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COMMERCE AND ECONOMICS hereby declare that I have completed the
project on 7 P’S OF MARKETING MIX in the academic year 2007-2008.
The information submitted is true and original and to the best of my

Sign of student


I MISS.VINITA PIMPALE hereby certify that Mr.JATIN SHETH of

the project on 7 P’S OF MARKETING MIX in the academic year 2007-
2008. The information submitted is true and original and to the best of my

Sign of Project guide


Completing a task is never one man’s effort. It is often the result of
invaluable contribution of number of individuals in direct or indirect way in
shaping success and achieving it.

I would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Miss.Vinita

Pimpale who guided me in the study of this project. It has indeed been a
great learning, experiencing and working under him during the course of the
project .We would like to thank prof. (Mrs.) Malini Johari (Principal) and
Prof (Mr.) Nishikant Jha (co-ordinator), Shri Chinai College of Commerce
and Economics- Andheri for their their support and assurance throughout
this project.

We would like to thank the librarian of our college for helping us in finding
out the relevant material for our project. We would like to appreciate all our
college friends and family members who gave us all support and backing
and always came forward whenever a helping hand was needed.

1. Introduction to Indian banking sector
2. Introduction to central bank of india
3. Introduction to ICICI bank
4. Introduction to HSBC bank
5. Introduction to HSBC bank
6. Basic elements of marketing mix
7. 7P’S of central bank of india
8. 7P’S of ICICI bank
9. 7P’S of HSBC bank
10. 7P’S of Saraswat bank
11. Pros and cons
12. Conclusion
13. Bibilography


Sound and healthy banking institutions are the backbone of any

economically strong country. It is the foundation on which the long-term
sustainable economic progress can be built. The Southeast Asian crisis is the
latest proof of this basic principle.

In India the nationalized banks provide a major portion of the banking

services with SBI and its subsidiaries forming the heart of the banking
system. The banking sector can be broadly divided into following

• Public Sector banks

• Private banks
• Foreign banks
• Co-operative banks


Public sector banks have the government as a majority shareholder. This

segment comprises of SBI and its subsidiaries, other nationalized banks and
Regional Rural Banks (RRB). The public sector banks comprise more than
70% of the total branches. The listed public sector banks are State Bank of
India, State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Travancore, Bank of
Baroda, Bank of India, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Dena bank and
Corporation bank. State Bank of India also made a GDR issue making it the
first and only Indian bank to do so.


These banks existed prior to the promulgation of banking nationalization Act

but were not nationalized due to their smaller size. They mostly focus on
niche regional markets, and thus are smaller in size. These banks are mostly
located in south of India and the driving focus of their business is service
standards and technology up gradation. In the next round of industry
restructuring, these banks will see heightened activity. In fact, there have
been takeover attempts for some of these banks, but none has been very

Some of the new entrants in the banking sector are making quite a few
waves and bringing about a paradigm shift. Times Bank, IndusInd Bank,
Bank of Punjab, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank and Global Trust Bank are some
of the names in this category. The level of service offered and the efficiency
of the operations is considered much better than the nationalized banks.


Many foreign banks have set up their branches in India and look set to
revolutionize the way business is done. Standard Chartered is the oldest
foreign bank doing business in this country. Some of other foreign banks
with significant presence are HSBC, American Express bank, Citibank,
ABN Amro Bank and ANZ Grindlays Bank.


Functioning of a Bank is among the more complicated of corporate

operations. Since Banking involves dealing directly with money,
governments in most countries regulate this sector rather severely. In India,
the regulation traditionally has been very strict and in the opinion of certain
quarters, responsible for the present condition of banks, where NPAs are of a
very high order. The process of financial reforms, which started in 1991, has
cleared the cobwebs somewhat but a lot remains to be done. The multiplicity
of policy and regulations that a Bank has to work with makes its operations
even more complicated, sometimes bordering on illogical. This section,
which is also intended for banking professional, attempts to give an
overview of the functions in as simple manner as possible.

Banking Regulation Act of India, 1949 defines Banking as “accepting, for

the purpose of lending or investment of deposits of money from the public,
repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawal by cheques, draft, order
or otherwise.”

Deriving from this definition and viewed solely from the point of view of
the customers, Banks essentially perform the following functions:
 Accepting deposits is one of the major activities of the Banks.

Banks are also called custodians of public money. Basically, the

money is accepted as deposit for safekeeping. But since the Banks use
this money to earn interest from people who need money, Banks share
a part of this interest with the depositors. However, accepting deposits
and keeping track of the money involves a lot of bookkeeping and
other operations.

 Lending money to the public

Lending money is another major activity of any Bank. In a way, the Bank
acts as an intermediary between the people who have the money to lend and
those who have the need for money to carry out business transactions. This
activity places its own requirements on the resources of the Bank

 Transfer of money

Apart from accepting deposits and lending money, Banks also carry out, on
behalf of their customers the act of transfer of money - both domestic and
foreign. - From one place to another. This activity is known as “remittance
business”. Banks issue Demand Drafts, Banker’s Cheques, and Money
Orders etc. for transferring the money. Banks also have the facility of quick
transfer of money also know as Telegraphic Transfer or Tele Cash Orders.

 Trustee Business

Banks also act as trustees for various purposes. For example,

whenever a company wishes to issue secured debentures, it has to
appoint a financial intermediary as trustee who takes charge of the
security for the debenture and looks after the interests of the debenture
holders. Such entities necessarily have to have expertise in financial
matters and also be of sufficient standing in the market/society to
generate confidence in the minds of potential subscribers to the

 Safe-keeping

Bankers are in the business of providing security to the money and valuables
of the general public. While security of money is taken care of through
offering various types of deposit schemes, security of valuables is provided
through making secured space available to general public for keeping these
valuables. These spaces are available in the shape of lockers.

The visions to move towards a paperless office a number of initiatives have

been taken in the past 2 to 3 years. The Bank has fully automated 1622
branches capturing 88% of the business and will automate all the remaining
branches in the current year. The Bank has migrated from COBOL
BETRIEVE based branch automation system to a more robust technology
platform of ORACLE LINUX thereby claiming the “first” nationalized
Bank for using LINUX on a wider scale. The branches are relieved of the
hard work of preparing a number of MIS reports through the automation

Initiative has been taken to migrate to a Centralized Banking Solution (CBS)

in about 1000 branches in another 3 to 4 years’ time which will enlarge
integrated delivery channels and improve critical Management Information

The current year has been declared as a customer-centric initiative year

which will take the Bank into internet banking and also opening of more
ATMs, kiosks, Any Branch Banking, customer alerts E-payment facilities,
etc. Hardware and software has been standardized across the country so as to
have a flawless integration. 203 locations have been networked in the last
year and another 302 locations have been proposed in the current year.
Further, by providing a remote access server, many of the branches can have
an access to the network through a simple dial-up system. This integration
process will enable networking of approximately 2500 branches out of 3117
branches. The dream of integrating the branches through some form of
network will be comfortably realized in a year or so.

The Bank’s huge human resources of about 40000 employees are an asset to
the organization and huge data base are in the process of being established.
Information relating to the staff at Central Office is available at the click of a
button; for the remaining staff the roll out plan is already in place and
implementation is under progress.
The Bank has also effectively computerized the inter-branch reconciliation
system which helped in speeding up the process of inter-branch accounting
and reducing outstanding entries. Again the total automation of the Central
Accounts System across the Bank has facilitated faster compilation of
financial results.
The Bank has created about 21 Corporate Finance Branches which will take
care of the top borrowal accounts and the credit process time has been
substantially reduced through connectivity and software solutions for

The dream of moving towards a paperless office is becoming a reality.


ICICI has announced its decision of focusing on retail, agriculture, SSI

and corporate sectors and would also open offices internationally in the
near future.

On the domestic front, the bank have decided to focus on the four
sectors of retail, agriculture, SSI and corporate for the future. They are
also deciding to open four foreign offices as it is the right time for
having international presence

Doha and Hong Kong will have branches and representative offices in
Dubai and Shanghai. They have received approval from the Reserve
Bank of India and are waiting for approval from other respective
regulatory authorities of the countries.

The bank targeted to expand total business in 2006-07 by 25 per cent to

Rs 1, 60,000 crore compared to last year. In the Q1 period ended June
of the current fiscal the total business of the bank stood at Rs 1,32,000

The bank will also open 100 more branches across the country and out
of which nine would be in West Bengal. The bank has 2200 branches
and extension counters at present.

The bank in the next three years would increase the share of retail from
21 per cent to 25 per cent, agriculture from 16 per cent to 20 per cent
and SSI to 20 per cent from 12.5 per cent now.

The current retail portfolio base of the bank was Rs 11,000 crore and in
agriculture Rs 8,500 crore.

The bank is also developing a pricing engine for foreign exchange. The
bank has tied up with Reuters Trading for Foreign Exchange, targeting
exporters and importers.
The bank would open 1200 bank branches by March 2007 and 500
ATMs. To boost the agri business it would be opening 200 village
knowledge centres.

The bank would launch Bhumiheen Green Card for landless and tenant
farmers for credit requirement.

HSBC launched Managing for Growth at the end of 2005. This is a strategic
plan that provides a blueprint for growth and development. HSBC aims to be
the world’s leading financial services company, defined as being preferred,
admired, dynamic, and recognised for giving customers a fair deal.

•Brand: To make HSBC and its hexagon symbol one of the world’s leading
brands for customer experience and corporate social responsibility;

•Personal Financial Services: Drive growth in key markets and through

appropriate channels to make HSBC the strongest global player in personal
financial services;

•Consumer Finance: Extend the reach of this business to existing customers

through a wider product range, and penetrate new markets;

•Commercial Banking: Utilise HSBC’s international customer base through

effective relationship management and improved product offerings in all the
Group’s markets;

•Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets: Accelerate growth by

enhancing capital markets and advisory capabilities focused on client service
in defined sectors where HSBC has critical relevance and strength;

•Private Banking: Serve the Group’s highest value personal clients around
the world;

•People: Attract, develop and motivate HSBC’s staff, rewarding success and
rejecting mediocrity.


Saraswat Bank is set to acquire three cooperative banks -- Maratha Mandir

Cooperative Bank, South Indian Cooperative Bank and Nasik People's
Cooperative Bank.

Once the financial clearance from the RBI is received, the bank will
approach the Registrar of Cooperative Societies for procedural approval.

Maratha Mandir and South Indian Co-operative Bank were on the verge of
collapse last year, when the RBI had to intervene by imposing moratoriums
on withdrawals.

It is said that the bank was positive on its proposals and a decision was
expected soon.

Such a merger would allow the bank a wider area of operation. According to
industry sources, other takeover proposals have also been submitted to the

These proposals are lying pending with the central bank at a time when the
government is keen on reforming and regulating co-operative banks.
The service marketing consists of the following


A product is anything that can be offered to market for attention,
acquisition, use or consumption that satisfy a want or need. It includes
physical objects (TV), service (banking), person (political person),
place (holiday resort), organization, (Red Cross), and idea (aids

2. PRICE:-

The price is the exchange value for a product or service, expressed in

terms of money. The price of the services is the value attached to it by
the service provider and it must respond with the customer perception
of value. Price decision affects the standard of living of people,
regulate sales growth, and bring economic development. In services
that are price sensitive, prising is an important competitive tools in the
hands of marketer.


One of the key elements of marketing mix is sales promotion which is

used for the purpose of encouraging sales and to convey to the
position of the service. Promotion helps to create awareness among
the customers. Now-a-days sales promotion are becoming more
common in service professions.

The different types of sales promotion available to the marketer are:-

a. Sampling.
b. Contest, games and sweep stakes.
c. Premiums and gifts.
d. Trade fares and shows.
e. Exhibition and demonstration.
f. Coupons.

The followings are some of the most common types of media

used for promoting services:-

1. TELEVISION:- This is a very powerful medium of

advertising but it is expensive.

2. CINEMA:- It is frequently used to promote local services such

as retailing services, restaurants, etc. whose targets markets are
the audience of most cinemas.

3. RADIO:- It appeals only to the sense of sound. The cost of

radio advertising is much lower than that of television

4. NEWSPAPER:- In case of newspaper, each paper is targeted to

specific segment of populations. They can be used in order to
create general awareness of a service or a brand as well as for
providing detailed service information.

5. MAGAZINES/JOURNALS:- There are wide range of

magazines and journals that are available to the advertisers.
They provide healthy informations.


• Brochures and booklets.

• Posters and leaflets.
• Directories.
• Bill boards.
• Display signs.
• Point of purchase
• Banner ads.
• E-mail ads.
• Video-tapes.

4. PLACE:- Distribution is the process of transferring goods from place

to production to the place of consumption. In case of tangible goods,
the distribution involves the use of networks of intermediaries for
distribution. In some case the goods are distributed directly.
The place of service delivery is very important. The decision
regarding location is very much concerned with the selection of sites
from where the delivery of services takes place.
The accessibility and the availability form an important base for
location of service premises. Accessibility refers to convenient with
which a service can be purchased, used or received. On the other hand
availability refers to the extent to which a service is obtained or
capable of being purchased, used or received.

5. PEOPLE:- In services a service provider reflects the organizational

realities. It is through interaction with staff, that the customers form
an opinion of the organization.
A service can be labor intensive i.e. people based or equipment based.
In equipment based services, the equipment or machine is critical in
providing services whereas labor plays secondary role. The equipment
may be automatic or manually operated.(skilled or unskilled)


They are known as frontline staff as they come in direct contact

with the customers in the process of service delivery.

The degree of the personnel customer contact varies so we

a. High contact personnel: They are required when the physical
presence and the interaction of the customer with the employees
is for longer times.
b. Low contact personnel: They are required when the physical
presence and the interaction of the customer with the employees
is for lesser times.
c. Skilled and Professional: they are skilled or professional in a
particular field.
d. Non Professionals: they are people like courier delivery boy,
waiter, etc.
e. Non contact employees: Those who contribute to the service
delivery but do not come in contact with customer. They are
actually support personnel.

6. PROCESS:- The service process refers to how service is provided or

delivered to a customer. Delivery system is a creative process. In
order to achieve economies of scale and perform consistently the
operation people would prefer to processing a batch while marketing
would prefer to cater to individuals so that the customers feel that they
are treated as special. Factors such as customer participation, degree
of customer contact, location of service delivery and complexity of
services are considered in the service process design and

7. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE:- Generally a service transaction involves

the interaction of the service provider with the customer in a service
environment. Physical evidence is termed as the social environment
along with the tangible cues. Physical evidence is any tangible
commodities that facilitate performance communication of the
service. Physical evidence includes all the efforts taken by the service
provider to tangibles their services. They includes,

(a) Physical facilities.

(b) Physical environment
(c) Social settings.
Physical facilities: On the basis of Physical evidence like building,
furniture, equipment, stationery, etc the potential customer forms
an impression about the service organization.
Physical environment: Physical setting or the service environment
within which the service takes place influences consumer
expectation of service quality and satisfaction.
The important elements of physical settings are:
Ambience: The ambience of physical setting includes temperature,
lighting, noise, music, scent and colour.
Space: People need space around them to feel comfort.
Decors and artifacts: Sign, symbol and artifacts are important
component of décor.

Established in 1911, Central Bank of India was the first Indian commercial
bank which was wholly owned and managed by Indians. The establishment
of the Bank was the ultimate realisation of the dream of Sir Sorabji
Pochkhanawala, founder of the Bank. Sir Pherozesha Mehta was the first
Chairman of a truly ‘Swadeshi Bank’. In fact, such was the extent of pride
felt by Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala that he proclaimed Central Bank as the
‘property of the nation and the country’s asset’. He also added that ‘Central
Bank lives on people’s faith and regards itself as the people’s own bank’.

During the past 94 years of history the Bank has weathered many storms and
faced many challenges. The Bank could successfully transform every threat
into business opportunity and excelled over its peers in the Banking

Further in line with the guidelines from Reserve Bank of India as also the
Government of India, Central Bank has been playing an increasingly active
role in promoting the key thrust areas of agriculture, small scale industries as
also medium and large industries. Among the Public Sector Banks, Central
Bank of India can be truly described as an All India Bank, due to
distribution of its large network in 27 out of 28 States as also in 4 out of 7
Union Territories in India. Central Bank of India holds a very prominent
place among the Public Sector Banks on account of its network of 3165
branches and 270 extension counters at various centres throughout the length
and breadth of the country.
In view of its large network of branches as also number of savings and other
innovative services offered the total customer base of the Bank at over 25
million account holder.

There are various deposit schemes such as:-


multiplies the deposit i.e the interest receivable is automatically added to
the principal amt at an effective interest rate that is higher than the
contracted interest rate. This is an ideal scheme to increase the deposits


earnings are paid monthly without affecting the principal amt.


scheme is an incentive to senior citizens by way of additional interest over
and above normal rate of interest on any of the existing term deposit
schemes. This facility will be available to fresh deposits and renewal of
maturing deposits.the facility is available only after the age of 60.


With a view to make basic banking services available to vast section of the
society, Central Bank of India has launched the No-Frills Savings Deposit
Account “Cent Bachat Khata”. The broad features of the product are: -

Any person of twelve years of age can open this account individually or
joint with another person/s. Account can be opened in the name of minor
with natural guardian.

An account can be opened with initial deposit of Rs.50/-. Minimum balance

of Rs.50/- Interest at Saving Bank rate i.e. @ 3.5% is allowed

The banks approach towards loan policies is as follows:

In view of importance of Agriculture in country’s economy a sizable share
of bank’s total lending is allocated to this sector. The credit policy is also
reoriented from time to time to meet the increasing needs of these sectors.
The Bank extends direct and indirect advance, a few of which, are indicated

Direct finance

i. Short Term Loan for raising crops i.e. Crop Loans

ii. Medium and Long Term Loan - to plantations, horticulture, forestry
iii. Purchase of Agricultural implements and machinery
iv. Development of irrigation potential

Indirect Finance
i. Loans to farmers through farmers societies.
ii. Loans to co operative marketing societies
iii. Advances to State sponsored cooperatives for onward lending to
weaker sections.


The SSI sector covers wide range of enterprises with diverse characteristics.
This sector consists of tiny enterprises, small scale service business
enterprises, artisans, khadi and village industries, Woman enterprises and
sophisticated modern small scale units engaged in manufacturing,
processing or preservation of goods.
The types of facilities which are generally needed by such units and granted
by the Bank are as under:

i. Term Loans
ii. Working Capital Loans
iii. Composite loans
iv. Deferred Payment Guarantee.


1. Loan against Bank’s Term Deposit Receipts.

2. Loan against Govt. Securities like NSCs, IVPs, KVPs, LIC Policies

The individuals are granted housing loans, either for construction/ acquiring
of a new flat, or for extension /alteration of existing flat or house or for
purchase of an existing house.

Apart from various loans and deposits central bank provides other services
such as mobile banling, telephone banking, ATM’s at convenient locations.

Price is the interest charged or given on loans and deposits respectively. The
bank provides various services for which prices are charged.

The respective prices are as follows


Maturity Period Interest

1 year to Less Than 2 Year 5.5
2 year to 3 year 5.75
Over 3 year to 5 year 5.5
Over 5 year 5.25

The rates for education loans (centvidyarthi) are 10.5 %pa for male students
and 10%for female students. Loan to IIT/IIM students is 10%pa (9.5%pa for
girl students)


Period Fixed
Upto 5 years. 8.00%
Above 5 years to less than 10
10 years & above 9.00%

The bank has 3165 branches and 270 ATM’s which are all located at
convenient places. But still central bank of India lags in terms of ATM’s in
the country as compared to other govt and private sector banks.
The following are the places where some of the ATM centres are located.


Gowalia Tank Road Mumbai Maharashtra
TMC Extn. Counter (Naigaum) Mumbai Maharashtra
Santacruz Mumbai Maharashtra
Khodadad Circle Mumbai Maharashtra
Seven Bunglow Mumbai Maharashtra
CBD Belapur Mumbai Maharashtra
Prabhadevi Mumbai Maharashtra
Mumbai Main Office Mumbai Maharashtra
Mumbai Main Office Mumbai Maharashtra
Ashoka Hotel Delhi Delhi
Ashoka Hotel Delhi Delhi
Ashoka Hotel Delhi Delhi
Defence Colony Delhi Delhi
Chandni Chowk Delhi Delhi
Deccan Gymkhana Pune Maharashtra
Lal Darwaja Ahmedabad Gujarat
Addison Building Chennai Tamilnadu
T Nagar Chennai Tamilnadu
Nungambakkam Chennai Tamilnadu
Peelamedu Coimbatore Tamilnadu
Vellore Chennai Tamilnadu
BTM Layout Bangalore Karnataka
Gandhigram Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh

Secunderabad Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh

Camac Street Kolkata Kolkata
Udyog Bhavan Delhi Delhi
Lajpat Nagar Delhi Delhi
Savita Vihar Delhi Delhi
Mahanagar Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
Kamla Nagar Agra Uttar Pradesh
Dehradun Dehradun Uttar Pradesh
Sector 22-C Chandigarh Chandigarh

Promotion of central bank is mainly done through print media rather than
television advertising. Banners of central bank of India can be seen on
railway stations.

Also central bank of India has been ahead of many banks as far as charity is
concerned. Central bank of India tries to promote itself as people’s bank and
it mainly targets middle class and semi urban people as its consumers.
Around 70% of the branches are located in rural and semi-urban centers. The
Bank has sponsored 23 Regional Rural Banks (RRBs). The Bank has lead
responsibility in 54 districts and most of these are located in economically
backward areas of Madhya Pradesh (17), Bihar (17), Maharashtra (7), Uttar
Pradesh (5), West Bengal (3), Rajasthan (3) and Chattisgarh (2).

For maintaining its present consumers central bank of India sends greetings
on various auspicious days.

The Bank also provides exclusive services to a number of Institutions

serving the Society in different faculties such as Education, Research,
Medical, Tourism, Religion etc.

The placement of the different counters should be such that any new
customer should not be confused.

Physical evidence includes the different counters, application forms, slip

books, cheque books, receipts etc.

Normally all the forms and the receipts in central bank of India are written
both in English and Marathi which makes very convenient for those people
who cannot read and write in English. The counters are all well placed in
this bank.

There is a separate counter for depositing the cheques which is just beside
the door. Depositing the cash and withdrawing the cash are done at the same
counters. And there are three to four counters doing this.

There are separate `Enquiry' or `May I Help You' counter at large branches.
The bank has a big screen on the wall which continuously displays interest
rates for various deposit schemes from time to time , working hours of the
bank ,bank holidays etc

They also provide complaint/suggestion box in the branch premises.
















Various accounts are designed mainly to help the individual to inculcate the
habit of saving money and to meet their future requirement of money. The
amounts can be deposited/withdrawn from these accounts by way of
cheques/withdrawal slips. It helps the customers to keep minimum cash at
home besides earning interest

For opening any account (savings or current) the Bank requires a satisfactory
introduction of the person/s opening the account by a person acceptable to
the Bank.

The Bank is required to obtain two recent photographs of the person/s

opening the account, as per R.B.I. directives.

The customer is then required to fill a respective form with all the details
personal and professional—like full name, correct address through which the
transaction can take place, telephone no., occupation, and his official
signature through which he will carry out his bank transaction along with
proof of identification like current gas / telephone / electricity bill or ration
card or voter's identity card or driving license or passport etc.All the above
documents are accompanied by initial deposit to open a bank account.

After the completion of all the rules bank a/c no is given to the respective
account holder.The account holder is then given cheque book, pass book and
slip book. The account holder is required to maintain certain minimum
balance in the account,as specified by the Bank from time to time, separately
for computerized and non - computerised branches and also depending on,
whether account holder wants to avail the Cheque book facility or not. Non -
compliance of this would attract service charges. Interest at 4%
presently paid on half yearly basis.

The same process is carried out for opening any account.



The World Bank, the Government of India and representatives of Indian

industry formed ICICI Limited as a development finance institution to
provide medium-term and long-term project financing to Indian businesses
in 1955.
Then in 1994, ICICI established ICICI Bank as a subsidiary.
1999 ICICI becomes the first Indian company and the first bank or financial
institution from non-Japan Asia to list on the NYSE.
In 2001, ICICI acquired Bank of Madura (est. 1943). Bank of Madura, and
had acquired Chettinad Mercantile Bank (est. 1933) and Illanji Bank
(established 1904) in the 1960s.
In 2002 the Boards of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the
merger of ICICI, ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited and ICICI
Capital Services Limited, with ICICI Bank. After receiving all necessary
regulatory approvals, ICICI integrated the group's financing and banking
operations, both wholesale and retail, into a single one.

ICICI Bank is India's largest private bank and the second largest bank in the
country. ICICI Bank has total assets of about Rs25.1389billion, (as on 31st
march, 2006) a network of over 614 branches, and offices and about 2200
ATMs. ICICI Bank offers a wide range of banking products and financial
services to corporate and retail customers through a variety of delivery
channels and through its specialised subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas of
investment banking, life and non-life insurance, venture capital and asset
management. ICICI Bank's equity shares are listed in India on, the Mumbai
Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and its
American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE).
ICICI Bank is arguably the most aggressive bank in the country and can
rightfully claim credit for the spread of retail financing in the country.

ICICI Bank is the largest issuer of credit cards in the country. It was the first
bank to offer a wide network of ATM's and had the largest network of
ATM's till recently, before SBI caught up with it.

The bank is expanding rapidly in overseas markets. It has operations in the

UK, Hong Kong and Canada. It acquired a small bank in Russia recently. It
has tie-ups with major banks in the US and China.

ICICI Bank offers a range of banking products and financial services to

corporate and retail customers through several delivery channels and
specialised subsidiaries and affiliates. The areas include investment banking,
life and non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management.
ICICI Bank, which accepts deposits under various savings and fixed
schemes, offers a range of loans for various purposes, including housing,
cars and 2-wheelers, commercial vehicles, farm equipment, medical
equipment, office equipment and construction equipment. The bank also has
a popular credit card business.
ICICI offers other services such as internet banking, mobile banking,
telephone banking etc ICICI was the first bank in India to start internet
banking way back in 1996.
Other services include:

ATM Network:
A saving Bank Account with ICICI Bank Entitles a free ATM
card, which enable us to access our account anytime & at any
ATM center across the country. Unlike most other ATMs, an
ICICI bank ATM allows one to withdraw Upto RS. 25,000 a day.
In addition, cash can be withdrawn from any of the ATM from
our master card. (Domestic/ International).

7 Days Banking:
At select branches spread over a country we can do your banking on all the 7
days of the week (except for public holidays), over extended working hours.
For consumer convenience ICICI is one of very few banks which operates
from morning eight to evening eight i.e. twelve hours banking.

A Tele-banking service provides us instant access to our account. They offer
us a wide range of service over the phone such as account information,
Balance enquiry, Transaction details, statement of account on fax, status of
our cheque (Available during branch business Hours).
Connect – internet Banking:
Through the concept of “the bank on your desktop” we can look up the
status of our account, query & undertake a range of financial transactions,
simply by clicking the mouse.
ICICI card service:
ICICI Bank has joined hands with several banks, to give rise to a new kind
of card power- unique & unmatched benefits & international utility at the
most competitive rates. The ICICI Bank internal silver card, the Master Card
& ‘unique’ card offer quite a few benefits.


ICICI Bank Credit Cards gives the facility of cash, convenience and a range
of benefits, anywhere in the world. These benefits range from life time free
cards, Insurance benefits, global emergency assistance service, discounts,
utility payments, travel discounts and much more.


The ICICI Bank Debit Card is a revolutionary form of cash that allows
customers to access their bank account around the clock, around the world.
The ICICI Bank Debit Card can be used for shopping at more than 100,000
merchants in India and 13 million merchants worldwide.


Presenting ICICI Bank Travel Card. The Hassle Free way to Travel the
world. Traveling with US Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling or Swiss Francs;
Looking for security and convenience; take ICICI Bank Travel Card. Issued
in duplicate. Offers the Pin based security. Has the convenience of usage of
Credit or Debit card.

Other Features:
The ICICI bank card has the widest possible reach – welcome by 1, 10,000
Merchant partners across India & Nepal & yet another 160lakh merchant
Establishment worldwide.

Mobile ATM’s:
ICICI Bank launched its mobile ATM in Mumbai way back in 2002— the
first of its kind in India. In Mumbai, the mobile ATM vans are parked at
four locations in the suburbs daily for two hours each. The four locations
have been chosen depending on the sizeable number of customers the bank
have in these pockets. These ATMs are equipped with Video Surveillance
devices. Regular customers can also use this ATM under normal course.

The price mix in the banking sector is nothing but the interest rates charged
by the different banks. In today’s competitive scenario where the customer is
the king the banks have to charge them interest at the rate in force on
accordance with the RBI directives.

Interest is paid on the minimum credit balance maintained between the 10th
day and last day of each calendar month in Savings accounts at the rate in
force in accordance with RBI directives. Interest so calculated is rounded off
to the nearest rupee, ignoring fractions of a rupee. Interest is paid every half
year in September and March


Loan Rate of Interest EMI per

Tenure Lac
5 years 10.50% 2149
10years 11.00% 1378
15years 11.00% 1137
20years 11.00% 1032

As ICICI have tied up with other banks ATM’s the receiver of this service
have to pay nominal amt of 20-25 Rs.

The Bank provides various services to customers for which service charges
are levied. The charges are reviewed/revised from time to time.
Service charges are levied for collection and remittance of funds, processing
of loan proposals, issue of guarantees, safe custody, issue of duplicate
instruments/statements ledger folio charges etc.

Place mix is the location analysis for bank branches. There are number of
factors affecting the determination of the location of the branch of a bank. It
is very necessary for a bank to be situated at a location where most of its
target population is located.

ICICI Bank's 24 Hour ATM network is one of the largest and most
widespread ATM Network in India. Their ATMs are located in commercial
areas, residential localities, major petrol pumps, airports, near railway
stations and other places which are conveniently accessible to the customers.

ICICI Bank has entered into an arrangement with Federal Bank for the
sharing of ATM network. By this arrangement customer holding Debit cum
ATM card of ICICI Bank will be able to use the ATMs of the Federal Bank
for Cash withdrawal and balance enquiry transactions. The convenience of
using this additional shared network comes at the nominal cost of Rs. 20 per
transaction for cash withdrawal and Rs.10 per transaction for balance
enquiry, plus service tax at 10.2% of the charge amount, at these ATMs.

Customers can withdraw Upto 25,000 per day, either through ICICI Bank's
ATMs or through any of our partner banks ATMs.

Also ICICI have tied up with state bank of India to create largest domestic
network. Under the arrangement, customers of SBI and ICICI Bank can
access each other's ATM network for a small fee. SBI and associates at
present have 2,068 ATMs and ICICI Bank has a network of 2200 ATMs.
The SBI-ICICI Bank tie-up will give access to the combined network of
4268 ATMs, spread across over 600 centres in the country. Customers of
both the banks can withdraw cash and enquire about their accounts by the
new tie-up. Other services like depositing cash will be eventually included in
the mutual services. A fee of Rs 18 and Rs 7 will be charged for cash
transaction and other enquiries, respectively.

Promotion is nothing but making the customers more and more aware of the
services and benefits provided by the bank. The banks today can use a lot of
new technology to communicate to their customers. Two of the fastest
growing modern tools of communicating with the customers are:

 Internet Banking
 Mobile Banking

Both in which ICICI bank have achieved great standards.

ICICI advertises about its products on television on a large scale. They

always advertise any new product launched by them.

The advertisement of ICICI bank features a young employee with good

personality speaking three words through his gesture i.e. “Hum Hay Naa”
-We are always there to help you. This advertisement strategy creates a kind
of assurance in the minds of people that ICICI is always there to help them
in their financial matters.

Thus the knowledge genuineness, honest & ability to provide the service of
front office staff creates trust in the minds of customer. Bank also trained its
employees who have high customer contact that can build trust &
confidence between employee& customer.

ICICI also recently signed up Shahrukh Khan as its

global ambassador after a two and a half year
contract with Amitabh Bacchan got over.

ICICI also came up with an innovative idea of

attracting kids under 18. ICICI has just tied up with
Cartoon Network, the leading kids' network, and
signed on their iconic toon stars, Tom and Jerry, as
brand ambassadors for its Young Stars Account.
The Young Stars account is another pioneering product from ICICI Bank
that initiates children to the world of banking and finances. With this
innovative product, the entire family is involved with the Bank and while
parents can monitor their child's expenses, children learn to manage their
expenses themselves.

In a market where banks continuously avoided children, ICICI came a step

forward to attract a population which contributes to more than 50% (54%
population is currently under the age of25) . With this move ICICI is
promoting itself amongst the youngsters.


Physical Evidence is the overall layout of the place. How the entire bank has
been designed. Physical evidence refers to all those factors that helps make
the process much easier and smoother. For example in case of a bank the
physical evidence would be the placement of the customer service
executive’s desk, or the location of the place for depositing the Cheques. It
is very necessary the place is designed in such a manner so as to ensure
maximum convenience to the customer and cause no confusion to him.

The experience of Physical Evidence of an ICICI bank branch we visited

was as follows:

Very well organized, well furnished and there is enough space to sit.

Separate boxes are made i.e. for local clearing, national clearing for
depositing the cheque, for which there is no need to stand in the queue.

Tokens are not given for withdrawing cash; instead there is only one line for
depositing and withdrawing the cash. The same line leads to 5 to 6 different
counters wherein cash can be withdrawn and deposited, so that any new
comer is not confused by seeing too many lines.

All the departments where put up in such order that a rush in one of the
departments would not lead to problems to the other department
The enquiry counters where placed right in front of the entrance so that the
new visitors do not have any problem in locating the counters and the people
can be helped as quickly as possible.

The work was being carried out at a very efficient pace.

The staff of the bank are well presentable and dressed and always with an ID
around their neck for easy identification.

ICICI Bank is fully equipped with decent interior. It has all the latest
technical instruments such as printer, scanner, fax machines, computers, etc.
All the equipments are well maintained to avoid any blockage in the service.
There were signboards indicating which department lies where, different
counter number etc.

All the employees were in their formal uniforms, which gave a decent look
and differentiated them from the customers. All this facility probably helps
new customer to reduce his confusion for banking transaction & importantly
they get involved in banking environment quickly.

There is no doubt that ICICI is the one of the topmost bank as it shows what
great planning has been done in even the smallest of the matters.

Physical evidence also includes other factors which makes the process
convenient like ATM’s, forms, cheque, credit cards etc.

Following are the features available on our ATMs, which can be accessed
from anywhere at anytime.
Cash Withdrawal: Withdraw Upto Rs. 25,000/- per day from your account
Balance Enquiry: Know your ledger balance and available balance

Mini Statement: Get a printout of your last 8 transactions and your current
Deposit Cash / Cheques: Available at all full function ATMs, Customers
can deposit both cash and cheques. Cash deposited in ATMs will be credited
to the account on the same day (provided cash is deposited before the
clearing) and cheques are sent for clearing on the next working day.

Funds Transfer: Transfer funds from one account to another linked account
in the same branch.

PIN Change: Change the Personal Identification Number (PIN) of ATM or

Debit card.
Payments: The latest feature of our ATMs, this functionality can be used for
payment of bills, making donations to temples / trusts, buying internet packs,
airtime recharges for prepaid mobile phones and much more...

Others: Request for a checkbook from our ATMs and our concerned branch
will dispatch it such that it reaches you within 10 working days.

Charges: There is no charge levied on ICICI Bank customers for

transacting on ICICI Bank's ATMs. However for customers not maintaining
the minimum quarterly average balance in their savings account, first 6
transactions in the quarter will be free and Rs. 25 per transaction will be
charged thereafter

People are the employees that are the service providers. In a banking sector
the service provider plays a very important and determinant role in rendering
the customers a satisfactory and a good service. It is extremely essential that
the service provider understands what his customers expects from him. In a
banking sector the customer needs to be guided in a lot of matters which is
possible only with the help of the service provider.
ICICI bank views people as a key source of competitive advantage.
Consequently the development and management of human capital is an
essential element of its strategy and key management activity.

The knowledge genuineness, honest & ability to provide the service of front
office staff creates trust in the minds of customer. Bank also trained its
employees who have high customer contact that can build trust &
confidence between employee& customer.
ICICI bank has built strong capabilities in training and development to build
competencies. Training on product and operations is imparted through web –
based training modules. Frontline staff members are being trained on the
regular basis by IT users support group on the various enhancements as well
as new packages designed for offering customized solutions to customers.

Board Members

1 Mr. N. Vaghul, Chairman

2 Mr. Sridar Iyengar
3 Mr. R.K.Joshi
4 Mr. Lakshmi N. Mittal
5 Mr. Narendra Murkumbi
6 Mr. Anupam Puri
7 Mr. Vinod Rai
8 Mr. M.K. Sharma
9 Mr. P.M. Sinha
10 Prof. Marti G. Subramanian
11 Mr. T.S. Vijayan
12 Mr. V. Prem Watsa
13 Mr. K.V. Kamath, Managing Director & CEO
14 Ms. Lalita D. Gupte, Joint Managing Director
15 Ms. Kalpana Morparia, Joint Managing Director
16 Ms. Chanda Kochhar, Deputy Managing Director
17 Dr. Nachiket Mor, Deputy Managing Director

The process mix constitutes the overall procedure involved in using the
services offered by the bank. It is very necessary that the process is very
customer friendly. In other words a process should be such that the customer
is easily able to understand and easy to follow. Today if particular banks
formalities are long and the procedure very complicated the overall process
fails and the customer may not inclined towards using that banks services.

Let’s take for example the process for application for a car loan.
Now this mainly involves 3 things.

1. Producing of proper documents

2. Filling up of application form
3. Paying for the initial down payment

The process of opening an account in ICICI Bank is given as follows:

Firstly, the customer has to collect the form from the counter.

He has to fill in the details such as name, address, type of account, name of
nominee and so on.

He has to attach certain documents to give a proof for his identity and
residential address.
These documents include Passport copy, Ration card copy, Telephone bill,
etc and his photograph.
Along with the documents, he is required to give a self signed cheque or
cash Rs.5, 100/-

The attached form is then submitted at the counter. Here the form is
physically checked.
After checking the form, the information is feed in the computer. The
account number and ATM pin card is given to the customer on the spot. But
his account activates only after three days.

The attached form is then sent by the branch to the Regional Processing
Centre (RPC), where the documents are physically checked and scrutinized.

After the verification is complete, and if they are satisfied with the
documents, they activate the account else the form the application is
rejected. The control of activating the account is under only RPC. The
branch cannot do this activity.

RPC informs the respected branch about the activation of the account.

Finally, the branch employee gives a call to the customer informing him that
his account is activated.

Headquartered in London, HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial

services organizations in the world. HSBC's international network comprises
over 9,500 offices in 76 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific
region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa.

With listings on the London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Bermuda
stock exchanges, shares in HSBC Holdings plc are held by nearly 200,000
shareholders in some 100 countries and territories. The shares are traded on
the New York Stock Exchange in the form of American Depositary

Through an international network linked by advanced technology, including

a rapidly growing e-commerce capability, HSBC provides a comprehensive
range of financial services: personal financial services; commercial banking;
corporate, investment banking and markets; private banking; and other
activities. The HSBC Group has an international pedigree which is unique.
Many of its principal companies opened for business over a century ago and
they have a history which is rich in variety and achievement. The HSBC
Group is named after its founding member, The Hong Kong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation Limited, which was established in 1865 to finance the
growing trade between China and Europe.

HSBC made record profits in the 2004-2005 year earning over 12 billion
GBP or more than 20 billion US dollars.

HSBC is the largest group in the world after Citicorp. Before moving it’s
headquarter to London in 1990, it was headquartered in Hong Kong. HSBC
India is having branches in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Chandigarh,
Coimbatore, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata, Ludhiana,
Mumbai, New Delhi, Noida, Pune, Thane, Trivandrum and Visakhapatnam.

HSBC NRI centres are located in Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and
North America. HSBC NRI centres provide full range of personal and
private banking products in India and overseas. HSBC Internet banking adds
to the services of HSBC India abroad.

HSBC being an international bank caters to many developed countries and

because of that the bank makes use of best of latest technologies.

Some of the products and services offered by the bank are as follows:

The HSBC Group develops and applies advanced technology to the efficient
and convenient delivery of banking and related financial services. HSBC
Bank India provides the following:

• Self-service banking with over 150 in-branch and off-branch ATMs and
24-hour phone banking.

• Trade and corporate banking services with real-time access to a centralised

information database

• Instantaneous inter-city transactions through online connections between

all branches

• A state-of-the-art treasury dealing system

• A sophisticated card system supporting debit and credit cards, domestic

and international VISA, MasterCard, and co-branded cards

• A dedicated acquiring system for both MasterCard and Visa transactions

• Online@hsbc, HSBC internet banking service, provides customers with an
integrated and secure platform to access their accounts.

• HSBC India, along with HSBC Investment product and HSBC Insurance,
it offers international Gold Card and Classic Credit Cards from VISA and
MasterCard and debit cards from Visa. HSBC in India gives 24 hour
banking services, extensive network of ATMs, integrated Call Centre and
also HSBC e-banking.


Taking the smart way out, HSBC introduced Smart Money Account, which
enables you to enjoy all the benefits of a savings account coupled with the
high returns of a fixed deposit. A unique combination of a fixed deposit and
a savings account, the HSBC Smart Money Account lets you enjoy the
higher returns of a fixed deposit and yet retain the liquidity and flexibility to
meet all your needs. Make all your bill payments online and avoid the
hassles of physical payments. It does defraud Open a Smart Money Account
with a minimum fixed deposit of Rs.25, 000 and get high returns.


As someone who's interested in regular trading, one need a well-resourced

account to match the needs in a dynamic market scenario. As a leading
depository participant, HSBC offers HSBC Demat Accounts, armed with an
entire range of conveniences specially designed to make your money work
harder. One can purchase, hold and sell shares in electronic form.


HSBC provides more than 100 million customers world-wide with a full
range of personal financial services, including current and savings accounts,
mortgages, insurance, credit cards, loans, pensions and investments. The
Consumer Finance group facilitates point of sale credit to consumers, and
lends money and provides related services to meet the financial needs of
everyday people.

HSBC provides financial services to small, medium-sized and middle-
market enterprises. The group has almost 2.5 million of such customers,
including sole proprietors, partnerships, clubs and associations, incorporated
businesses and publicly quoted companies.


This customer group provides tailored financial services to corporate and

institutional clients. Business lines comprise Global Markets, Corporate and
Institutional Banking, Global Transaction Banking and Global Investment


Private Banking provides financial services to high net worth individuals

and their families in 68 cities. Over the last five years, acquired companies
such as Republic New York Corporation, Safra Republic Holdings and The
Bank of Bermuda have been integrated into HSBC’s private banking

Prices charged for various services are as follows:-

Average quarterly balance less than requirement Rs.750 per quarter

Account not operated for more than 2 years Rs.150 per quarter
Statement of Accounts each quarter (mailed to account
Rs.150 per
Duplicate Statements

Interest on fixed deposits

Simple Interest Cumulative Interest

% p.a. % p.a.
Fixed Deposits 15 to 29 days 5.50
30 to 59 days 5.50
60 to 89 days 6.00
90 to 179 days 6.00
180 to 269 days 7.00
270 to 12 months* 6.75
366 days to 399 Days 6.75
400 days 7.50
401 days to < 18 months 6.75
18 months to 24 months 7.25
> 24 months to < 36 months 6.75
36 months to < 37 months 7.25
37 months to 48 months 6.50
> 48 months to 60 months 6.50


These are addresses of some of the ATM’s in country

Cities For Banking related queries

Ahmedabad 98982 72424
Bangalore 2558 9595
Chandigarh 501 6555
Chennai 2526 9595
Coimbatore 98943 72424
Gurgaon 9511 - 2373 8989
Hyderabad 2335 8686
Indore 98932 72424
Jaipur 220 8989
Kochi 98954 72424
Kolkata 2243 8585
Ludhiana 502 8989
Mumbai 2498 2424
New Delhi 2373 8989
Noida 9511 - 2373 8989
Pune 5602 8585
Trivandrum 98954 72424
Vadodara 98982 72424


The HSBC logo is that of hexagon. The group announced in November 1998
that the HSBC brand and the hexagon symbol would be adopted as the
unified brand in all the markets where HSBC operates, with the aim of
enhancing recognition of the Group and its values by customers,
shareholders and staff throughout the world.


This was originally adopted by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking

Corporation as its logo in 1983. It was developed from the bank’s house
flag, a white rectangle divided diagonally to produce a red hourglass shape.
Like many other Hong Kong company flags that originated in the 19th
century, the design was based on the cross of Saint Andrew.


One of the best ways through which HSBC promotes itself is through
sponsorship.Having sponsored the Jaguar Racing Formula One team since
the days of Stewart Grand Prix, HSBC ended its relationship with the sport
when Red Bull purchased Jaguar Racing from Ford. HSBC has now
switched its focus to golf, taking title sponsorship of events such as the
HSBC World Match Play Championship, HSBC
Women’s World Match Play Championship and HSBC Champions.
In football HSBC sponsor French club AS Monaco.

In Australia, HSBC sponsors the New South Wales Waratahs rugby team in
the Super 14 competition, as well as the Hawthorn Football Club in the
Australian Football League.
In the United States, HSBC owns the naming rights to the home arena of the
Buffalo Sabres until 2026, the team plays in the North American National
Hockey League.

HSBC’s other sponsorships are mainly in the area of education, health and
the environment.


Since the global adoption of the HSBC brand the following strap lines have
been used:

1999: Your world of financial services.

2002: The world’s local bank.
HSBC has over 125 million customers around the world across its 4
Customer Groups;

25 million of total customers have registered for internet banking;

HSBC have over 284,000 staff in 76 countries and territories, including:

Number of
United Kingdom 55,000
United States of
Brazil 28,000
Hong Kong 26,000
Mexico 22,000
India 20,000
France 14,000

In September 2005, HSBC was voted 'Global Bank of the Year' by The
Banker for the fourth consecutive year;
HSBC’s earnings are diversified geographically and by Customer Group:

Geographical Contribution

North America 32.8%

Europe 30.3%
Hong Kong 21.5%
Rest of Asia Pacific 12.3%
South America 3.1%

Customer Group contribution

Personal Financial Services-


Commercial Banking

Private Banking



The exteriors of HSBC banks are well furnished and maintained. All the
HSBC buildings and branches in all the countries are built in strict
accordance with “feng shui”.All the major HSBC buildings worldwide have
statues of lions on the entrance. From a "Feng Shui" point of view, the two
bronze lion statues in front of the HSBC headquarter are believed to
contribute to the steady revenue of the bank. Although even in Asia, not
every architect believes in Feng Shui, most of their customers do.

All the buildings have developed a harbour lightning plan known as

symphony of lights which gives a spectacular view during nights.

There are various processes followed by a bank. Being a bank with an
international repute the process followed are of international standards. The
staff is very friendly helps its customers in all the processes.

For opening any account (savings or current) the Bank requires a satisfactory
introduction of the person/s opening the account by a person acceptable to
the Bank. The personal of the bank goes to the locations of the customer and
explain the details and does the needfull.

The Bank is required to obtain two recent photographs of the person/s

opening the account, as per R.B.I. directives.

The customer is then required to fill a respective form with all the details
personal and professional—like full name, correct address through which the
transaction can take place, telephone no., occupation, and his official
signature through which he will carry out his bank transaction along with
proof of identification like current gas / telephone / electricity bill or ration
card or voter's identity card or driving license or passport etc.All the above
documents are accompanied by initial deposit to open a bank account.

HSBC’s Corporate and Institutional Banking (CIB) group is a leading

provider of financial services to top-tier global corporate and institutional
clients. HSBC team comprises of dedicated industry professionals
committed to servicing the strategic, financial and capital-raising needs of
our clients.

With strong local knowledge, industry links and a thorough understanding of

sector issues and trends, our teams of banking professionals are chosen for
their in-depth understanding of the industries in which our clients operate.
HSBC recognises the importance of long-term relationships and strives to
work in collaboration with our clients to meet their business objectives.

HSBC aims to be a trusted advisor to each of its clients; our teams of

specialists work in collaboration with clients to provide tailored solutions to
their global strategic and financial needs.

Our relationship teams and investment bankers work together to provide

integrated corporate and investment banking services to our corporate and
institutional clients. These teams have specialist industry and sector
experience and are well positioned to offer visionary strategic advice to our

With some 9,500 offices in 76 countries and territories, HSBC possesses a

true global reach with extensive local strength and knowledge. Our clients
are served by global relationship management teams deployed world-wide,
that work closely with sector and product specialists from across the
Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets business to provide innovative
cross-border solutions.
The Bank has a very humble but a very inspiring beginning. On 14th
September 1918 , "The Saraswat Co-operative Banking Society" was
founded. Mr. J.K. Parulkar became its first Chairman, Mr. N.B. Thakur, the
first Vice-Chairman, Mr. P.N. Warde, the first Secretary and Mr. Shivram
Gopal Rajadhyaksha, the first Treasurer. These were the people with deep
and abiding ideals, faith, vision, optimism and entrepreneurial skills. These
dedicated men in charge of the Society had a commendable sense of service
and duty imbibed in them. Even today, our honorable founders inspire a
sense of awe and respect in the Bank and amongst the shareholders.

The Society was initially set up to help families in distress. Its objective was
to provide temporary accommodation to its members in eventualities such as
weddings of dependent members of the family, repayment of debt and
expenses of medical treatment etc. The Society was converted into a full-
fledged Urban Co-operative Bank in the year 1933.


During the late fifties, the Bank grew from strength to strength. The Bank
had established five branches within the city of Mumbai and one each at
Pune and Belgaum. Resultantly, in the year 1977-78, the Bank's gross
income crossed the Rs.3.00 crore mark for the first time.

Last two decades the bank has witnessed a steady growth in the business.
The bank has a network of 86 fully computerized branches covering five
states viz. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Goa. The
Bank is providing 24- hour service through ATM at 30 locations.

Prosperity to customer relationship has been the motto of Saraswat Bank for
the last 87 years.

The bank still continues to function with the glorious tradition in public
services besides being the largest Urban Co-operative Bank in India,
Saraswat Bank has now become the largest in Asia. Saraswat bank has
now 86 fully computerised branches, 12 Extension Counters, 7 Zonal
Offices and 20 Departments located across 5 States viz. Maharashtra, Goa,
Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.

Saraswat Bank attributes this success to its undying spirit to serve the
common man and to the sharpening of its competitive edge by constantly
upgrading technology to match international standards. The bank is fully
computerised and offers convenient working hours.

Saraswat bank has introduced a wide range of schemes at attractive interest

rates, which has become very popular, especially among the middle-class in
view of the easy repayment plans.


Saraswat provides a variety of products and services to the customers.

Saraswat Bank being the No.1 co-operative bank in Asia, always makes
efforts towards developing and offer new and competitive products and

In the wholesale banking business, the Saraswat Co-operative Bank Ltd.

provides a wide range of products from a traditional term loan to fund the
Capital expenditure to short term products like Bills discounting under
Letter of Credit etc.

The Bank also offers a bouquet of Retail Loan Products such as Vastu siddhi
home loan, Saraswati Education Loan, Car Loan etc. and wide array of
Deposit options with attractive features and Rate of Interest.

Through a channel of distribution of third party products, they also offer

other services like Life and non-Life Insurance, Mutual Funds and Demat
The bank has a special deposit scheme for minor/school students (under the
age of 21) known as CUBS deposit scheme. Account holders are entitled to
free gifts and interest at 3.5%p.a.

The bank also provides separate account co-operative societies with special
benefits like

Free Affinity Card

Free Cheque Collection Service.

Free delivery of Statement of Account (once in a month)

Free Utility Bill Payment (Easy Pay Scheme)

Free transfer of Funds from the account of member of the Society to

Society’s account for monthly maintenance

Free issue of D.D./P.O. Upto Rs. 25000/- each.

Prior intimation regarding maturity of Term Deposit and automatic renewal

of Term Deposit.

5% discount in building insurance premium through our Bank

Special concession under Vastu Sajaawat Loan Scheme for house repairs to
the members of the Society
Services offered by Saraswat bank are as follows


Here is one exciting facility the Bank offers to relieve relieve their
customers, from standing in a queue for routine utility bill payments.

All you have to do is to walk into any of our branch and register yourself
under : Easy Pay" scheme for all your recurring utility bill payments such as
Telephone, Electricity Bills, Cellular Phone Bills, Insurance Premium &
many more. Once you are registered all your future bills will be paid
automatically through your bank account with us.

Saraswat Bank has joined the 'BANCS' network consortium for ATM
sharing and has started operations since 15th June 2004.

BANCS currently comprises of 2461 (Two thousand Four Hundred and

Sixty One only) ATM's of 13 member banks including Saraswat Bank.
Saraswat Bank has ensured that their customers can use existing ATM cards
in 'BANCS' network for ATM transactions. And there are no charges levied
on customers for BANCS transaction.

An account holder can access saraswat’s ATM as well as BANCS group

ATM at free of cost.


Saraswat bank has tied up with following Mutual Funds for selling their
mutual fund products.

[i] ING Vysya Mutual Fund

[ii] Kotak Mutual Fund

[iii] SBI Mutual Fund

[iv] UTI

[v] ICICI Infrastructure Bonds

Saraswat bank also provides a number of insurance policies that suits an

individual needs.

Saraswat bank also provides internet banking.



Savings Bank A/c
- No frills A/c
Minimum Balance Not Applicable
Charges for non Not Applicable
maintenance thereof
Saving Bank
Accounts with
Cheque facility
Minimum Balance Rs.1,000/-
Charges for non Rs. 50 + Service Tax @ 12.24%
maintenance thereof
Other savings
bank account
Issue of Duplicate Nil, in case of savings account holders
Issue of loose Nil
cheque leaves
Issue of duplicate Rs. 15/- per passbook + Service Tax @
pass book 12.24%

DD-Cancellation Rs.10 per instrument plus service tax @

DD-Duplicate Rs.20 per instrument plus service tax @
DD-Revalidation Rs.20 per instrument plus service tax @
Collection of Amount Charges exclusive ofservice
Cheques tax @ 12.24%

Urban: < 1000 15.00

1001-5000 25.00
5001-10000 35.00
10001- 1 lac 3 per
1000 min35 35.00
1.01 lacs- 10 lacs
2.50 per 1000 min
300 300.00

>10 lacs 2 per 1000

min 2500 2500.00
Bouncing of Inward Cheque
cheques- Local return
in Rs.
Type of account cheque)
Savings Bank account Rs. 50/-
Current Bank account Rs. 100/-
Cash Credit /
Overdraft Rs. 100/-

Outward Cheque
in Rs.
Type of account cheque)
Savings Bank account Rs. 25/-
Current Bank account Rs. 50/-
Cash Credit /
Overdraft Rs. 50/-

Charges indicated above are exclusive of

service tax @ 12.24%
Membership fee Nil
Annual Fee Nil
Renewal Charges Nil
Late Payment Nil
Interest Charges Nil
Replacement Nil
Transaction Charge Nil
for Partner banks
Transaction Charge Nil
for Non-Partner
Credit Card
Membership fee Not applicable
Annual Fee Not applicable
Renewal Charges Not applicable
Late Payment Not applicable
Interest Charges Not applicable
Replacement Not applicable
Cash withdrawal Not applicable
Debit Card
Membership fee Not applicable
Annual Fee Not applicable
Renewal Charges Not applicable
Late Payment Not applicable
Replacement Not applicable
Cash withdrawal Not applicable
Balance enquiry Nil
Balance Certificate Nil


Addresses of branches in Mumbai

Place Address
Raja Shopping Center, New
Andheri Nagardas Road, Andheri (E),
Mumbai-400 069.
All India Institute Of Local self
Andheri Ext. Government, Burfiwalla Marg,
Counter Andheri(W.), Mumbai - 400
Kalpak Estate, Shaikh Mistry
Antop Hill Marg, Antophill, Mumbai
Ballard Estate Wakefield House, Plot No. 16,
Ground floor, Sprot Road,
Ballard Estate, Mumbai -
Vinayak CHSL, Gandhi Nagar,
Bandra(E), Mumbai - 400 051
Kesar Kripa, Chandavarkar
Lane, Borivali(W), Mumbai -
400 092
Laxmi Building, 8 Quarter
Road, Borivli (East), Mumbai
Charkop Kuluwasi CHSL,
Panchavati, RDP-8/212,
Charkop, Kandivali(W),
Mumbai - 400 066
Chhatrapati Taj Building, Ground Floor,
Shivaji Amrit Keshav Nayak Marg,
Terminus Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
Shri Sunder Co-op Hsg.
Ltd.,Plot No. 560, Sion
Trombay Road, Chembur,
Mumbai-400 071
12, FramRose Court,60/60B,
Dadar Dadasaheb Phalake Road,
Dadar - 400 014
M.D.College, Maharshi
Dadar Extn. Dayanand Education Society,
Counter Dr. S.S.Rao Road, Opp. Gandhi
Hospital, Parel, Mumbai – 12
Silver Coin apartments, Bhagat
Singh Road, Bhanu Nagar,
Dombivali Dombivali(E).
Everest Hall Bldg, M G Cross
Marg Dombivali (West) 421202
Madhukosh, S.V.Sovani Path,
Girgaum, Mumbai - 400 004
Shreyas Cinema, L.B.S. Marg,
Ghatkopar(W), Mumbai - 400
Ghatkopar Santoshimata Co op Hsg.
Society, Asalfa, Ghatkopar
(West). Mumbai 400084.
Goregaon(E) Seetai, Pandurang Wadi,
Goregaon(E), Mumbai -
Pratiksha Apartment, Opp.
Filmistan Studio, S.V..Road,
Goregaon(W), Mumbai - 400
Apsara Cinema Building, 203-
Grant Road A, Dr. D.B.Marg, Mumbai - 400
Saidham Co. op Hsg. Society
Ltd., Ground floor, Near
Jogeshwari Ganesh Hotel, Majaswadi,
Jogeshwari (East),
Mumbai 400060
Jogeshwari Ext. Meghwadi, Jogeshwari (East),
Counter Mumbai 400060.
Juhu No.13,Near Juhu Church,
Mumbai - 400049
Kishore Smruti, Station
Road,Kalwa, Thane 400 605.
Gokuldham Complex, Murbad
Kalyan Road, Near Syndicate
Naka, Kalyan 421 301.


The following are the different ways in which Saraswat bank promotes itself


Over the years the quality of the magazine has improved to a great extent.
Innovative ideas have been introduced in the lay out and designing.
Members eagerly wait for the copies to get community news. The circulation
has grown to 3800 copies compared to the previous year of 3600 print outs.
There is an over whelming response from eminent writers who have been
spontaneously contributing on topics of current interest viz. biography,
travelogue, astronomy, education, health, culinary, sports, religion and
philosophy etc. The columns under ‘Classifieds and Domestic Tidings are
read with great interest. The numbers of articles are mounting but owing to
constraint of space they are being published in phases in subsequent issues.


Yet another way to promote itself, the bank continuously takes part in
charity and relief funds.

Your Association is one of the member institutions of the Co-ordination

Committee for distribution of Scholarships, distress and Medical relief. The
amount distributed by the Association during the year is as follows:

Fund (Rs.) 2001-2002 (Rs.) 2003-2004

Scholarship 50,900.00 56,150.00
Distress Relief 17,000.00 29,100.00
Medical Relief 36,000.00 25,500.00
Emergency medical NIL 14,400.00


The bank believes that effective web promotion through search engine puts
your website in front of your most qualified customers. Results continue to
show Internet search engines and directories to be the most popular and cost-
effective way to increase online visibility with your potential customers so
that more and more people come to know abou the bank

Some of the other ways websites are discovered.

Top ways websites are discovered :

Banner ads 1%
Targeted email 1.2%
TV spots 1.4%
"By accident" 2.1%
Magazine ads 4.4%
Word-of-mouth 20%
Random Surfing 20%
Search Engines 46%


The interiors of the bank are not as well maintained as any private bank.

A computerised screen indicating current interest rates, services provided by

the bank, services provided by the bank etc is put on the wall.

Tokens were given to those who came to withdraw money.


Board of Directors

Shri R. K. Patkar, B.A.(HONS.), B.COM

Shri K. V. Rangnekar, M.A. (SOCIOLOGY)

Mr. E.K. Thakur, B.A. (HONS.), C.A.I.I.B
Mr. R.V. Kalghatgi
Mr. M.P.Barde, B.E. (CIVIL), M.TECH. M.I.E.
Mr. N. R. Warerkar, B.COM. C.A.I.I.B.
Mr. R. W. Gharse, B. Tech (Chem.Engg.), M.M.S.
Mr. V. K. Gaikwad
Mr.M.K alias "Baba" Parulekar, B.A
Prof. J.S.Walawalkar, B.Com(Hons.), L.L.B., F.C.A., A.C.S.
Mr. S. D. Welling, M.Com. F.C.A.
Mr. S.M. Rege, B.Tech, IIM-Bangalore

Managing Director
Mr. S.Kumar Banerji, B.Sc. (Hons.), D.B.M., L.L.M.


The process mix constitutes the overall procedure involved in using the
services offered by the bank. It is very necessary that the process is very
customer friendly. In other words a process should be such that the customer
is easily able to understand and easy to follow. Today if particular banks
formalities are long and the procedure very complicated the overall process
fails and the customer may not inclined towards using that banks services.
For e.g.


1. Filling up the application form

2. Producing proper documents
3. Providing guarantor in case of fault
4. Proper identity proof and other legal documents

1. CBI is the oldest bank and 1. CBI was the 1st to introduce ATM cards but
most reputed bank in India today it hardly has any ATM centres in India
also have created its 95 years
of Goodwill.
2 .CBI is India's 12th largest 2. CBI is now in process of Tele-Banking,
service provider to customers Internet Banking and Phone Banking which
after SBI which is 2nd service ICICI implemented 10 years back

1.ICICI is one of banks which 1.ICICI is a private bank so a large population

has 12 hours banking, 24 of India cannot rely on it and minimum balance
hours ATM services, 24 hours for account holders is higher than others.
Internet Banking

2. ICICI has a separate 2. Interest rates on loans are comparitively

Customer Relation Manager higher than other banks so common people
who attends the customer cannot easily afford it.
problems Personally

1. HSBC bank is one of the 1. The minimum balance to open an savings

banks which has largest account is Rs.5000 which is retavely hjgher then
distributed channels all over other banks.
the world

2. HSBC is a foreign bank but 2.The security deposit for opening A DEMAT
it gives a tough competition to Account is comparitively higher than other
Indian originated banks in banks.

1.Minimum deposite scheme 1. It has very few branches in India thus there
compared to ICICI, HSBC is lack of promotional activities .

2. since it is a co-operative 2. There are very few ATM centres available

bank the Co-operative which causes problem for the ATM card holders
Societies feel free to borrow
money from them

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