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Helix TWTs(Travelling Wave Tubes)

 High gain and high bandwidth at microwave frequency can be

obtained by using

1. Reentrant Cavities

2. Slow wave Structures

 Klystron tubes use reentrant cavities where as TWTs uses slow-

wave structures(Helix).

 Slow-wave structures are non-resonant type circuits and hence high

gain and high band width can be obtained.

 TWT is broadband device where as klystron is narrow band device

because of resonant cavity.
Helix TWTs
 In 2-cavity klystron, RF field is stationary and electron beam
travels and hence no propagation of wave.

 But in TWT, the RF field (wave) is travelling along with electron

beam and hence called Travelling Wave Tube .

 In this travel, there is a RF interaction in between electrons and

field, increases the field strength and hence can be used for

 The RF interaction results velocity modulation, current/density

modulation and hence bunching .

 Helix can be used as slow-wave structure.

Comparison of Klystron and TWT
Klystron Tube TWT

Field(wave) is stationary and only Field travels along with the

electron beam travels. electron beam.
Resonant type uses reentrant Non-resonant type uses slow-
cavities. wave structures(Helix).
Interaction of electron with field Interaction of electron with field
occurs in the cavity gap. is continues over the length of tube.
Wave is not propagating Wave is propagating

Narrow band device Broad band device

Low power output High power output

Short life Long life

Klystrons uses cavities for input TWT uses slow-wave structures for
and output circuits input and output circuits
Slow-wave Structures
 Significance
 With reentrant cavities(resonant type), we can’t obtain larger gain
with wide bandwidth since there is limit on reducing L & C values.

 So, non-resonant circuits such as slow-wave structures are used to

obtain larger gain with broad bandwidth.

 Slow-wave structures are special structures that are used in

microwave tubes to reduce the wave velocity in certain direction so
that electron beam and RF wave can interact.

 Design the TWT in such way that the accelerating electrons are less
compared to decelerating (retarding) electrons and hence more
energy is transferred from electrons to field.
Slow-wave Structures
 Significance
 RF field propagating through tube structure itself reduces the
phase velocity and produce retardation of electron beam and kinetic
energy lost by electron is transferred to field.

 If electron velocity is more than the wave velocity, then maximum

energy transferred from electron to field and hence the strength of
the signal increases and causes amplification of field.
Slow-wave Structures
 Types
 There are 5 types of slow-wave structures

1. Helix line

2. Folded back line

3. Zigzag line

4. Inter digital line

5. Corrugated/Ridged waveguide
Types of Slow-wave Structures
Corrugated/Ridged waveguide

Helix line Folded back line

Inter digital line

Zigzag line

Corrugated/Ridged waveguide
Slow-wave Structures
 Characteristics
 In order, for a circuit to be a slow-wave structure , it must have the
property of periodicity in axial direction.
 The phase velocity of harmonics in the axial direction must be
smaller than the velocity of light.
 In a helical slow-wave structure, the period of helical is its pitch.
 The slow-wave structure must distribute the field along the axial
 The pitch of helix is scaled to reduce the RF wave phase velocity to
the electron beam velocity.
 The slow-wave structures must produce large over a wide
Structure of Helix TWT
Operation of Helix TWT
 The operation of helix TWT consists of 4 parts

1. Amplification process

2. Suppression of Oscillations

3. Nature of 4 propagation constants

4. Gain considerations

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