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Welcome to this 'Certificate in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy' online training course.

I really want this course to be as helpful to you as possible. To get the most out of this course I will
be as available as I can be to answer any questions you may have about what you are learning in any
of the lessons and will always try to respond to course questions within 24 hours. If the answer
required is likely to take a while to respond to and I don't think I will have time within 24 hours to
respond I will reply to say that I will respond more fully, and will let you know when I will be able to
do this.

To get the most from this course it is recommended that you hold discussions with other students
about the content/lessons and search for answers yourself both online and in the recommended
reading material. Interacting with other students could include sharing examples of hypnotic
language patterns, it could be asking each other how you will use different language patterns for
different reasons, and it could be sharing good practice and letting others know how you are using
and practicing what you are learning.

It is recommended that you discuss with other students and perhaps look further information up,
and read some of the recommended reading before asking me questions about the content, as it is
more empowering and you will get more from the course if you have found it out for yourself, rather
than having answers given to you.

Ideally you will read some of the books on the recommended reading list, and will take time
between each lesson to practice and develop your skills within everyday life and ideally with small
practice groups where like-minded people can come together and focus on practicing specific skills
(you could even discuss with other students via Skype or similar services and practice skills with each
other in this way). For example you could spend a couple of weeks practicing utilising observations
as hypnotic inductions within practice groups.

When I teach a course like this to groups I would often do about 120 minute weekly sessions, where
30 minutes or so is the lecture and discussing to clarify the content (on here you can re-watch the
lecture, discuss with other students, carry out further research through reading or online searches,
etc.), then 30 minutes is practicing what was taught in the lecture with others, then 30 minutes is
discussing how you got on with practicing, how you found the experience, discussing with those you
worked with to find out how it felt for them as subjects you were practicing on, etc., and 30 minutes
for taking a 15 minute break and discussing any other points that need discussing and setting tasks
or homework to do between sessions. So when this is taught live the 30 or so main teaching videos
and supporting lessons would take about 50-60 hours of classroom tuition (adding the other lessons
to live training puts this at about 60-70 hours of classroom tuition for this specific course), and
students would be doing perhaps 5 hours between each session of additional reading and studying
and practicing.

I look forward to supporting you on your learning experience through this course.

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