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Project Job no.

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In accordance with EN 1997-1:2004 incorporating Corrigendum dated February 2009 and the recommended values
Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

Design summary
Description Unit Actual Allowable Utilisation Result
Axial, compression kN 327.5 855.5 0.383 PASS
Axial, tension kN 143 184.6 0.775 PASS
Pile details
Installation method; Driven
Shape; 400 mm diameter
Length; L = 13000 mm
Material details
Material; Concrete
Concrete strength class; C25/30
Part. factor, concrete (EN1992-1-1 cl.; C = 1.50
Coefficient cc (EN1992-1-1 cl. 3.1.6(1)); cc = 1.00
Characteristic compression cylinder strength; fck = 25 N/mm2
Design comp. strength (EN1992-1-1 cl. 3.1.6(1)); fcd = cc  fck / C = 16.7 N/mm2
Mean value of cyl. strength (EN1992-1-1 Table 3.1); fcm = fck + 8 MPa = 33.0 N/mm2
Secant mod. of elasticity (EN1992-1-1 Table 3.1); Ecm = 22000 MPa  (fcm / 10 MPa)0.3 = 31.5 kN/mm2
Modulus of elasticity; E = Ecm = 31.5 kN/mm2
Geometric properties
Pile section depth; h = 400 mm
Bearing area; Abearing =   h2 / 4 = 0.126 m2
Pile perimeter; Perimpile =   h = 1.257 m
Moment of inertia; I =   h4 / 64 = 125664 cm4
11000 mm

qsk1 = 15 kN/m 2
13000 mm

qsk2 = 35 kN/m 2
5000 mm

qbk2 = 6500 kN/m2

qski = Characteristic value, shaft resistance, q bki = Characteristic value, base

Project Job no.

Calcs for Start page no./Revision

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Stratum details
Stratum Geomaterial Thickness, tstratai Characteristic value, Characteristic value,
(mm) base, qbki shaft, qski
(kN/m2) (kN/m2)
1 Cohesive 11000 - 15
2 Cohesive 5000 6500 35

Action details
Characteristic perm. unfav. action, compression; Gc,k,unfav = 100 kN
Characteristic perm. fav. action, compression; Gc,k,fav = 0 kN
Characteristic variable unfav. action, compression; Qc,k = 175 kN
Characteristic perm. unfav. action, tension; Gt,k,unfav = 0 kN
Characteristic perm. fav. action, tension; Gt,k,fav = 0 kN
Characteristic variable unfav. action, tension; Qt,k = 110 kN
Geotechnical partial and model factors:
Design approach 1:
Model factor on compressive resistance; model = 1.00
Model factor on tensile resistance; model,t = 1.00
Permanent unfavourable, A1 (Table A.3); G,unfav,A1 = 1.35
Permanent favourable, A1 (1); G,fav,A1 = 1.00
Variable unfavourable, A1 (Table A.3); Q,A1 = 1.50
Permanent unfavourable, A2 (Table A.3); G,unfav,A2 = 1.00
Permanent favourable, A2 (Table A.3); G,fav,A2 = 1.00
Variable unfavourable, A2 (Table A.3); Q,A2 = 1.30

Characteristic axial resistance

Characteristic axial base resistance; Rbk = Abearing  qbk = 816.8 kN
Characteristic axial shaft resistance per stratum
Stratum 1; Rsk1 = qsk1  Perimpile  tstrata1 =207.3 kN
Stratum 2; Rsk2 = qsk2  Perimpile  (L - Dstrata2) =88 kN
Characteristic total axial shaft resistance; Rsk = Rsk1 + Rsk2 = 295.3 kN
Axial compressive resistance
Load combination 1: A1 + M1 + R1
Design compression action; Fc,d,C1 = G,unfav,A1  Gc,k,unfav - G,fav,A1  Gc,k,fav + Q,A1  Qc,k
Fc,d,C1 = 397.5 kN
Partial resistance factor, bearing (Table A.6); b,R1 = 1.00
Partial resistance factor, shaft (Table A.6); s,R1 = 1.00
Design compressive resistance; Rc,d,C1 = (Rbk / b,R1 + Rsk / s,R1) / model = 1112.1 kN
Fc,d,C1 / R c,d,C1 = 0.357
PASS - Design compressive resistance exceeds design load
Load combination 2: A2 + M1 + R4
Design compression action; Fc,d,C2 = G,unfav,A2  Gc,k,unfav - G,fav,A2  Gc,k,fav + Q,A2  Qc,k
Fc,d,C2 = 327.5 kN
Partial resistance factor, bearing (Table A.6); b,R4 = 1.30
Partial resistance factor, shaft (Table A.6); s,R4 = 1.30
Design compressive resistance; Rc,d,C2 = (Rbk / b,R4 + Rsk / s,R4) / model = 855.5 kN
Fc,d,C2 / R c,d,C2 = 0.383
Project Job no.

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PASS - Design compressive resistance exceeds design load

Axial tensile resistance
Load combination 1: A1 + M1 + R1
Design tension load; Ft,d,C1 = G,unfav,A1  Gt,k,unfav - G,fav,A1  Gt,k,fav + Q,A1  Qt,k
Ft,d,C1 = 165 kN
Partial resist. factor, shaft in tension (Table A.6); s,t,R1 = 1.25
Design tensile resistance; Rt,d,C1 = Rsk / (s,t,R1  model,t) = 236.2 kN
Ft,d,C1 / R t,d,C1 = 0.698
PASS - Design tensile resistance exceeds design load
Load combination 2: A2 + M1 + R4
Design tension load; Ft,d,C2 = G,unfav,A2  Gt,k,unfav - G,fav,A2  Gt,k,fav + Q,A2  Qt,k
Ft,d,C2 = 143 kN
Partial resist. factor, shaft in tension (Table A.6); s,t,R4 = 1.6
Design tensile resistance; Rt,d,C2 = Rsk / (s,t,R4  model,t) = 184.6 kN
Ft,d,C2 / R t,d,C2 = 0.775
PASS - Design tensile resistance exceeds design load

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