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Digestive Enzymes and Their Functions

Enzyme Site of Production Molecules Altered Molecules Produced

Salivary amylase Salivary glands Starch Smaller polysaccharides
(many sugar molecules
attached together)
Pepsin Stomach lining Proteins Peptides (several amino
Gastric lipase Stomach lining Fats Fatty acids and glycerol
Chymotrypsin Pancreas Polypeptides (long chains Peptides
of amino acids)
Trypsin Pancreas Polypeptides Peptides
Carboxypeptidase Pancreas Peptides Smaller peptides and
amino acids
Pancreatic amylase Pancreas Polysaccharides Disaccharides
Pancreatic lipase Pancreas Fats Fattyr acids and glycerol
Nuclease Pancreas Nucleic acids Nucleotides
Aminopeptidase Intestinal lining Peptides Smaller peptides and
amino acids
Dipeptidase Intestinal lining Dipeptides Amino acids
Lactase Intestinal lining Lactose Glucose and galactose
Maltase Intestinal lining Maltose Glucose
Sucrase Intestinal lining Sucrose Glucose and fructose
Nuclease Intestinal lining Nucleic acids Nucleotides

Enger, ED and Ross, FC. 2003. Concepts in Biology, 10 th edition. New York: McGraw Hill.

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