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Good Afternoon class!! I'm Shilpa and meet my other friends Chandrashekhar, Archana, Rabiya
& Unaiza.
Today we are here to talk a very very crucial & important aspect & that is about Our mother
earth & the environment. You all know the earth is in danger & if we don't take the steps now we
will all have to face the repercussions sooner or later. But when we talk about steps we all feel,
what can i do alone? It is the job of the government or society!! But remember society is made
up of individuals & each one of us will have to do the best we can do.


Here I remember a story narrated by a great environmental activist Prof. Wangari Maathai,
Winner of Nobel Peace Prize in the year 2004 for her contribution to Environmental protection
Work, inspiring citizens of the earth for protection of environment.
Prof. Maathai was active in the National Council of Women of Kenya (NCWK) from 1976 to
1987 and was its chairperson from 1981 to 1987. It was in 1976, while serving in the NCWK,
that she introduced the idea of planting trees using ordinary people. She continued to develop the
idea into a broad-based, grassroots organization called the Green Belt Movement (GBM),
launched in 1977. GBM¶s main activity involved women¶s groups planting trees to conserve the
environment and empower themselves by improving their quality of life. Over the years these
networks, along with individuals, have participated in planting more than 30 million trees on
private and public land, protected reserves, sites with cultural significance and in urban centers.
This has resulted in the transformation of many landscapes (forests, steep slopes and other
degraded areas) and protection and restoration of habitats for local biodiversity (plants and

So let see one video of a nobel peace prize winner Wangari Maathai telling story about what a
single person can do for protection of Environment.

video follows..............

A short synopsis of the story is while the whole forest was on fire & all the animals were just
watching & doing nothing, a small little humming bird was dropping water on the fire and by
that saving the forest his home. In the same way you alone can do many things to save our home,
mother earth.
Students will ask to perform a skit based on following Environmental topics:

1)m Save Forest, Save Wildlife.

2)m A builder wants to make a building in your play ground & park. How you will stop
builder form this activity.
3)m Noise Pollution
4)m Garbage Problem.

Water Conservation is very necessary to save the world from disastrous effects of water crisis. A
Power-point presentation showing importance of saving water will be explained to the students
for creating awareness about water conservation.

A Beautiful Environmental Song asking Citizens of the Earth to take a strong stand for
Environmental Protection & its Conservation for betterment of mankind will be played in the
classroom to inspire students to take steps, to take action to save the Environment.

³Earth has enough resources to satisfy everybody¶s needs, but not their greed.´
I want clean air,
I want food without destruction,
I want water without pollution,
I want our rainforests intact,
I want to keep our oceans alive and our polar seas pristine,
I want an energy revolution and to fulfill this sacred wishes please give Earth a hand, a hand
which cares, protects and conserves the environment.

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