Pharma Pharma Pharma

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1. Analgesic-a drug that suppresses pain perception without inducing loss of consciousness
*Non-opioid analgesics
* Opioid analgesics
2. Local anesthetic-a drug that eliminates pain perception in limited body area by local action on
sensory nerves
3. Anticonvulsant/Antiepileptic-a drug that arrest convulsion by inducing general CNS depression
4. Anti-gout-a drug that reduces tissue deposits of uric acid in general gout or suppresses the intense
inflammatory reaction of acute gout
*Acute gout
*Chronic gout
5. Anti-migraine-a drug that reduces incidence of severity of migraine vascular headache
6. Anti-parkinsonism- a drug that suppresses neurologic disturbances and symptoms of Parkinsonism
*Dopaminergic-(only for idiopathic Parkinsonism)
*Anticholinergic-(for idiopathic and drug-induced Parkinsonism
7. Antipyretic-a drug that restores normal body temperature in the presence of fever
8. Hypnotic-a CNS depressant use to induce sleep
9. Anxiolytic-a drug that suppresses symptoms of anxiety
10. Antidepressant-a drug that induce mood elevation, useful in treating mental depression
11. Antipsychotic-a drug that suppresses symptoms of psychoses of various diagnostic types
*atypical antipsychotic
*typical antipsychotic
12. Antiemetic-a drug that suppresses nausea and vomiting
13. Anti-vertigo-a drug that suppresses dizziness
14. Anti-motion sickness-a drug that suppresses motion-induced nausea and vertigo


1. NSAID’s-an analgesic, anti-inflammatory drug that inhibits prostaglandin synthesis
*Non-selective COX inhibitors
*Selective COX inhibitors
2. Muscle relaxant/Skeletal muscle relaxant-a drug that inhibits contraction of voluntary muscles
3. Anti-rheumatic-an anti-inflammatory drug used to treat arthritis and rheumatoid disorder
4. Neuromuscular broker-a drug that paralyses muscles by preventing transmission of neural
impulses to them
*Depolarizing agents
*Non-depolarizing agents

1. Anti-amebic-a drug that kills or inhibits protozoan-parasites such as E. histolytic causature
organism of amebiasis
2. Antibacterial-a drug that kills or inhibits pathogenic bacteria
3. Anti-filarial-a drug that kills or inhibits pathogenic filarial worms
4. Antifungal-a drug that kills or inhibits pathogenic fungi
5. Anti-helminthic-a drug that kills or inhibits pathogenic helmints
6. Antimalarial-a drug that kills or inhibits mycobacterium leprae, causative agent of leprosy
7. Antiprotozoal-a drug that kills or inhibits pathogenic protozoa
8. Anti-schistosoma-a drug that kills or inhibits pathogenic flukes of genus schistosoma
9. Antiviral-a drug that kills or inhibits viral infections

1. Vaccine-an antigen containing drug used to induce active immunity against an infectious
2. Immune sera-s serum of an animal or human containing antibodies against a specific disease
-it is use to confer passive immunity to that disease
1. Adrenergic agent-a drug that activates organs innervated by the sympathetic nervous system; a
sympathomimetic agent
2. Inotropic agent-an agent that increases the contractile strength of a heart muscle; a cardiotonic
3. Anti-angina-a coronary vasodilator useful in preventing or treating attacks of angina pectoris
4. Antiarrhythmic-a cardiac depressant useful in suppressing rhythm irregularities of the heart
5. Anti-lipidemic-a drug that lowers the lipid in the blood
6. Cholinergic agent-a drug that activated organ innervated by the parasympathetic nervous
system; a parasympathetic drug

-A drug that promotes renal excretion of electrolytes and water useful in treating generalized edema

1. Anti-asthmatic-a drug that relieves asthma symptoms
2. Antitussive-a drug that suppresses coughing
3. Mucolytic-a drug that hydrolyzes mucoprotein, useful in reducing the viscosity of pulmonary
4. Nasal decongestants-a adrenergic drug used orally or topically to induce vasoconstriction in
nasal passages
5. Respiratory stimulant-a drug that selectively stimulates respiration


1. Antineoplastic-a drug that attacks malignant cells in the body
2. Immunosuppressant-a drug a inhibits immune response to foreign materials, used to suppress
rejection of tissue grafts
3. Immunodulators-a drug that acts to deter the immune response by augmenting or reducing the
ability of the immune system to produce specifically modified serum antibodies


1. Anti-anemic-a drug uses to treat anemia
2. Anticoagulant-a drug administered to slow clotting of circulating blood, prophylactically to
prevent heart attack
3. Fibrinolytic/Thrombolytic-a drug that promotes removal of small fibrin clots
4. Antifibrinolytic-a drug that promotes homeostasis by inhibiting clot dissolution


1. Plasma expander/substitute-a substance usually with higher molecular weight dextran that is
administered intravenously to increase the oncotic pressure of the patient
2. Plasma fraction-the watery, colorless fluid proportion of the lymph and blood in which the
leucocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets are suspended

1. General antidote-a drug that reduces the effect of ingested poisons by adsorpting toxic materials
*activated charcoal
*sodium sulfate
2. Specific antidote-a drug that reduces the effects of a systemic poison by mechanism that relates
to the particular poison
1. Antacid-a drug that neutralizes excess gastric acid
2. H2 Antagonist/H2 Receptor Antagonist- a drug that inhibits histamine-medicated gastric acid
secretion used to treat peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer
3. Cytoprotector-ability of a pharmacological agent to reduce or prevent gastric mucosal necrosis
by variety of ulcerogenic and necrotizing agent
-accomplished without inhibition of gastric acid secretion
4. Anticholinergic-a drug that inhibits response to parasympathetic nerve impulses and cholinergic
5. Spasmolytic-a drug that inhibits motility of visceral smooth muscles
6. Antiemetic-a drug that suppresses nausea and vomiting
7. Anti-motility-a drug that suppresses motility
8. Laxative, Cathartic-a drug that promotes defecation


1. Adrenal hormone-hormone secreted in the adrenal glands which are also referred to as fight or
fight hormones
2. Anterior pituitary hormone-hormone secreted in the anterior pituitary which is also known as
growth hormone
3. Posterior pituitary hormone-hormone secreted in the posterior pituitary gland that affects the
kidney functions and delivery of infants
4. Hypothalamic hormone-hormone secreted from the hypothalamus known as releasing hormone
5. Sex hormone- hormones produced by the sex organs which play an important role in the
development of sexual characteristics
6. Anti-androgen-a drug that inhibits response to androgenic hormones
7. Anti-estrogen-a drug that inhibits action of estrogenic hormone
8. Hormonal contraceptive-a drug that prevent contraception
9. Thyroid hormone-a hormone that maintains metabolic function and normal metabolic rate
10. Anti-thyroid- ad drug that reduces thyroid hormone action; usually inhibiting hormone synthesis
11. Anti-diabetic, oral hypoglycemic-a drug that supplies insulin or stimulates the secretion of insulin
useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus
12. Anti-hypoglycemic-a drug that elevates plasma glucose level. Useful in treating hypoglycemia


1. Oxytocic or uterine stimulant-a drug that stimulates uterine motility used in obstetrics to initiate
labor or to control postpartum hemorrhage
2. Tocolytic or uterine relaxant-a drug used to suppress premature labor


1. Oral rehydrating solution-a solution containing electrolytes, carbohydrates, and water used for
replacement of fluid and nutrients from the body
2. Parenteral solution, large volume injection-a solution given intravenously to maintain adequate
hydration, restore blood volume, re-establish loss electrolyte or partial nutrition
3. Electrolyte or parenteral additive injection-any solution containing electrolytes prepared for oral,
parenteral or rectal administration for the replacement or supplementation or ions necessary for
4. Peritoneal dialysis solution-a solution used in peritoneal dialysis, a procedure which is used to
correct imbalance of fluid or of electrolytes in the blood
5. Hemodialysis solution-a solution used in hemodialysis, a procedure in which the impurities are
removed from the blood
-Can be used for making images of many different body parts, including your kidneys, head,
lungs, breast, gallbladder, heart, or blood vessels
-makes parts of your body show up better during an imaging test such as an X-ray, CT scan or


1. Antibacterial
2. Antifungal
3. Antiviral
4. Scabicide/anti-scabies-an insecticide for eradication of the itch mite sarcoptes saciei (scabies)
5. Pediculicide/anti-lice-an insecticide suitable for eradicating louse infections (pediculosis)
6. Anti-inflammatory-a drug that inhibits psychologic response to cell damage (inflammation)
7. Antipruritic-a drug that reduces itching; same with anti-inflammatory
8. Keratoplastic-a topical drug that softens the superficial keratin containing layer of the skin and
promotes desquamation
9. Astringent-drug used typically to toughen and shrink tissues
10. Antiseptic, disinfectant-an agent that destroys microorganisms in contact and is suitable for
sterilizing animate or inanimate objects

1. Antibacterial
2. Antifungal
3. Antiviral
4. Anti-inflammatory
5. Local anesthetic
6. Mydriatic, cycloplegic-an adrenergic drug used topically in the eye to induce dilation of the
7. Miotic-a cholinergic drug used topically in the eye to induce constriction of the pupil


1. Antibacterial
2. Antifungal
3. Anti-inflammatory


1. Vitamin-an organic chemical essential in small amounts for normal metabolism used
therapeutically to supplement the vitamin content of foods
2. Minerals-an inorganic substance occurring naturally which plays a vital role in regulating many
bodily function

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