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LESSON PLAN for World Languages Intern: Courtney Dorrell

Date: 10/4/18
Class: Japanese 3

Unit: (Adventures in Japanese 2: Chapter 1) Jiko-shoukai (Self-Introduction)

Major focus of the chapter/unit: Say where you live, where your parents work, describe the location of objects and people,
and share your like and dislikes with others

Standard(s): Identifying and Describing - 1.1.N.SL.g Ask questions about the attributes of places and things in their
immediate environment and answer using a list of traits

What will the students BE ABLE TO DO after this lesson?

a) Students will be able to describe the location of items in a picture
b) Students will be able to ask questions about where items are located in a picture
How will students be assessed on this segment of the chapter/unit?
 Using the item location Exit Slip (if time permits)

Materials of instruction needed for this lesson:

 20 Copies of Room A/B Picture
 20 Copies of Room C/D Picture
 40 Half sheets of paper
 Cat plush toy (for Exit Slip if time permits)

a) Vocabulary recycle: (Locations) Naka, Soto, Migi, Hidari, Ue, Shita, Mae, Ushiro, Tonari, Aida
(Room Items) Beddo, Tsukue, Teburu, Hon, Neko, Terebi, Konpyuta, Tokei, Gita
new: N/A
b) Concepts recycle: N/A
new: N/A
c) Skills recycle: N/A
new: N/A

 my attitude(s) that I want to change:

The thought that when my students don’t know something or ask an odd question about a particular word, that I
have to give a detailed explanation about its use or work to pull the answer out of them (e.g. sometimes putting them
into a place where they feel they should give up- I don’t want to push them to that point).

 student attitude(s) that I want to change:

 We don’t have to speak Japanese in a Japanese classroom
 The old things we learned are no longer relevant to what we are doing now, so I don’t have to use them

Time sequence
Transition from yesterday’s lesson:
 “Yesterday we worked in our workbooks on section 1.3, where we were asked to use the proper particles or
sentences to talk about where things were located
o Using があります・います with our new words of location
 “Today we’re going to put that into practice by describing where things are in a room on our own.”

Today’s plan: (20-25 minutes)

-Introduce Room Location Activity (3 minutes)
-Room Location Activity (15 minutes)
-Students with picture A (7-8 minutes)
-Students with picture B (7-8 minutes)
-Activity Wrap-up (2-3 minutes)
-Exit Slip (2-5 minutes)
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1) Room Location Activity Minutes: 20-23 minutes
THIS IS: This Activity is: This Activity features Standards:
an explanation X Communicative X 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1
a review or 1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2 5.2
X an activity/exercise Mechanical 1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.3
Introduction: >1 mins.
“We are going to practice using location by describing where things are to our partners and drawing a
picture of what we think their room looks like.”
Directions: 4 mins.
1. We are going to break into pairs. Your partner is currently sitting across from you. (Move the
students who are missing a partner together, or form one group of 3 if an odd number)
2. I am going to pass each of you out a picture of a room. Do not share your room picture with
your partner.
3. You are also going to receive a blank sheet of paper that you will use to draw your partner’s
4. Starting with the person who receives Picture A, you will describe your picture to your partner
in Japanese. Pay close attention to the locations of the items.
5. For people with picture B, while your partner is describing their picture, draw (to the best of
your ability) what you think your partner’s room looks like
6. Remember, you can questions to your partner about the room, but they must be in Japanese.
7. After about 7 minutes, we will switch roles. The person who was describing their picture will
now be drawing, and the person drawing their partner’s room will now be describing their’s.
8. (Pause for Questions)
9. Okay, Start! (Suta-to!)
10. (After 7 minutes), At this point in time, if you have not finished your drawing, stop drawing
11. Compare your drawing with your partner’s picture. How close did you get to the image? (wait
1 minute)
12. Now, Minna-san, Suwitchi! (Everyone, switch)- Begin talking about your picture and partners,
drawing their description!
Activity: (be as specific as possible) 15 mins.
1.Students will work in Pairs What will I do? What will the students do?
with the person across from After giving directions, I will be Students who are given the
them (or next to/with someone going around the room with my Room A picture will be
who’s partner is absent) phone in my pocket, recording describing their room in
2.Students will be instructed not their conversations as data for Japanese to the students who will
to share the picture or its my HIT2. I will be listening to be listening to their response and
contents with their partner in the students who are describing drawing pictures about what they
English their rooms to the other students hear. Students will be saying
3.One student in each pair will in Japanese and listening in for things like ex: “There is a door to
be given Room Picture A and. those students who are the right of the bed” (ドアはベッド
A half sheet of paper struggling to put things into
4.One student in each pair will words. の右にあります。) or “There is a
be given Room Picture B and a cat on top of the bed” (ベッドの
half sheet of paper While walking around the
5.Starting with the students room, I will be looking to see 上に猫がいます。)
holding picture A, then B when how far along groups are with
time is called by me, will the activity so that I can adjust After 7-8 minutes of the students
describe the items in their room the time for each set of students with picture A will take on the
and their location to their to speak. drawing role, and students with
partner in Japanese picture B will be telling students
6.Students who are listening to After 7-8 minutes of the with picture A where items are in
their partner describe their students with picture A talking, their room without showing the
page 3

picture will then draw out the I will call for the pairs to other student the picture or using
items talked about and their switch, so that students with English to describe the item.
location picture B who were drawing
7.Students who are drawing can and listening are now telling
ask questions in Japanese for students with picture A about
clarification about an item or their room, and students with
location to the students who are picture A are now drawing their
describing partner’s room.
 After 7-8 minutes,
students will be told to
switch roles, and
students who have
Picture B will be
describing, and the
other students will be
drawing on their half
sheet of paper
Follow up: 3 mins.
I will take a moment to course correct to the entire group on common errors that I noted throughout this
exercise. For example, “I noticed that many of you were switching the when talking about the location
of an object. Make sure when talking about location, we use the particle “ni”, as it goes hand in hand
with our location words, as noted in the book and your workbooks.”

Lead in to tomorrow’s lesson:
As a reminder, we have a quiz on Monday on our new song, Spitz’s “Robinson”
(Sensei would take over at this point because I have not taken over her classes yet)

Assignment for tomorrow:

Location Exit Slip- Answering 2 questions about location of objects in the room (myself and a plush toy cat) and 4 kanji
recognition questions, as my students are currently studying kanji for locations.

What will students be able to do for class tomorrow after they finish this assignment?
(This activity should take the majority of the hour because it involves students communicating back and
forth, which is a general week point for my 3 rd year Japanese students, coupling with the fact that our
schedule is shortened for the day from our usual 61 minutes to 46 minutes during 3 rd Hour and 48 minutes
in 4th Hour. Friday is also the day of their Pep Rally and Homecoming game, so I don’t know if I would be
able to guide them successfully into another activity after this point. However, students (as usual) would
have the time to finish their workbook pages and study their new kanji, as a quiz should be sometime late
next week on that- which they are aware of with Sensei’s typical schedules.)

Summary of the class

(1) Planning stage:
How much time do you plan to spend on communicative activities? 20-25 min.
How much time do you plan to spend on explanation and mechanical practice? 0 min.
How much “dead” time will there be? 1-3 min.

(2) After the lesson is over, i.e., execution of plan:

How much time did you spend on communicative activities? min.
How much time did you spend on explanation and mechanical practice? min.
How much “dead” time was there? min.

Your reflection on this lesson for future reference:

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