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A Major Project Report

HVAC Designing & Drafting of
Commercial & Residential Building































PROJEC TITLE: - Air Conditioning for Commercial and ResidentialBuilding

consisting of Four floors with Basement and Roof Top.


This Project is about Air conditioning for 5 levels for G+4 Floors with basement and roof
top. The ground floor is commercial which has 6 rooms, the first and second floor has 2
rooms each for commercial purpose.The third and fourth floor is a residential type which
consists of various rooms .

Every Floor need to be supplied with different Air condition system provided as below.

 Ground floor supplied by Chilled FCU System.

 1st floor will be supplied by Chilled Water AHU System.
 2nd floor will be supplied by Package Units.
 3rdfloor will be supplied by VRV System.
 4th floor will be supplied by Chilled Water FCU System.
 Basement Will Be Provided With Return Air Grills By Ducting.
 All The Outdoor Units,Pumps,Chillers And Cooling Tower is placed on Roof Top.


➢ ∆U can be calculated based on specification for material used by the Architecture/Civil

designer for the project.

➢ ∆T can be calculated based on specification for material and in direction to be used i.e.
North, South, East, West, North West, North East, South West, South East.
➢ Watts per square feet can be calculated based on Power load consumption data given by
the electrical designers for different usage Area i.e. Lighting, Appliances in an Area.

➢ Heat Load Calculation can be done in E20 form Sheets i.e. calculation of Solar heat
gain, Transmission heat gain, Transmission Heat gain except walls & roof, Room
sensible heat,

Room latent heat, Effective room total heat, Infiltration, outside Air total heat, CFM
Ventilation, Effective room sensible heat factor (ESHRF).

➢ Selection of Equipment can be calculated based on type of refrigeration i.e Direct
refrigeration based on maximum TR for room required, Indirect Refrigeration based
on CFM values of the area.

➢ Duct Sizing can be done using duct sizerMcQuay Software. Static pressure calculation
can be done By calculating St. Pressure in Straight duct & Standard equipments used in
Ducts i.e. reducer, elbow, VCD, FCD, SA etc. Values of static pressure help in
determine Blower size of AHU. BOQ can be calculated using details of width and height
and length of straight ducts.

➢ Piping Size Calculation for Chillers Units can be done by using Friction chart based on
GPM and velocity of the water.

➢ Pump Calculation can be done for Chillers Units by calculating GPM, total suction
head loss, total discharge head loss, total dynamic head loss.

➢ Finally SLD & DLD details have been shown on AutoCAD Software with all details
require for Installation on site.


Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, HVAC, is a huge field. HVAC systems include a
range from the simplest hand-stoked stove, used for comfort heating, to the extremely
reliable total air-conditioning systems found in submarines and space shuttles. Cooling
equipment varies from the small domestic unit to refrigeration machines that are 10,000
times the size, which are used in industrial processes. Depending on the complexity of the
requirements, the HVAC designer must consider many more issues than simply keeping
temperatures comfortable. This chapter will introduce you to the fundamental concepts that
are used by designers to make decisions about system design, operation, and maintenance.

Brief History of HVAC:

For millennia, people have used fire for heating. Initially, the air required to keep the fire
going ensured adequate ventilation for the occupants. However, as central furnaces with
piped steam or hot water became available for heating, the need for separate ventilation
became apparent. By the late 1880s, rules of thumb for ventilation design were developed
and used in many countries. In 1851 Dr. John Gorrie was granted U.S. patent 8080 for a
refrigeration machine. By the 1880s, refrigeration became available for industrial purposes.
Initially, the two main uses were freezing meat for transport and making ice. However, in the
early 1900s there was a new initiative to keep buildings cool for comfort. Cooling the New
York Stock Exchange, in 1902, was one of the first comfort cooling systems. Comfort
cooling was called “air conditioning.” Our title, “HVAC,” thus captures the development of
our industry. The term “air conditioning” has gradually changed, from meaning just cooling,
to the total control of:
2.Moisture in the air (humidity)
3.Supply of outside air for ventilation
4.Filtration of airborne particles
5.Air movement in the occupied space
Throughout the rest of this text we will use the term “air conditioning” to include all of these
issues and continue to use “HVAC” where only some of the elements of full air conditioning
are being controlled.

Introduction to Air-conditioning Processes:

As mentioned earlier, the term “air conditioning,” when properly used, now means the total
control of temperature, moisture in the air (humidity), supply of outside air for ventilation,
filtration of airborne particles, and air movement in the occupied space. There are seven main
processes required to achieve full air conditioning and they are listed and explained below:
The processes are

1. Heating—the process of adding thermal energy (heat) to the conditioned space for the
purposes of raising or maintaining the temperature of the space.
2. Cooling—the process of removing thermal energy (heat) from the conditioned space for
the purposes of lowering or maintaining the temperature of the space.
3. Humidifying—the process of adding water vapor (moisture) to the air in the
conditioned space for the purposes of raising or maintaining the moisture content of the air.
4. Dehumidifying—the process of removing water vapor (moisture) from the air in the
conditioned space for the purposes of lowering or maintaining the moisture content of the air.
5. Cleaning—the process of removing particulates, (dust etc.,) and biological
contaminants, (insects, pollen etc.,) from the air delivered to the conditioned space for the
purposes of improving or maintaining the air quality. Introduction to HVAC 3 4
Fundamentals of HVAC
6. Ventilating—the process of exchanging air between the outdoors and the conditioned
space for the purposes of diluting the gaseous contaminants in the air and improving or
maintaining air quality, composition and freshness. Ventilation can be achieved either
through natural ventilation or mechanical ventilation. Natural ventilation is driven by natural
draft, like when you open a window. Mechanical ventilation can be achieved by using fans to
draw air in from outside or by fans that exhaust air from the space to outside.
7. Air Movement—the process of circulating and mixing air through conditioned spaces
in the building for the purposes of achieving the proper ventilation and facilitating the
thermal energy transfer.The requirements and importance of the seven processes varies. In a
climate that stays warm all year, heating may not be required at all. Conversely, in a cold
climate the periods of heat in the summer may be so infrequent as to make cooling
unnecessary. In a dry desert climate, dehumidification may be redundant, and in a hot, humid
climate dehumidification may be the most important design aspect of the air-conditioning

Defining Air conditioning:

The actual use of the words “air conditioning” varies considerably, so it is always advisable
to check what is really meant. Consider, for example, “window air conditioners.” The vast
majority provide cooling, some dehumidification, some filtering, and some ventilation when
the outside temperature is well above freezing. They have no ability to heat or to humidify
the conditioned space and do not cool if it is cold outside. In colder climates, heating is often
provided by a separate, perimeter heating system that is located within the outside walls. The
other functions: cooling, humidification, dehumidification, cleaning, ventilating and air
movement, are all provided by a separate air system, often referred to as the “air-conditioning
system.” Remember that both the heating and the air system together form the “air-
conditioning” system for the space.

 Location of the building:THANE KALYAN
 Latitude :18.5 N and Altitude:10 (MTS) (from data book)
 application of the building:Basement+ Ground + 4Commercial & Residential

 Thermal conditions
Design conditions DBT˚(F) WBT˚(F) RH(%) SH(Gr/Lb)
Ambient conditions 100 82 47 132
Indoor conditions 75 63 50 65
Difference 25 19 3 67
 Thermal conductivity– U VALUE
Conductivity =1/Resistivity
Q =U x A x ΔT

Element Material Specification U-value

Wall Solid brick –face&common- 0.41(BTU/hr)/(sqftx˚F)
3/8 gypsum board
Glass Double pane-ordinary glass-inside 0.61(for radiation)
venetian blind-medium colour

Double pane-1/2" Airspace thickness 0.55(BTU/hr)/(sqftx˚F) (for transmission)

without storm windows

Roof Concrete –sand & gravel agg-

6”(70lbs/sqft) 0.20(BTU/hr)/(sqftx˚F)
suspended plaster-1/2"insulation on
top of deck
Partition Hollow concrete block-sand &
gravel agg-8"(43lbs/sqft)- both sides 0.32(BTU/hr)/(sqftx˚F)
3/8" gypsum board
Floor & ceiling Floor tile –sand & gravel agg- 0.37(BTU/hr)/(sqftx˚F)
8"(79lbs/sqft) 3/8"gypsum board

Many materials are used for the buildings such as material for walls (i.e. Concrete hollow
blocks,cement, sand etc.), Window materials (type of glass), Door’s (type of door, i.e. wooden,
glass etc.), material for roof, floor, and partition walls. So for this 6 floors project specification
we he have a list of materials to be utilized by the civil contractor

Ordinary glass- outside awning (vented sides top) medium color.
Dimensions of Window (L x B): 3ft. x 3ft.

Wooden door are utilized for this project.
Dimensions of Door (L x B):6ft. x 3ft.


Solid brick- Common only- 8" Thick wall - 80lb/sft weight- 1" Insulating Board plain on furring
Weight of such walls is expressed in Lb/sq ft – 80


Hollow Gypsum tile-4"thick (13lb/sft weight) Both sides finished- 1" insulating board plain on
furring (4lb/sft).
Weight of such partition walls is expressed in Lb/sq ft – 13


Concrete (sand and gravel agg)-8" Thick-93lb/sft-suspended acoustic tile(2lb/sft) 3" insulation
on topof deck.
Weight of such roof is expressed in Lb/sq ft – 93


Concrete (sand and gravel agg)-8" Thick-93lb/sft-suspended acoutile(2lb/sft) 3" insulation on
topof deck.
Weight of such roof is expressed in Lb/sq ft – 93

Differential temperatures ΔT:

Element Direction ΔT
Wall North 4+12.5=16.5
South 16+12.5=28.5
East 18+12.5=30.5
West 12+12.5=24.5
North east 10+12.5=22.5
North west 6+12.5=18.5
South east 18+12.5=30.5
South west 14+12.5=26.5
@100lb/sqft @4pm
Glass North 23
South 12
East 12
West 163
North east 12
North west 138
South east 12
South west 85
@ May @4pm
Roof No direction 32˚F+18˚F=50˚F
@80lb/sqft @4pm
Partition ΔT =(Non a/c temp-a/c temp) 20˚F
Floor =(outside temp-5˚F)-room temp
ceiling =(100-5)-75

HVAC equipment is one of the most complex and expensive component of a mechanical system
system. In any commercial project the goal of themechanical equipment system is to heat &cool
the building the most efficient and cost effective :way. The first thing an estimator must establish
iswhat type of mechanical system is being used.Most of the time big components of equipment
will be listed and sized in the narrative.Two things to always consider when doing an HVAC estimate
is what type of equipment will heat and cool a building and, what type of equipment will supply and
exhaust the air.
HVAC systems are responsible for the regulation of heat, airflow, ventilation, and air
conditioning of an entire building. You won’t see the machines when you enter the building
but you will most certainly feel the effects of a comfortable and well-ventilated workplace.

Here are some of the top reasons why we opt to have reliable HVAC systems in the daily life

 HVAC systems control the overall climate in the building. They also make the proper
adjustments whenever we experience changes in outdoor temperature. During the winter
season, the HVAC systems (mainly the boilers or heaters) work to keep the indoor
temperature at a comfortable level. In hotter times of the season, the HVAC systems
regulate air temperature by providing the necessary cooling to keep the entire building

 Having a comfortable office climate increases the level of productivity and increases
morale amongst the workers and employees. If you let your people work in settings
conducive for work, they will surely be motivated to perform better because they feel
good in their work environment. No employee will enjoy working in an office where it is
freezing, or in an office where you frequently have to ignore your perspiration just to
focus on your computer screen. Having a proper HVAC system installed is guaranteed to
make your employees happy, hence, giving you better work results in return.

 HVAC systems not only regulate the temperature inside the building, they also improve
the quality of air. The quality of air pertains to humidity, and a typical HVAC system will
reduce the amount of humidity in the air so your workers and employees can continue
enjoying a cozy and pleasant atmosphere at work.

 Proper HVAC systems are a worthy investment for any business or building owner
because it gives you energy savings. HVAC systems today are automated, which means
you no longer have to manually adjust the temperature settings or the time settings of
each machine. Given that your entire HVAC system operates in an automated system,
proper adjustments will be made right when they are needed. This makes your energy
consumption more efficient as it gets rid of energy wasted on improper settings.

 Automated HVAC systems can also tell when your workers or employees are no longer
in the building. It will then automatically decrease the amount of energy used to
maintain proper indoor temperatures.

 Another important contribution HVAC systems have on the workplace is that it is

believed to also lower the attrition rate of employees. Studies on corporate workplace
behavior and employee motivations suggest that workers are more enticed to keep
coming to work if their office is properly cooled and/or heated. Having the
propertemperature at work is seen to be one of the most understated factors for building a
solid team at work.


What Is Ventilation: How Does It Impact Your HVAC Comfort?

According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE), an HVAC system should “heat, cool, clean, ventilate, humidify and dehumidify as
needed to provide health and HVAC comfort.”

Ventilation is required for both HVAC comfort and good air quality. Without enough
ventilation in your space, you will eventually (and sometimes quickly) experience comfort
issues and even health problems. These could range from having trouble sleeping in a stuffy
bedroom to experiencing Sick Building Syndrome in a commercial space.

Ventilation is needed to provide oxygen for Metabolism and to Dilute Metabolic Pollutants
(Carbondioxide and Odour ) .It is also used to assist In Maintaining good indoor air quality by
diluting and removing other pollutants emitted with in space but should not be used as a
substitute for proper source control of pollutants.Ventialtion is additionally used for cooling and
to provide oxygen to combustion appliances.Good Ventilation is a major contributor to the
health and comfort of building occupants.

Buildings, as they are designed and used today, contribute to serious environmental problems
because of excessive consumption of energy and other natural resources. The close connection
between energy use in buildings and environmental damage arises because energy-intensive
solutions sought to construct a building and meet its demands for heating, cooling, ventilation,
and lighting cause severe depletion of invaluable environmental resources. However, buildings
can be designed to meet the occupant’s need for thermal and visual comfort at reduced levels of
energy and resources consumption. Energy resource efficiency in new constructions can be
affected by adopting an integrated approach to building design. Thus, in brief, an energy-
efficient building balances all aspects of energy use in a building – lighting, space-conditioning,
and ventilation – by providing an optimized mix of passive solar design strategies, energy
efficient equipment, and renewable sources of energy [1]. Natural ventilation—uncontrolled air
movement into a building through cracks and small holes (infiltration) and through vents such as
windows and doors—is the traditional method of allowing fresh outdoor air to replace indoor air.
Nowadays, because of central heating and cooling, as well as the desire for privacy, people tend
to make little use of windows for ventilation, so infiltration has become the principal mode of
natural ventilation in homes. Unfortunately, a home’s natural infiltration rate is unpredictable
and uncontrollable because it depends on the home’s air tightness, outdoor temperatures, wind,
and other factors. During mild weather, some homes may lack sufficient ventilation for pollutant
removal. Tightly built homes may have insufficient ventilation at most times. Energy experts
often quote the axiom, “seal tight, ventilate right” as their recommended approach to house
ventilation. This axiom implies that houses should be tightly sealed to reduce infiltration, and a
whole-house ventilation system installed to provide fresh air and remove pollutants when and
where needed, in a controlled manner(i.e., in amounts needed) that does not negatively impact
indoor air quality, building components, or heating and cooling bills [2]. Natural ventilation can
save significant amounts of fossil fuel based energy by reducing the need for mechanical
ventilation and air conditioning. Reduced use of air 2 conditioning reduces greenhouse gases
released into the atmosphere from electricity generating plant that produces the energy used for
cooling buildings. Air movement within buildings removes foul air and moisture and provides
cooling in summer, for human thermal comfort. Take advantage of light summer winds in the
design of the site layout and building form. Orient buildings to maximize their exposure to the
prevailing summer wind direction. Design buildings with a relatively narrow plan form across
the prevailing wind direction, to facilitate the passage of air through the building. Locate wall
openings to facilitate the passage of air through the building. Use water features in, or near a
building to engender a sense of coolness.. Use vegetation to modify the external wind direction,
to enhance ventilation and cool incoming air. Horizontal openings near floor level are more
effective than vertical openings, for ventilation purposes. Single story deep plan buildings can be
naturally ventilated through roof outlets, but ceiling fans are necessary for summer thermal
comfort away from the perimeter zone. The minimum size of openings for ventilation purposes,
are specified by the building regulations but there is no guidance for the maximum size of openin
“Many researchers and designers have argued … that reliance on Standard 55 has allowed
important cultural, social and contextual factors to be ignored, leading to an exaggeration of the
“need” for air conditioning. Others have argued that allowing people greater control of indoor
environments, and allowing temperatures to more closely track patterns in the outdoor climate,
could improve levels of occupant satisfaction with indoor environments and reduce energy
consumption [4]. You can save energy and money when you ventilate your home instead of
using your air conditioner, except on the hottest days. Moving air can remove heat from your
home. Moving air also creates a wind chill effect that cools your body. Ventilation cooling is
usually combined with energy conservation measures like shading provided by trees and window
treatments, roof reflectivity (light-colored roof).Mechanical air circulation can be used with
natural ventilation to increase comfort, or with air conditioning for energy savings. Ventilation
provides other benefits besides cooling. Indoor air pollutants tend to accumulate in homes with
poor ventilation, and when homes are closed up for air conditioning or heating. Natural
ventilation relies on the wind and the “chimney effect” to keep a home cool. The wind will
naturally ventilate your home by entering or leaving windows, depending on their orientation to
the 3 wind. When wind blows against your home, air is forced into your windows. Heat
accumulates in your home during the day, and the cool night air can flush it out. For drier
climates, this will mean ventilating at night, and closing doors, windows and window coverings
during the day. Wind moving along a wall creates a vacuum that pulls air out of the windows.
The chimney effect occurs when cool air enters a home on the first floor or basement, absorbs
heat in the room, rises, and exits through upstairs windows. This creates a partial vacuum, which
pulls more air in through lower-level windows. Natural ventilation works best in climates with
cool summers or cool nights and regular breezes [5]. Indoor thermal comfort can be improved
significantly by controlling windowdoor opening appropriately in accordance with the temporal
variations of indoor and outdoor climates. Results of this study showed that, when outside air
velocity is more than inside, hence with opening windows and door, inside air velocity will be
increased, then thermal comfort is increased. If the habitants are dissatisfied with the
uncomfortable condition they prefer take some corrective actions, such as personal and
environmental adjustments. Personal adjustments such as: getting more drink, changing cloths
and environmental adjustments are active controls such as opening windows, door, etc. From this
research, it is revealed that when windows-door opening arrangements applied if the outdoor
temperature is lower than indoor temperature thermal comfort indices and habitants satisfaction
enhance. They prefer to control environment via opening windows-door rather than personal
adjustment such as adjust their clothing [6]. The research paper presents guidelines for
evaluation and design of natural ventilation for Sub urban houses in Thailand which is a part of
building energy code development for residential buildings. The initial studies find that it is
possible for natural ventilation to achieve thermal comfort conditions in place of mechanical
airconditioning systems, especially in winter. The experimental research is divided into two
parts: environmental arrangement and building opening. By measuring air conditions flowing
through different generic types of environment, it is found that the best environment is that

covered with large trees. Computational fluid dynamics studies on generic houses discover that
cross ventilation is more effective than twoside ventilation, and is much more effective than one-
side ventilation. In general, increasing the size of openings improves the effectiveness of natural
ventilation. 4 However, the optimum effective opening area in rectangular rooms is found to be
20 percent of functional floor area. The findings from this research lead to the house evaluation
method by factors of orientation and size of building openings. The method is successfully tested
with different types of houses. It is known that natural ventilation can be generated by two
methods: by thermal force or buoyancy effect, and by wind pressure force or wind-driven effect.
In general, wind-driven natural ventilation is easier to achieve because it only needs a low wind
speed to create adequate indoor air velocities that help people’s heat transfer by means of
evaporation. Environmental arrangement affects the air temperature and can be regarded as an
important factor influencing natural ventilation. The study finds that the environment covered
with large trees can give a higher average temperature drop than the others, especially during the
hot hours of the day [7]. The design of the new buildings should be integrated in the compact
urban structure that has developed throughout the past centuries. This compact morphology
however obstructs the breezes that are an essential component to achieve thermal comfort by
passive means in warm and humid climates. New courtyard buildings should be designed in such
a way that natural ventilation and thermal comfort are enhanced. Research on natural ventilation
and thermal comfort in compact urban environments however is scarce. This is important
because natural ventilation by wind is often the only available strategy to achieve thermal
comfort or at least to diminish the hot sensation of occupants. The large majority of the
population in Cuba and in many other tropical and humid regions cannot afford the use of air-
conditioning. In the present global energy crisis, sustainable solutions should be found to reduce
energy use while increasing the quality of life of the people. New courtyard buildings should be
designed in such a way that natural ventilation and thermal comfort are enhanced without an
increase of energy use. At the same time, these new buildings should be integrated in the existing
compact urban environment [8]. It was found that by applying natural ventilation, a thermally
comfortable indoor environment can potentially be provided for a large number of hours in the
year with optimum of facade designs for residential buildings (negligible heat sources). The
study also developed facade design guidelines based on the required indoor air velocities for
thermal comfort. There is a growing interest in the application of natural ventilation in buildings
due to the energy, indoor air quality and 5 environmental problems associated with mechanically
ventilated buildings. Various mechanical systems including HVAC systems in residential and
office buildings contribute substantially to the energy consumption. As the benefits of natural
ventilation, including reducing operation costs, improving indoor air quality and providing
satisfactory thermal comfort in certain climates, are recognized, passive cooling of houses using
natural ventilation has become an attractive alternative to alleviate the associated problems with
air-conditioned buildings. The concept of natural ventilation is well accepted and welcomed by
people and designers in the world [9]. Dwellings in rural areas of the developing countries do not
have artificial systems of cooling or heating. These buildings, especially in hot-dry climate, are

provided with natural cooling systems. Parameters which influence natural cooling of such
buildings can be classified as (I) surrounding environmental factors and (ii) parameters
associated with the buildings. Present paper describes influence of above parameters in providing
natural cooling of residential buildings in general and in hotdry climate in particular. In most of
the developing countries like India, more than 50% of the population, stay in rural area where
their houses do not have artificial systems of cooling or heating. Even more than 50% of the
houses in urban area also do not enjoy these facilities. This is primarily due to poor economic
conditions of the residents and secondly due to shortage of electric power to operate cooling and
heating facilities. Thus, most of the residential buildings in urban and rural areas are provided
with environment friendly designs to have the advantage of natural cooling during summer and
heating during winter [10]. Advanced stack-ventilated buildings have the potential to consume
much less energy for space conditioning than typical mechanically ventilated or air-conditioned
buildings. This paper describes how environmental design considerations in general, and
ventilation considerations in particular, shape the architecture of advanced naturally ventilated
(ANV) buildings. The attributes of simple and advanced naturally ventilated buildings are
described and a taxonomy of ANV buildings presented. Simple equations for use at the
preliminary design stage are presented. These produce target structural cross section areas for the
key components of ANV systems. The equations have been developed through practice-based
research to design three large educational buildings: the Frederick Lanchester Library, Coventry,
UK; the School of 6 Slavonic and East European Studies, London, UK; the Harm A. Weber
Library, Elgin, near Chicago, USA. These buildings are briefly described and the sizes of the as-
built ANV features compared with the target values for use in preliminary design. The three
buildings represent successive evolutionary stages: from advanced natural ventilation, to ANV
with passive downdraught cooling, and finally ANV with HVAC support. Hopefully the
guidance, simple calculation tools and case study examples will give architects and
environmental design consultant’s confidence to embark on the design of ANV buildings. The
attributes of two different forms of simple natural ventilation and four generic building types for
exploiting advanced natural ventilation (ANV) have been summarized, highlighting, for each
one: the architectural implications; the indoor air quality provision; the degree of protection from
the surrounding environment; and the likely tolerance to climate change. ANV buildings, with a
central air supply and perimeter exhaust stacks, seem to offer benefits in each of these four areas.
Such centre-in, edge-out (C-E) buildings can, in principle, be designed so they are essentially
wind neutral, that is, wind pressures will not hinder, or assist, the airflow; this gives added
reliability to predictions of their likely, as-built, performance. Finally, the as-build structural
areas in the case study buildings are compared with the target values. These comparisons
illustrate that it is relatively straightforward to design a central supply route (e.g. light well) of
sufficient great cross-sectional area but that it can be difficult, particularly with deeper floor
plans and densely occupied buildings, to achieve the target structural opening areas for air supply
around the perimeter of such light wells. On constrained sites it can also be difficult to achieve
the target structural opening areas for the plenum inlets. It is hoped that this paper will give

architects and engineers the added confidence necessary to embark on the design of ANV
buildings. Their low energy consumption, relative to typical air-conditioned buildings, is
valuable in attempts to combat global warming [11]. This paper deals with ambient architecture
in tropical and humid region, the investigation of natural ventilation efficiency in traditional
architecture in Indonesia. Investigation was carried out with comparative method of architectural
opus in Java Island. It is selected on historical basis, started from Islam proselytization period
until the presence of architectural performance that has been developing up to now. Environment
for human in the ancient time constitutes sources of life; this regulation has been prevailing.
Traditional society gave us data about the relation between 7 building physical performance and
climate condition. Researches about constituent component of climate in tropical-humid area
(such as air temperature, wind, sun radiation and humidity) are needed to harmonize building and
its surrounding nature. The objective of this paper is to give explanation and description of
tropicalhumid traditional architecture history in tropical-humid region in Indonesia and the
influence of technology progress on residential building design to solve environment problems.
It is the architects’ job to cooperate with urban climatologists and related experts to bear a
comprehension about microclimate of immediate surrounding before applying it on their design.
To face climate problem, architectural parameters such as building orientation, window opening,
roof shape, building performance and vegetation planning must be considered seriously. Climate
modification is also effective to obtain optimal temperature in building [12]. Nowadays, most of
the buildings are ventilated with mechanical systems, despite the increased awareness regarding
the cost and environmental impacts of energy use. In this context, the energy consumption
related to the operation of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) is
considerable, since according to recent studies, nearly 70% of the total energy consumption in
service and residential buildings can be attributed to HVAC systems. On the other hand, natural
ventilation replaces indoor air with fresh outdoor air without using mechanical systems. Hence,
natural ventilation can save the energy consumed for the building’s ventilation, provided that it
ensures both acceptable indoor air quality and satisfactory thermal comfort levels. Besides, it is
interesting to note that natural ventilation, potentially appearing to be a cost-effective alternative
to the respective mechanically driven, has during the last years attracted the interest of numerous
building designers. The correct design of a naturally ventilated building is a challenging task, due
to the complexity of the physical mechanisms involved. In the present work, emphasis is given
on the pressure differences due to the wind driven flow. Therefore, in order to optimize such a
design, it is necessary to both take into account the pressure distribution around and inside a
naturally ventilated building and also configures the induced airflow patterns in detail. The
magnitude of the wind velocity plays an important role on the air change rate of a building, due
to its proportionality to the inlet volume flow rate. In addition, despite the fact that inner
geometry of the building 8 is not altering the aerating volume flow rate, it seems that it is a very
important parameter for the refreshing rate of all the inner regions of building’s envelope [13].
Recently proposed revisions to ASHRAE Standard 55, Thermal Environmental Conditions for
Human Occupancy, include a new adaptive comfort standard (ACS) that allows warmer indoor

temperatures for naturally ventilated buildings during summer. The ACS is based on the analysis
of 21,000 sets of raw data compiled from field studies in 160 buildings, both air conditioned and
naturally ventilated, located on four continents in varied climatic zones. This paper summarizes
this earlier research, presents some of its findings for naturally ventilated buildings, and
discusses the process of getting the ACS incorporated into Std. 55. We suggest ways the ACS
could be used for the design, operation, or evaluation of buildings, and for research applications.
We also use GIS mapping technology to examine the energy-savings potential of the ACS on a
regional scale. Finally, we discuss related new directions for researchers and practitioners
involved in the design of buildings and their environmental control systems. Researchers need to
take a more integrative view of the indoor environment. With few exceptions, most studies look
at one outcome at a time, and try to assess what the ideal environmental conditions would be for
optimizing thermal comfort, indoor air quality, energy consumption, or productivity. Is there a
way to optimize them all simultaneously? Research findings often suggest conflicting goals for
the indoor environment. For example, recent work has shown that perceptions of indoor air
quality are improved when temperatures are cooler, and you can therefore decrease ventilation
rates. But what are the energy implications of this finding? Although decreased ventilation rates
would reduce energy consumption, cooler temperatures would either decrease or increase energy
use, depending on whether you’re in a heating or cooling situation. We have recently learned of
the benefits of low enthalpy environments in terms of perceived indoor air quality, but what
about elevated air speeds? Many practitioners report that the stillness of air within the occupied
zone of most air-conditioned spaces (as mandated by current standards like ASHRAE Std 55) is
associated with complaints of poor quality "dead" air. Perhaps elevated air speeds within the
occupied zone can not only permit thermal comfort to be achieved at higher temperatures
(thereby saving on refrigerated energy inputs), but also improve perceived air quality, or at least
offset the enthalpy effect. Many important thermal comfort questions still need answers, and 9 a
new generation of researchers needs to be trained to provide them. In thinking beyond just
thermal comfort, many people can easily agree on some of the more obvious recommendations
for improved environmental control – reduce indoor pollution sources, deliver the air closer to
the occupants, provide personal control where feasible. But tougher questions still remain. What
are our objectives for conditioning the thermal environment? Is it better to provide air warmer or
cooler than the “neutral” temperatures at the middle of existing standards? The answer may
depend on context – are you trying to optimize comfort, indoor air quality, energy, productivity,
or all of them? Is the budget the prime consideration or are environmental impacts of the
building across its life-cycle also taken into account? Is it even reasonable to think that we can
create a single environment that optimizes all these outcomes for all people? Probably not.
Perhaps the most appropriate goal would be to provide a variety of means for people to control
their own environment. As examples, this could range from a workplace culture that allows a
flexible dress code and policy for taking breaks, to providing means for control of the local
physical environment (windows, local controls, etc.), or providing areas within the building that
have different thermal conditions. One clear conclusion seems to emerge - the "one-size-fits-all"

and “uniform conditioning” approach to indoor climate management is fast becoming a curious
but misguided fad of the last century [14]. This paper presents an overview of the most popular
methods for predicting ventilation performance, including the analytical models, empirical
models, smallscale experimental models, full-scale experimental models, multi zone models,
zonal models, and CFD models. Reviewing the publications found in major journals, this paper
revealed that the contributions from analytical and empirical models were around 5%, although
they may be the bread and butter tools in practical design. Most of the studies conducted in the
small-scale and full-scale experimental models were used for validation purpose. The multi zone
models were widely used for predicting ventilation performance in entire buildings. Serious
effort has been made to improve the multi zone models. Zonal models have yet to gain their
popularity in predicting ventilation performance and may be replaced by coarse-grid CFD
models in the future. The use of CFD with other building simulation tools to enhance its ability
and to reduce computing costs seems attractive. More such studies would expect to appear in the
literature in the near future [15]. 10 The method for controlling air quality and ventilation in
naturally ventilated poultry buildings consist of placing in controller parameters such as humidity
and temperature in a building. Humidity and temperature sensors in the building are mounted
above the floors with temperature sensors located directly above each animal or poultry. These
sensors are connected to the controller to feed through controller actual conditions of
temperature and humidity within the building. The automated controller for naturally ventilated
poultry building is in communication with livestock compartment having closable openings such
as ridge vents and closable windows in side walls



At the annual Montreal Protocol meeting (the Montreal Protocol is a treaty which deals with
protection of the ozone layer), the firing gun was started on the global phase out of HFCs and F-
gases. Used for both refrigeration and air conditioning purposes, these gases have had
demonstrable negative effects on the ozone layer which has also had a significant impact on
global warming.

Industry figures have called the results of the international meeting, which was held in Dubai in
November, 2015, as “historic”. HFCs will now be included in the conventions of the Montreal
Protocol proper and the effects could be far reaching. It is predicted that, by phasing out HFCs,
100-200 billion tons of CO2 equivalents will be prevented from being consumed by 2050.

Powerful predictions indeed. With the ground-breaking climate change agreements in Paris in
late 2015, the HVAC industry will be playing a significant role in combating climate change in
the future.


With the HFC phase out planned for a 2016 start, greener technologies will become more and
more popular. Several major players have already created and successfully implemented climate
friendly, energy efficient solutions across all HVAC sectors.

A variety of replacements for HFCS and F-gases have been identified. Pioneer International, an
Australian air conditioning manufacturer, for example has noticed that hydrocarbons are up to
50% more energy efficient than the equivalent HFCs in their split and ducted units.

Heat pumps too can benefit from more eco-friendly gases too. Mitsubishi’s Q-Ton heat pump
uses an air-to-water CO2 system to create a high capacity unit, capable of heating water to 90°C
(194°F) in temperatures as low as -25°C (194°F).

With major manufacturers posting better energy efficiency numbers and lower greenhouse gas
emissions, the future’s looking green for HVAC.


It seems the world is in the grip of making cities, systems, homes, offices and plenty of other
areas of society smarter. HVAC is no different. Smart systems are getting more and more
sophisticated, which has plenty of practical applications for the construction and interiors
Smart HVAC systems allow for greater efficiency and time saving when successfully integrated
as part of an initial build or retrofitted. Various air quality parameters can be monitored, as well
as allowing for the intelligent distribution of heat and use of temperature controls. Some systems
actually “learn” where the building occupants, both residential and commercial, are spending
most of their time and control the temperatures accordingly.

Sensors placed at key points around buildings are what pick up and notice the variables required
to make those intelligent temperature control changes.

Preliminary results suggest that smart systems are up to 20% more energy efficient than their
traditional counterparts. Real time stats, however, are showing even great savings – often in the
realm of 30-40%. Green building aficionados should take note of these developments!

The results? More efficiency, more control and less time spent fiddling with tricky AC or heating
controls. We predict a big explosion in the smart HVAC market and the capacity for these
systems to get ever more smarter as the decade rolls on.


Instead of cooling off, the global HVAC market looks set to keep heating up in the near future.
According to a 2015 report published by Transparency Market Research, the market is forecast
to reach $155.1 billion worldwide by 2022.

Similarly, Technavio, a market research firm based in London, UK, and its market research
agents have predicted that the market will continue to grow at a steady 7% each year. What’s
driving this growth? A desire for smarter, more efficient systems in line with customer’s needs
has seen plenty of cost effective technological innovations. Green building initiatives are also
increasing desire for these systems.

Asia Pacific currently constitutes over 50% of the global HVAC market. Robust economic
development, particularly in China, Indonesia and India, is driving growth in this part of the

world. More and more construction projects are being completed or began in these countries. As
such, there is a demand for top quality HVAC products to service everything from luxury
apartment buildings, shopping malls and residential builds to hotels and civic amenities


Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) technology is one of the emerging developments being adopted
across the globe. Ease of installation, design and a portfolio of products from leading
manufacturers is one of the driving forces behind the adoption of VRF technology.

Major companies have formed some impressive partnerships in order to bring VRF tech to
markets around the world. One such scheme is the teaming up of Johnson Controls Inc. and
Hitachi Appliances Inc. to create a line of new products using the latest updates in variable
refrigerant flow in the commercial sector.

There are multiple benefits for VRF tech, which give some explanation as to its future large scale
adoption. It can be used with both water and air plus operates quietly due to the heat bump often
being situated outside of the room being conditioned.

Temperatures can be easily controlled allowing for maximum comfort – often to within 2°F.
because VRF allows for individual room temperature control, greater efficiency is achieved.
Heat loss is also reduced allowing for a very efficient system.


1.Study of civil layout
2.Heat load calculations
3.By using EFM /VRM we find DUCT SIZE
4.Duct designing
5.Ducting BOQ
6.Static pressure calculations
7.AHU Selection
8.Based on TR chiller selection
9.Pipe sizing
10. Pump head calculations
11.Pump selection
12.piping boq

13.Master boq


It includes the study of civil plan of a building and its dimensions for project considerations and
drafting of HVAC system equipments, Diffuser location, Ducting Network, Piping Network for
representing them on AutoCAD.


The procedure of measuring of Heating and cooling loads or Energy needed to be added or
removed from a space by HVAC system to provide the desired level of comfort with in a space.

A building or room gains heat from many sources. Inside occupants, computers, copiers,
machinery, and lighting all produce heat. Warm air from outside enters through open doors and
windows, or as ‘leakage’ though the structure. However the biggest source of heat is solar
radiation from the sun, beating down on the roof and walls, and pouring through the windows,
heating internal surfaces.

The sum of all these heat sources is known as the heat gain (or heat load) of the building, and is
expressed either in BTU (British Thermal Units) or Kw (Kilowatts).

For an air conditioner to cool a room or building its output must be greater than the heat gain. It
is important before purchasing an air conditioner that a heat load calculation is performed to
ensure it is big enough for the intended application.

There are mainly two methods which are commonly used for duct design.

1) Velocity reduction method: In this method the duct designed in such a way that the velocity
decreases as flow proceeds. The pressure drops are calculated for this velocities for respective
branches and main duct. The duct size are determined for assumed velocities and known
quantities of air to be supplied through the respective ducts.

2) Equal friction loss method: In this method, the frictional pressure drop per unit length of
duct is maintained constant throughout the duct system. The procedure is to be select a suitable
velocity in the main duct from the sound level consideration. Knowing the air flow rate and
the velocity in the main duct, the size and friction loss are determined from the friction chart.

This includes Bill of Quantities for all the ducts and duct fittings that we have used in the Duct
designing for providing information to the estimator.


Static pressure describes the resistance experienced by air as it travels through an HVAC system.
In other words, it is the pressure a fan must overcome to move air through ducts, as needed for
heating, ventilation and cooling. Static pressure and airflow are the two main aspects that
determine the operating point of a fan, as well as power consumption.
Various types of HVAC equipment establish an airflow through ducts, and two common
examples are air-handling units (AHU) and packaged rooftop units (RTU). These pieces of
equipment are designed to deliver a specific performance in terms of airflow and velocity.
For an HVAC system to operate normally, equipment capabilities must match the needs of the
air duct system. In particular, air handling systems must be capable of overcoming the static
pressure. Other parameters considered by HVAC designers include the installed cost, operating
expenses, maintenance, noise and vibration.

The basic function of an AHU is to take in outside air recondition. it and supply it back to the
building. all exhaust air is removed which creates an acceptable indoor air quality depending. on
the room temperature of the gree conditioned air the fresh air is either heated.

AHU Selection requires the following considerations as follows.

1. The tonnage shall be as per requirements.

2. CFM shall be as per requirements.

3. The filtration shall be as per requirements.

4. Type shall be as desired like its with upward flow, downward flow, is it above ceiling or in
separate room, is it with heater or heat recovery system, is it for fresh air only or for mix air.

5. The humidity shall be as per requirements.

6. Some other requirements like body type, casing type, fan type.

7. Fan selection from highest pressure drops in ducts and air inlet outlets.

A chiller is a machine that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption
refrigeration cycle. This liquid can then be circulated through a heat exchanger to cool
equipment, or another process stream (such as air or process water). As a necessary by-product,
refrigeration creates waste heat that must be exhausted to ambience, or for greater efficiency,
recovered for heating purposes.
Chilled water is used to cool and dehumidify air in mid- to large-size commercial, industrial, and
institutional facilities. Water chillers can be water-cooled, air-cooled, or evaporatively cooled.
Water-cooled systems can provide efficiency and environmental impact advantages over air-
cooled systems.
Chiller is Selected based on total tonnage of the room or space.

Pipe and piping systems are found within many elements of buildings. Numerous people have seen a P-
trap below a sink or refrigerant lines routing to and from their residential split system. Fewer have seen
the main utility piping routing from a central plant or the chemical treatment systems within a pool
equipment room. Each of these applications requires a specific type of pipe to meet the requirements of
the codes, physical limitations, specifications, and best design practices

The chilled water pump must be sized properly to circulate the correct amount of flow at the
correct pressure in order to achieve proper cooling within the building. If there is insufficient
flow and pressure, then there will not be enough cooling and the building may get hot during
periods of high cooling load. If there is too much pressure and flow, then the electrical system
will be unnecessarily burdened and if there is no speed control, then electricity may be wasted.
due to excess pumping,

Head is the height at which a pump can raise water up. Basically designers need to calculate this
value in order to select suitable pump. Pump plays a very important role especially in water side
systems (i.e, hot water and cold water systems) in lifting water up to the desired height
range. Height could be easily calculated when there is no losses along the flow path. Since piping
system includes elbows and Tee joints, frictional losses should be considered
for effective selection.

Pump head calculation involves 3 important steps,

1. Selection of farthest pipe routing.

2. Identification of flow rate (gpm) for respective pipe sizes.

3. Identification of valve losses in equivalent feet of pipe.

Farthest routing will be calculated from the CAD floor plan. Input the values for Pipe size, GPM,
Units, equivalent length of foot and head loss(ft/100ft). Calculation will be carried out for
supply, return and equipment sides. GPM will be known as per the flow distribution and
respective pipe sizes.

In chilled water HVAC plant, the pumps' role is to provide sufficient pressure to move the fluid
through the chiller and condenser water distribution system at the desired flow rate.However the
pump is selected by the considering the total horse power according to the GPM of flow of

It includes the information of all pipe fittings and valves and their sizes and dimensions required
for piping in water supply.

Bill of quantities (BOQ) is an itemized list of materials, parts with their costs required to
construct, maintain, or repair a specific structure or project such as HVAC projects



• Step 1
Study of civil drawings
• Step 2
Location of the building: THANE KALYAN
Latitude :18.5 N and Altitude:10 (MTS) (from data book)
• Step 3
application of the building: Basement+ Ground + 4Commercial & Residential

• Step 4
orientation of the building

• Step 5Thermal conditions

Design conditions DBT˚(F) WBT˚(F) RH(%) SH(Gr/Lb)
Ambient conditions 100 82 47 132
Indoor conditions 75 63 50 65
Difference 25 19 3 67
• Step 6 Thermal conductivity– U VALUE
Conductivity =1/Resistivity
Q =U x A x ΔT

Element Material specification U-value

Wall Solid brick –face&common- 0.41(BTU/hr)/(sqftx˚F)
3/8 gypsum board
Glass Double pane-ordinary glass-inside 0.61(for radiation)
venetian blind-medium colour

Double pane-1/2" Airspace thickness 0.55(BTU/hr)/(sqftx˚F) (for transmission)

without storm windows

Roof Concrete –sand & gravel agg-

6”(70lbs/sqft) 0.20(BTU/hr)/(sqftx˚F)
suspended plaster-1/2"insulation on
top of deck
Partition Hollow concrete block-sand &
gravel agg-8"(43lbs/sqft)- both sides 0.32(BTU/hr)/(sqftx˚F)
3/8" gypsum board
Floor & ceiling Floor tile –sand & gravel agg- 0.37(BTU/hr)/(sqftx˚F)
8"(79lbs/sqft) 3/8"gypsum board

• Step 7 Differential temperatures ΔT

Element Direction ΔT
Wall North 4+12.5=16.5
South 16+12.5=28.5
East 18+12.5=30.5
West 12+12.5=24.5
North east 10+12.5=22.5
North west 6+12.5=18.5
South east 18+12.5=30.5
South west 14+12.5=26.5
@100lb/sqft @4pm
Glass North 23
South 12
East 12
West 163
North east 12
North west 138
South east 12
South west 85
@ May @4pm
Roof No direction 32˚F+18˚F=50˚F
@80lb/sqft @4pm
Partition ΔT =(Non a/c temp-a/c temp) 20˚F
Floor =(outside temp-5˚F)-room temp
ceiling =(100-5)-75

• Step 8
Area of the building according to civil layouts=3709.55 sqft

 Step 9room internal sensible heat loads

Q people = no. of persons x sensible heat per person( BTU/hr) (data book)
=40 x245
=980 BTU/hr

Q lightening =area x watts /sq .ft
=3709.55 x1.5x3.415
=19002.17 BTU/hr

residential =1-1.25 watts/sq .ft

commercial=1.25-1.5 watts/sq .ft

industrial = 1.5 -2 watts/sq .ft

Q equipment =1250 watts(for commercial)

=1250 x 3.415
=4268.75 BTU/hr

Q partition=UxAxΔT (A=LxH)
=7648 BTU/hr

Q floor =UxAxΔT

Q ceiling =UxAxΔT

• Total room internal sensible heat loads = Q people + Q lightening + Q equipment+

Q partition + Qfloor + Qceiling
=40718.92 BTU/hr
• Step 10 room external sensible heat loads
Q wall= UxAxΔT A=area of the wall

ΔT =all directions of wall (data book)

Q wall =Q wall(N)+Q wall(E)+Q wall(W)+Q wall(NW)
= 0.41 985.06x16.5+0.41x410.76x30.50+0.41x439.95x24.50+0.41x66.48x18.50
= 6663.93+5136.55+4419.30+504.25
=16724.03 BTU/hr

Q glass = UxAxΔT A=area of the wall

ΔT =all directions of glass (data book)

Q glass(radiation) = Q glass(N)+Q glass(E)+Q glass(W)+Q glass(NW)
= 0.61x59.90x23+0.61x128.64x12+0.61x36.45x163+0.61x5.52x138
= 840.40+941.64+3068.36+464.6736
= 5315.0736 BTU/hr
Q glass(transmission) = UxAxΔT

=3169.51 BTU/hr

Q roof= UxAxΔT =0

total room external sensible heat loads= Q wall + Q glass + Q roof

=16724.03+(Q (radiation) +Q (transmission))+0
=25208.6136 BTU/hr

• Step 11 room external to internal sensible heat loads

Q outside air =1.08xcfmxB.fxΔT
=15023.68 BTU/hr


B.f = 0.2-0.3

Q infiltration =1.08xcfmxΔTcfm=3-5
=135 BTU/hr

total room external to internal sensible heat loads=Q outside air + Q infiltration
= 15023.68+135
= 15158.68 BTU/hr

• Step 12Room latent heat load

Q people = no. of persons x latent heat per person (data book)
=8200 BTU/hr

Q infiltration = 0.68xcfmxΔ HR
=227.80 BTU/hr

Q outside air =0.68xcfmxB.fxΔHR

=25351.06 BTU/hr

total room latent heat loads= Q people + Q infiltration + Q outside air

=33778.86 BTU/hr

• Step 13Effective room sensible heat load
= 40718.92 BTU/hr+25208.6136 BTU/hr+15158.68 BTU/hr
=81086.2136 BTU/hr
=89194.84 BTU/hr

• Step 14Effective room latent heat load

=34623.34 BTU/hr

• Step 15Effective room sensible heat factor


• Step 16Outside air heat loads

=45071.0325 BTU/hr

OALH =0.68xcfmxC.fxΔHR
=76053.1941 BTU/hr

• Step 17 Total heat load

THL= room heat loads + outside air heatloads+(1-3%)
=252290.68 BTU/hr
=21.02 TR

• Step 18Apparatus dew point(from data book)

ESH =0.72
DBT=75 F&RH = 50%
ADP =47˚F

• Step 19Dehumidified Rise

Dehumidified Rise= c.fx(Room DBT- ADP)

• Step 20Dehumidified CFM

Dehumidified cfm = ERSH/1.08xdehumidified rise
=3932.75 CFM



DUCTING: The ducting is system used in cooling and heating your home is a collection of
ducts that distributes the heated or cooled air to the different rooms.

This branching network of round or rectangular tubes—usually constructed of sheet metal. The
duct, or air distribution, system used in cooling and heating your home is a collection of tubes
that distributes the heated or cooled air to the different rooms. This branching network of round
or rectangular tubes—usually constructed of sheet metal, fiberglass board, or a flexible plastic-
and-wire composite—is found within your home. The duct system is designed to supply rooms
with air that is “conditioned”—that is, heated or cooled by the heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning (HVAC) equipment—and to circulate or return the same volume of air back to the
HVAC equipment.

Typical air-duct systems lose 25 to 40% of the heating or cooling energy put out by the cooling
and heating system. Leaks, one way in which conditioned air is lost in the duct system, make the
HVAC system work harder, thus increasing your utility bill. In addition, duct leakage can lessen
comfort and endanger your health and safety.

Your duct system has two main air-transfer systems—supply and return. The supply side delivers
the conditioned air to the home through individual room registers—what you feel blowing out of
the registers. The return side withdraws inside air and delivers it to the air handler of your central
system. All of the air drawn into the return duct(s) is conditioned and should be delivered back
through the supply registers





We Select the Required HVAC Components from the company

catalogues according to tonnage and cfm as shown below.





SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM: Basement car parking
















 Once through & recirculating:

Water piping systems discussed are divided into once through and recirculating
system. In once through system, water passes through the equipment only once and is
discharged. In a recirculating system water is not discharged, but flows in repeating
circuit from the heat exchanger to refrigeration equipment and back to the heat
 Open & closed system:
Recirculating system can be classified as open or close system. an open system is the
one in which the water flows into the reservoir open to atmosphere; cooling towers, air
washers and collecting tanks are examples of reservoir open to atmosphere. A closed
system is the one in which the flow of water is not exposed to atmosphere at any point of
flow. This system usually contains an expansion tank that is open to atmosphere but the
water area exposed is insignificant.


 There is a friction loss in any pipe through which water is flowing. This loss depends on
the following factors:
1. Water velocity
2. Pipe diameter
3. Interior surface roughness
4. Pipe length

 The quantity of water required is determined from the air-conditioning load and the water
velocity by the pre-determined recommendations. These two factors are used to
determine pipe size and friction rate.
Pipe and piping systems are found within many elements of buildings. Numerous people have
seen a P-trap below a sink or refrigerant lines routing to and from their residential split system.
Fewer have seen the main utility piping routing from a central plant or the chemical treatment
systems within a pool equipment room. Each of these applications requires a specific type of
pipe to meet the requirements of the codes, physical limitations, specifications, and best design

There is no simple piping solution to meet all applications. Provided that specific design criteria
are followed and the right questions are asked of the owner and operational staff, these systems

can meet all of the physical and code requirements. In addition, they can maintain the proper cost
and lead times to create a successfully implemented building system.

HVAC piping encompasses many different fluids, pressures, and temperatures. This
piping can be located above or below ground and route through the interior or exterior of
a building. These factors must be taken into consideration when specifying HVAC piping
within a project. The term “hydronic” refers to the use of water as a heat transfer medium
for cooling and heating. In each application, the water is supplied at a set flow rate and
temperature. Typical space heat transfer is completed using an air-water coil designed to
return the water at a defined temperature. This results in a specified quantity of heat
delivered or removed from the space. Hydronic chilled and heating water are the
dominant systems used to condition large commercial facilities.
For most low-rise building applications, the expected system working pressure is
typically less than 150 pounds per square inch gauge (psig). Hydronic systems (both
chilled and heating water) are closed-loop systems. This means that the total dynamic
head of the pumps takes into account the friction losses within the piping system,
associated coils, valves, and accessories. The static height of the system does not affect
the pumping capacities, but it does affect the required working pressure of the system. A
150 psig working pressure rating for chillers, boilers, pumps, piping, and accessories is
common for equipment and component manufacturers.This pressure rating should be
maintained within system designs whenever possible. Many buildings that are considered
as low- or medium-rise will fall into the 150 psig working pressure category.

Maintaining the piping system and equipment below the standard pressure of 150 psig
becomes more difficult when designing high-rise buildings. A static piping height above
approximately 350 ft (with no pump pressure added to the system) will exceed the
standard working pressure rating for these systems (1 psig = 2.31 ft of head). This system
would most likely employ a pressure break (in the form of heat exchangers) to isolate the
higher pressure requirements of the tower from the rest of the connected piping and
equipment. This system design would allow standard pressure chillers to be designed and
installed, while specifying higher pressure piping and accessories within the tower
Hydronic systems can use the following piping types:

Copper: Drawn-temper tubing, which complies with ASTM B88 and B88M with types L, B, K,
M, or C, with ASME B16.22 wrought-copper fittings and unions joined with lead-free Solder or
brazing for underground applications.

Type K copper is manufactured with the highest tubing thickness and allows for working
pressures from 1534 psig at 100 F for ½-in. piping, to 635 psig for 12 in.

Steel: Black or galvanized steel piping, which complies with ASTM A 53/A 53M with
malleable-iron (ASME B16.3), or wrought-steel (ASTM A 234/A 234M) fittings and malleable-
iron (ASME B16.39) unions. Both class

1. Mild steel pipes (ERW-Electro resistive welding pipes)
Code name: IS-1239 (Black color painted pipes)
Class A: Thickness up to 2.56mm, with a yellow color band.
Class B: Thickness up to 4.5mm, with a blue color band.
Class C: Thickness 4.5 to 12.56mm, with a red color band.

2. Carbon steel pipes.
Code name: IS-1239 / ASTM 10, 10.3
SCH - 20: Less thick
SCH - 40,SCH - 80: Best suited for chilled water pipeline(3.5mm – 7.5mm thick)
SCH - 100, SCH – 120, SCH-160: High Thickness (12.5mm Thickness above)

3. Stainless Steel Pipes (SS).

Type – 304, 316.
Thickness – 5 mm

 Seam pipes.
 Seam less pipes.
 Spiral pipes.

 Flanges.
 Reducers.
 Elbows.
 Dead end/ Dummy flange/Blind flange.
 T – Pipe fitting.
 Nipples.
Valves used in piping:
 Gate valve/Butterfly valve.
 Globe valve.
 Ball valve.
 Non – return valve:
I. Swing check valve.
II. Lift check valve.
 Motorized control valve:
I. 2 – Way Motorized control valve.
II. 3 – Way Motorized control valve.
 Strainer:
I. Y – Strainer.
II. T – Strainer.
III. Pot type Strainer.
 Balancing valve.

 Dynamic motorized valve.
 Btu meter.
 Flexible bellow.

NOTE: 1) For closed circuit system 2.4 USGPM / 1TR is taken.

2) For open circuit system 3 USGPM / 1 TR is taken.


 Flanges: A flange is a method of connecting pipes, valves, pumps and other equipment
to form a piping system

 Reducers. Reducer is a pipe fitting component which reduces the flow size from larger
to smaller by reducing size of pipe.
 Elbows: Elbows are used to change the direction of flow between two pipes. Elbows are
generally available with an angle of 22.5o, 45o and 90o
 T – Pipe fitting: Tee type fitting is a component of plumbing system which is in T-
shape. It is having one inlet and two outlets, outlets are arranged at 90o to the main line
connection (inlet)



A butterfly valve is a valve which can be used for isolating or regulating flow. The closing
mechanism takes the form of a disk. Operation is similar to that of a ball valve, which allows for
quick shut off. Butterfly valves are generally favored because they are lower in cost to other
valve designs as well as being lighter in weight, meaning less support is required. The disc is
positioned in the center of the pipe, passing through the disc is a rod connected to an actuator on
the outside of the valve. Rotating the actuator turns the disc either parallel or perpendicular to
the flow. Unlike a ball valve, the disc is always present within the flow; therefore a pressure drop
is always induced in the flow, regardless of valve position.


A globe valve, different from ball valve, is a type of valve used for regulating flow in a pipeline,
consisting of a movable disk-type element and a stationary ring seat in a
generally spherical body. Globe valves are named for their spherical body shape with the two
halves of the body being separated by an internal baffle. This has an opening that forms
a seat onto which a movable plug can be screwed in to close (or shut) the valve. The plug is also
called a disc or disk. In globe valves, the plug is connected to a stem which is operated by screw
action using a hand wheel in manual valves. Typically, automated globe valves use smooth stems
rather than threaded and are opened and closed by an actuator assembly.


A gate valve, also known as a sluice valve, is a valve that opens by lifting a round or
rectangular gate/wedge out of the path of the fluid. A gate valve, also known as a sluice valve, is
a valve that opens by lifting a round or rectangular gate/wedge out of the path of the fluid. The
distinct feature of a gate valve is the sealing surfaces between the gate and seats are planar, so
gate valves are often used when a straight-line flow of fluid and minimum restriction is desired.
The gate faces can form a wedge shape or they can be parallel. Gate valves are primarily used to
permit or prevent the flow of liquids, but typical gate valves shouldn't be used for regulating
flow, unless they are specifically designed for that purpose.


A cooling or heating water distribution system is in balance when the flow in the whole system
(through the component terminal lines, distributing lines and main distributing lines) corresponds
to the flow rates that were specified for the design of the system. If the correct balancing of the
system is not established, this will result in unequal distribution of the flow so that there will be
a surplus effect in some of the terminals, whereas the effect will be inadequate in others. The
result of this will be that the wanted heating/chilling will not be ensured in all parts of the
installation. In practice it is not possible to make a correctly balanced system by manipulation of
the piping or alteration of the pipe dimensions only. Only a correct set of balancing valves can
ensure the correct distribution of the flow in the system.


A check valve, clack valve, non-return valve or one-way valve is a valve that normally
allows fluid (liquid or gas) to flow through it in only one direction. Check valves are two-port
valves, meaning they have two openings in the body, one for fluid to enter and the other
for fluid to leave. There are various types of check valves used in a wide variety of applications.
Check valves are often part of common household items. Although they are available in a wide
range of sizes and costs, check valves generally are very small, simple, or inexpensive. Check
valves work automatically and most are not controlled by a person or any external control;
accordingly, most do not have any valve handle or stem. The bodies (external shells) of most
check valves are made of plastic or metal. An important concept in check valves is the
cracking pressure which is the minimum upstream pressure at which the valve will operate.
Typically the check valve is designed for and can therefore be specified for a specific cracking


For a cylinder with a constant diameter the reinforcement angle is constant as well and is
54.7º. This also known as the magic angle or neutral angle. The neutral angle is the angle
where a wound structure is in equilibrium. For a cylinder this is 54.7º, but for a more
complex shape like a bellow which has a varying radius over the length of the product, this
neutral angle is different for each radius. In other words, for complex shapes there is not one
magic angle but the fibers follow a geodesic path with angles varying with the change in
radius. To obtain a reinforcement structure with iso-tensoidal loading the geometry of the
complex shape must follow an iso-tensoid meridian profile. Typically the check valve is
designed for and can therefore be specified for a specific cracking pressure


Stay flow Y strainers mechanically remove solids from flowing steam, gases or liquid piping
systems with the use of a perforated or wire mesh straining screen, and are used to protect
equipment. They get their names from their configuration, which includes a branch angled off
the flow path. “Y” strainers are most often used for steam and gases, but are occasionally used
for liquids. They have less debris holding capacity and higher pressure drops than basket
strainers, but they can be used in either horizontal or vertical pipe runs where flow is
downwards. They can also be fitted with a blow-off connection at the end of the branch end that
includes a valve, which allows for cleaning. The valve is opened without shutting off the flow or
disassembling the strainer, as the flow through the pipe will flush out the solids in the screen.

Piping is a system of pipes used to convey fluids (liquids and gases) from one location to
another. The engineering discipline of piping design studies the efficient transport of fluid.

Piping can be located above or below ground and route through the interior or exterior of a
building. These factors must be taken into consideration when specifying HVAC piping within a
project. The term “hydronic” refers to the use of water as a heat transfer medium for cooling and
heating. In each application, the water is supplied at a set flow rate and temperature. Typical
space heat transfer is completed using an air-water coil designed to return the water at a defined
temperature. This results in a specified quantity of heat delivered or removed from the space.
Hydronic chilled and heating water are the dominant systems used to condition large commercial





CONSIDERATIONS: 1 TR =2.4 GPM (Gallons Per Minute)

Velocity at Discharge = 10 Feet Per Seconds (FPS)

Velocity at Suction = 6 Feet Per Second (FPS)

Room 1:

1.From A to B

For Suction :At 51.23 TR ,123.432 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 123.432 GPM & 6 FPS =2.75 Inches.

2. From B to B1:

For Suction :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 , Closed Piping System)

At 8.256 GPM &6FPS =0.5 Inches

3. From B to C :

For Suction :At 47.99TR ,115.176 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 , Closed Piping System)

115.176 GPM & 6 FPS = 2.75 Inches

4.From C To C1:

For Suction :At 47.99TR ,8.25 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 , Closed Piping System)

8.25 GPM & 6 FPS = 0.5 Inches

5. From C to D:

For Suction :At 44.55 TR ,106.92GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 106.92 GPM &6FPS =0.5 Inches

6.From D to D1:

For Suction :At4.15 TR ,9.96GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9.96 GPM & 6FPS =0.75 Inches

7.From D to E:

For Suction :At40.4 TR ,96.96GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 96.96 GPM &6FPS =2.5 Inches

8. From E To E1:

For Suction :At 35.45 TR ,85.08GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 85.08 GPM &6FPS =2.5 Inches

9. From E To F:

For Suction :At 36.2 TR ,87 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 87 GPM &6FPS =2.5 Inches

10. . From F To F1:

For Suction :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9 GPM &6FPS =0.75 Inches

11. . From F TO G:

For Suction :At 32.5 TR ,78 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 78 GPM & 6FPS =2 Inches

12. . From G To G1:

For Suction :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9 GPM &6FPS =0.75 Inches

13. . From G TO H:

For Suction :At 28.7 TR ,69 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 69 GPM & 6FPS =2 Inches

14. From H To H1:

For Suction :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9 GPM &6FPS =0.75 Inches

15. . From H TO I:

For Suction :At 25 TR ,60 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 60 GPM & 6FPS =1.75 Inches

16. From I To I1:

For Suction :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 8.25 GPM &6FPS =0.5 Inches

17. . From I TO J:

For Suction :At 21.5 TR ,51.7 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 51.7 GPM & 6FPS =1.5 Inches

18. . From J To J1:

For Suction :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 8.25 GPM &6FPS =0.5 Inches

19. . From J TO K:

For Suction :At 18 TR ,43.48 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 43.48 GPM & 6FPS =1.5 Inches

20. . From K To K1:

For Suction :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 8.25 GPM &6FPS =0.5 Inches

21. From K TO L:

For Suction :At 14.5 TR ,35.23 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 35.23 GPM & 6FPS =1.25 Inches

22. . From L To L1:

For Suction :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9 GPM &6FPS =0.75 Inches

23. From:L TO M

For Suction :At 11 TR ,26.23 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 26.23 GPM & 6FPS =1.25 Inches

24. M To M1:

For Suction :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9 GPM &6FPS =0.75 Inches

25. From:M TO N

For Suction :At 7 TR ,17.23 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 17.23 GPM & 6FPS =1 Inches

26.From: N To N1:

For Suction :At 3.5 TR ,8.6 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 8.6 GPM &6FPS =0.75 Inches

27. From: N To O:

For Suction :At 3.5 TR ,8.6 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 8.6 GPM &6FPS =0.75 Inches

CONSIDERATIONS: 1 TR =2.4 GPM (Gallons Per Minute)

Velocity at Discharge = 10 Feet Per Seconds (FPS)


Room 1:

1.From A to B

For DISCHARGE :At 51.23 TR ,123.432 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 123.432 GPM & 10 FPS =2.5 Inches.

2. From B to B1:

For DISCHARGE :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 , Closed Piping System)

At 8.256 GPM &10FPS =2.5 Inches

3. From B to C :

For DISCHARGE :At 47.99TR ,115.176 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 , Closed Piping System)

115.176 GPM & 10 FPS = 2.5 Inches

4.From C To C1:

For DISCHARGE :At 47.99TR ,115.176 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 , Closed Piping System)

At 8.256 GPM &10FPS =2.5 Inches

5. From C to D:

For DISCHARGE :At 44.55 TR ,106.92GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 106.92 GPM &10FPS =2.5 Inches

6.From D to D1:

For DISCHARGE :At4.15 TR ,9.96GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9.96 GPM & 10 FPS =0.5 Inches

7.From D to E:

For DISCHARGE At40.4 TR ,96.96GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 96.96 GPM &10FPS =2 Inches

8. From E To E1:

For DISCHARGE :At 35.45 TR ,85.08GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 85.08 GPM &10FPS =2 Inches

9. From E To F:

For DISCHARGE:At 36.2 TR ,87 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 87 GPM &10FPS =2 Inches

10. . From F To F1:

For DISCHARGE :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9 GPM &10FPS =0.5 Inches

11. . From F TO G:

For DISCHARGE :At 32.5 TR ,78 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 78 GPM & 10 FPS =1.5 Inches

12. . From G To G1:

For DISCHARGE :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9 GPM &10 FPS =0.5 Inches

13. . From G TO H:

For DISCHARGE:At 28.7 TR ,69 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 69 GPM & 10 FPS =1.5 Inches

14. From H To H1:

For DISCHARGE :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9 GPM &10 FPS =0.5 Inches

15. . From H TO I:

For DISCHARGE n :At 25 TR ,60 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 60 GPM & 10 FPS =1.5 Inches

16. From I To I1:

For DISCHARGE:At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 8.25 GPM &10 FPS =0.25 Inches

17. . From I TO J:

For DISCHARGE:At 21.5 TR ,51.7 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 51.7 GPM & 10 FPS =1.25 Inches

18. . From J To J1:

For DISCHARGE :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 8.25 GPM &10 FPS =0.25 Inches

19. . From J TO K:

For DISCHARGE :At 18 TR ,43.48 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 43.48 GPM & 10 FPS =1.25 Inches

20. . From K To K1:

For DISCHARGE :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 8.25 GPM &10 FPS =0.25 Inches

21. From K TO L:

For DISCHARGE :At 14.5 TR ,35.23 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 35.23 GPM & 10 FPS =1 Inches

22. . From L To L1:

For DISCHARGE :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9 GPM &10 FPS =0.5 Inches

23. From:L TO M

For DISCHARGE :At 11 TR ,26.23 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 26.23 GPM & 10 FPS =1 Inches

24. M To M1:


From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 9 GPM &10 FPS =0.5 Inches

25. From:M TO N

For DISCHARGE :At 7 TR ,17.23 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 17.23 GPM & 10 FPS =0.75 Inches

26.From: N To N1:

For DISCHARGE :At 3.5 TR ,8.6 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 8.6 GPM &10 FPS =0.5 Inches

27. From: N To O:

For DISCHARGE :At 3.5 TR ,8.6 GPM

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 ,Closed Piping System)

At 8.6 GPM &10 FPS =0.5 Inches



CONSIDERATIONS: 1 TR =2.4 GPM (Gallons Per Minute)

Velocity at Discharge = 10 Feet Per Seconds (FPS)

Velocity at Suction = 6 Feet Per Second (FPS)

Schedule 40 pipe :
The schedule number on pipe products relates to the thickness of the wall on the pipe: as the
number increases, the thicker the wall thickness becomes. Also, while the schedule number can
be the same on different sized pipes, the actual wall thickness will be different. Here are a few

For example : Pipe size 1.000” Schedule 40 – The actual wall thickness is 0.133”

Pipe size 2.000” Schedule 40 – The actual wall thickness is 0.154”

Room 1:

1.From A to B
For Suction :At 51.23 TR ,123.432 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 123.432 GPM we get Pipe dia=3 inch


2. From B to B1:
For Suction :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 8.256 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

3. From B to C :
For Suction :At 47.99TR ,115.176 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 115.176 GPM we get

Pipe dia=3 inch

4.From C To C1:
For Suction :At 47.99TR ,115.176 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 115.176 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

5. From C to D:
For Suction :At 44.55 TR ,106.92GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 115.176 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

6.From D to D1:
For Suction :At4.15 TR ,9.96GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9.96 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

7.From D to E:
For Suction :At40.4 TR ,96.96GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 115.176 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

8. From E To E1:
For Suction :At 35.45 TR ,85.08GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 85.08 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

9. From E To F:
For Suction :At 36.2 TR ,87 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 87 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

10. From F To F1:

For Suction :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

11. . From F TO G:
For Suction :At 32.5 TR ,78 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 78 GPM we get
Pipe dia=2.5 inch

12. . From G To G1:

For Suction :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

13. From G TO H:
For Suction :At 28.7 TR ,69 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 69 GPM we get
Pipe dia=2.5 inch

14. From H To H1:

For Suction :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

15.From H TO I:
For Suction :At 25 TR ,60 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 60 GPM we get
Pipe dia=2.5 inch

16. From I To I1:

For Suction :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 8.25GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

17.From I TO J:
For Suction :At 21.5 TR ,51.7 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 51.7GPM we get
Pipe dia=2.5 inch

18. From J To J1:

For Suction :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 8.25GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

19.From J TO K:
For Suction :At 18 TR ,43.48 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 43.8GPM we get
Pipe dia=2.5 inch

20.From K To K1:
For Suction :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 8.25GPM we get

Pipe dia=1.25 inch

21. From K TO L:
For Suction :At 14.5 TR ,35.23 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For35.23GPM we get
Pipe dia=2 inch

22. . From L To L1:

For Suction :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

23. From:L TO M
For Suction :At 11 TR ,26.23 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For26.23GPM we get
Pipe dia=2 inch

24. M To M1:
For Suction :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

25. From:M TO N
For Suction :At 7 TR ,17.23 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 17.23 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.5 inch

26.From: N To N1:
For Suction :At 3.5 TR ,8.6 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software

For 8.6 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

27. From: N To O:
For Suction :At 3.5 TR ,8.6 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 8.6 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

CONSIDERATIONS: 1 TR =2.4 GPM (Gallons Per Minute)

Velocity at Discharge = 10 Feet Per Seconds (FPS)


Room 1:
1.From A to B

For Discharge :At 51.23 TR ,123.432 GPM

From Pipe Sizer Software
For 123.432 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

2. From B to B1:

For Discharge :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM

From Pipe Sizer Software
For 8.256 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

3. From B to C :

For Discharge :At 47.99TR ,115.176 GPM

From Pipe Sizer Software
For 115.176 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

4.From C To C1:
For Discharge :At 47.99TR ,115.176 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 115.176 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

5. From C to D:
For Discharge :At 44.55 TR ,106.92GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 115.176 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

6.From D to D1:

For Discharge :At4.15 TR ,9.96GPM

From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9.96 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

7.From D to E:
For Discharge :At40.4 TR ,96.96GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 115.176 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

8. From E To E1:
For Discharge :At 35.45 TR ,85.08GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 85.08 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

9. From E To F:
For Discharge :At 36.2 TR ,87 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 87 GPM we get
Pipe dia=3 inch

10.From F To F1:
For Discharge :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

11. From F TO G:
For Discharge :At 32.5 TR ,78 GPM
From PipeSizer Software
For 78 GPM we get
Pipe dia=2.5 inch

12.From G To G1:
For Discharge :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

13. From G TO H:
For Discharge :At 28.7 TR ,69 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 69 GPM we get
Pipe dia=2.5 inch

14. From H To H1:

For Discharge :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9 GPM we get

Pipe dia=1.25 inch

15.From H TO I:
For Discharge :At 25 TR ,60 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 60 GPM we get
Pipe dia=2.5 inch

16. From I To I1:

For Discharge :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 8.25GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

17. From I TO J:
For Discharge :At 21.5 TR ,51.7 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 51.7GPM we get
Pipe dia=2.5 inch

18.From J To J1:
For Discharge :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 8.25GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

19. From J TO K:
For Discharge :At 18 TR ,43.48 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 43.8GPM we get
Pipe dia=2.5 inch

20. From K To K1:

For Discharge :At 3.4 TR ,8.25 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software

For 8.25GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

21. From K TO L:
For Discharge :At 14.5 TR ,35.23 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For35.23GPM we get
Pipe dia=2 inch

22. From L To L1:

For Discharge :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

23.From:L TO M
For Discharge :At 11 TR ,26.23 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For26.23GPM we get
Pipe dia=2 inch

24. From M To M1:

For Discharge :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 9 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

25. From:M TO N
For Discharge :At 7 TR ,17.23 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 17.23 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.5 inch

26.From: N To N1:
For Discharge :At 3.5 TR ,8.6 GPM

From Pipe Sizer Software
For 8.6 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch

27. From: N To O:
For Discharge :At 3.5 TR ,8.6 GPM
From Pipe Sizer Software
For 8.6 GPM we get
Pipe dia=1.25 inch


Head loss refers to the measurement of energy dissipated in a system due to friction. It accounts
for the totality of energy losses due to the length of a pipe and those due to the function of
fittings, valves and other system structures.

Lower head loss in a given system is experienced when there is a reduced velocity often due to
pipe friction. An increase in liquid velocity can be experienced due to a variety of reasons such

as the reduction of pipe diameter. Such changes can be seen to be reflected as an increase in head
loss due to an increase in system friction.



CONSIDERATIONS: 1 TR =2.4 GPM (Gallons Per Minute)

Velocity at Discharge = 10 Feet Per Seconds (FPS)

Velocity at Suction = 6 Feet Per Second (FPS)

FORMULA FOR HEAD LOSS: Length X Friction/100 X 12

1.From A to B

For Suction 6 FPS :At 51.43 TR ,123.432 GPM & Length (L)=235.44 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =4.5

HEAD LOSS=235.44 X 4.5/100 X 12=0.8829

2. From B to B’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM & Length (L)=6 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =25

HEAD LOSS=6 X 25/100X 12=0.125.

3 . From B to C:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 47.99 TR ,115.176 GPM & Length (L)=234 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =5.

HEAD LOSS=234 X 5/100X 12=0.977.

4. . From Cto C’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM & Length (L)=167.75 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =23.

HEAD LOSS=167.75 X 23/100X 12=3.215.

5. From C to D:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 44.55 TR ,106.92 GPM & Length (L)=26.452 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =5.

HEAD LOSS=26.45X 5/100X 12=0.110.

6 . From D to D’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 4.15 TR ,9.96 GPM & Length (L)=173.722 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =24.

HEAD LOSS=173 X 24/100X 12=3.4744.

7. From D to E:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 35.45 TR ,85.08 GPM & Length (L)=251.578 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =5.5.

HEAD LOSS=251.578X 5.5/100X 12=1.15304.

8 . From E to E’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 4.15 TR ,9.96 GPM & Length (L)=173.558 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =24.

HEAD LOSS=173.558 X 24/100X 12=3.477.

9. From E to F:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 36.25 TR ,87 GPM & Length (L)=124.431 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =5.5.

HEAD LOSS=124.431 X 5.5/100X 12=0.574.

10. From F to F’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM & Length (L)=173.263 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =23.

HEAD LOSS=173.26 X 23/100X 12=3.320.

11. From F to G:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 32.5 TR ,78 GPM & Length (L)=218.051 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =6.

HEAD LOSS=218.051 X 6/100X 12=1.090.

12. From G to G’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM & Length (L)=149.74 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =23.

HEAD LOSS=149.74 X 23/100X 12=2.87.

13. From G to H:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 28.75 TR ,69 GPM & Length (L)=74.75 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =6.5.

HEAD LOSS=74.75 X 6.5/100X 12=0.404.

14. From H to H’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM & Length (L)=158.297 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =23.

HEAD LOSS=234 X 5/100X 12=3.0340

15. From H to I:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 25 TR ,60 GPM & Length (L)=13.375 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =7.

HEAD LOSS=13.375 X 7/100X 12=0.0780.

16. From I to I’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM & Length (L)=171.75 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =25.

HEAD LOSS=171.75 X 25/100X 12=3.57.

17. From I to J:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 21.56 TR ,51.744 GPM & Length (L)=221.371 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =8.

HEAD LOSS=221.371 X 8/100X 12=1.475.

18. From J to J’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.45 TR ,8.256 GPM & Length (L)=65.249 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =25.

HEAD LOSS=65.249 X 25/100X 12=1.335.

19. From J to K:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 18.12 TR ,43.488 GPM & Length (L)=52.8125 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =9.

HEAD LOSS=52.8125 X 9/100X 12=0.3960.

20. From K to K’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.45 TR ,8.256 GPM & Length (L)=157.641 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =25.

HEAD LOSS=157.64 X 25/100X 12=3.284.

21. From K to L:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 14.68 TR ,35.232 GPM & Length (L)=203.608 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =10.

HEAD LOSS=203.608 X 10/100X 12=1.696.

22. From L to L’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM & Length (L)=97.23 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =22.5.

HEAD LOSS=97.23 X 22.5/100X 12=1.823.

23. From L to M:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 10.93 TR ,26.232 GPM & Length (L)=187.134 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =13.

HEAD LOSS=187.134 X 13/100X 12=2.0272.

24. From M to M’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM & Length (L)=157.797 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =22.5.

HEAD LOSS=157.797 X 22.5/100X 12=2.95.

25. From M to N:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 7.18 TR ,17.232 GPM & Length (L)=119.196 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =16.

HEAD LOSS=119.196 X 16/100X 12=1.589.

26. From N to N’:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.59 TR ,8.616 GPM & Length (L)=275.75 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =24.

HEAD LOSS=275.75 X 24/100X 12=5.515.

27. From N to O:

For Suction 6 FPS :At 3.59 TR ,8.616 GPM & Length (L)=151.5 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =24.

HEAD LOSS=151.5 X 24/100X 12=3.03.

FORMULA FOR HEAD LOSS: Length X Friction/100 X 12

CONSIDERATIONS: 1 TR =2.4 GPM (Gallons Per Minute)

Velocity at Discharge = 10 Feet Per Seconds (FPS)

1. From A to B:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 51.43 TR ,123.432 GPM & Length (L)=245.84 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =15.

HEAD LOSS=245.84 X 15/100X 12=3.0729.

2. . From B to B’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM & Length (L)=6 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =80.

HEAD LOSS=6 X 80/100X 12=0.4.

3. From B to C:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 47.99 TR ,115.176 GPM & Length (L)=6 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =17.

HEAD LOSS=6 X 17/100X 12=0.085.

4. From C to C’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM & Length (L)=6 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =80.

HEAD LOSS=6 X 80/100X 12=0.4.

5. From C to D:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 44.55 TR ,106.92 GPM & Length (L)=60.1905 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =18.

HEAD LOSS=60.1905 X 18/100X 12=0.9028.

6. From D to D’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 4.15 TR ,9.96 GPM & Length (L)=163.907 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =70.

HEAD LOSS=163.907 X 70/100X 12=9.56123.

7. From D to E:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 40.4 TR ,96.96 GPM & Length (L)=240.767 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =19.

HEAD LOSS=240.767 X 19/100X 12=3.8121.

8. From E to E’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 4.15 TR ,9.96 GPM & Length (L)=164.368 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =70.

HEAD LOSS=164.368 X 70/100X 12=9.588.

9. From E to F:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 36.25 TR ,87 GPM & Length (L)=135.233 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =20.

HEAD LOSS=135.233 X 20/100X 12=2.2538.

10. From F to F’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM & Length (L)=163.447 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =78.

HEAD LOSS=163.447 X 78/100X 12=10.624.

11. From F to G:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 32.5 TR ,78 GPM & Length (L)=206 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =21.

HEAD LOSS=206.84 X 21/100X 12=3.6137.

12. From G to G’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM & Length (L)=156.124 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =78.

HEAD LOSS=156.124 X 78/100X 12=10.200.

13. From G to H:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 28.75 TR ,69 GPM & Length (L)=97 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =22.5.

HEAD LOSS=97 X 22.5/100X 12=1.818.

14. From H to H’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM & Length (L)=148.356 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =78.

HEAD LOSS=148.356 X 78/100X 12=9.643.

15. From H to I:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 25 TR ,60 GPM & Length (L)=20.75 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =25.

HEAD LOSS=20.75 X 25/100X 12=0.4322.

16. From I to I’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 106.66 TR ,8.256 GPM & Length (L)=183.375 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =80.

HEAD LOSS=183.375 X 80/100X 12=12.225.

17. From I to J:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 21.56 TR ,51.744 GPM & Length (L)=225.625 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =27.

HEAD LOSS=225.625 X 27/100X 12=5.076.

18. From J to J’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM & Length (L)=47.375 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =80.

HEAD LOSS=47.375 X 80/100X 12=315.

19. From J to K:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 18.12 TR ,43.488 GPM & Length (L)=61.0235 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =30.

HEAD LOSS=61.025 X 30/100X 12=1.52.

20. From K to K’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 3.44 TR ,8.256 GPM & Length (L)=140.95 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =80.

HEAD LOSS=140.95 X 80/100X 12=9.39.

21. From K to L:

For Discharge 10 FPS :14.68 TR ,35.232 GPM & Length (L)=199.368 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =35.

HEAD LOSS=199.368 X 35/100X 12=5.81.

22 . From L to L’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 2.75 TR ,9 GPM & Length (L)=111.06 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =78.

HEAD LOSS=111.06 X 78/100X 12=7.21.

23. From L to M:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 10.93 TR ,26.232 GPM & Length (L)=207.218 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =41.

HEAD LOSS=207.218 X 41/100X 12=7.079.

24. From M to M’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 3.75 TR ,9 GPM & Length (L)=140.975 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =78.

HEAD LOSS=140.975 X 78/100X 12=9.16.

25. From M to N:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 7.18 TR ,17.232 GPM & Length (L)=117.374 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =47.

HEAD LOSS=117.374 X 47/100X 12=4.59.

26. From N to N’:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 3.59 TR ,8.616 GPM & Length (L)=289.125 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =79.

HEAD LOSS=289.125 X 79/100X 12=1.917.

27. From N to O:

For Discharge 10 FPS :At 3.59 TR ,8.616 GPM & Length (L)=135.308 inch

From HVAC Data Book (Page No- 178 Chart -3 at X-Axis , Closed Piping System)

Friction =79.

HEAD LOSS=135.308 X 79/100X 12=8.907.

PIPING DRAFTING LAYOUTS: Representation of Piping
Network Connections and its valves and fittings on CAD.


Primary pumps are used to pump the chilled water to distribute and return to chiller.

Secondary pumps are used to distribute the chilled water to rooms and the working areas.

Water chillers are backbone of HVAC cooling systems.Water chiller is a refrigeration machine
which produces chilled water ( Approx 7 Degree C ~ 12 Degree C).The primary function of
a chiller is to lower the temperature of water to such value such that it can be used for producing
cooling effect in integration with other HVAC components. A water chiller is just like a other
refrigerator machine but instead of keeping your food cool or making ice ,it produces chilled
water. The output of chiller is a water at lower temperature usually around about 10 o C
depending upon the Chiller design.

The cooling tower is usually located up on the roof and is the final destination for the unwanted
heat in the building. The cooling tower contains a large fan which blows air through the unit. The
condenser water is pumped up to the cooling towers and it is sprayed into the air stream. The
cool ambient air will enter and come in direct contact with the spray of condenser water (in an
open cooling tower) this will allow the heat of the condenser water to transfer into the air and
this air is then blown out into the atmosphere. The condenser water then collects and heads back
to the chillers condenser ready to collect more heat.



Total tonnage of the buildings is found to be :231 TR
Total CFM of the building is found to be :50300 CFM
The Total Insulation of Duct is found to be :208.68 inch
The Total Power HP of Pump is found to be :12 HP
The Closed Piping System is used to supply chilled water to the
indoor units.
The open piping system is used for connecting cooling tower to
Two Chillers, Primary Pumps , Secondary Pumps are used in which
one is working and the other is standby.
All the Outdoor Units, Primary Pumps, Secondary Pumps are
placed on the roof top.

The development of HVAC industry started during industrial revolution. Today, we depend on
air conditioners and other devices that regulate temperature at home or at work. And instead of
the iceman, we turn to the pros who know how to install and repair these appliances.

Being in the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) industry these days is a good
place to be. With growth predicted as high as 5.7% by 2018, it’s a potential $120 billion
industry. The global economy is on the up too, which makes for the first major growth factor.
New markets are opening themselves up to air conditioning or heating systems. The HVAC
industry is growing fast owing to the current technological developments in controlling climate
along with government’s stringent rules and regulations to make HVAC products and
equipments more environmental friendly and energy efficient.
In 2015, the HVAC industry has got smarter. From easy controlling of air-conditioners to
thermostats, the industry is saving thousands of dollars in energy cost through the innovative
integration of smart control technologies. It is predicted that in 2015 and into the next year, the
HVAC industry would see more integration with the controls and building systems like the
lighting and access controls integration. This type of integration would provide the building
managers easy control to increase efficiency. Manufacturers of the HVAC equipments have been
attempting to implement systems that are more efficient for the last thirty years. Initially, this
was driven by rising costs of energy, but nowadays, it is driven by the escalated awareness
regarding issues of the environment. Therefore, while consumers are looking at smart and
integrated single interface technology and software for cost and energy savings, HVAC
contractors too are finding smart technology-driven ways to manage their businesses. .

Smartphone usage is already at an all-time high and there is significant room for growth through
technology in the HVAC industry. Apps have been developed, or are in development, to use
smartphones to control home HVAC settings. A lot of big players like Daikin, Johnson Controls,
Lennox Internationals among various others are competing in the race. The aviation sector too
requires sophisticated technologies for air-conditioning and climate control. The air-conditioning
systems of the marine vessels also require regular maintenance. HVAC services are essential in
both the cases.

At present, demand for HVAC services is high in skyscrapers and office spaces. HVAC
technicians trained to install and service air-conditioners in office spaces and large commercial
buildings are in huge demand. The scope of HVAC industry is promising and has a lot for the
future as the building construction industry is increasingly showing a shift towards intelligent
building infrastructure. The rapid emergence of such infrastructure suggests that in the near
future smart buildings will outnumber other kinds of buildings. Information technology is likely
to be the backbone of this technology shift.


 New technology will surface to help cut down the current HVAC systems deterioration
of the environment.
 Alternative energy options will become more commercially viable.
 HVAC systens will incorporate more of Smart technology.
 Population growth will lead to increased demand and Use of HVAC systems.
 Hybrid options will tried.

We live in a world of varying temperatures. Thermal comfort is desired by man. Similarly,

refrigeration is desirable in food preservation ,medicine, pharmaceutical industry, mortuaries etc.

Air conditioners and refrigerators use a large amount of energy. They make use of harmful
chemicals which remove the heat thereby cooling the air. This is great when you’re feeling hot
but the environment is greatly degraded. Research and development on air-conditioning and
refrigeration systems will never stop probably until we have the most energy efficient and
environmentally friendly systems. The chemicals in use in this HVAC systems are terrible for
the ozone layer and are more potent than Carbon dioxide. A look at the Global warming potential
of 100 years for several greenhouse gases will indicate the extent of damage to the environment.


The future of refrigeration and air- conditioning will see extensive development of other
technologies. Few of them with potentials for development explained below:

 Magnetic cooling Technology

A magnet is brought to a magnetic field where it then heats up. When it reaches a gap
in the field it cools down instantly, which then cools down the enclosed area.
Electricity is still used to power the magnetic material but far less compared to what is
in use in systems. This technology is still be tested.

 Thermo acoustics Technology
A loudspeaker to turn electricity into sound waves which pushes helium back and
forth to condense the gas. Once this has been achieved, the helium absorbs heat from
the space. This method is very harmless to the environment. It be at the forefront of
future HVAC systems development.
 Shape Memory Alloy Technology
An alloy can return back to its original state when heated up. This can removes heat from an
enclosed space as it absorbs it.

 Solid material coolant Technology

Conventional air-conditioners and refrigerators employ refrigerants such as CFC to absorb heat
from the enclosed spaces. Heat is usually expelled outside which require electrically powered
pumps and compressors. To conserve energy, researchers plan to replace coolant fluids with
solid materials such as bismuth telluride. Such HVAC systems will not have moving parts
therefore minimal need for maintenance.

 Membranes
Specially made membranes can also be used to cool air by condensing water. These technologies
are being developed by researchers.

The main source of hydro flour carbons is air— conditioning and refrigeration systems. A global
phase down on the production and consumption of hydro flours carbons is on the way.

In conclusion, a HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system is a
very important component of a healthy, comfortable, and energy-efficient building.
There are various types of HVAC installations depending on the location and size
of a building. The three common types are centralized, packaged and individual or
decentralized. Since HVAC systems are the largest energy consumers in a
building, it is important to ensure that energy efficiency methods are in place to
ensure reduction in energy consumption, costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Chilled water piping is done for FCU and AHU with all the necessary tappings and
valves. It is represented in single and double line diagrams in the layout and all the
necessary connections are made to equipments via shafts provided in each floor of
the layout.

Estimating a conceptual HVAC design can prove to be challenging. There are

many methods estimators have adopted over the years to help accurately complete
a system with limited information. HVAC equipment is one of the most important
components in the system since it tends to have the highest overall cost. Making
sure an estimator has quantified all of these pieces is important since the other
components such as piping are impacted by these quantities. Since the equipment
affects the affects the quantity of piping, the equipment should be the first item that
an estimator focuses on. After the equipment that will be used is established, an
estimator can accurately quantify the meters of the pipe needed using the methods
disused in this paper. Knowing the type of building and how it will be used is very
helpful to the estimate since the influences the amount of duct that will be required.
Estimators with past Experience as well as using the techniques and methods
discussed, can help provide accuracy when trying to estimate quantities for a
conceptual HVAC design.

Thank you


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