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To fulfill one of the tasks in introductory informatics courses

Lecturer Name : Nopianti Sa'adah, .S.Pd., M.Pd

Disusun Oleh:

Ervan Herdiansyah 1187050028

Rizal Muhamad M 1187050091





Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT, because thanks to His mercy we were able to complete a
paper entitled Computer Architecture. This paper was proposed to fulfill the task of Computer
Prayers and greetings may always be dedicated to our king Prophet Muhammad. Who brought his
teachings from the time of Zahiliyah to bright times like this.

We thank all those who helped so that this paper can be completed on time. This paper is far from
perfect, because our status is still in the learning stage, therefore we expect constructive criticism and
suggestions for the perfection of this paper.
Hopefully this paper provides information for students and is useful for developing insights and
enhancing knowledge for all of us.

Bandung, 18 Febuary 2018


Table of Content

Foreword................................................................................................................................................ ii
Table of Content................................................................................................................................... iii
Chapter I ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Formula........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Writing purpose .......................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter II .............................................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 definition of computer architecture........................................................................................... 2
2.2 Level in computer architecture .................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Types of Computer Architecture.................................................................................................. 6
2.4 KLASIFIKASI ARSITEKTUR KOMPUTER ......................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Reference ............................................................................................................................................. 10

Chapter I

1.1 Background
Science and technology always develops and progresses in accordance with the times and human
thinking, especially in the fields of information, communication and computerization. For this reason,
we want to improve human resources so that it becomes more useful in the era of globalization.

Then to make that happen, we made this paper as a task for the subjects given by the Supervising
Lecturer, as well as learning material and reference for students to study. In this case we will compile
the subject matter of computer architecture.

1.2 Formula

1. What is computer architecture?

2. State the Levels in Computer Architecture?
3. What are the computer architecture computation models ?

1.3 Writing purpose

1. To find out the meaning of architecture.

2. To find out the levels in Computer Architecture.

Chapter II


2.1 definition of computer architecture

Computer Architecture is a planning concept and basic operating structure of a

computer system. In other terms Computer Architecture is a science and art about the
procedures for interconnection between various types of hardware or hardware components
in order to give birth to a computer complementing functional, performance and financial
In terms of the field of computer engineering, computer architecture means a science that
aims to design a computer system. The von Neumann architecture or von Neumann machine
is an architecture created by John Von Neumann "1903-1957", almost all computers today
use von Neumann architecture.
In this architecture it is described that computers with four main parts, namely: articidal and
logical units (ALu), control units, memory, input and result devices "called I / O, then the
parts are connected by a wire circuit" bus "
Computer Architecture Sub-Category
There are several sub-categories in computer architecture, including:
1. Set instructions "ISA"
2. Micro architecture of ISA
3. The system design of all components in the hardware "hardware" of this computer.

Computer Architecture Is Computer Design

The computer architecture is computer design that includes:

1. Set instructions
2. Hardware or hardware component
3. System arrangement

According to Flyyn in 1966, classifying computer architecture from its properties is:

1. Number of processors
2. Number of programs that can be operated
3. Memory structure

There are several factors that influence the success of computer architecture, including:
1. Architectural benefits

2. System performance
3. System fees

There are four basic measures that determine the success of architecture, namely the
architectural benefits, namely:
1. Aplicability
2. Maleability
3. Expandability
4. Comptible

Main Section of Computer Architecture

There are two main parts to computer architecture, that is:
1. Arhitecture Instructure Set is a specification that determines how machine language
programmers interact with computers
2. Hardware System Architecture is a basic hardware subsystem, namely: CPU, memory
and OS.

the steps to Transform in Computer Architecture

There are several ways to make transformations in architecture, namely:
1. Designing a processor array
2. Apply the pipelining process
3. Make computers with multiprocessors
4. Make computers with other architectures

Factors Affecting the Success of Computer Architecture

There are several factors that influence the success of computer architecture, including:
Benefits of Architecture
1. Aplicability
2. Meability
3. Expandability
4. Compatible

System Performance
What is meant by a system performance gauge is a series of standard programs that are run
and can also be called a Benchmark on a computer that will be tested for CPU performance
1. Million Instruction PerSecond (MIPS)
2. Million Floating Point PerSecond (MFLOP)

3. VAX Unit of Performance (VUP)

Size of System I / O Performance:

1. Bandwidth operating system
2. I / O operation per second

Memory Performance Size:

1. Bandwidth Memory
2. Memory Access Time
3. Memory Size

System Fees

There are system costs, namely costs that can be measured in many ways, namely:

1. Reliability
2. Easy to fix
3. Power usage
4. Weight
5. Immunity
6. Software system interface

Computer architecture is something that is very important because it can provide various
attributes on a computer system, this is certainly very necessary for designers or users of
system software in developing a program.

2.2 Level in computer architecture

There are a number of levels in the construction and organization of computer systems. The
simplest difference between these levels is the difference between hardware and software.

1. Basic Level of Computer Architecture

At this level Hardware is the lowest and most basic level of the computer, where the
hardware "layer" software is added. The software is on hardware, uses it and controls it.
Hardarwe supports software by providing or providing operations needed by the software.

2. Multilayerd Machine
The basic level of computer architecture was then developed by looking at the whole
computer system as a "multilayered machine" consisting of several software layers above
several hardware layers.

Following these layer levels:
7 SOFTWARE LEVEL Applications Layer
6 Higher Order Software Layer
5 Operating System Layer
4 HARDWARE LEVEL Machine Layer
3 Microprogrammed Layer
2 Digital Logic Layer
1 Physical Device Layer

Information :
1. Physical Device Layer
It is a very important electrical and electronic component.
2. Digital Logic Layer
Elements at this level can store, manipulate, and transmit data in the form of simple binary
3. Microprogrammed Layer
Interpreting machine language instructions from the machine layer and directly causes digital
logic elements to perform the desired operation. So actually it is a very basic inner processor
and is controlled by the instructions of its own primitive control program which is supported
in its own inner ROM. This program instruction is called microcode and the control program
is called microprogram.
4. Machine Layer
Is the lowest level where the program can be written and indeed only machine language
instructions that can be interpreted directly by hardware.
5. Operating System Layer
Control the way all software uses the underlying hardware and also hides the hardware
complexity of other software by providing its own facilities that allow software to use the
hardware more easily.
6. Higher Order Software Layer
Includes all programs in languages other than machine language that require translation into
machine code before they can be run. When translated such programs will rely on the
underlying operating system facilities and their own machine instructions.
7. Applications Layer Is the computer language as seen by end-users.

2.3 Types of Computer Architecture
The types of computer architecture are:

1. SISD computer
Which stands for Single Instruction, Single Data is the only one that uses the Von Neumann
architecture. This is because this model only uses 1 processor. Therefore this model can be regarded
as a model for single computing. While the other three models are parallel computing that uses several
processors. Some examples of computers that use the SISD model are UNIVAC1, IBM 360, CDC
7600, Cray 1 and PDP 1.

2. SIMD computer
Which stands for Single Instruction, Multiple Data. SIMD uses many processors with
the same instructions, but each processor processes different data. For example, we want to
find number 27 in a row of numbers consisting of 100 numbers, and we use 5 processors. In
each processor we use the same algorithm or command, but the data processed is different.
For example, processor 1 processes data from the first row to the 20th order, processor 2
processes data from the order of 21 to the order of 40, as well as for other processors. Some
examples of computers that use the SIMD model are ILLIAC IV, MasPar, Cray X-MP, Cray
Y-MP, Thingking Machine CM-2 and Cell Processor (GPU
3. MISD computer
Which stands for Multiple Instruction, Single Data. MISD uses many processors with
each processor using different instructions but processing the same data. This is the opposite
of the SIMD model. For example, we can use the same case in the SIMD model example but
a different solution. In MISD if the first, second, third, fourth and fifth computers are both
processing data from a sequence of 1-100, the algorithm used for the search technique is
different in each processor. Until now there is no computer that uses the MISD model.
4. MIMD computer
hich stands for Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data. MIMD uses many processors with
each processor having different instructions and processing different data. But many
computers that use the MIMD model also include components for the SIMD model. Some
computers using the MIMD model are IBM POWER5, HP / Compaq Alpha Server, Intel
IA32, AMD Opteron, Cray XT3 and IBM BG / L.


1. Von Neumann's architecture
The von Neumann architecture (or the Von Neumann Machine) is an architecture
created by John von Neumann (1903-1957). This architecture is used by almost all computers
today. Von Neumann's architecture describes computers with four main parts: Arithmetic and
Logical Units (ALU), control units, memory, and input and output devices (collectively
called I / O). This section is connected by a wire file, "bus".

Von Neumann's Machine Criteria

1. It has a basic hardware subsystem namely a CPU, a memory and also a system I / O
2. Is a stored-computer program
3. Operate instructions in a sequential manner
4. Have a bus path between memory and CPU

In the development of modern computers, each processor consists of:

1. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

Arithmatic and Logic Unit or Arithmetic and Logic Unit functions to do all arithmetic
(mathematical) calculations and logic that occur according to program instructions. The ALU
carries out additional, subtraction, and other simple operations on its inputs and gives the
results to the output register.
2. Register.
Register is a small storage device that has a fairly high access speed, which is used to
store data and instructions that are being processed, while other data and instructions waiting
for processing are still being stored that wait for processing to be processed are still stored in
main memory. Each register can store one number until it reaches a certain maximum number
depending on its size.
3. Control Unit
Control Unit or Control Unit functions to regulate and control all the equipment on a
computer system. The control unit will regulate when the input device receives data and
when the data is processed and when it is displayed on the output device. This unit also
defines the instructions of the program. This unit also defines instructions from a computer
program, bringing data from the input device to main memory and retrieving data from main
memory for processing. If there are instructions for arithmetic calculations or logic
comparisons, then the control unit will send the instructions to ALU. The results of
processing data are carried by the control unit to main memory again to be stored, and in time
will be presented to the output tool.
4. The bus
A bus is a group of signal paths that are used to move bits of information from one
place to another, grouped according to their functions The standard bus of a computer system
is the address bus (address bus), data bus (data bus) and control bus (control bus) . Computers
use a bus or bus channel as a bus vehicle that transports passengers from one place to another,
then the computer bus transports data. The computer bus connects the CPU to RAM and
peripherals. All computers use the bus channel for the same purpose.

2. RISC Architecture
Definition of RISC
RICS stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. It is part of the architecture of the
microprocessor, is small in shape and functions as a reference for communication among
other architectures. Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) or
The first "simplified computation instruction set"
was initiated by John Cocke, a researcher from IBM at Yorktown, New York in 1974
when he proved that around 20% of instructions on a processor turned out to handle around
80% of all work. The first computer to use this RISC concept was IBM PC / XT in the 1980s.
The term RISC itself was first popularized by David Patterson, a lecturer at the University of
California at Berkely

3. CISC Architecture
Definition of CISC
Complex instruction-set computing or Complex Instruction-Set Computer (CISC)
"Collection of instructionscomplex computing ") is an architecture of the instruction set
where each instruction will run several low-level operations, such as retrieval from memory,
arithmetic operations, and storage into memory, all at once only in an instruction. The
characteristics of the CISC can be said to be the opposite of RISC.

4. Harvard Architecture
Havard Architecture uses separate memory for programs and data with addresses and
stand-alone data buses. Because of two different data and address streams, there is no need
for address multiplexing and data bus. This architecture is not only supported by parallel
buses for addresses and data, but also provides different internal organizations such that
instructions can be retrieved and encoded 11 when and data, but also provides a different
internal organization in such instructions can be furthermore, the data bus may have a
different size than the address bus.

5. Blue Gene Architecture

Blue Gene is a computer architecture designed to create the next generation of
supercomputers, which are designed to reach the speed of petaflop operations (1 map = 10 to
15), and in 2005 have reached speeds of more than 100 teraflops (1 tera = 10 to the power of
12). Blue Gene is a project between the United States Department of Energy (which finances
this project), industry (especially IBM), and academics. There are five Blue Gene projects in
development at present, including Blue Gene / L, Blue Gene / C, and Blue Gene / P.


3.1 Conclusen
Computer Architecture is a planning concept and basic operating structure of a
computer system. In other terms Computer Architecture is a science and art about the
procedures for interconnection between various types of hardware or hardware components
in order to give birth to a computer complementing functional, performance and financial
There are 7 basic levels of computer architecture, namely: Physical Device Layer,
Digital Logic Layer, Microprogrammed Layer, Machine Layer, Operating System Layer,
Higher Order Software Layer, Applications Layer.

3.2 Suggestions
In writing a paper about a computer it is better to use the most recent reference,
because the nature of technology every day even every second changes. With the latest
reference material, it is expected that the information obtained is also the latest information.



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