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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V

I. Objectives

The teacher is expected to deliver his lesson in 50 minutes

The learners should be able to..

a) Define weathering

b) Identify the agents of weathering, and

c) Explain how weathering works

II. Subject Matter


Reference : Science beyond Borders 5. Pp.154-156

Instructional Materials: Projector, two pieces of chalk, hammer, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, piece of
fine cloth, sand, shoe box. Pictures.

Values : Following Instructions, Patience, and Creativity

Science Skills : Observing, Comparing, Inferring, Communicating

III. Procedure

Teacher`s Activity Pupil`s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. checking of assignment
4. Review of past lesson

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation
Very good. So now I have some question to
Have you seen a marble floor?
Yes, Sir!
How about a stone carving?
Yes, Sir!
Or simply a rugged stone?
Yes, Sir!

(Show pictures)
Okay! I have a marble floor picture here, can
you describe it?

A marble floor is smooth and has different


Marble floor
Very good!
How about the stone carving? Can you
describe it?

Stone carvings are smooth but some are


Stone carving

And last, what can you say about this

A rugged stone on the other hand has many sharp,

and rough edges.

Rugged stone

Very good.

Have you seen those a construction workers at

the caduang tete bridge?
Yes sir!

What happens to rock when a construction

worker operates his jackhammer?

The rocks break when a construction worker

operates his jackhammer.
2. Presentation
Okay! Now I prepared a video presentation for
But before we watch the video, what should You
remember while watching?
Keep quiet.
What else?
Listen carefully.
Takedown notes.
Very good! So let’s watch the video.
(video will play)

Based on the video presentation.

Weathering is the breaking of rock in fragments.
Weathering is the breaking of rock in fragments.
Very good!
So now, there are two types of weathering we
have, Mechanical and Chemical weathering.

What is the mechanical weathering?

Mechanical weathering it is the physical
wearing a way of rocks.
Mechanical weathering it is the physical wearing
a way of rocks.

While the chemical weathering

It involves a change in the composition of
rocks that allows them break down in the
Chemical weathering It involves a change in the
composition of rocks that allows them break
down in the pieces

3. Discussion

Agents of Weathering

Now let us identify the agents that cause rocks

to break into pieces.
Are you ready to listen and watch the

(Show presentation 1)

From the video that you have watched, what

triggers the rock to break?
The water expanded and turned into ice making
the rock break into pieces.
Correct. When the water seeped into the cracks
of rocks and freeze, the rock will breaks.

(Show pictures of different rock formations)

Who among you have seen a rock formation?

(some pupils yes and no)
Do you know how these rocks turn into these
No, Sir?

Okay! It is because of the wind. It blows and

carries the sand or small rock particles that
scratch the surface of the rocks.

Next are plants, can you believe that even a

small plant can break a rock?

Look at the picture

Where does the plant grow?

The plant grows on the rock and it causes the rock
to break into pieces.

It is when weathering happen. Even the trees

roots can break the cemented ground.

Where do animals commonly live?

What else?
Inside and outside of the house
Can you give animals that live in a forest?



And so on….
Which among these animals live in tunnel or
Owl and rabbit

Some animals in the forest usually live by

digging a hole in the ground that contributes to

And lastly, humans can also contribute to


Can you think of human activities that

contributes to weathering?

Building roads

Building houses


Building bridge and many..

What would be the negative effect of quarrying
operation on high lands or mountains?

This mining activity can trigger landslides.

4. Values Infusion
Very good!
In what ways can weathering affect us? Give
positive and a negative effect of weathering in
our lives.
It increases the risk of landslides.

It also destroys natural habitat of some animals in

the mountain.

5. Application
Very good!
For your activity, I will group you into three. I
will show on the screen the task for each

In a group activity, what should you remember

while doing your task?
Cooperate with the group
What else?
Talk in a low voice while doing the activity
What else?
Be extra careful in doing the task

Correct. And listen attentively as I explain your


I have here the materials that you will need in

doing your activity.

What are they?

(Show the materials)

Piece of fine cloth

1 tablespoon of vinegar

2 pieces of chalk

Shoe box


Manila Paper and Marker

What to do:
(Read the task for each group on the screen)
A. Group activity.
1. For Group A, get one chalk and wrap it with
a fine cloth. Pound the chalk using a hammer.

2. For Group B, get and pour vinegar on it.

Observe what will happen.

Compare the changes that happened to the two

pieces of chalk.

. Answer the following questions.

 What kind of change or transformation
happened to the first piece of chalk?
(group 1) The chalk is broken down physically by
means hammering.
 The second one?
(group 2) The piece of chalk was damaged
chemically because of the vinegar.
 Based on the activity, how will you
compare the two types of weathering?
(group 1) Mechanical weathering happens when a
rock is broken down by physical means, just like
how the chalk was hammered.

(group 2) Chemical weathering occurs when a

rock is broken down when subjected to a
chemical reaction.

3. For Group C, put some dine dry sand in a

shoe box.

Put the box on the floor beside the electric fan.

Observe what will happen to the sand.

Answer the following questions.

 What happened to the particles of sand?
The particles of sand were blown away by the
wind from the electric fan

 What agent of weathering caused the fine

sand to be blown away?
The wind caused the fine sand to be blown away.
Each group leader should present their outputs
and findings in the front of the class. I give you
a five minutes to do you task. Okay! Are you
ready class?
Yes, Sir!
Okay! You can start.

5. Generalization
Okay! Very good.
What is weathering?
Weathering is the breaking of rocks into a
What are the agents of weathering? Enumerate





IV. Evaluation

Get your big notebook and answer the following


A. Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. It is the breaking down of rocks into fragments.

a. erosion c. runoff

b. flooding d. weathering D. weathering

2. A type of weathering that involves change in the

composition of rock

a. chemical c. mechanical
b. both d. none A. chemical

3. What do you call the process by which humans

extract stones from the mountains for construction

a. digging c. weathering
b. flattering d. quarrying D. quarrying

4. What will happen to a rock when it is exposed to

higher temperature?

a. contracts c. expands
b. evaporates d. sinks C. expands

5. An open-pit mine where rocks can be extracted.

a. landfill c. reservoir
b. open-field d. quarry B. open-field

B. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. How can waves contribute to the weathering of

The Strong waves hitting the rocks can make it
2. Why is weathering an important process in the
Because they helps shape the earth`s surface.

V. Assignment
Very good! Okay. Get your assignment note book
and write your assignment.

Paste pictures of places that have obviously

undergone weathering and place that have not.

Recommended approval: prepared by:


Approve by:


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