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Bagsao, Alfie B.

BSME 2 10:30-12:00D,

The life of Brandon

It was a cold and rainy evening of July 08,2117, and

Brandon decided to review all his subjects from his school.
He knew that I is still early but he forced himself to do it
for his dreams which was to become an engineer. As he
was reviewing his subjects, he got so frustrated because it
seemed like mastering it all was overwhelming and that he
thinks he cannot push himself any further. In the morning
he woke up early and prepared himself for school and
made sure everything he needs in school are all ready. He
had always been a responsible person especially in his
studies but he had been working even more harder ever
since the new transferee studied in their school.
In their school, their teacher are now giving the results
of their previous final examinations. Brandon was
anticipating that he won’t be having the highest score
anymore, and it did turn out that he was on the second
place. When he received his paper, he immediately got
worried on how he would pay the fifty percent of his tuition
fee since he was on the second place. He was also thinking
that if only he got the highest score he won’t be needing
to pay his tuition fee anymore since it would be free. It is
just the fifty percent that he needs to pay but this already
is a big problem for him since even if he combine his
savings from his work to his mother’s wage it will is still be
not enough. He really cannot think of any other solution
for his problem other than telling it to Hepshiva, his new
classmate who got the highest score, so that perhaps they
can make adjustments. He was thinking this because he
had observed that Hepshiva is rich or at least had enough
money for her education.
During their class break, he immediately went to the
library and waited for Hepshiva to appear on the spot
where he often saw her. He even knew some particular
spots that she used to stay since he was always curious
about her style and her academic performance. He even
felt that she was observing him in their school and even
on his way home. After few minutes of waiting he saw that
Hepshiva was now on her favorite spot in the library. He
then approach her and tell her his problem. He was so
determined that he even pleaded to her that she should
let him have the highest score on their next final
examination for he doesn’t have enough money for his
studies. After listening to what Brandon was saying, she
just said “you should strive harder” with a little smile on
her face mixed with pity. Suddenly, the bell rang so he
then just said “okay” then went to his class. She then also
fixed her things then went next to him.
After managing to make agreement with his school
about his unpaid tuition fee, he carried on with his
schooling. He had been allowed to get enrolled in his third
year mechanical engineering course even though he sill
had a balance on his previous year tuition fee. And during
his third year of schooling, Hepshiva again topped on their
final examination and despite her effort to make friends
with Brandon, he was always avoiding her. Hepshiva knew
that Brandon won’t b able to continue his studies since he
again needs to pay the fifty percent of his tuition fee. Right
after he told his problem to her, she had been saving from
her money and planned to give it to Brandon. So after the
announcement of their final examination scores, she
immediately looked for Brandon to help him in the
payment of his tuition fee. He was heading home when she
finally found him. She was about to say to him that she
will help him from his problem but as soon as he saw her,
he shouted “get away from me”. She was hurt because he
never gave her a chance to prove to him that she was a
good person. She then just walks away and when she saw
Petra, Brandon’s friend, she gave the money to Petra and
told her to give it to Brandon for his tuition fee.
On her way home, Petra decided not to give Brandon
the money since she thinks that Brandon and Hepshiva will
become close friends or even more than friends. She knew
that Brandon doesn’t have any feeling of romantic love to
her but she had always wanted to be his girl, and so, she
kept the money and never told Brandon about it.
On the succeeding days, Brandon got so depressed. He
decided to give up his dreams and just join the military
since the schooling and traning are all free. His mother was
hesitant to his decision but he said that he already had
made up his mind. He then applied never return to his
school and just applied on the military school.
After years of schooling and training in the military
school, he finally graduated and become a military officer.
One day, on their military operation in a place far from
their city they got ambushed. Some of his comrades had
been killed, luckily he was just wounded but his wounds
had made him unconscious.
When he had gained back his consciousness, he woke
up in a room with dominantly dark blue lights. He
immediately assessed his surroundings and saw his gun on
a table next to his bed. He immediately grabbed it then
head towards the door to escape but then he bumped
Hepshiva who was about to enter the room. He reflexively
pointed his gun to her and asked many questions. He
suspects she was one of those who ambushed them on
their operation. She instantly replied “I’m here to help
you” with a shaking voice. He questioned her on how she
find him and brought him in that place while looking at the
surrounding. He then took a glance at the window where
he realized that he was on a house in their town, then she
shoutedly ask “what’s happening”. She took a deep breath,
looked into his eyes and said “ I will tell you everything
but don’t freak out”. “I did had the ability to track where
you were and heal your wounds” because I came from a
different galaxy” she added. “How about my comrades,
where are they” he interrupted. “they are all dead, I can’t
save them, those who attacked you are more powerful
than me and they are also just like me” she replied. He
was shocked and don’t know if he will believe her.
Suddenly the main door of the house went bang and two
hurrying men came in. One of them said to Hepshiva “you
should kill him(looking at Brandon) or we'll kill you both”
Hepshiva strongly replied “No Nexus, we should change
the plan, their race are incapable of destroying our planet
and I think they are too kind to do such thing”. Hepshiva
said this because their team was sent to earth to observe
humans and never to make any form of relationships with
them(humans) so that they(Hepshiva's race) would be
able to prepare for the threat that humans can do if ever
they know about their race. Nexus(one of the two men)
got angry at Hepshiva and shoot her but she wasn’t hurt
because Brandon covered her with his body. Nexus and his
company cannot believe what they saw, they were
enlightened when they saw that a human being was
capable to sacrifice his life for someone he loves no matter
who the person is. Hepshiva cried while holding Brandon
to her arms and was very sad because she won’t be able
to heal his wounds anymore for she had already used all
her medicines to him the first time he was wounded. Nexus
regretted on what he did and pitied Brandon so he heal his
wounds using his medicines and some of his things but it
took a while for Brandon to recover since he was wounded
twice successively.
After sometime, Brandon recovered from his wounds.
He also became friends with the other two aliens. He and
Hepshiva also developed a feeling of romantic love with
each other. And during their days of being together with
the aliens, including Brandon’s human friends, family and
other people , the aliens had realized that human beings
were kind and friendly. And so the two aliens went back to
their own planet to say to their leaders that they should
instead make peace with earth. Their leaders agreed to the
two when they tell their stories about living with the
humans. For Hepshiva she decided to stay on earth and to
be with Brandon where they lived happily after.

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