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Frequently Asked Questions for the TOPIK

Relating to TOPIK registration

Q1. Can I apply for the 32nd TOPIK which will be held on October 20st 2013 online?

A1. No, you should visit the Korean Cultural Center and apply in

Q2. What are the requirements for the TOPIK application?

A2. A completed application form, Two of 3x4cm photographs printed

on a photo paper, and php400

Q3. Is it okay if my friend or family members go to KCC and hand in my application


A3. Yes. For that, the one who come to KCC must bring a valid ID of
the applicant, and others needed for TOPIK application

Q4. How can I determine my Korean proficiency?

A4. Please refer to the test level information below to choose your test
<Evaluation Content by Level>
Level Qualification
Beginner Level  Able to basic language functions such as introducing
1 oneself, purchasing products, ordering food, and
expressing and understanding private and familiar
 Able to generate simple sentences using a 800-word
basic vocabulary and beginner grammar.
 Able to form and understand potential, everyday

Level  Able to express language functions such as phone calls,

2 asking favors, and using public facilities such as post
offices and banks.
 Able to use a 1500~2000-word vocabulary to
understand and express paragraphs involving private
and friendly topics.
 Know how to use language in separate situations -
official and unofficial situations.

Intermediate Level  Having no difficulty in language functions needed in

3 living an everyday life, using various public facilities
and maintaining social relationships.
 Able to understand and express familiar, specific social
topics in units of paragraphs.
 Able to understand and express basic characteristics of
colloquial and written Korean.

Level  Able to perform functions needed in using public

4 facilities, maintain social relationships and carry out
normal functions.
 Able to understand plain content in the new or
newspaper columns.
 Able to fluently understand and express social and
abstract themes.
 Able to understand and express social and cultural
context based on an understanding of widely used
idiomatic expressions and representative Korean

Advanced Level  Able to express language functions needed in research

5 and work in fields of expertise to a certain extent.
 Able to use language skills in unfamiliar themes such as
politics, economics, society and culture.
 Adequately able to use language in official and
unofficial context, and in colloquial and literary

Level  Able to fluently and perfectly express language

6 functions needed in research and work in fields of
 Able to use language skills in unfamiliar themes such as
politics, economics, society and culture.
 Has no difficulty in language functions or language
expressions to a near-native extent.

Q5. What’s the difference between testing area and testing place?

A5. Testing area is the city you’re taking the test. If you’re going to take
a test at Korean Cultural Center, you have to write Manila for
testing area and KCC for testing place.

Q6. I don’t have any Korean name, how should I write for Korean name?

A6. If you don’t have Korean name, you don’t have to write it down.
However, English name should be written down on the application
form from surname and then given name in capitalized letter.
Q7. Do I also have to fill up the Identification Slip part?

A7. You may. If you feel confused, however, you can just bring the
application form with the Identification slip part blank.

Q8. Can I get a refund?

A8. You can get refund on TOPIK registration only during the
registration period. (2013.7.22~8.22).

Relating to taking the test

Q9. What time should I get to the testing place?

A9. Applicants for beginner and advanced should be seated on his or

her designated place before 8:10 am, and applicants for
intermediate before 1:10 pm. Applicants are not allowed to enter
the test room for each test after 8:10am or 1:10pm.

Q10. What do I have to bring to the test site?

A10. Applicants must bring a valid ID with the same information as the
32nd TOPIK Identification Slip. Also, your photo and information
should be recognizable and should have the expiration date that has
not passed.

Q11. What ID should I bring to TOPIK?

A11. A valid ID must have a photo which is identifiable, and the date of
birth and name of the applicant. Also it must be the one that has
NOT expired.

Q12. Is there any sample questionnaire of the exam?

A12. Yes, you can download the sample questions from the previous
TOPIK tests on sample questions bulletin in TOPIK section at the
KCC website.

Q13. How many times the applicants can take the TOPIK exam?

A13. There is no limitation to apply for it, so you can take it whenever
the exam is held.

Q14. How long is the 32nd TOPIK test valid?

A14. The test result of TOPIK is valid for two years from the date the
result is released (the date on each TOPIK certificate).

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