Nama Anggota Kelompok: Selvia Putri Pujiyanti Satria Wirang Anggi Pratama Fauziatul Afifah Nyoman Ryandi Prasetya

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Selvia Putri Pujiyanti

Satria Wirang Anggi Pratama

Fauziatul Afifah

Nyoman Ryandi Prasetya

Review novel : The great gatsby

Orientation :

Nick Carraway moved into a small house in the West Egg, between two large
buildings. One of them, on the right, is Mr. Gatsby's castle. Every weekend, the house
was packed and banging loudly. Big Gatsby parties are famous everywhere. Nick had not
yet figured out what it would be like to be among the crowds of people in the party, until
Nick was invited to the party, signed by Gatsby himself.

Interpretative recount :

Before that, Nick visits his cousin, Daisy, and her husband, Tom, in their beautiful
home in East Egg. There he meets Jordan Baker, an athlete, who is also a friend of Daisy.
Well, at that festive Gatsby party, when Nick almost gave up not knowing anyone, he
finally breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing Jordan. It was at the party that, for the first
time Nick heard the gossip about who exactly Gatsby was. Some say he once killed
someone; or engaged in a malicious business; etc. Apparently nobody really knows
Gatsby, but they often come to his party. The encounter with Gatsby directly that night
opened the door for Nick to an introduction to the past and the other side of Gatsby from
what has been seen from his magnificent castle and festive parties. Including, that Gatsby
had kept an obsession for Daisy, who had once been his lover. Shyly, Gatsby asks Nick to
help him with Daisy. Nick would not have expected that the meeting would culminate in
a tragedy.

Evaluation :

In this novel the appearance of Fitzgerald really describes what happened in the
era of the 20s in detail, many of the events, objects, literature, theater, and so on alluded
to in this novel so that for us will be a strange thing, fortunately this novel includes a
footnote trying to explain it all. How Fitzgerald managed to describe in detail both the
situation and the deepening of the characters characters do give its own color on this
novel, but consequently there are some parts that become boring

Evaluation summation :.

As a whole, The Great Gatsby is an interesting story. But, what bothers me when
reading this novel is there are too many pointless conversations that are irreleveant to the
sequences of the story. For those of you who are a fan of a classical novel, don’t miss this

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