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Journal of Medical Virology 67:41±46 (2002)

Cytokine Gene Expression and Protein Production in

Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Children
With Acute Dengue Virus Infections
Susan J. Gagnon,1 Masuko Mori,1 Ichiro Kurane,2 Sharone Green,1 David W. Vaughn,3
Siripen Kalayanarooj,4 Saroj Suntayakorn,5 Francis A. Ennis,1 and Alan L. Rothman1*
Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research, University of Massachusetts Medical School,
Worcester, Massachusetts
First Department of Virology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan
Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand
Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health (formerly Bangkok Children's Hospital), Bangkok, Thailand
Kamphaeng Phet Provincial Hospital, Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand

Plasma leakage in dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) [Halstead, 1980]. DHF is characterized by in-
(DHF) is associated with elevated plasma levels of creased capillary permeability resulting in leakage of
cytokines. To de®ne further the contribution of plasma into the interstitial spaces, potentially culmi-
immune activation to DHF and the source of cyto- nating in hemorrhage, circulatory shock, and death.
kines, we analyzed the production of cytokines in Epidemiological studies have indicated that greater
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) ob- than 90% of individuals who develop DHF are under-
tained from children with dengue, using RT-PCR going a secondary infection with a heterologous sero-
and immunostaining. Tumor necrosis factor-a type of DV [Halstead, 1988]. Laboratory observations
(TNF-a) and TNF-b expression was detected in all indicate that patients with DHF exhibit a higher degree
samples by PCR and in < 50% of samples by of T-cell activation than do patients with DF. We
immunostaining. Interferon-g (IFN-g) expression hypothesize that DHF is the immunopathological
was detected in < 50% of samples by either consequence of a secondary DV infection, in which an
method. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-4 expression abnormally high degree of T-cell activation results in
was detected in a few samples by immunostain- the overproduction of various cytokines or chemical
ing but was not detectable by PCR. We found mediators, which may induce the capillary leak
greater expression of TNF-a and IL-4 in DHF than syndrome [Rothman and Ennis, 1999].
in dengue fever or other (non-dengue) febrile ill- Previous research has indicated that patients with
nesses. These results support the model of DV infections have increased serum or plasma levels of
immunopathogenesis of DHF. However, low cytokines, including interferon-g (IFN-g), interleukin-2
levels of cytokine expression in PBMC suggest (IL-2), tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), IL-1b, and IL-6
that cellular activation in tissues may contribute [Kurane et al., 1991; Hober et al., 1993; Green et al.,
to high serum cytokine levels in DHF. J. Med. 1999b]. However, the results of these studies have
Virol. 67:41±46, 2002. ß 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. varied, and cytokine levels have not been elevated in
KEY WORDS: RT-PCR;immunostaining;TNF-a; Grant sponsor: National Institutes of Health; Grant numbers:
IL-4; hemorrhagic fever P01 AI34533, R01 AI30624; Grant sponsor: U.S. Army Medical
Research and Material Command.
Masuko Mori's present address is Fukujuji Medical Center,
Miyagi Branch of Japan Anti-tuberculosis Association, Sendai,
Dengue virus (DV; family Flaviviridae, genus Flavi- David W. Vaughn's present address is Department of Virus
Diseases, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring,
virus, species Dengue virus) is an important cause of Maryland.
disease in many tropical and subtropical areas of the *Correspondence to: Alan L. Rothman, CIDVR/Room S5-326,
world, with estimates of up to 100 million infections University of Massachusetts Medical School, 55 Lake Ave. North,
occurring per year [Halstead, 1988]. Symptomatic Worcester, MA 01655. E-mail:
infection with DV can result in a range of clinical syn- Accepted 5 October 2001
dromes, including a mild, undifferentiated febrile ill- DOI 10.1002/jmv.2190
ness, classical dengue fever (DF), and the more severe Published online in Wiley InterScience
form of disease known as dengue hemorrhagic fever (


42 Gagnon et al.

all subjects with severe dengue disease. This ®nding Sacchi, 1987]. PCR for cytokines and b-actin was per-
could result from the dif®culties inherent in inter- formed using the primers and ampli®cation conditions
preting cytokine levels measured in the peripheral previously reported [Caceres-Dittmar et al., 1993].
blood, such as the short half-life of most cytokines and cDNA was resuspended in 200 ml of 1/20 TE, and the
the rapid binding of these molecules to either cellular reaction was carried out using 10 ml of cDNA solution in
or soluble receptors, which may preclude their detec- a ®nal volume of 25 ml, containing 0.3 mM each of 50 and
tion. Examination of cytokine production at the cel- 30 primers (synthesized at the DNA Synthesis Facility,
lular level might provide a more accurate picture of UMMS), 1.5 mM MgCl2 (Promega, Madison, WI),
cytokines produced in response to an immunological 0.2 mM each dNTP (Pharmacia Biotech), and 0.63 units
challenge [Andersson and Andersson, 1993; Mori et al., of Taq polymerase (Promega). For semiquantitative
1999]. analysis, b-actin and the cytokine of interest were
We used reverse transcription-polymerase chain ampli®ed in the same reaction. 30 primers were end-
reaction (RT-PCR) and immunocytochemical staining labeled with 32P, using T4 polynucleotide kinase
to corroborate and extend previous data, indicating that (Promega) and puri®ed using Chroma Spin-10 columns
there is a detectable level of cytokine-producing cells (Clontech Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA). A volume of
in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of DV- labeled 30 primer equivalent to 105 cpm was used in
infected individuals during acute infection. We found each reaction. PCR was performed using the hot-start
that the level of expression of TNF-a mRNA and the method [Nuovo et al., 1991].
frequencies of PBMC producing TNF-a and IL-4 were After PCR, total reaction mixtures were electro-
higher in patients with DHF than in those with DF or phoresed on a 5% polyacrylamide gel. The radio-
non-dengue febrile illnesses. activity of each ampli®ed fragment was examined
with a Betascope (Betagen, Mountain View, CA) for
MATERIALS AND METHODS 100 min, and the ratio (cpm cytokine)/(cpm b-actin)
was calculated. Speci®city of the PCR products was
Clinical Study Design con®rmed in preliminary experiments by Southern
Thai children between the ages of 6 months and 14 blot.
years were enrolled in the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Project, as previously reported [Kalayanarooj et al.,
Immunocytochemical Staining
1997]. Brie¯y, children were enrolled with undiffer-
entiated fever of < 72-hr duration. A venous blood Cells were thawed and washed once with RPMI 1640
sample was drawn daily until 1 day after defervescence, (Life Technologies) without FCS followed by a wash in
and a convalescent blood sample was drawn between N-2-hydroxyethyl-piperazine-N0 -2 ethane sulfonic acid
study days 8 and 11. Informed consent was obtained (HEPES) (Life Technologies) buffered Hank's balanced
from the parent or guardian of all participants. Human salt solution (HBSS) containing Ca2‡ and Mg2‡. Cells
experimentation guidelines of the U.S. Department of (2±3  105) were applied to coated slides (Shandon,
Health and Human Services were followed in the Pittsburgh, PA) by cytospin (Shandon) at 700 rpm for
conduct of this research. The study protocol was 10 min. Cells on cytospin slides were then ®xed with 2%
approved by the Institutional Review Boards of the paraformaldehyde (Kodak, Rochester, NY) in phos-
Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, the U.S. Army phate-buffered saline (PBS) at 48C for 15 min. After
Of®ce of the Surgeon General, and the University of washing 3 times in HBSS containing 1% saponin
Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS). (Sigma), slides were stored at 708C until examination.
Clinical diagnoses of DF and DHF were assigned Immunocytochemical staining was performed as
according to World Health Organization (WHO) cri- previously described [Mori et al., 1997]. After incuba-
teria [Anonymous, 1997]. DV infections were con®rmed tion with antibodies, slides were washed and then
by serology and virus isolation [Vaughn et al., 1997]. incubated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conju-
Cases with negative dengue serology and no virus iso- gated streptavidin (Vector Laboratories) for 10 min at
lated were categorized as other febrile illnesses (OFI). room temperature. After several washes, color was
developed with 0.03% 30 -3-diaminobenzidine tetra-
Sample Processing hydrochloride (Dojin, Kumamoto, Japan) containing
0.006% H2O2. The slides were counterstained with
Samples for PCR analysis were prepared as pre-
methyl green (Sigma) and mounted for light micro-
viously described [Gagnon et al., 2001]. For immuno-
scopy. Immunoabsorption tests for the speci®city of
cytochemical staining, PBMC were cryopreserved and
cytokine staining were performed as previously
stored in liquid nitrogen. Samples were shipped from
described [Mori et al., 1997]. Cytokine-producing cells
Thailand to UMMS on dry ice. Samples were analyzed
were counted under a Nikon Labophot-2 microscope
under code at UMMS.
(Nikon, Garden City, NY). All cell areas were examined
under  400 magni®cation to enumerate positively
PCR Analysis of Cytokine Gene Expression
staining cells. Cell frequencies were calculated using
Total cellular RNA was isolated by the acid guanidi- as the denominator the total number of cells applied to
nium-phenol-chloroform method [Chomczynski and the slide.
Cytokine Production in Dengue 43

The frequency of cytokine-producing cells in PBMC was measured by immunostaining, and calculated as cytokine-containing cells per 106 PBMC. Data are expressed as median (range; number tested).
Relative cytokine mRNA expression in PBMC was measured by semiquantitative RT-PCR, and calculated as (cpm cytokine)/(cpm b-actin). Data are expressed as median (range; number tested).
TNF-a, -b, tumor necrosis factor-a, -b; IFN-g, interferon-g; IL-2, -4, interleukin-2, -4; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; RT-PCR, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; cpm,
Statistical Analysis

0 (0±7; 10)
0 (0±8; 10)

0 (0±3; 15)
0 (0±4; 13)
0 (0±0; 14)
0 (0±3; 15)
0 (0±0; 13)
0 (0±3; 14)
0 (0±0; 15)
0 (0±5; 13)
0 (0±3; 14)
0 (0±6; 15)
0 (0±6; 13)
0 (0±0; 14)
Cytokine/b-actin ratios and frequencies of cytokine-

0 (0±0; 8)
producing cells were compared among subjects with

TABLE I. Cytokine Expression in PBMC of Children With Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), Dengue Fever (DF), or Other Febrile Illnesses (OFI)
DHF, DF, and OFI using nonparametric analyses.
P-values of  0.05 were considered statistically signi-

Cytokine proteinb

0 (0±76; 12)

0 (0±27; 9)

0 (0±10; 9)

0 (0±32; 9)
0 (0±6; 12)

0 (0±4; 15)
0 (0±2; 13)

0 (0±4; 15)
0 (0±2; 13)

0 (0±4; 15)
0 (0±7; 13)

0 (0±5; 13)
1 (0±7; 12)
Detection of Circulating

0 (0±6; 8)

0 (0±5; 7)
Cytokine-Producing Cells

Table I summarizes the results of RT-PCR assays
and immunocytochemical staining. The results are
organized according to the study day in three groups.
Study days 1±2 represent the middle of the febrile
period. Study days 3±5 correspond to the end of the

13 (0±219; 10)

0 (0±25; 12)

0 (0±23; 12)

4 (0±12; 12)
0 (0±9; 12)
0 (0±15; 8)
febrile phase and the period of plasma leakage for

0 (0±5; 8)
0 (0±0; 8)

0 (0±3; 8)
0 (0±0; 9)

0 (0±0; 8)
0 (0±0; 9)

0 (0±0; 8)
0 (0±5; 8)

3 (0±7; 8)
patients with DHF. Study days 8±11 correspond to the

early convalescent phase; subjects were asymptomatic
at this time.
Production of the Th1 cytokines TNF-a, TNF-b/
lymphotoxin, and IFN-g was detectable in many PBMC
samples at both the mRNA and protein levels using

0.28 (0.19±2.28; 11)

0.24 (0.11±5.16; 11)

0.19 (0.02±0.41; 12)

0.20 (0.07±0.43; 11)

RT-PCR analysis and immunostaining, respectively.

0.26 (0.13±3.70; 7)

0.19 (0.05±0.58; 7)

0 (0±0.09; 12)

0 (0±0.17; 11)
Low numbers (3±32 per 106 PBMC) of IL-2- and IL-4-

0 (0±0.15; 7)
producing cells were detected in one or more PBMC

samples from 9 of 34 and 18 of 33 subjects, respectively,

by immunostaining, although transcripts for these
cytokines were consistently undetectable by RT-PCR
(data not shown). PCR and immunostaining studies
were performed on different subjects, however, pre-
cluding direct correlation of the results of these two
0.28 (0.11±0.61; 10)

0.15 (0.07±0.62; 11)

0.21 (0.07±0.55; 10)
0.34 (0.10±0.85; 8)
0.29 (0.16±0.41; 6)

0.18 (0.09±0.63; 8)
Cytokine mRNAa

0 (0±0.02; 11)
0 (0±0.01; 10)
0 (0±0.02; 8)

One possible explanation for the observed differences

in the frequency of detection of speci®c cytokines using

nd (not detected); mRNA for these cytokines was consistently undetectable.

these two methods is a difference in their sensitivity.
Alternatively, the differences in results may re¯ect
differences in the half-lives of mRNA and proteins.
Because we were interested in evaluating the sponta-
neous production of cytokines, we did not stimulate the
PBMC with antigen in vitro, as done by others [Murali-
0.84 (0.17±3.02; 9)
0.69 (0.18±1.16; 8)
0.37 (0.11±1.95; 7)
0.26 (0.04±0.56; 8)
0.21 (0.06±0.78; 9)
0.15 (0.10±0.87; 8)

Krishna et al., 1998]. While the intracellular retention

0 (0±0.20; 10)
0 (0±0.10; 9)
0 (0±0.18; 8)

of cytokines caused by treatment with brefeldin A


enhances the detection of intracellular cytokines by


¯ow cytometry, this requires a period of in vitro culture.

Further, the work of others has shown that the fre-
quency of cells containing detectable cytokines in the
absence of antigenic stimulation is low using the ¯ow
cytometry method [Murali-Krishna et al., 1998]. The
immunostaining method is more sensitive than ¯ow
Study day






cytometry. We and others have shown that this method






can detect cytokine-producing cells in PBMC stimulated

in vitro with mitogen or antigen or in tissue samples
counts per minute.

from patients with other viral illnesses [Andersson and

Andersson, 1993; Mori et al., 1997, 1999].
These results support the ®ndings from previous

clinical studies, which have demonstrated elevated




levels of cytokines, including TNF-a, IFN-g, and IL-2, in



the plasma or serum of patients with acute DV infection

44 Gagnon et al.

[Kurane et al., 1991; Hober et al., 1993; Kuno and

Bailey, 1994; Green et al., 1999b]. TNF-b/lymphotoxin
production in DV-infected subjects has not been
examined previously, to our knowledge. The presence
of cytokine-producing cells in the PBMC is further
evidence of immune activation during acute DV infec-
tion, as they were consistently undetectable in PBMC
of healthy asymptomatic control subjects [Mori et al.,
1997, 1999].
The frequency of cytokine-expressing cells in the
PBMC was low, despite marked elevations in the
plasma levels of free cytokines. This difference may
indicate that a signi®cant fraction of the activated,
cytokine-producing cells are located in areas of the body Fig. 1. Expression of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) mRNA in
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of children with dengue
rather than circulating in the peripheral blood. Simi- hemorrhagic fever (DHF), dengue fever (DF), and other (non-dengue)
larly, we have found that the numbers of cytokine- febrile illnesses (OFI). Gene expression in PBMC was measured by
producing cells is much higher in the lungs and spleens semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Values shown are relative expression of
TNF-a mRNA calculated as the ratio (cpm cytokine)/(cpm b-actin). The
of patients with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome than expression of TNF-a mRNA was signi®cantly higher in subjects with
in the peripheral blood of the same patients (unpub- DHF than in those with DF (P ˆ 0.013 by the Mann-Whitney rank-
sum test). Study day 1 was the day of enrollment in the study.
lished data) [Ennis et al., 1999; Mori et al., 1999].
Although infection of circulating monocytes with DV
has been demonstrated [Halstead, 1980], it is not clear
what fraction of the total number of infected cells are in
the circulation. DV has been detected in various tissues
during acute infection, particularly the liver [Rosen
et al., 1989; Hall et al., 1991]. Dendritic cells have been
shown to be highly susceptible to DV infection in vitro
[Wu et al., 2000; Libraty et al., 2001], and skin Langer-
hans cells were found to display DV antigens in vivo
[Wu et al., 2000]. We hypothesize that some DV-speci®c
T cells are activated outside the circulation upon ex-
posure to DV-infected cells in these tissues. Alterna-
tively, DV-speci®c T cells that are activated within the
circulation may migrate into tissues as a result of in-
creased expression of adhesion molecules [Dailey, 1998;
Woods et al., 2000]. Support for this hypothesis comes
from comparing these results with the ®ndings of
Green et al that a large percentage of the circulating
CD8‡ T cells expressed CD69 during acute DV infection
[Green et al., 1999a]. Expression of CD69 is induced
early after T-cell activation, before the induction of
cytokine gene expression [Fulcher and Wong, 1999;
Zola, 2000]. Therefore, one explanation for the failure
to detect cytokine gene expression is that the activated
cells leave the circulation between these two events.

Comparison of Cytokine Production in Patients

With DHF, DF, and OFI
There were no signi®cant differences between the
three groups (DHF, DF, and OFI) in the mRNA levels or
numbers of cytokine-producing PBMC for IL-2, IFN-g, or
TNF-b. However, we did ®nd statistically signi®cant
Fig. 2. Numbers of cells producing (A) tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-
differences in TNF-a and IL-4 production. The TNF-a/b- a) or (B) interleukin-4 (IL-4) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
actin mRNA ratios measured by RT-PCR were signi- (PBMC) of children with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), dengue
fever (DF), and other (non-dengue) febrile illnesses (OFI). Cyto-
®cantly higher in patients with DHF than in those with kine production was analyzed by immunostaining. Values shown are
DF (P ˆ 0.013 by the Mann-Whitney rank-sum test, the numbers of cytokine-producing cells per million PBMC. The pro-
Fig. 1). In addition, the frequencies of TNF-a- and IL-4- duction of TNF-a and IL-4 was signi®cantly different in the subjects
with DHF, DF, and OFI (P ˆ 0.016 and P < 0.01, respectively, by
producing PBMC measured by immunostaining were Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA). Study day 1 was the day of enrollment in the
signi®cantly different among the three groups (DHF, study.
Cytokine Production in Dengue 45

DF, and OFI) (P ˆ 0.016 and P < 0.01, respectively, by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance [ANOVA], Fig. 2).
The opinions expressed are those of the authors and
Pairwise comparisons showed a statistically signi®cant
should not be construed as representing the of®cial
difference between subjects with DHF and those with
policies of the NIH or the Department of Defense.
DF in the number of IL-4-producing PBMC, while the
We thank Dr. Yuji Okamoto, Jurand Janus, Anita
difference in the number of TNF-a-producing PBMC
Leporati, and Joyce Norman for technical assistance.
was not statistically signi®cant.
We thank Drs. Suchitra Nimmannitya and Ananda
Our results are consistent with previous studies
Nisalak for supervision of the clinical study. We thank
reporting that TNF-a levels were higher in the serum or
the nurses and pediatricians at the Queen Sirkit
plasma of children with DHF than in those with DF
National Institute of Child Health and the Kamphaeng
[Hober et al., 1993; Green et al., 1999b]. Hober et al.
Phet Provincial Hospital, Thailand, for volunteer
[1996] demonstrated that in vitro exposure to DV anti-
enrollment and patient management. We thank the
gens induced the production of TNF-a from a monocytic
research nurses, technicians, technologists, and admin-
cell line. We have shown that DV-speci®c CD4‡ T
istrative personnel of the Department of Virology,
lymphocytes are also a source of TNF-a when stimu-
Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences,
lated by DV antigens [Gagnon et al., 1999]. Studies of
Bangkok, Thailand, for specimen processing, data
the effects of in vivo administration of TNF-a suggest
management, and serologic and virologic analyses.
that this cytokine could contribute to the increased
We thank Dr. Harry Towbin, Ciba-Geigy, Basel,
capillary permeability and plasma leakage character-
Switzerland, and Dr. Haruji Nakamura, Toray Indus-
istic of DHF [Tracey and Cerami, 1993].
tries, Otsu, Japan, for providing the antibodies used for
IL-4 production has not been evaluated extensively
immunohistochemical analysis. We also thank the
during acute dengue virus infections. Chaturvedi et al.
patients and their families for their participation in
[2000] reported elevated serum levels of IL-4 in pati-
this study.
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