Standard 6 Pete

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Standard 6: Professional Responsibility

Physical education teacher candidates demonstrate behaviors essential to becoming effective professionals. They exhibit professional
ethics and culturally competent practices; seek opportunities for continued professional development; and demonstrate knowledge of
promotion/advocacy strategies for physical education and expanded physical activity opportunities that support the development of
physically literate individuals.
Standard Reflection Achievement Level Artifact
6.a Engage in During my student 3 Forward Roll in English and Spanish:
behavior that teaching, a huge part
reflects professional of the population
ethics, practice and was Hispanic. I tried
cultural my best to learn and
competence. understand their
language and
backgrounds as
much as possible. I
gave students who
did not speak
English an
opportunity to
participate even
when they did not
understand much. I
helped with
demonstrations, peer
assistance, and
visual literacy that
they can understand.
6.b Engage in I attended SHAPE 3 SHAPE Colorado commitment:
continued Colorado 2017/2018
professional growth to gain more
and collaboration in knowledge about the
schools and/or physical education
professional world. I feel SHAPE
organizations. Colorado 2018 was
the most beneficial
between the two
because I was
focused on learning
about one specific
topic; teaching
health in a
classroom. I believe
SHAPE Colorado
2019 will be even
better. I plan to stay
a member of a
SHAPE recipient
and continue to try
new things. For
example, I am
currently coaching
the middle school
soccer team in
District 50. I believe
this is very
beneficial to gain the
experiences of not
only being a coach
but managing
middle school
6.c Describe There are many 3 Promotion example: Family Fitness Night.
strategies for the strategies to promote
promotion and and advocate for
advocacy of physical education
physical education and physical activity
and expanded opportunity. Create
physical activity family fitness nights
opportunities. to show your
community what
quality physical
education you are
portraying in your
classrooms. You can
write grants on why
you need a certain
amount of money in
order to provide
your students with
the best experiences
in your class. Mock Grant Essay:

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