuvant lation.34 Finally, findings regarding night sweats are con-
treatments in the evolution of insomnia symptoms over sistent with studies performed within the context of breast
an 18-month period and the mediating role of somatic cancer using objective measures (polysomnography and
symptoms potentially caused by these treatments. In sternal skin conductance) supporting a concurrent associ-
patients with breast cancer, the findings indicated that ation between nocturnal hot flashes and various sleep
chemotherapy (at T2) and radiotherapy (overall effect), impairments.35,36
but not hormone therapy, were associated with an aggra- In the subsample of patients with breast cancer,
vation of insomnia symptoms after controlling for the radiotherapy was found to be associated with a signifi-
effect of the other 2 treatments. In this group, the effect of cantly increased severity of insomnia overall. The strong-
chemotherapy and radiotherapy on insomnia levels was est mediating effect was found for headache. Because
significantly mediated by a variety of somatic symptoms irradiating the breast is not likely to induce headache, this
likely to be their side effects. Although hormone therapy may indicate an inverse relationship in which headache is
was not found to be associated with a significant exacerba- induced by insomnia. Other significant mediating effects
tion of insomnia symptoms in that group, its effect was were noted for dyspnea, night sweats, and nausea, but
significantly mediated by night sweats. In patients with they explained a smaller percentage of the total effect.
prostate cancer, androgen deprivation therapy was consis- Overall, somatic symptoms, at least those assessed in the
tently associated with increased insomnia symptoms, an current study, appear to explain to a lesser extent the rela-
effect that was strongly mediated by night sweats. Given tionship between radiotherapy and insomnia in patients
that nearly all mediating effects in both groups were total with breast cancer. Future studies should investigate the
mediations, this suggests that somatic symptoms explain a possible mediating role of fatigue. Fatigue is significantly
major percentage of the relationship between cancer treat- correlated with insomnia within the context of radiother-
ments and insomnia. apy,37 and our previous findings using the same sample
In patients with breast cancer, chemotherapy was revealed that fatigue was a significant predictor of
associated with increased insomnia symptoms, an effect insomnia.38
that was significant at T2 when 51.3% of the women were Hormone therapy also was found to be associated
receiving this treatment. These results are consistent with with significantly greater insomnia scores, but only in
some evidence pointing to a deleterious effect of chemo- men with prostate cancer. In that group, the effect was sig-
therapy on sleep.1,27-29 Although other mechanisms are nificant overall and at each time point, except T3, when
possible (eg, psychological reaction, disruption of circa- only 6.9% of patients received this treatment. Although
dian rhythms, or immune response4,30), the current analyses revealed a small mediating role of other symp-
results supporting the mediating role of a variety of so- toms (ie, dyspnea, urinary symptoms, and pain), the most

Cancer Month 00, 2015 7

Original Article

influential mediator was night sweats. Findings of the cur- FUNDING SUPPORT
rent study are consistent with those of another recent lon- Supported by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health
gitudinal study that demonstrated a deleterious effect of Research (MOP-69073).
androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer on
insomnia levels through the mediating role of night sweats CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURES
and hot flashes.13 It is interesting to note that even though Dr. Morin has served as consultant for Merck, Novartis, and
Valeant and received research support from Novartis for work per-
hormone therapy was not associated with significantly
formed outside of the current study.
increased insomnia in patients with breast cancer in the
current study, night sweats explained 100% of the rela- REFERENCES
tionship between this treatment and insomnia, thereby 1. Van Onselen C, Paul SM, Lee K, et al. Trajectories of sleep disturb-
emphasizing the importance of this symptom as a risk fac- ance and daytime sleepiness in women before and after surgery for
tor for insomnia in this group as well. The finding that breast cancer. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2013;45:244-260.
2. Savard J, Villa J, Ivers H, Simard S, Morin CM. Prevalence, natural
hormone therapy was not associated with a significant course, and risk factors of insomnia comorbid with cancer over a 2-
exacerbation of insomnia in patients with breast cancer is month period. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:5233-5239.
surprising but may be due to some ceiling effect. Indeed, 3. Savard J, Ivers H, Villa J, Caplette-Gingras A, Morin CM. Natural
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