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My Concerns For Our City !

"Rancho Cucamonga"
Ab1234 requires ethics training for all elected
officials. The requirements are 2 hours every two years.
Is that enough? No it isn't.
*The citizens of Bell, Ca., were not attentive with the
city leaders. Financial compensation records should be
made available every month for the citizens to view.

Rancho Cucamonga employs 1,000 full and part-time

employees and labor negotiations occurs periodically with
6 employee bargaining groups.
3 represent various city employees and 3 represent
various fire employees. That's six unions for this city
regarding negotiations.

For everyday safety we need city wide sheriff's presence

with 3 minutes or less emergency service response time
for emergencies of any kind plus field inspections
monitoring the household waste hazardous programs.

The City of Rancho Cucamonga renews its contract with the

San Bernardino County Sheriff Department every year and
has been since 1979, which includes 6 divisions for city
responsibility. 135 sworn officers (updated recently by 6
more) with 38 general support employees. This city is
the largest service city in the county for the SB County
Sheriff's Department. We need to take a good look at

The Fire Protection District functions as part of city

government which is a separate and fiscal entity. The
City Council is the Board of Directors and the City
Manager appoints the Fire Chief. This entity receives
$00.12.48 cents out of every tax dollar from the city.

(.12.48 source SB county assessor 2009/10 annual tax

increment tables)

*The Fire Protection District provides 87 fire fighters

and 54 of those are certified as paramedics housed within
the 7 exactitude fire stations throughout the city with a
response time of under 3 minutes for any emergency.
There are 3 (Union) bargaining employee groups
representing the 118 fire protection employees. 118
total personnel - 110 full time and 8 part-time.
I believe that the city leaders have excessively budgeted
the Fire Protection District for many years and it's time
to do something to fix this abuse. City Council must
start talks with the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection
District and make amendments to the Fire Protection
District and City contracts regarding the annual payroll

Rancho Cucamonga receives 5.11 cent out of every tax

dollar and spends 3.5 cents to comply with the annual
negotiating contracts with the landscapers for the 11
Landscaping Maintenance Districts (LMD's)throughout the
city and for the protection service contract negotiated
with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department
annually since 1979.

In comparison the Fire Protection District is gets 12.48

cents and the City General fund gets 5.11 cents for every
tax dollar. Also in comparison The Fire Protection
District receives only l cent less than the Chaffey Union
High School District Entity but more than .7 cents than
the city's general fund and actually more than .10 cents
after the city's general fund pays for the LMD's &
Police. Thus the city ends up with 2.5 cents from every
tax dollar and that's why Rancho Cucamonga is referred to
as a Low Tax City. With the 2.5 cents it pays for animal
care, senior enforcement services, senior programs,
public works, among some on the list.

To be an effective member of the City council you would

need prior management experience, public relations,
presentations skills, human resources, computer skills,
business oriented long and short term goals, individual
accomplishments, and a firm family background.

Under the general fund which includes the 11 Landscaping

Maintenance Districts (LMD) a new study must be conducted
to evaluate the homeowners tax fee assessment towards any
one of these individual entities. A 6 to 9 months for a
ballot survey adjustment must be a consideration.
The vision in 7 years would be a complete elimination of
blighted conditions within the city. Improved
infrastructure, affordable loans for housing, a strong
economy through business attraction. The city should be
looking for ways on how to reduce wasteful spending and
finding additional revenue to strengthen the city budget.

The most recent city general plan was approved by the

City Council members on May 19, 2010 after more than a 2
year process.
Any type of modification to the city general plan must be
implemented within the scope of the city budget.

We should improve job growth by implementing job related

programs benefiting the community, the creation of a
strong business attraction and tourism activities

In fiscal year 2009/2010 the human resource division

managed 61 general liability and 50 workers compensation
claims. This is not good for the city.

The purchasing division in fiscal years 2009/2010

acknowledged 13 total bids - 30 quotes and made 759
purchase orders which equals to about 3.07 per fiscal
year workdays.

To bring more revenue to the city we could perhaps offer

a new business something the City of Rancho Cucamonga can
do for a fresh new start, possibly with a 2 year tax
credit savings and a lower business license fee package.
For fiscal year 2009/2010 the city received 8,263
business renewals and 2, 267 new applicants.
City cash transactions for city hall were 12,438 with
197,716 off site transactions.
We must evaluate the regulations on sign advertisement
for businesses.

*Under the California mini codes - code of ordinances -

general provisions - chapter 1.16 establishment of fees -
section 1.16.010 fee establishment.
The city council may from time to time, by resolution,
establish fees for the following;

Building permits, improper occupation, mechanical

permits, electrical permits, plumbing permits, sign
permits, community beautification, general plan
amendments, grading permits, repair or emergency work by
city, and cost of living increase etc. City Council
members should be more aware of what is going on in this
city to be effective leaders.

To help local businesses City Council members should meet

with the city manager, city clerk, city code enforcement
supervisor, the finance division, business license
division, and the treasury management to discuss ways on
how to reduce the annual business license for new
businesses for at least the first 1 or 2 years and
continue with possibly a 1 or 2 year tax cut incentive or
tax relief.

There is so much more in the City of Rancho Cucamonga

that needs immediate attention and can only be done with
the right city leaders that will place the city planning
and administration affairs as a number one #1 priority
everyday for all the citizens that live here.

These are some of my priority one concerns for the City

of Rancho Cucamonga. Alex Rozendo Mendoza Sr.

Let's Get A Fresh New Outlook


The Candidate ...Alex Rozendo Mendoza Sr.


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