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Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved. www.EjaculationGuru.

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Copyright Warning

This guide is copyright 2012 with all rights

reserved. It is illegal to copy, distribute, or
create derivative works from this book in
whole or in part or to contribute to the
copying, distribution, or creating of
derivative works of this book. All violators
will be prosecuted.

Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

Page 2
This guide is for informational purposes only. It is an opinion
and should be used for personal entertainment purposes
only. This guide is not to be considered as legal or personal
advice and you are responsible for your own behavior.

Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

Page 3
Welcome To Alpha Male Stamina .......................................... 6
Why Become An Alpha Male? ................................................ 8
Being An Alpha Male Will Help You Last Longer .................. 8
Being An Alpha Male Will Enhance Other Stamina
Techniques ........................................................................ 11
Being An Alpha Male Will Make Her More Attracted To You
.......................................................................................... 14
Being An Alpha Male Will Make It Easier To Get Her To
Orgasm .............................................................................. 16
How To Achieve Alpha Male Stamina .................................. 18
Your Are Not Your Emotions Or Behaviors ........................ 18
Being An Alpha Male Is Different For Everyone ................. 20
How To Identify Your True Alpha Male Self ....................... 21
The Causes Of Alpha Male Emotions ................................. 24
Emotion Cause #1 - Internal Voice .................................. 25
Emotion Cause #2 – Internal Pictures.............................. 27
Emotion Cause #3 – Physiology ....................................... 28
Creating Alpha Male Emotions .......................................... 30
Identifying Your Alpha Male - Exercise .............................. 32
Exercise ........................................................................... 33
Your Alpha Male Internal Voice Questions ...................... 34
Your Alpha Male Internal Pictures Questions .................. 36

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Your Alpha Male Physiology Questions ........................... 38
Becoming Your Alpha Male................................................ 39
Developing The Alpha Male Habit ..................................... 43
How To Develop The Alpha Male Habit And Make It A
Permanent Change ............................................................ 44
Real-World Practice......................................................... 45
Visualizing ....................................................................... 46
30 Day Essential Exercise................................................. 47
Common Questions ............................................................. 50
Question #1 – I Did The Exercise But I Still Can’t Make
Myself Feel Like An Alpha Male, What Do I Do? ................ 50
Question #2 – I Don’t Want To A “Bully” Or Aggressive, I
Thought Most People Don’t Like Alpha Males? ................. 52
Question #3 – I’m A Naturally Shy Guy So How Will This
Work For Me? .................................................................... 53
Question #4 – Remind Me How Can Being An Alpha Male
Can Help Me Last Long?..................................................... 54
Alpha Male Stamina In Practice ........................................... 56
Good Luck! ........................................................................... 58

Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

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Welcome To Alpha Male Stamina

I’m very excited to be writing this guide for you right now,
because I’m going to be sharing some very effective
methods, strategies and approaches for adopting a true
Alpha Male attitude…
The kind of attitude that where you have so much confidence
in yourself that all fear, anxiety and nerves melt away and
you become completely present and able to give your lover
incredible satisfaction…
And of course with this attitude also comes an ability to last a
whole lot longer – the reasoning behind which I’ll explain in a
But first, so we’re clear, when I talk about the concept of
becoming an “Alpha Male”, what I don’t mean is becoming
that kind of guy that people don’t like because they’re rude,
don’t care about anyone else and are just plain arrogant…
And I’m definitely NOT talking about becoming the kind of
guys who is forceful and acts without someone’s consent
(also known as rape!).
To me, that isn’t a true Alpha Male.
The kind of Alpha Male I’m talking about, and the kind I’m
going to show you how to become, is the kind of guy that
oozes confidence… The kind of guy who, when he speaks,

Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

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people listen, people react to, and people follow – especially
Becoming this kind of Alpha Male is incredibly powerful and
here’s why…

Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

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Why Become An Alpha Male?

There are many reasons why almost every guy should adopt
an Alpha Male attitude in the bedroom.
First and foremost, for the reason you’re probably reading
this right now…

Being An Alpha Male Will Help You Last Longer

As you’re going to learn in this guide one of the key

influencers on how long you last is your mental state during
In other words, the thoughts going through your head can
have a profound effect on how long you last.
And here’s why…
When you experience emotions such as fear, anxiety, stress,
nervousness and worry the actual biochemistry of your body
See, what happens when you experience these types of
emotions is that your brain triggers the release of chemicals
known as hormones into the bloodstream.
And as these hormones are released into your bloodstream
your body’s biochemistry changes.

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Now the bad news is that the hormones released during
these negative emotional states include dopamine and
And some researchers have actually found that with
increased levels of these hormones in the bloodstream, the
chances of premature ejaculation happening go up.
So quite literally, how you feel directly influences how long
you last.
And I recommend you don’t just have to look at the science
to realize that this is true.
Take a moment to think about what intuitively makes sense
to you…
When you think about it, doesn’t it just make sense that as
you become more nervous and anxious you are more likely
to orgasm prematurely?
This is the reason why just about every guy in the world had
problems with premature ejaculation when they first started
having sex, because since they’d never had sex before they
were really nervous about having it. And this nervousness
causes so many young men to orgasm early.
Now what happens to many men is that as they grow older
they get less anxious and nervous about sex and therefore
become able to last longer…

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But for the less lucky guys, like my old self, and probably you
since you’re reading this, this nervousness doesn’t just
naturally go away.
It hangs around and keeps causing premature ejaculation.
And it probably will keep causing it unless you break your
pattern of nervousness and anxiety.
See, what happens is that most guys who suffer from
premature ejaculation get caught up in a negative self-
fulfilling spiral…
What happens is, they experience premature ejaculation,
they feel bad about it, then worry about it happening again,
then because of this worry it encourages it to happen again,
then they feel bad about it again, they keep worrying about
it, and the spiral continues.
This is why learning to become an Alpha Male can have such
a profound impact on your stamina.
Adopting the mindset of the Alpha Male will help you break
this negative pattern, because you’ll be inserting a new way
of thinking into the negative spiral, therefore causing the
spiral to break.
Instead of having negative thoughts of worry and anxiety,
you’ll instead have thoughts of confidence, leadership and
focusing on making your lover feel incredible…

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As a result of which, you’ll be able to last much longer,
because you won’t have any of the hormones associated with
premature ejaculation present in your bloodstream.

Being An Alpha Male Will Enhance Other Stamina


Besides eliminating the downsides of fear and anxiety,

becoming an Alpha Male also carries its own unique upsides.
Becoming an Alpha Male will make all other stamina
techniques taught in Ejaculation Guru significantly more
This means you’ll see results much quicker and the
techniques you’ll implement will produce better results – in
other words, an Alpha Male attitude will help you last much
longer much faster.
The reason for this is because having an Alpha Male state of
mind completely changes your execution of techniques.
And the difference in result between a technique that is
executed badly and very well is HUGE.
A great way to understand how mindset can affect results is
with this example…
Think for a second about how kids are taught classes at
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During lessons there may be 20 kids in the room and each
one of them receives the exact same information from the
No kid is taught more than any other.
Does this means when they go to sit exams they all score the
exact same grade?
Rarely is this the case.
So why do grades vary so much between kids who have been
taught the exact same information in the exact same way?
Well, you could argue that it has something to do with
intelligence or innate ability to memorize, and this certainly
will play a role, but I’d argue that more than anything what
causes the kids to get different grades is their mindset.
Think for a second how the behavior and action of kids varies
at school…
During class some will spend all their time texting or talking
to a friend.
Others may spend all their time drawing random pictures in
their notebook or looking out of the window day-dreaming
about something else.
And then there will be some who are passionate and driven
to get the absolute best grade, perhaps because they enjoy
learning, want to please their parents or know they need to

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get a good grade to achieve a long-term goal like get into a
certain college or university.
Can you now see why the results will vary between these
Sure, memory and I.Q. may play a part, but what’s really
making the difference here when you look at the kids
It’s their mindset.
It’s their attitude and approach to implementing what’s
Every kid in that classroom has the potential to achieve a top
grade (barring some intellectual disability), but what finally
gets them the result is having a powerful mindset that drives
them to pay close attention, take notes, work hard, do extra
homework if they don’t yet understand something, and
operate with maximum effectiveness during exams.
Well the same is true when it comes to your mindset when
implementing techniques in the bedroom.
When you learn to adopt the attitude of a true Alpha Male
not only will you find yourself more passionate about
learning the techniques, but when you go to implement them
they’ll work so much better because you’ll have a positive
attitude that gives you the determination to get results.

Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

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You’ll no longer worry if a technique doesn’t work perfectly
first time, because if this does happen you’ll analyze what
went wrong, figure it out and then return with a positive
attitude and more confidence that it’s going to work,
because you now know what doesn’t work.
Instead of holding an old negative mindset that some men
adopt where they believe nothing can work so what’s the
point in even trying (I’m sure you don’t think this, otherwise
you wouldn’t be reading this, but some guys really do think
this way).
My point is that adopting a true Alpha Male attitude really
can increase the effectiveness of other stamina techniques
you apply 10x, and I’m going to show exactly how to adopt
this Alpha Male mindset in this guide.

Being An Alpha Male Will Make Her More Attracted To You

What is it that women find more attractive than anything

else in a man?
That’s it.
If you boil down all the “dating advice” out there, it all
essentially comes down to confidence.

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Forget being rich, handsome, tall, successful or anything else
society teaches us is required to attract women.
Although those things can help, it’s really not the defining
In fact I bet you can think of multiple examples of someone
you know or have heard about who is neither rich,
handsome, tall, etc. but still somehow has women majorly
interested in him.
And I bet you’ve also heard many stories of rich, handsome,
tall, etc. men who live alone and suck at attracting or keeping
a woman in their life attracted to them.
The fact of the matter is, that above all confidence is key
when it comes to attracting women and keeping a woman
interested in you.
And one of the key elements of being Alpha Male is
An Alpha Male is someone of pure confidence.
That’s not to say he doesn’t sometimes doubt himself or is
perfect in every way, but he is someone who believes in
Once you learn to become an Alpha Male you’ll have bags of
confidence and as a result you’ll be so much more attractive
to women and if you’re already in a relationship, you’ll

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suddenly notice your lover being way more attracted to you
than ever before.

Being An Alpha Male Will Make It Easier To Get Her To


This is a natural extension of the fact that women are

irresistibly attracted to Alpha Males.
Many of the times when a guy has problems getting a woman
to orgasm it’ll all because she just isn’t attracted enough to
See, what you may not realize yet is that women are wired
totally differently to men when it comes to sexual pleasure
and attraction.
For men, often all they need is a picture of hot woman or
some intense physical stimulation – and they’ll be aroused
and easy to get to orgasm.
For women on the other hand, they require emotional
It’s not enough to just strip down and then grab a woman’s
boobs to get her turned on (unlike what porn might teach
You have to learn to stimulate her emotions in a way that
turns her on and gets her lusting for sex.
Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.
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But since men don’t naturally work this way, most men never
figure this out and as a result most men are very lousy lovers
(in fact, I’ve read studies showing that as much as 89%
women fake their orgasms regularly – and most of their men
don’t even realize they’re faking it!).
What’s great about becoming an Alpha Male is that being
this way is naturally attractive to a woman.
Being a true confident Alpha Male signals right to the
unconscious part of a woman’s mind telling her to become
attracted and horny…
Because it’s the ultimate emotional stimulation to a woman
to be with a man who is a true Alpha Male.
And emotional stimulation is what it takes to really satisfy a
And if on top of that you add great physical stimulation, then
you’ve got a recipe for giving your lover the most explosive
and intense orgasms of her life.

Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

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How To Achieve Alpha Male Stamina

So hopefully by now you realize just how much of a dramatic

impact becoming an Alpha Male can have on your sexual
stamina and on your entire sex life.
Now let’s talk about the steps for how to become a true
100% authentic Alpha Male.

Your Are Not Your Emotions Or Behaviors

Before I can teach you anything about becoming a true Alpha

Male you’ve got realize this…
You are not your emotions or behaviors.
And what I mean by that is not matter what “labels” you’ve
given to yourself in the past, that’s not who you really are.
For example, a lot of guys give themselves labels like “I’m not
good with women”, “I can’t last long in bed”, “I’m not a
confident guy”, “I’m a shy person”, “I’m not good in bed”,
etc. – the list goes on.
But the mistake guys make when giving themselves these
kind of labels is that they’re mistaking emotions or behaviors
for identity.
For example…

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When someone says “I’m a shy person” what they really
mean is “I often behave shyly”.
And there’s a big difference between these statements.
Because I bet that if you were to ask that shy person “Has
there ever been a time in your life when you were confident
at something – either with certain types people, or while
doing a certain type of thing?” then they’d be able to tell you
that there was at least one time (and probably many) when
they were confident.
So what does that mean?
It means that it’s inaccurate for them to label themselves as
“shy”, because that can’t be who they really are if they’ve
acted confident in the past.
A correct way to describe themselves would be to say “I’ve
often acted shy in the past”.
Now, the reason this is so powerful is because it puts that
person back in control.
See, when you give yourself a limiting label you’ll act in order
to stay in line with that label.
For example, a person who considers themselves to be shy is
less likely to act confident if the opportunity arises compared
to someone who understands that their shyness is only a
Why am I telling you all this?
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Because if you’ve given yourself any limiting labels, such as
“I’m a shy guy” or anything similar that may be limiting your
ability to adopt an Alpha Male mindset, then now is the time
to let those labels go.
Realize that it’s a just a label and you are not your behaviors
or emotions.
You have full ability to choose your emotions and behaviors.
This is very important to grasp, because what I’m going to
share for the rest of this guide is not about “fake it ‘till you
make it”, this is about showing you how you can right now
become a true Alpha Male – and that’s no matter how shy or
unconfident you used to consider yourself to be.

Being An Alpha Male Is Different For Everyone

The next key understanding to grasp is that there is no one

specific way to be the perfect Alpha Male.
Becoming an Alpha Male means becoming your own version
of an Alpha Male.
We’ll get into specifics in a bit, but to give you an example of
what I mean…
Some guys consider may themselves being an Alpha Male
when they talk a lot and take control of conversations with
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But then other guys may consider themselves being an Alpha
Male when they take their time to speak, but when they
speak they speak with intention and clarity.
Neither is right or wrong, but everyone has their own way of
being an Alpha Male – and this translates the same into the
There’s no right or wrong, but there is an Alpha Male
approach for you.
And in this guide I’ll show you how to find your own Alpha
Male approach that suits you.
This again aligns with the idea of not “faking it ‘till you make
it”, because you won’t be faking anything when you find your
true Alpha Male self and allow yourself to become that in the

How To Identify Your True Alpha Male Self

Alright, so now you know that being an Alpha Male is all

about finding that part of you within yourself and it’s not
about trying to be someone else or what you “consider” to
be an Alpha Male.
By the end of this guide, being an Alpha Male should be
something that comes naturally to you and therefore you’ll
naturally be lasting a lot longer in bed.

Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

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So how do you identify your true Alpha Male self?
Well, it all starts with understanding what creates emotions
and mindsets.
Here’s what I mean.
During your lifetime you’ll have experienced a wide variety of
From shyness, to confidence, from happiness, to sadness,
from anger, to compassion, and everything in between.
And just as you’ve experienced these emotions you can
experience the emotion of being an Alpha Male.
Like we discussed earlier, being shy, confident or an Alpha
Male is not an identity, but it’s an emotion experienced at a
point in time.
Sometimes we may feel shy, sometimes we may feel
However, if we want to learn to take control of our lives and
especially to learn to become an Alpha Male who can last
long in bed, then we can’t afford to just let random emotions
arise by chance…
We have to learn exactly what triggers these emotions in us
so we can consciously create our desired emotions when we
want them – for example so we can trigger the emotion of
feeling like an Alpha Male when we’re about to have sex.

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And, by the way, this isn’t some new age “woo-woo” stuff,
this is the scientific study of cause and effect.
Every time you experience a certain type of emotion
something will have caused you to experience it.
The chances are that up until this point if you’re like most
people you probably just never thought of emotions as
something that you can create, you probably just thought
they were something that is experienced.
However, the good news is that now you’re reading this, you
know what’s really possible.
And when you do figure out what the cause of a desired
emotion is then you have ultimate power, because you can
now create it over and over again.
And that’s exactly what you’re going to be doing in the
coming chapters… You’re going to figure out what triggers
you feeling the emotions of being an Alpha Male so you can
consciously trigger those emotions over and over again.
Once again, this isn’t “woo-woo” or new age weirdness – this
is the study of cause and effect and has the power to put you
in the driving seat of your sex life…
Because – think about it – if you have the power to choose
which emotions you experience during sex, that means you

Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

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 Feel like more of an Alpha Male and therefore be more
attractive and sexy to your lover
 Choose not to experience negative emotions such fear,
anxiety, worry and nervousness
 Last a whole lot longer, because you won’t have as
much of the limiting hormones such as adrenaline and
dopamine flowing through your bloodstream (discussed
 You’ll have the passion and drive to correctly implement
effective techniques for lasting longer so that even if
you face a temporary setback, instead of causing you to
give up, you’ll be so motivated that you’ll learn from
your mistakes and use these mistakes as learning
experiences to drive you towards your inevitable
success with orgasm control.

The Causes Of Alpha Male Emotions

To understand how to create Alpha Male emotions, let’s start

with what causes any emotion to be experienced.
And there are in fact 3 causes of emotions and they can be
broken down as follows…
1. Internal Voice
2. Internal Pictures
3. Physiology

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So what these means is that whenever we experience an
emotion, it will be made up of each of these 3 causes.
Let me explain each step in detail and I’ll use the emotion of
“shyness” as an example

Emotion Cause #1 - Internal Voice

All the time we have a voice in our head that is talking to us.
I’m not talking about a crazy voice like you see in the movies
that tells an insane person to go burn things…
I’m talking about a voice that often runs in the background
and basically makes up our thoughts.
Whenever we think about something there is a voice element
to it.
Let me explain what I mean…
Let’s take the example of when someone experiences the
emotion of “shyness”.
How this emotion is experienced is different for everyone,
but often while experiencing this state people will say
phrases like “Am I doing this right?”, “Am I coming across
OK?”, “Does he or she like me?”, “I hope I don’t do anything
embarrassing”, etc.

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And what happens is that these phrases actually contribute
to the person feeling shy.
They are a cause for (and not an effect of) that person feeling
Think about it - can you see how someone might feel nervous
if their internal voice was saying phrases like this?
All these phrases pre-suppose that the person asking them is
vulnerable, should be cautious and hesitant and should not
take any risks.
Can you see how saying things like this might cause a person
to act “shy”?
Hopefully your answer is a resounding YES, because it would
be pretty difficult not to feel shy if you repeated questions
like that over and over again in your head – no matter who
you were.
But just like repeating the above phrases over and over again
would make you feel shy, if you were to repeat a different
phrase over and over again then it would produce a different
This is a very important point to grasp because it shows how
a person’s internal voice can have a huge effect on how they
That’s why internal voice is one of the 3 key elements that
cause a person to experience any type of emotion.

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Emotion Cause #2 – Internal Pictures

The second cause of any emotion that a person experiences

is internal pictures.
And just as every person has an internal voice running
through their head, every person also has internal pictures or
And depending on exactly which pictures a person displays in
their head at any point in time, how they feel will vary
To help explain this, let’s return to look at the example of a
person feeling “shy”…
Again, how this emotion is experienced will vary for
everyone, but some examples of internal pictures a person
feeling shy will have in their head may include…
“Visualizing themselves getting rejected by another person”,
“visualizing themselves making a joke and then no one
laughing”, “visualizing themselves getting a negative reaction
from someone when trying something new”, “visualizing the
person they’re with not liking them or disapproving of them”,
the list can go on and on.
So what happens is, just like how internal voice effects
emotions, when a person displays certain pictures in their
head this too causes certain emotions to be experienced.

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Another way to think of it is like this…
If that same person above were to run different images
through their head – such as of people liking them, seeing
themselves succeed, seeing themselves being loved for doing
great things, then don’t you think how they felt would be
totally different?
The answer is that it would make a huge difference in how
that person felt and the emotions they experienced.
This is why internal pictures are also a key cause of any
emotional state, because if you change the pictures in your
head then you change how you feel.
(Note: I’ll explain exactly how you can use all this to your
advantage in just a bit)

Emotion Cause #3 – Physiology

The final of the 3 causes of any emotion is physiology.

And the best way to see how this can impact your emotions
is by looking at two extremes of emotions…
Say we were to take two people very similar in looks, but one
of whom was feeling incredibly depressed and sad and one of
whom was feeling incredibly confident and on top of the

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And we were to place these two people side by side… would
you still be able to tell the difference between the two?
Most people would answer with “of course”.
So how is it possible that these two people can be so clearly
distinguished even if they have similar looks?
It’s because by looking at how someone is carrying
themselves (in other words, their physiology) we instinctively
know how they feel.
And this is because emotion is intimately linked with
If you were to ask any person “how do you think these two
people would look different?” they would inevitably answer
with comments like…
“The depressed person will have drooping shoulders, a sad
facial expression, will probably be moving slowly and
hesitantly and will probably be breathing shallow breaths”
“The confident person will have their shoulders back, chest
out, a big smile on their face while looking up towards the
sky, they’d move with clarity and purpose and probably be
breathing slow deep breaths”
Just by looking at the two people it’s obvious that they’re
feeling different emotions.
But how can it be so obvious?

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Because since emotions are linked to physiology – how they
look tells the story of how they feel.
And so the lesson to take from this is not that depressed
people look a certain way (this would be confusing cause
with effect) – the lesson to take is that if you can change your
physiology then you can influence the emotions you
Think about it…
Don’t you think it would be pretty hard to feel sad and
depressed if you made yourself smile broadly, take deep
breaths, place your shoulders back and your chest out and
move with energy and intention?
For me personally it’s very difficult to feel depressed while
carrying my body in this kind of way.
And the reason is because physiology is a key cause of any
And just like with internal voice and internal pictures, if we
can learn to strategically change our physiology we can learn
to influence our emotions.

Creating Alpha Male Emotions

So we’ve now covered the 3 causes of what it takes for any

emotion to be experienced.
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Now we’re going to take this understanding of the 3 causes
of emotions and show you how to use this to take complete
control over your emotions before and during sex (or
whenever you want for that matter).
In particular we’re going to focus on how you can learn to
consciously create the emotional state of feeling like and
being a true Alpha Male so that you can last long in bed and
deeply satisfy your lover.
And the way this is going to work is - we’re going to run
through a special exercise that will help you figure out what
causes you feel like a true Alpha Male so you can recreate
that emotion or state of mind as often as you like.
The way this is going to work is very simple, but if it doesn’t
make complete sense yet, don’t worry, because it will all
make sense to you by the end of this section.
How can you figure out what causes you to feel like a true
Alpha Male?
Well, the best way to figure this out is through answering a
series of questions.
By answering these questions you’ll establish what your
internal voices, internal pictures and physiology are that
cause you to feel like an Alpha Male.

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Then, once you know what all these elements are, you’ll have
the power to consciously create them as often as you like so
you can feel like an Alpha Male whenever you want to.
Overall it’s a very simple process and easy thing to do, but to
get there you first need to figure out what your causes are
for feeling like an Alpha Male.
So let’s get started…

Identifying Your Alpha Male - Exercise

In this exercise you’re going to identify what has to happen

for you to feel like an Alpha Male using a series of questions.
I highly recommend that you write down your answers to the
questions below.
If you haven’t printed this out, then go ahead and use some
document software or write this down on some paper.
It is essential that you record your answers in some way.
Doing this in your head will be nowhere near as effective as
writing your answers down.
It’s very important you do this correctly and if you’re serious
about learning how to become an Alpha Male who can
naturally last long in bed and is irresistibly attractive and sexy
to your lover then you must do this exercise in full.

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With that said, let’s get on to the exercise and questions…


I’d like you to think back and remember a time when you felt
supremely confident, unstoppable and like a true leader (in
other words – like a true Alpha Male), it doesn’t matter what
specifically you were doing, you may have been doing a
hobby, some work or interacting with someone in a
particular way. Whatever it is, I’d like you to really bring
yourself back into that moment of time and see and feel as if
you were there right now.
And by the way, if you’re thinking you can’t think of a time
when you felt supremely confident, unstoppable and like a
true leader, then ask yourself “what if I could remember a
time when I felt supremely confident?” or “if I could feel
supremely confident what would that look like?”
And again, bring yourself into that moment as if you were
there right now.
If you need to take a minute or so to relax and close your
eyes to really associate with that moment of time then do so
This is a very important part of this overall exercise - you
must feel deeply associated with feeling like a true Alpha

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Male if you want to get powerful answers to the upcoming
If you need some more time to get yourself immersed in this
Alpha Male state of mind then do take it.

Your Alpha Male Internal Voice Questions

While in this moment of feeling supremely confident I’d like

you to answer the following questions and write down your
Write as many answers as you can think of that are relevant
to the question, because this will empower you later on.
1. If you could identify the words or phrases you were saying
to yourself while feeling supremely confident, what would
they be? (Write down every one you find yourself saying while
in this state) (Examples = “YES!” “Come On!” “I Love It!” “I’m
F#@]ing Unstoppable!” – if you use profanity, don’t be afraid
to write it down)

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2. If you could identify the words or phrases you were saying

to yourself while feeling supremely confident, how would you
say them? (Write down every one you find yourself saying
while in this state) (Examples = Shouting them loud in my
head, With incredible clarity, Very high volume, With a
supreme confidence)

Those are the two questions needed for identifying your

internal voice when you feel like a true Alpha Male.
It’s important you write full comprehensive answers and be
as descriptive as possible, because the more detail in which
you write the easier it’ll be for you to quickly recreate that
Alpha Male state of mind in the future.

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Side-note: Did you notice yourself feeling any different while
doing this exercise?
Rarely do people take the time to think about what causes
them to feel supremely confident, but when you make a
conscious effort to revisit that it can be very empowering.
Anyway, on to the next questions…

Your Alpha Male Internal Pictures Questions

Return to the moment where you felt supremely confident,

unstoppable and like a true leader (in other words, like an
Alpha Male).
Now answer the following questions and write down your
Write as many answers as you can think of that are relevant
to the question, because this will empower you later on.
1. If you could identify the images or movies you played in
your head while feeling supremely confident, what would
they be? (Write down every one you find yourself playing
while in this state) (Examples = “People paying attention to
what you say” “People reacting positively to what you say”
“People giving you love and appreciation for you actions”
“You helping and leading others and seeing them respond
positively to that” “People’s lives positively changing as a

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result of your interaction with them” “You being happy and

2. If you could identify the images or movies you played in

your head while feeling supremely confident, how would they
be played in your head? (Write down every one you find
yourself playing while in this state) (Examples = “Large” “Fast
Paced Movies” “Close To You” “In Full Color” “A 1st Person
Point Of View Where You’re Seeing Things Happen”)

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Those are the two questions needed for identifying your
internal pictures when you feel like a true Alpha Male.
Again, make sure you write very full and comprehensive
answers. Go back and write more if you think you can add to

Your Alpha Male Physiology Questions

Return to the moment where you felt supremely confident,

unstoppable and like a true leader.
Now answer the following questions and write down your
Write as many answers as you can think of that are relevant
to the question, because this will empower you later on.
1. If you could identify your physiology and how you carried
yourself while feeling supremely confident, how would you be
carrying yourself? (Write down as many things as you can
think of)
IMPORTANT = Provide answers that cover all the following;
how you hold your shoulders, your facial expression, how you
carry your overall body, what kind of gestures you make, how
you breathe, the energy you have, do you adopt any kind of
body position?, do you have any positive tension in your
body?. Try to go into as much detail as possible, e.g. with

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facial expression you could include smile, how your eyebrows
are, the look in your eye, your facial tension, are you
nodding?, etc.

For Alpha Male physiology there is only one question, but it is

essential you provide maximum amount of detail in your
Go back and write more if you think you can add to your

Becoming Your Alpha Male

You now have a complete outline of what it takes for you to

feel like a true Alpha Male.

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The next stage is learning to how to “flip your Alpha Male
switch”, so you can feel like a true Alpha Male whenever you
This is when the real power comes in, because if you can flip
this switch whenever you start having sex, you’ll effectively
be flipping a switch to dramatically increase your stamina
and eliminate all your fears and anxieties.
So how can “flip your Alpha Male switch”?
Well this part is actually the easiest part.
You’ve already done all the hard work in the previous
section, which is figuring out exactly what your triggers or
causes are for feeling like a true Alpha Male.
When it comes to flipping your Alpha Male switch, all that
takes is consciously acting out the causes you figured out in
the previous section.
Here’s what I mean.
If you ever want to feel like an Alpha Male, all you have to do
is look through the answers you wrote out in the exercise you
completed earlier and then consciously act out those causes.
To help explain, let me give you an abbreviated sample
answer to the earlier questions and how you would then use
them to allow yourself to feel like an Alpha Male.

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Abbreviated Sample Answer
Please note these answers are heavily abbreviated for
illustration purposes. I would expect your answers to be
much more detailed.
Alpha Male internal voices = “I am unstoppable” said “with
commanding volume and with crystal clarity”
Alpha Male internal pictures = “Movie of me leading others
and seeing others react positively and giving me love” shown
in “full color and very large”
Alpha Male physiology = “Shoulders back, chest out and with
a huge smile on my face”
So if these were your answers, then all it would take to feel
like an Alpha Male would be to repeat those internal voices
in your head in exactly the same way you described them,
visualize your internal pictures or movies exactly how you
described them and to carry your physiology in the exact
same way as you described it.
And if you do all this exactly as you describe it, you’ll
INSTANTLY feel like an Alpha Male.
That’s no exaggeration.
It really is an instant shift.
But just reading through your answers won’t do it for you.
It takes really acting it out.

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That means shifting the way you’re holding your body and
your entire physiology and completely changing what’s going
through your head.
This is not an intellectual exercise.
It’s something that will only work when you do it.
But when you do do it – you’ll immediately realize the
immense power you now have, because it really is an instant,
yet transformational shift.
And right here is the real recipe for becoming a true Alpha
As you can now see it doesn’t require “faking it ‘till you make
it” or trying to be someone else.
It requires you tapping into the resources you already have,
which is the power to use your mind and body in a way that
allows you to feel incredible.
And what will happen when you do access this emotion by
“flipping the switch” and acting out all the causes you
discovered earlier, is that you’ll instantly feel like a true Alpha
As a result you’re lover will immediately be able to tell the
If you act out your Alpha Male emotion to fullest extent by
truly living all your causes that you worked out earlier – your
lover will become a different person because she’ll be
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responding to the true Alpha Male that already exists within
She’ll be more attracted, turned on and more excited about
sex than you may have ever seen her before.
Plus you’ll be able to last much longer because you’ll
implement stamina techniques more effectively.
And on top of that, since your mind and body are focused on
feeling supremely confident and unstoppable, there won’t be
any room for you to feel anxious or nervous, so you’ll be able
to last even longer.
And all this takes is consciously acting out your “triggers” or
causes for feeling like an Alpha Male.
There really is no other secret other than to do it!

Developing The Alpha Male Habit

So now that you know that becoming an Alpha Male really is

as simple as acting out your triggers for it, the next step is to
develop a habit of entering this Alpha Male state before and
during sex.
This is so important, because although you’ve now
discovered that you have the potential to become an Alpha
Male whenever you want, what can happen is that you’ll

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forget to enter the Alpha Male emotional state simply
because you get caught up in your old patterns.
See, most guys have been living with their existing emotional
patterns for so long, perhaps for you that is anxiety and
stress before and during sex, that these emotions become a
And although these negative emotions may not be something
you enjoy, because you may have become comfortable and
accustomed to experiencing them, it can be easy to fall back
into the trap of experiencing them without even realizing.
Therefore the key is to consciously develop a new habit of
entering the Alpha Male emotional state regularly, especially
just before sex.

How To Develop The Alpha Male Habit And Make It A

Permanent Change

Now breaking old habits can be a difficult thing.

As I just described, many guys (including myself) get addicted
to our existing habits even if they’re not empowering us.
So how can you change it…?
By consciously practicing new habits.
This is the only way to make the change permanent.

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See, although you have the power to right now feel like a
true Alpha Male, it’s likely that at some time in the future
something will happen, perhaps you may have a negative
experience in the bedroom or something else, and you’ll be
thrown out of your new Alpha Male state and you’ll resort
back to your old (and more comfortable) habits.
Now I’m not pointing figures, because everyone including
myself makes this mistake from time to time.
But the way to minimize the times when you fall back into
old limiting habits like worry and anxiety is by practicing
experiencing your Alpha Male emotions in all situations
where you’d like to have it as often as possible.
And there are two ways to do this…
1. Real-world practice
2. Visualizing
And I recommend you do both in the way I describe as

Real-World Practice

As often as possible you need to consciously put yourself into

your Alpha Male emotional state before and during sex.
There isn’t any secret to this, again it takes doing it.

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The key is remembering to do it.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the moment and to slip into
negative, but more comfortable emotional patterns –
especially if you’ve been doing it for a long time, but you’ve
got to make a conscious effort to act out your Alpha Male
state causes (i.e. your internal voices, internal pictures and
The more you practice entering your Alpha Male emotional
state, the more natural it will become to you, and eventually
you’ll just experience it naturally during sex.


This is possibly even more powerful than real-world practice,

and here’s why…
It’s been said that your subconscious mind can’t tell the
difference between real-world events and those you vividly
What this means is that although you may consciously know
when you’re visualizing something, all your subconscious
knows is that it’s another event.
And since your subconscious likes to steer you towards what
feels familiar and comfortable, it helps to consciously

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practice visualizing being in your Alpha Male emotional state
of mind.
What this does is it helps provide your subconscious with
more references of you living in your Alpha Male emotional
state and therefore it’ll support you in entering it when it
comes to real-world situations when you’re actually having
Here’s an example of how to do this and then afterwards I’ll
explain why this works so well…

30 Day Essential Exercise

For the next 30 days I recommend that you take 10 minutes

every day (ideally first thing in the morning) to practice the
#1 – Spend 5 minutes consciously experiencing true Alpha
Male emotions.
By this I mean running through all the causes you wrote
down in the exercise we completed earlier and then acting
them out. That means saying the correct words in your head,
visualizing the appropriate images and movies and carrying
your body in the way you described in the exercise.

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By the end of the 5 minutes you should be completely
immersed in your Alpha Male emotions and truly feel like an
Alpha Male.
If you do this on a daily basis it’ll become easier and easier to
quickly access your Alpha Male emotional state.
#2 – Spend 5 minutes visualizing being an Alpha Male before
and during sex
This is an essential step.
What I mean by this is to picture yourself being in this Alpha
Male state before and during sex.
Visualize the situation vividly.
Picture all the different possible scenarios in which you might
be while in this state.
What this will do is it will create references for your
subconscious mind so that it’s much easier to experience
your Alpha Male emotions during sex, than it would
otherwise be.
This means that you’ll be much less likely to fall into any old
negative emotions that may have encouraged premature
ejaculation before, because your subconscious mind will have
practiced multiple times becoming a true Alpha Male during
As far as your subconscious knows you’ll have been an Alpha
Male during sex for the last 100 times that you did it,
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therefore why wouldn’t it help you enter that state of mind
again when it comes to the real thing?
This is so so powerful and I can’t even begin to emphasize
how important it is that you practice this visualization,
because it’ll make experiencing the Alpha Male state so much
easier during sex and it’s the single most powerful way to
create an new habit, especially when old past habits have
held you back for a long time.
Overall it’s a very simple exercise and performing this
exercise daily will help make being an Alpha Male a natural
part of who you are as a person.
And if learning to last long in bed is important to you, then I
think it’s worth taking just 10 minutes per day for the next 30
days when this has the potential to transform your stamina
and your entire sex life as well.
Now I do want to point out that without doing this daily
exercise you can still use all the Alpha Male strategies and
ideas I’ve shared with you to help you last longer and
improve the quality of your sex life, because what you’ve
learned means you have the power to feel like an Alpha Male
whenever you want…
But what I want to make clear is that if you follow the above
30 day daily exercise you’ll make being an Alpha Male a
natural part of who you are so it’ll eventually happen without
you even thinking about it.

Jack Grave © 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

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Common Questions

In teaching this concept I do get asked a few questions about

it, so in this section I want to cover my answers to those

Question #1 – I Did The Exercise But I Still Can’t Make

Myself Feel Like An Alpha Male, What Do I Do?

Firstly, if you’re ever struggling to get into an Alpha Male

state of mind I recommend you ask yourself this question or
forms of it…
“What if I could feel like an Alpha Male? What would I say to
myself, what would I see in my head, how would I carry my
body, etc.?”
What you’ll notice is that by asking this question it gets
around the problem of not being able to get into the
emotional state by using the term “what if I could?”
This is very powerful and I highly recommend you try it.
Also, make sure that when you ask this question, you do so
with complete expectancy of answer.
If you ask it with a hopeless or defeatist attitude your mind
won’t work to find the answer for you.

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I also recommend that you try and explore in more detail
each of the 3 causes of emotional states; internal voices,
internal pictures and physiology.
Try and take the level with which you describe and see these
to an even deeper level. This will help you experience the
emotion more intensely.
I also recommend you practice asking the question “What if I
could experience my Alpha Male emotions with even more
intensity? What would I say, see and do then?”
This will help you explore the different factors in even more
Finally I would like to remind you that as part of the exercise
it is essential that you actually act out all the different causes.
It’s one thing to in your head think about having your chest
out, but it’s another to actually put your chest out, breathe
deeply and say the positive words and visualize the positive
images in your head.
If you’re having problems finding your Alpha Male state it’s
probably just because you’re not associated enough with it.

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Question #2 – I Don’t Want To A “Bully” Or Aggressive, I
Thought Most People Don’t Like Alpha Males?

If you’re asking this, then you’ve misinterpreted my

definition of Alpha Male.
When I say Alpha Male I’m using it as a way to describe how
a person is when they feel confident, unstoppable and like a
leader… In other words, when they feel great about
themselves and are in a powerful emotional state.
This is definitely not to be confused with someone who is
abusive, immoral, aggressive or harsh to other people… or
someone who forces someone to do something against their
will, such as rape (I definitely would NEVER suggest you do
anything like that).
That’s not my definition of an Alpha Male.
Alpha Male is just a label for when a person feels empowered
and therefore feels more confident, less likely to feel nervous
and anxious, and is more likely to be attractive to the
opposite sex.
Specifically how someone behaves like an Alpha Male will
vary for everyone, that’s why in the question based exercises
I got you to fill in your own answers of what you do when you
feel on top of the world, so you can create your own
definition of what it is to be an Alpha Male.

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Question #3 – I’m A Naturally Shy Guy So How Will This
Work For Me?

I mentioned this earlier in this guide, but it’s an important

point to answer if you are curious about this.
If you consider yourself to be a “shy guy” then the key is to
realize that you’re not actually a “shy person” – what’s
actually happened is that you’ve developed a habit of
behaving shy.
And using what I teach in this guide you can change these
habitual behaviors and you can be however you want to be.
Don’t let your past actions restrict you of what’s possible.
I used to consider myself an incredibly shy guy and now I
don’t, because I decided to change how I act using the very
ideas that I teach in this guide.
Making this shift has the power to TRANSFORM your results
in the bedroom, so it’s well worth letting go of your past
limiting beliefs that may have told you that your actions are
your identity.

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Question #4 – Remind Me How Being An Alpha Male Can
Help Me Last Long?

I described this in detail in the opening parts of this book, but

I’ll quickly summarize it again for you…
It can help you in 2 main ways.
Firstly, one of the causes of premature ejaculation is when a
man experiences fear, worry and anxiety.
What happens in these emotional states is that hormones
are released into the body that some researchers have found
to be linked with increased probability of premature
When you adopt an Alpha Male mindset you immediately
eliminate most of your fear, worry and anxiety, therefore
these hormone levels are reduced, meaning you are able to
last much longer.
Besides the scientific explanation, it probably just makes
intuitively sense to you too that if you are more confident
and relaxed during sex then you’re going to last longer.
It’s difficult to explain just how effective this is until you
experience it for yourself, but I can tell you now, that when
you adopt a true and 100% authentic Alpha Male mindset in
the bedroom you’ll be shocked at how much longer you last.

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Secondly, having an Alpha Male attitude means you handle
set-backs 10x better than in most other mindsets. This
means that if you do experience any problems or you do
make inevitable mistakes during sex, it doesn’t matter,
because with this attitude you’ll be much more positive and
instead of beating yourself up, you’ll probably ask “what can I
learn from this?”
Then when you come back you’ll perform even better,
because instead of having given up, you’ll have used your
past experiences of what didn’t work to your advantage.
And this of course is especially powerful when implementing
techniques that I teach in Ejaculation Guru for lasting long in

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Alpha Male Stamina In Practice

You now have a full outline of exactly how you can become
your own Alpha Male in the bedroom and how as a result
you can last a lot longer and give your lover a lot more
In practice Alpha Male stamina can look like however it looks
naturally to you.
This could mean you enjoy sex more because you now have
more confidence and because of that confidence you can last
a lot longer naturally.
Perhaps fear and anxiety in the past used to ruin your
enjoyment of sex and also caused you to orgasm early and
therefore now you can choose to experience empowering
emotions of confidence that help you last long instead.
Or maybe you have a newfound approach to sex that you
only realized was possible when you started thinking like an
Alpha Male… and now it’s like you’re having sex with a whole
other woman because she sees you completely differently
when you turn up with unstoppable levels of confidence
during foreplay and in the bedroom.
No matter what your personal situation is, you now have the
power to last a whole lot longer, and if you follow the 30 day
exercise of practicing daily visualization, then having an Alpha
Male mindset will become a natural part of the way you have
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sex and therefore your sex life will have forever changed for
the better.

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Good Luck!

As usual it’s been an absolute pleasure writing this and I

know that if you put into practice what I’ve had to share here
that it can transform your overall stamina and quality of sex
That’s exactly what happened to me when I began
approaching sex with my own version of the Alpha Male
But as always - the key lies in implementation.
If you’ve taken the time to complete the exercises in this
guide and have committed to put what you’ve learned to
work in the bedroom I know you’ll see incredible results with
Good luck my friend,

Jack Grave

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