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Wet Weather Activities for Tag Rugby

1. Dodging Skills

Split class into two ( yellow and reds in tags)

Bull Dogs: First without a ball …..two or three catchers in the middle of
a marked area. The rest of the students ( wearing tags) must run from one
end of zoned area to other . If tagged, they became a catcher.

When down to last two or 3, they become the taggers.

A great game as it teaches them to run at speed, choose a path and

eventually dodge to escape being tagged.

Bull Dodge : Have static pupils as defenders spread out

Have students in groups of 4 or so and individually they run from one end
of zoned area to other and dodge around the static defenders , score a try
on line , turn around and take the ball back to rest of team and next one
Can have 3 or 4 people going at once. Swap the defenders.


- The static defenders become less static and can reach for the tag

- Again swap defenders as and when

- Time the groups, give them 2 minutes to score as many tries as

they can

- Give points if the defenders get a tag .

- Have students in teams, score attacking and defending points

2. Ball skills / Running with the Ball

In 4’s ( ball between 4)

In a marked area , split the 4 into 2x2 , where 2 players are opposite the
other 2 ( like a shuttle run)
No 1 starts with the ball , runs across to the other side , places the ball in
next players hand, who runs across to where no1 came from, passes to
next player etc.
Teaching point: Hold ball in front in two hands ( not under the arm
as in rugby)

In 4’s ( ball between 4)

As above , two pupils at each end opposite each other.

No 1 runs with ball, half way across, scores a try, leaving ball in centre
( this can be marked by a cone) and joins end of queue opposite.
Next person then runs to ball, scoops it off floor, runs to opposite end,
gives ball to next player , who runs, scores a try, joins end of next queue
etc etc.
Teaching point: Ball must be placed down on ground with two hands
, (not bounced)
This can be timed too. How many tries can your group score in a minute.

3. Tagging :

Pupils in pairs , ball between 2

Set out a line of 4 or 5 cones for each pair ( as in a shuttle --- about 10
metres between each cone )

No 1 runs to first cone , with no2 just behind him/her . As they reach the
cone, they imagine they are tagged , so they put the ball on the ground
and play it with their foot to no2.
No 2 runs to next cone with no1 just behind, at the cone, imagines they
are tagged and repeats the action……………continue, till they get to the
end, turn around and come back.

Rabbit and hare

In pairs with tags on, No 1 5yds ahead of no2 . On “Go” No 1 runs to

score , chased by no2 . How far does he get ??? before being tagged.

No 1 has the ball, no2 is in front of No 1 in a marked zone, . No 1 runs

towards no2 and dodges past to score a try. The idea is that they run fast
and dodge around their opponent.
X 3 and swap places.
May need to mark out areas so that they do not run too wide ?

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