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COVER PAGE (as prescribed)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (project-focused highlights in at least 2 pages but not more than 3
 Short background of the study/project and its objective(s)
 Brief description of the product or product line and brand name under study
 Concise discussion of value proposition, target market, and competitive business
 Highlights of Marketing Strategy (STP, 4Ps and market share growth target )
 Conclusion – (how the proposed strategy improve the product’s overall competitive
profile – image, differentiation, positioning in the long term and what major
communication programs are needed to achieve overall company goal/s and product
& brand strategy)
TABLE OF CONTENTS (by major title and subtitle with page numbers)
LIST OF TABLES and FIGURES (with titles and page numbers)
A. Company Background
1. Nature of business and operations and affiliation(s), if any
2. Mission, Vision, and Values
3. Business Portfolio and Product Line(s)
B. Product Offering and Brand (under study - attributes, features, quality; include
C. Value Proposition (set of benefits vis-à-vis competing products or substitutes)
D. Business Model (related to the product/brand under study, use the Business Model
Canvas with accompanying detailed discussion of how the branded product is
designed, produced, distributed and sold)
A. Industry Analysis
1. Definition of the industry; Industry Drivers and Key Success Factors (KSFs)
2. Who are the different industry players? (use Porter’s 5-Forces Model of
Competition); Is the industry attractive or not?
3. Describe market competition (use the Strategic Group Map to show competing
brands and substitutes)
4. Describe competitive positions (use the Perceptual Map)
B. Environmental Scanning
1. External Analysis (identification of opportunities & threats)
 Changes in macro-environmental factors – demographic, economic,
natural, technological, political-legal, cultural (or PESTLE or PEST Analysis)
2. Internal Analysis (identification of company strengths & weaknesses)
 Assessment of resources & capabilities; structure and systems; distinctive
 Value Chain Analysis (compare versus direct competitors)
 Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) or Competitive Strength Assessment
3. SWOT Analysis & TOWS Matrix (strategic fit)
C. Generic Strategy (cost leadership, differentiation or focus?)
D. Competitive Positioning Strategy (market leader, challenger, follower or nicher?)
A. Target Marketing
1. Segmentation (define the market and its segments, quantify market size, show
segmentation variables, and cite sources of data)
2. Targeting (justify choosing the target segment / quantify potential Peso sales
volume and target % market share)
3. Positioning (competitive advantages, positioning statement, unique selling
proposition and tagline; product / brand positioning – leader, challenger, follower
or nicher)
B. Marketing Mix / Marketing Tactics
1. Product Strategy (features/benefits, quality, service, packaging, branding)
2. Price Strategy (pricing objective & method; price comparison vs. direct rivals)
3. Channel Strategy (type of channel distribution, channel levels & members, and
logistics; distribution strategy – exclusive, selective or intensive)
4. Promotion Strategy (promotion mix decisions consistent with positioning strategy)
A. Communication Strategy (Discuss how this will contribute to the achievement of the
overall strategic and marketing goals of the company
B. Audience Analysis, Objectives, and Communication Campaign(s)
C. Message and Media (Details of the media mix, message & delivery)
Marketing Collaterals (show illustrations via pictures, sketches, and other visual
D. Implementation (Lay down the 5-year programs, timetable and expense budget)
E. Measurement (Recommend metrics to measure results related to the objectives)
A. Management insights
B. Learning points
 References/Bibliography (citations, source of info)
 Supporting Data (copies of relevant data & information)


 Use short bond (letter size) paper

 Observe 1-1/2” left margin and 1-inch margins the rest
 Write text with font type: ARIAL and size: 12
 Employ 1.5 line spacing throughout the paper
 Observe block style and justified with indent for every paragraph
 Indicate all MAJOR SECTIONS in BOLD CAPS, Subtitles in Bold Font (capitalize
each word after A,B,C sectioning), and Discussion Points in Bold Italics (capitalize
each word after 1,2,3 sectioning )
 Each major section (in BOLD CAPS) must start on a new page
 All copy-&-paste literature items must come with a citation of the original source, e.g.
“According to Kaplan (2010), the market is…..” or “The market’s volatility is due to
factors…..” (Kaplan, 2010).
 List original sources of cited literature alphabetically by author in the References
Section with complete title of article, journal or book, publisher, and pages.
 Make supporting data and promotion illustrations as attachments and part of the
Appendices (after its summary is placed in the body of the paper with the indicated
source cited as an attachment properly labelled)
 Ring-bind the final paper (with AGREED COLOR for back cover and transparent
front cover) as the project submittal
 Provide softcopy of paper, power point presentation and others (storyboard, video,
pictures, etc.) via a CD to enclosed in a paper envelope (not a plastic case) pasted on
the inside face of the back cover
 Indicate on the upper right hand corner of the cover page the encircled number
representing the order of presentation agreed in class.

SUBMISSION DEADLINES (schedule below or as agreed in class)

Week 7 (Wed) – Draft 1 [Introduction & Strategy Formulation (sections I & II)]
Week 8 (Wed) – Draft 2 [Marketing Strategy & Communications Plan (sections III & IV)]
Week 9 (Mon) – Final Paper [complete with section V, the improved drafts, and the rest of the
required contents – Executive Summary, Acknowledgment, Table of Contents, etc.]

CLASS PRESENTATION: (Weeks (9 &10): Prepare a 20-minute power point and video
presentation. Scheduled presenters must come in complete Corporate Attire as discussed
and agreed in class. Non-presenters are required to attend all presentation sessions.

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