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Credit value: 3

MSc Degree Course in Agriculture

2014/2015 Academic Year, Semester 1

Prof. Katalin SÁRDI

University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty
Department of Crop Production and Soil Science
Course Program

 Part I. General knowledge Week 1-2

 Lecturers: Prof. K. SÁRDI,
 Part II. Experiments in Plant Sciences Week 3-7
 Lecturers: Dr. Z. ALFÖLDI, Prof. K. SÁRDI,
• Prof. Emeritus T KISMÁNYOKY
 Part III. Experiments in Animal Sciences Week 8-11
 Lecturers: Prof. F. HUSVÉTH, Prof. K. DUBLECZ
 Part IV. Experiments in Economic and
Social Sciences Week 12-14
Lecturer: Dr. Zs. BACSI
Suggested literature


University Press, New York. 1975.
Causton, B. Shipley and A. P. Askew. Annals of Botany 90: 485-488, 2002
 GREENHOUSE MANAGEMENT. Hanan, J.J., Holley W.D., Goldsberry. Springer
Verlag, Heidelberg. 1978.
Garnsworthy, M. Grossmann. Nottingham University Press, 2000.
A. Reza Hoshmand. CRC Press, 2006.
Petersen. CRC Press, 1994.
 LONG-TERM FIELD EXPERIMENTS. Keszthely. Kismányoky, T. – Balázs, J. 1996.
 MOLECULAR CLONING. Sambrook, Fritsch, Maniatis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Press 2004.
 ESSENTIALS OF MARKETING RESEARCH. Proctor, T. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005.
 MANAGEMENT RESEARCH METHODS. Tharenou, P. Donohue, R., Cooper, B.
Cambridge University Press | 2007
 DESIGNING SOCIAL RESEARCH. N Blaikie. Polity Press, 2000.
The general concept of research and experimentation

 Science = an independent, detached and objective observation of

the world
Science = a learning process for analyzing and understanding
nature and the environment
 Empirical sciences - developmental science and research
 Classificatory sciences – historical and descriptive sciences
 Research = a cognitive system, applying different approaches and
methods for answering the questions during the learning process.
Research = the search for knowledge or as any systematic
investigation to establish facts

 Agricultural science and research = systemic science

(=influences its own subject area)
The framework of science with some examples of different
disciplines and types of research (Alrøe and Kristensen, 2002)
General approaches in the research methodology in agriculture (in
vivo, in situ, in vitro, etc.).

IN VIVO (Latin = within the living)

 A non-invasive method for studying a whole,
living organism or an isolated cell
 „In vivo” in plant sciences = experimentation in
plant physiology
• Metabolic processes (e.g. enzyme actvity, gene sequence,
• Molecular biology – in isolated cells
 „In vivo” in animal sciences = experimentation in
animal physiology
• Metabolic processes (e.g. enzyme actvity, pharmacological
studies etc.)
• Molecular biology – cultured cells from biopsies (called also
„ex vivo”)
IN VITRO (Latin = within the glass)

 A study or experiment carried out in controlled environment, i.e.

outside of organisms and cells

 „In vitro” in plant sciences (in laboratory, e.g. in Petri dish or in a test
tube etc.)
 „In vitro” in animal sciences (in laboratory, e.g. in test tubes,
sterilized glassware etc.)
IN SITU (Latin = examination of the living organism in its natural

Observations or examinations on the organism or phenomenon exactly

in place where it occurs

 „In situ” in plant sciences = studies in ecology e.g. plant community

structure, Nitrogen fixation by soil microorganisms etc.
 „In situ” in animal sciences = observations of living animals in
natural environment
Basic terminology of experimentation
 Hypothesis = a theory, a proposed explanation for an observable
phenomenon.A hypothesis cannot be explained with the available
scientific theories. From the Greek "to suppose."
 Experiment = used for testing the validity of the hypothesis
 Experimental unit = an entity that receives a treatment
 Treatment = a process of modifying or altering something, and depending
on context may be used in an unqualified form to refer of the following:
the levels of treatment factor(s) applied - variables controlled by the
 Factor = experimental variables, controllable condition (e.g. irrigation,
sowing date, fertilization etc.)
 Experimental error = differences/deviation in the results of treatments
 Replication = the repetition of the treatment (required for statistical
 Randomization = random arrangement of treatments to experimental unit
(for avoidng systematic error)

Most common terms used for several types of experiments: studies, trials,
surveys, analyses
Approaches in agricultural research - methods used in


 Problem – question - hypothesis
 Collecting data
 Analysing results
 Data interpretation and evaluation

Major steps in the research process (outer circle) and
corresponding sections of a scientific paper (inner circle)

Source: Malmfors et al. (2000)

Data collection and processing from scientific
 Literature and data collection from printed materials - libraries
 Data collection from the ISI Web of Science
 Primary literature in research journals - original research articles. Review articles
reporting specific results relevant to your study. Review articles are particularly
useful = they summarize all the research done on a narrow subject area over a brief
period of time.
 A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current
knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological
contributions to a particular topic.
 Literature reviews are secondary sources, do not report any new or original experimental
 Avoid citing general background references (encyclopedias, textbooks, lab manuals,
style manuals, etc.) as "common" knowledge on the topic.
 Analytical methods of experiments
 Qualitative research
 Quantitative research

 Qualitative research = a study conducted in a natural setting where

the researcher, an instrument of data collection, gathers words or
pictures, analyzes them inductively, focuses on the meaning of
participants, and describes a process that is both expressive and
persuasive in language.
 Quantitative research =
 Laboratory analyses – selected parameters for the topic, in order to test
the validity of the theory/hypothesis
 Experiments carried out under variable conditions: bological and
chemical methods
 In the social sciences, quantitative research refers to the systematic
empirical investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and
their relationships.
Writing and presenting scientific papers

 Basics of Scientific communication

 Written or oral: papers, reports, presentations
(poster or oral)
 Essential requirements:
 Accurate and Audience-adapted
Some characteristics of scientific and
popular science writing

Source: Malmfors et al. (2000)

Sections of a Scientific Paper
Standard format

 Title and author(s) Topic of the Paper

 Abstract Short summary of sections
 Introduction Background, problems
 Objectives Questions to be answered
 Materials and Methods Detailes of the research
(experimental design, treatments etc.)
 Results and Discussion Experimental findings and
 Conclusions Possible implications and
the impact
 References List of relevant books,
papers related to the topic
 Acknowledgement (optional) Information on project fundings
Analysis and data interpretation, use of statistical methods

 A wide range of specific methods and approaches,

depending on the discipline and research topic.

 Single-, two- and multi-factor analyses of results

 Regression and correlation analyses

 Results of laboratory determinations are

commonly analysed by using computer program
packages e.g. SPSS, most commonly ANOVA
(ANalysis Of VAriance) test is conducted.
 Results are compared to untreated/unfertilized
control, significant differences (LSD5 % ) or
correlation between determinant factors
(coefficient values, r or R2) are expressed.
Use of controlled environments and model

 Databases are required

 Modeling is mostly used for simulation of several
agricultural systems, processes in the long-term
scale etc.
EXAMPLES - Simulation crop yield models
 Middleton Model for yield curves (Middleton
 Gunnarsson Model (Gunnarsson 1982, Sweden)
for cereal crops
 Sharpley et al. 1984
Varga, P.1 – J. Má
Varga, Májer1 – G. Gyı Németh1 – B. Szı
rffyné Jahnke1 – Cs. Né
Gyırffyné Szıke1 – K. Sá
Sárdi2* – Z. Varga3 – L. Kocsis3 – B. Salamon2
1 University of Pannonia, Research Institute for Viticulture and Oenology, Badacsony;
Badacsony; H-
H-8261 Badacsonytomaj,
Badacsonytomaj, 165 Római St., Hungary
2 University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty, Department of Crop Production and Soil Science, H-
H-8360 Keszthely,
Keszthely, Hungary
3 University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty, Department of Horticulture H-
H-8360 Keszthely,
Keszthely, Hungary

In environmentally sound grape production, avoiding soil erosion and soil moisture losses are of primary importance. Alternative cultivation and mulching technologies meet the requirements of integrated cultivation. These are mostly cover cropping, mulching
with plant residues, covering soil by sods, and with some restrictions, mechanical cultivation.
Recently, changing market conditions, environmental issues, the increasing importance of wine culture and tourism require integrated grape production technologies in the upper zones of hillside vineyards (Varga-Májer 2004, Némethy et al. 2006) in Hungary
such as in Somló wine district.
Our experiments were carried out in 2006-2008 in vineyards located in the upper zone (above 200 m see level) of Somló-hill for studying Table 2 Harvest results of the soil cultivation experiment
the adaptive and environmentally friendly soil cultivation and nutrient supply methods.
Soil cultivation experiment: SC1: organic mulch (crop residues); SC2: mechanical cultivation (disked control); SC3: natural grass cover. Treatment Soluble solids in juice g Titratable acidity of Bunch-yield
This trial was conducted on a medium slope of 5 to 8%. with cv. ‘Furmint’ (on Fercal rootstock) in 1.4 x 0.8 m spacing planted in 2003. per 100 g juice juice g l-1 kg per gm2
Treatments: on 5 in-rows, i.e. 970 m2 per plot. Green crop cover was developed by natural weeds. Mulching by plant residues to the 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008
entire surface (including rows).
SC1 Mulched 16.70 18.30 17.50 9.17 7.52 8.60 0.18 0.44 0.83
Nutrient supply experiment: NS1: unfertilized control, NS2: Nitrogen fertilizer (NH4NO3) 50 kg ha-1; NS3: Farmyard manure (34 tons ha- SC2 Disked 17.30 18.10 18.70 9.38 7.26 8.79 0.15 0.42 0.67
1). The site is located on a moderate slope of 1 to 2% with cv. ‘Italian Riesling’ in 1.5 x 08 m spacing planted in 1990 with medium
cordon trellinsing. In Spring each year vine load was adjusted to 7 buds per m2. SC3 Natural grass cover 17.20 17.80 19.20 9.16 6.85 8.39 0.16 0.41 0.47
Treatments: in four replicates in-3 rows i.e. 270 m2 per plot. LSD5% 0.69 0.22 0.16 0.85 0.13 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.03
Main characteristics of experimental soils are summarized in Table 1
Experiment FAO Soil Soil CaCO3 Status of Status of
pHKCl Soil OM% Results of soil analyses:
Type/Label Taxonomy Texture % available P available K
Mineral nitrogen content in soil was favourable in plots fertilized with ammonium nitrate. Lower
Soil Eutric medium- mineral nitrogen levels could be observed in plots with manure application and even lower on the
loam 6.82 1.60 1.60 good
Cultivation, SC cambisol good
unfertilized control plots. Significant differences were obtained among effects of treatment in each
Nutrient Eutric year; influence of both the application of mineral N fertilizer and manure could be proven compared
sandy loam 6.8 0.32 1.3 good good
Supply, NS cambisol
to control plots (Figure 3). Low mineral nitrogen level on plots observed in the second year after
manure addition showing the increased nitrogen requirement induced by the decomposition of
Soil sampling: at blossoming and at grape ripening. Soil tests: 0-30 and 31-60 cm soil layers.
organic material.

Figure 3 Soil mineral N content at blossoming

Yield parameters at vintage: bunch yield kg per m2, soluble solids g per 100 g juice and titratable acidity, g per L
in the nutrient supply experiment
Results were statistically analysed and evaluated by ANOVA test using a computer program package.

+/-LSD 5%


Results of soil analyses:

mg kg
Differences were significant only in soil mineral N content sampled at the period of blossoming. Results are shown in Figure 1. The 6

same tendency could be observed also at the harvest.

Amounts of soil mineral N contents in the upper layer (0-30 cm) were higher in the disked control plots, differences were significant
in each experimental year. Averages in the 0-60 cm soil layer were highest in plots with the SC2 treatment (disked control) in each 2
experimental year. Differences were significant between mulched and disked plots. Changes in mineral N content of soil in plots of
mulched by crop residues (SC1 treatment) were related to the unfavourable soil C:N ratio, however, nitrogen fertilizer applied on soil 0
control mineral N manure control mineral N manure control mineral N manure
surface could help to maintain the balance.
2006 2007 2008
Lower mineral contents measured in plots with natural grass cover were probably due to the intensive vegetative development of
grass favoured by springtime rains.
Harvest results:
Figure 1 Soil N content at blossoming Highest amounts of yield were obtained in plots receiving mineral N fertilizer followed by manure
Figure 2 Soil moisture conditions (2006-2008)
in the soil cultivation experiment application (Table 3), differences were significant among treatments.
12 25
It was observed in each experimental year that both manure and mineral N fertilizer had a retarding
+/-LSD5% effect on grape ripening. Highest values in case of soluble solids in juice were observed in plots
10 20
receiving manure and in plots with mineral N fertilizer additions, and resulted in an increase in
acidity levels.
m/m %

8 0-30 cm
30-60 cm
Table 3 Harvest results of the nutrient supply experiment
mg kg


5 Treatment Soluble solids in juice g per Titratable acidity of juice Bunch-yield

100 g juice g l-1 kg per gm2




natural grass cover

natural grass cover

natural grass cover

LSD 5%

LSD 5%

LSD 5%
2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008
0 NS1 Control 18.50 17.90 19.80 7.08 4.75 6.88 0.81 0.95 0.79
mulched disked natural mulched disked natural mulched disked natural
grass grass grass NS2 Mineral N 17.10 18.30 20.40 7.53 4.76 6.20 0.97 1.10 1.50
cover cover cover
2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008
NS3 Manure 16.70 18.10 18.40 7.74 5.75 6.91 0.93 1.14 1.38
Changes in soil moisture conditions: Results are presented in Figures 2. LSD5% 1.81 0.50 0.14 1.10 0.55 0.03 0.21 0.35 0.03
From the results it was evident that soil moisture levels did not reach the critical values of 6-8 percent (expressed in mass) in 2006.
Mulching with crop residues had a favourable influence on soil moisture levels in both soil layers while in plots with natural grass
cover, decreases were observed in soil moisture compared to the level in plots receiving mechanical cultivation. Compared to the CONCLUSIONS
level measured in plots with mulching, soil moisture in plots under natural grass cover was approximately 30 percent lower. •From the results of soil cultivation experiments it can be concluded that mulching the soil
Differences were significant.
with plant residues had favourable influence on yield levels in each year explained mostly
Maximum temperatures in June, July and August exceeded long-term averages in 2007 causing water deficites in soils. Beneficial
influence of mulching with crop residues on soil moisture contents could be also observed in this experimental year. Favourable
by the better soil moisture conditions.
soil water conditions were measured in both soil layers studied, differences were statistically significant. Soil moisture levels were •Significant differences were found in the soil mineral nitrogen content.
12-14 percent lower under the natural grass cover and about 4-8 percent lower in plots receiving mechanical cultivation (disked) in •Main results of the nutrient supply experiment showed that both manure and ammonium
the upper and int he lower soil layer, respeczively.
nitrate fertilizer increased yield levels in each year compared to the unfertilized control
Number of extreme hot days was above the average in the summer of 2008 causing decreases in soil moisture contents. From the
results it was evident that soil moisture conditions were more favorable in the plots of SC1 treatment (mulch with crop residues). plots; differences were statistically significant.
Soil moisture level was 9.4 percent lower in the upper 0-30 and 3.26 percent less in the lower 30-60 cm soil layer. In the plots with •Titratable acidity levels of juice showed increases in each year as an effect of treatments
natural grass cover, soil moisture was 12.57 percent less in the upper 0-30 cm layer and 13.73 less in the lower layer.
with both manure and mineral N fertilizer. In a dry year, (2007) soil covering resulted in the
Harvest results: increase of titratable acidity as compared to plots receiving mechanical cultivation (disk).
Highest values of both titratable acidity content and soluble solids in juice (g per 100 g juice) were obtained in plots of •It was suggested that for effective grape growing on these soils (formed on basaltic rubble
mechanical cultivation (disked). However, differences in acidity were not significant among treatments in every year. Yield
decreases in plots mulched by plant residues could be explained by the cooler, more humid microclimate of these plots. The parent rock) maintaining adequate soil moisture levels and satisfactory N supply are
highest yields were from plots mulched by plant residues and the lowest from plots with natural grass cover (Table 2). Effect of essential as considerable amounts of nutrients may become available by the weathering of
treatments was significant . basalt.
BALÁZSY, Ágnes – SÁRDI, Katalin
Introduction University of Pannonia, Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture, 16 Deá Deák st. st. H-
H-8360 Keszthely, HUNGARY
For the further development of nutrient management, nutrient concentrations email: balazsy.agnes@1999.georgikon.hu
of crops @1999.georgikon.hu
indicating their
balazsy.agnes nutrient status and showing reliable relationship with the expected yield are to be established.
Tillering stage is suitable for characterizing the nutrient status as the nutrient concentrations
sardi@ are high at this stage (Kádár, 2004). Spring barley needs considerable amounts of water and nutrient
elements (Wych, 1985, Baldridge et al., 1985). Stem-strength, resistance to diseases, stress tolerance, the yield and the quality of the malt and beer may be increased by proper K fertilization (Antal,
Positive effects of potassium on the dry matter production of crops is significantly related to the favourable water balance of plants. It was reported by several authors that the application of N tended to
increase the uptake of potassium due to the positive interaction between N and K (Gething, 1986, Sárdi, 1999).
The main and methods
objective of our study was to establish quantitative relationships between K fertilization and responses of spring barley at tillering stage.
Our pot experiment was carried out in the spring of 2006 under greenhouse conditions Test plant: Spring (malting) barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Scarlett variety
using a lessivated brown forest soil (FAO taxonomy: Haplic luvisol). Nine different NPK combinations (unfertilized control + 8 treatments) were applied to observe the effects of
Table 1 The main agrochemical characteristics
Lessivated of the experimental
brown soil
forest soil
fertilization at the stage of tillering (21 days after sowing, DAS, FS:2-3).
pHH2O 6.58 Rates of nutrients applied: 60 mg N, 100 mg P2O5 and 140 mg K2O per kg of soil. Effects of NPK treatments
Humus %
2.24 were studied in 4 replicates. 20 plants were grown in pots containing 4 kg soil.
AL-P2O5 mg kg 50.7
AL-K2O mg kg-1 27.5
At the harvest, average height of plants, fresh-and dry matter production and water contents were
Results and discussion determined. Whole shoot (all plant parts above ground) was sampled for laboratory analyses (NPK
Higher rates of NPK fertilization have resulted significant increases in the DM production of plants. Maximumand
concentrations values of DM of
amounts were obtained
nutrients for up
taken theby
N2P2K3 treatment. Values are expressed in g per pot and
in relative production (i.e. in percentages of the maximum production, see Table 2).
Increases were found up to the N1P1K2 treatment, however, decreases could be observed with the excess rates of K (i.e. for the N1P1K3 treatment). Similar results were found by other authors (Page and
Talibudeen, 1982). Decreases were obtained also for the potassium deficient treatment: N2P2K0. No further increases in dry matter production could be observed for the highest rate of fertilization
Table 2 Dry matter production and relative production of Figure 1 K (%) concentrations of spring barley at the stage of tillering
DM at stage of tillering 7.0
6.21 6.43 6.34 6.60 6.46
Dry matter production Relative production Significant increases were found in the 5.93
(g pot-1) (%) 6.0
N0P0K0 0.89 53.3
K concentrations of young barley

K%of plants
5.0 4.44
N1P1K0 1.32 79.0 plants with the increasing rates of
4.0 3.46 3.39
N1P1K1 1.49 89.2 potassium fertilization. However,
N1P1K2 1.62 97.0 3.0
N1P1K3 and N2P2K4 treatments could
N1P1K3 1.49 89.2 2.0
N2P2K0 1.37 82.0 not result in further increases in the K
1.0 0.40
N2P2K2 1.63 97.6 concentration of young spring barley.
N2P2K3 1.67 100.0 Potassium deficient fertilization have



N2P2K4 1.54 92.2
markedly decreased the K



LSD5% 0.15 9.0


concentration of plants (Figure 1).
Comparing our results with the K supply level referred as marginal by Reuter and Robinson (1988), it was established that K concentrations of young plants obtained in the K deficient treatments were
found in this category of supply. Higher rates of K fertilization have resulted high potassium concentrations in young plants (Table 3).
On the other hand, Rama Rao et al. (1987) found that K concentrations between 4.10 - 6.10 K % can be referred as sufficiency range for wheat at tillering stage taking samples from whole plant.
A very close relationship could be observed between DM production and amounts of K
Table 3 K (%) concentrations of spring barley from different authors taken up by plants (R2= 0.7446, level of significance: 0.001, see Figure 2). Maximum values
Growth Concentration range
Plant part Author of dry matter production were found with the double rate of potassium (K2) at the N1P1
stage deficient marginal sufficient high toxic
young plant
Bergmann level while it was found with the triple rate (K3) at the N2P2 level.
shoot (1976)
Reuter and Robinson
Figure 2 Relationship between DM production and amounts of
tillering leaves < 3.4 3.5 - 4.1 4.2 - 4.7 > 4.7 (1988) K taken up by plants (mg K pot-1)
n=36 y = 0.0074x + 0.8441
Conclusions R = 0.7446
From our experimental results it was suggested that highly significant increases of dry matter production and potassium

drymatter (gpot )
concentration of young spring barley were obtained with higher rates of K at balanced NP fertilization.
There was a very close relationship between dry matter production, potassium concentration and amounts of K taken up by
plants. 1.0

Rates of K exceeding the requirement of plants resulted imbalances in NPK supply. Therefore, no further increases were found 0.5

in either DM production or K concentration of plants with N1P1K3 and N2P2K4 treatments. 0.0
Maximum values of DM production and K concentration were obtained with the K2 rate at the N1P1 level and with the K3 rate at 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0

the N2P2 level. It was concluded that these treatments proved to be the optimum NPK rates for malting barley. amounts of K taken up by plants (mg pot-1 )

Antal J. (1999): Fertilization of Field Crops. Nutrient Management (Ed. Füleky, GY.) In Hungarian. Mezıgazda Kiadó, Budapest pp. 295-366. ; Baldridge,
Baldridge D.E. – Brann, D.E. – Ferguson, A.H. – Henry, J.L. – Thompson, R.K. (1985) In: Barley. (Ed. Rasmusson, D.C.) Chapter 15: Cultural Practices. SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 457-482. ; Bergmann,
Bergmann W.
– Neubert, P. (1976): Pflanzendiagnose und Pflanzenanalyse. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag. Jena, pp. 490. ; Gething, PA. (1986): Improving returns from nitrogen fertilizer: The potassium nitrogen partnership. IPI Research Topics No. 13. IPI, Berne. pp. 36. ; Kádár, I. (2004): Effect of mineral fertilization on the element uptake of spring barley on calcareous
chernozem soil. In Hungarian. Növénytermelés, 2004. Tom.53.No.1-2., pp. 61-74. ; Page,
Page M.B. and Talibudeen, O. (1982): Critical potassium potentials for crops. 2. Potentials forwheat,maize, peas, beans and sugar-beet in their early growth on a sandy loam. Journal of Soil Science Vol. 83, pp. 771-778. ; Rama Rao, Rao N. and Sekhon, G.S. (1987): Potassium
concentration in wheat at some growth stages as an indicator for the K-status of plants. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 36 (3-4) pp. 203-211. ; Reuter,
Reuter D.J., Robinson, J.B. (Ed.) (1988): Plant Analysis. Inkata Press, Melbourne, Sydney, pp. 34-42. ; Sárdi,
rdi K. (1999): The Role of Potassium in Plant Life In: Füleky Gy. (ed.): Nutrient Management In Hungarian.
Mezıgazda Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 51-57. ; Wych,
Wych R.D. – Simmons, S.R. – Warner, R.L. - Kirby, E.J.M. (1985) In: Barley.(Ed. Rasmusson, D.C.) Chapter 5: Physiology and Development, SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 103-125.

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