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Self Reflection: Inclusion Strategies

Special Needs:​ To meet the needs of students with special needs I would like for their activities
to best fit their specific needs. If a student is a hands on learner then I would like for their lessons
and activities to be hands on. If they are visual learners then I would use pictures, graphs, etc to
teach them. Many students with special needs respond well to music, videos, games, etc that
being said, I would want to integrate this technology into lessons, activites, and assessments.

English Language Learners: ​For English Language Learners I would like to parener ELL
students with native English speakers, therefore both parties could have the chance to learn from
one another. For example, at the beginning of the week when we go over spelling/vocabulary
words the native english speaker could help the ELL student learn it in english and the ELL
student could teach the native english speaker what that word is in their native language. As for
integrating technology, there are many apps that can help you to learn languages, duolingo is a
great one it helps you learn the basics of the language, like animals, phrases, animals, etc.
Quizlet would also be a great resource to use, students can study, memorize, and match words to
learn them. I personally really love these apps since they also helped me learn.

Gifted and Advanced Learners: ​I think what will be most effective for gifted learners is to
keep them engaged with the lessons being taught, as they can be easily bored and then become
lost (which I noticed when observing a gifted classroom). I would like to keep lessons and
activities open ended so that students can have more freedom with their imaginations while still
meeting the standards. Lastly, I would like for any free time that students have to be for reading
books that have a higher reading level in order for their vocabulary, memory, focus,
concentration, and writing skills to improve.

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