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o f s h a f t coupling OKS 210 HB

OKS 230 HB
OKS 250 HB
OKS 270 HB
OKs 300 HB
OKs 330 HB

used i n t h e SULZER ENGINE


The OKs-HB coupling consists basically of two sleeves of high quality steel, a thin inner sleeve and a
thick outer sleeve. The outer surface of the inner sleeve is slightly tapered and the bore of the out-
e r sleeve has a corresponding taper. The inner sl&ve bore i s somewhat larger than the diameter of the
shafts, so that the sleeve can be passed over then w i t h ease. The outer sleeve i s then driven up the
tapered inner sleeve using the hydraulic unit incorporated in the coupling; t h i s action compresses the
inner sleeve onto both shafts. To allow t h i s drive-up, the friction of the matching tapered surfaces
is f i r s t overcome by injecting o i l a t high pressure between them, where it forms a load-carqing film
separating the two components. When the outer sleeve has reached its correct position, the injection
pressure is released and the o i l drains off, restoring normal friction between the sleeves.

Dismounting the coupling is equally simple. O i l is injected between the coupling sleeves t o overcome
the friction. As a result of the taper, the compressive force has an axial component which causes the
outer sleeve to slide down the taper, forcing the o i l of the hydraulic unit. By controlling the flow
of t h i s oil, the sleeve can be prevented from sliding too quickly.
1 Support the shafts on both sides of the coupling. Unfasten the levers that lock the nut.

2 Connect the pump and the injectors as for mounting. Adjust the pressure i n the hydraulic unit t o about
20 MPa. Using the injector, force o i l ktween the coupling sleeves until i t emerges a l l around the periphery
a t the large end of the inner sleeve.

3 Open the return valve on the pump just enough to allow the outer sleeve t o slide slowly down the inner
sleeve. The injection of o i l between the sleeves should be continued during the entire disnnunting process
in order t o maintain the o i l film. One way of facilitating the release of the outer sleeve is t o drive it a
very short distance further up using the pump. Also by using o i l of a thicker t p in the injectors the
release is facilitated.

4 F i t the screw i n the center hole of each lock lever and tighten it against the nut. Clean the shafts
adjacent t o the coupling, make sure that the shafts are aligned and slide the coupling completely on to one
shaft. The pump connection hole and the vent hole must be closed uhilst the coupling is being move&: the o i l
in the hydraulic unit w i l l then transmit the force and the sealing ring w i l l not be damaged.


S-81300 Hofors, Sweden. Tel +46 (290)25000. Telex 47300. Telecopier +46 (290)28270.

i j i min
I I max when the c o u p l i n g i s mounted

I \,
BSF 114" '\;

j b'


O K 210 HB 210 350 331 295 127.5 10 30 166

OKS 250 HB
140 . 10
OVAI<OS E E L Couplings A6


The outer sleeve is driven up by means of a hydraulic pump with a return valve and w i t h a working pressure of
some 30 MPa (300 kg/cd). Either a manually operated pump or one power-driven, by motor or compressed a i r , may
be used.

O i l injectors

To inject o i l between the coupling sleeves, two SKF high pressure injectors 226400 should be used. See
"Th? OK couplings from OVAKO STEEL" for further details.

Ccmplete tool k i t 728236s

A k i t containing a l l the e q u i p n t required for mounting and dismounting is available from SKF. The k i t
includes one hand operated hydraulic pump s e t , one injector, hexagonal keys, one envelope of spare parts for
the injector and one tool case.

Locating device for outer sleeve

h l l couplings for shafts zith &ize:ers over 209 m zre equi?~~.!with lock levers which prevent the outer
sierve frcm being driven up unintentionally on the inner sleeve during t r a n s p ~m~
d wnen the couplir?? is
being mounted or dismounted. The lock levers are removed when the coupling has been positioned correctly or!
the shafts. The levers are used for locking the nut when the coupling is mounted.


The o i l t o be used for the hydraulic pump and the injector should have a viscosity of 300 mn2/s (300 cS) a t
the temperature of the coupling. The adequate viscosity w i l l generally be obtained with sufficient accuracy i f
the o i l i s chosen as follows:

0 - e°C Hotor O i l SAE 10 W

8 - 18OC 11
SBE 20 W
18 - 27OC II
SAE 30
24 - 32OC I1
ShE 40
32 - 3e°C II
SAE 50
OVAf<O STEEL Couplings Ae


1 . Remove any burrs on the coupling seatings on the shafts. f I I

Clean and uasb the inner sleeve bare and tbe mupling II
I i l I
seatings w i t h white spirit, so that tbe anticarmsive agent
is removed. Ensure that the s e a t i n p have been machined
to the correct tolerances. Mark off the dimension A" on
one of the shafts t o indicate the position of the l;rge end
of the inner sleeve; t h i s dimension is given on page 2.

2 F i t the lock levers. Suspend the coupling o p p s i t e the

shaft on which dimension B has been marked off,
ensuring that the injector connection holes are
a t the top. Coat t h i s seating with t h i n mineral o i l .
Slide the coupling on, guiding it carefully to prevent it
from becoming misaligned and danaging the shaft. P u s h the
coupling on until so much of the seating ewrges that the
shafts c a k e aliened accurately. M e : k r i q t h i s process
the c~uplingmust not weigh upon :hi snaf;.

3 Bring both shafts together and align them w i t h precision,
vertically and horizontally. The shafts should be supported t--- -- --
-t -1
close to the coupling. Use a straight edge to check the
alignment. The shaft ends should be in contact, but a gap
u :
of not more than 1%of the shaft diameter is acceptable.

4 Cmt the seating on the other shaft with thin 4 n e r a l o i l .

Slide the coupling back along the shafts until the large end
face of the inner sleeve coincides with the marking referred
t o i n paragraph 1.

Now remove the lock levers.


R 3/4" = 314" ESP I

6 . Connect the hydraulic pump (1) and pump o i l into the hydraulic unit until a i r free o i l escapes through
the vent hole ( 2 ) . Stop pumping and close the koie. Connect ine injector (3j and s t a r t injecting o i l between
the coupling sleeves until it emerges at the large end of the inner sleeve. The injection of o i l between the
sleeves should be continued during the entire drive-up process in order t o maintain the o i l film. The pressure
i n the pump (1) should not exceed 25 Y2a.

Drive-up is complete when 10 mn af the inner sleeve escape from the outer sleeve, see the figure on page 2.
Open the pressure reduction valve on the injectors t o release the o i l between the sleeves. The o i l pressure in
the hydraulic unit must not be reduced until this has been done. Disconnect the injectors and the punip, but
l e t the o i l remain i n the hydraulic unit. Seal the o i l ducts w i t h the appropriate plugs. After the f i r s t
mounting process, tighten the nut firmly. Remove the screw i n the center of each lock lever. Position the lock
levers t o lock the nut, and fasten them.

Coat the exposed parts of the coupling seatings and the inner sleeve w i t h rust preventive; t h i s w i l l also
prevent moisture from penetrating beneath the coupling.

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