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Table for Load Calculation

Service Axial M (KNm) My(KNm)

Column X (m) Y (m) F*X(KNm) F*Y(KNm)
Force (KN) x

1A 0 30 1801.729 -25.794 10.705 0.000 54051.875

1B 6 30 2509.966 -4.490 19.101 15059.795 75298.975
1C 12 30 2396.882 -5.289 17.511 28762.580 71906.450
1D 18 30 1535.398 7.331 16.117 27637.155 46061.925
1E 22.23 30 267.336 4.255 16.306 5942.876 8020.075
2A 0 24 2572.872 -20.020 -16.079 0.000 61748.920
2B 6 24 3523.791 -10.229 -6.668 21142.745 84570.980
2C 12 24 4020.313 -4.014 1.808 48243.760 96487.520
2D 18 24 2745.747 12.041 1.749 49423.440 65897.920
2E 22.23 24 417.214 5.547 -0.580 9274.671 10013.140
3A 0 18 3264.915 -15.056 30.265 0.000 58768.470
3B 6 18 4356.400 -9.600 13.484 26138.400 78415.200
3C 12 18 3995.744 -4.033 -4.972 47948.930 71923.395
3D 18 18 2808.719 12.222 -0.930 50556.945 50556.945
3E 22.23 18 416.831 6.726 0.655 9266.149 7502.955
4A 0 12 2971.298 -21.230 -10.364 0.000 35655.580
4B 6 12 3840.949 -2.334 -9.313 23045.695 46091.390
4C 12 12 3740.315 -4.697 0.467 44883.780 44883.780
4D 18 12 2811.748 12.657 0.272 50611.470 33740.980
4E 22.23 12 291.628 8.826 -16.523 6482.879 3499.530
5A 0 6 2624.158 -23.455 -2.994 0.000 15744.950
5B 6 6 3269.752 -1.736 -2.552 19618.510 19618.510
5C 12 6 3625.575 -2.179 -1.586 43506.900 21753.450
5D 18 6 2847.592 19.014 -0.145 51256.650 17085.550
6A 0 0 2068.068 -22.110 -23.023 0.000 0.000
6B 6 0 2703.491 -0.633 -22.235 16220.945 0.000
6C 12 0 2893.488 -1.909 -21.386 34721.860 0.000
6D 18 0 2396.543 19.597 -20.406 43137.780 0.000
Sum 72718.462 -70.591 -31.317 672883.915 1079298.465

Total Vertical
Increasing 10% load considering selfLoad(∑F)=
weight of 72718.462 KN
foundation(P)= 79990.308 KN
∑F*X= 672883.915 KNm
∑F*Y= 1079298.465 KNm

Centroid of resultant force:

9.253 m

14.842 m

Geometrical Centre of mat foundation:

X= 10.37 m 𝑌�=Σ�𝑌/Σ𝑃=
Y= 15.74 m

ex = 1.117 m
ey = 0.898 m
Mex = 71819.134 KNm
Mey = 89327.185 KNm
Total moment (Mxx=Mex+∑Mx) = 71787.816 KNm
Total moment (Myy=Mey+∑My) = 89256.594 KNm
Safe Bearing capacity of soil = 150 KN/mm2
Area of footing required = 533.269 m2

Providing 24.23 x 32m

Area of footing provided = 724.600 m2

Ixx = 60123.347 m4
Iyy = 32423.417 m4

Soil Pressure Calculation:

Column X Y Factored Stress (KN/m2) (𝑀𝑥𝑥∗𝑌)/𝐼𝑥𝑥±(𝑀𝑦𝑦
1A -9.253 15.158 139.474
1B -3.253 15.158 164.249
1C 2.747 15.158 189.025
1D 8.747 15.158 213.801
1E 12.977 15.158 231.267
2A -9.253 9.158 128.728
2B -3.253 9.158 153.503
2C 2.747 9.158 178.279
2D 8.747 9.158 203.054
2E 12.977 9.158 220.521
3A -9.253 3.158 117.982
3B -3.253 3.158 142.757
3C 2.747 3.158 167.533
3D 8.747 3.158 192.308
3E 12.977 3.158 209.775
4A -9.253 -2.842 107.235
4B -3.253 -2.842 132.011
4C 2.747 -2.842 156.787
4D 8.747 -2.842 181.562
4E 12.977 -2.842 199.029
5A -9.253 -8.842 96.489
5B -3.253 -8.842 121.265
5C 2.747 -8.842 146.041
5D 8.747 -8.842 170.816
6A -9.253 -14.842 85.743
6B -3.253 -14.842 110.519
6C 2.747 -14.842 135.295
6D 8.747 -14.842 160.070

In the X direction the raft is divided into six strips i.e six equivalent beams

Stress 1 Stress 2 Avg stress

Beam Width (m)
KN/m2 KN/m2 KN/m2
1-1 3.000 231.267 231.267 231.267
2-2 6.000 231.267 220.521 225.894
3-3 6.000 220.521 209.775 215.148
4-4 6.000 209.775 199.029 204.402
5-5 6.000 199.029 170.816 184.923
6-6 3.000 170.816 160.070 165.443

The moment is obtained by using coefficient of 1/10

Beam W(KN/m2) L(m) M=WL2/10 (KNm/m)

1-1 231.267 6 832.562
2-2 225.894 6 813.219
3-3 215.148 6 774.533
4-4 204.402 6 735.848
5-5 184.923 6 665.721
6-6 165.443 6 595.595

In Y direction the raft is divided into five strips i.e five equivalent beams

Stress 1 Stress 2 Avg stress

Beam Width (m)
KN/m2 KN/m2 KN/m2
A-A 3.000 139.474 139.474 139.474
B-B 6.000 139.474 164.249 151.862
C-C 6.000 164.249 189.025 176.637
D-D 5.115 189.025 213.801 201.413
E-E 2.115 213.801 231.267 222.534

The moment is obtained by using coefficient of 1/10

Beam W(KN/m2) L(m) M=WL2/10 (KNm/m)

A-A 139.474 6 502.105
B-B 151.862 6 546.701
C-C 176.637 6 635.894
D-D 201.413 6 725.086
E-E 222.534 6 801.122

Design of Mat Foundation

Grade of concrete: M30

Grade of Steel: Fe500

Reference Steps Calculations

1 Known data
Upward Soil Pressure = 231.267 KN/m2
Max span length = 6m

2 Moment Calculation (For Y direction)

IS456:2000 Maximum support moment(Ms) = qL2/10 = 832.562 KNm/m
Table 12 Maximum span moment(Ms) = qL /12 =
693.802 KNm/m

3 Depth from moment consideration

IS456:2000 �=√(𝑀/0.133���𝑏=)
Annex 456.796 mm

4 Calculation of depth from 2 way shear

The depth of the raft foundation will be governed by two way shear at one of the
exterior columns. In case location of critical shear is not obvious, it may be
necessary to check all possible locations.
When shear reinforcement is not provided, the calculated shear stress at critical
section shall not exceed Ks τc i.e. τv≤ Ks τc
Ks = 0.5 + βc but not greater than 1
βc =1
Ks = 1+0.5 = 1.5>1
Hence, Ks = 1

Shear Strength of Concrete,

τc=0.25√fck = 1.369 N/mm2

For corner column D6

Reference Steps Calculations

Perimeter, Po=2(1+0.3+0.5d) = (2600+d) mm

τv = τc = 1.369 N/mm2
Vu = 1.5 * Service Axial Force= 1.5*2396.543 = 3594.815 kN
τv = Vu/Pod
d= 777.47 mm

For edge column A3

Perimeter, Po= (0.6+0.5d+0.5d)+2(0.3+1+0.5d) = (3200+2d) mm

τv = τc = 1.369 N/mm2
Vu= 1.5 * Service Axial Force= 1.5* 2997.76 4897.373 kN
τv = Vu/Pod
d= 758.418 mm

For centre column B3

Perimeter,Po= 4(0.6+d) = (2400+4d) mm

τv = τc = 1.369 N/mm2
Vu= 1.5 * Service Axial Force= 1.5* 4989.682 6534.60 kN
Reference Steps Calculations
τv = Vu/Pod
d= 832.836 mm

Taking Overall Depth(D) as 1100 mm and effective cover as (50+20/2) mm,

Effective Depth (dy)= 1100 - 60 = 1040 mm

Effective Depth (dx)= 1040 - 20 = 1020 mm
Overall Depth (D) = 1100 mm

5 Calculation of reinforcement in the foundation

Along Y - direction
Minimum Reinforcement = Ast,min= 0.12 % of bD= 1320 mm2
Maximum Moment = 801.122 kNm

𝑀=0.87�_𝑦 �_𝑠𝑡 � (1−(�_𝑠𝑡 �_𝑦)/(𝑏��_�� ))

G.1.1.b Solving, we get,
Ast= 1949.807 mm2
Take Ast= 1949.807 mm2
Providing 25mm dia. Bar,

𝑆𝑝𝑎�𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒�=(𝑏 �_∅)/�_𝑠𝑡 =(1000 ×490.87)/1949.8=

3 251.755 mm

Provide 20 mm bars @240 mm c/c

Ast,provided= 1000*490.87/240 = 2045.308 mm2
>Ast O.K.
pt = 0.197 %

Along X - direction
Minimum Reinforcement = Ast,min= 0.12 % of bD= 1320 mm2
Maximum Moment = 832.562 kNm
𝑀=0.87�_𝑦 �_𝑠𝑡 � (1−(�_𝑠𝑡 �_𝑦)/(𝑏��_�� ))

Solving, we get,
Ast= 2071.626 mm2
Take Ast= 2071.626 mm2
Providing 20mm dia. Bar,
IS456:2000 𝑆𝑝𝑎�𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒�=(𝑏 �_∅)/�_𝑠𝑡 =(1000 ×490.87)/2071.63=
Annex 236.951 mm
Provide 25 mm bars @210 mm c/c
Reference Steps Calculations
Ast,provided= 1000*490.87/210 = 2337.49453 mm2
>Ast,min O.K.
pt = 0.229 %

Area of steel at midspan (Top bars)

Maximum Moment = 693.802 kNm

𝑀=0.87�_𝑦 �_𝑠𝑡 � (1−(�_𝑠𝑡 �_𝑦)/(𝑏��_�� ))

Solving, we get,
Ast= 1681.134 mm2
> Ast,min
Take Ast= 1681.134 mm2
Providing 25mm dia. Bar,
IS456:2000 𝑆𝑝𝑎�𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒�=(𝑏 �_∅)/�_𝑠𝑡 =(1000 ×490.87)/1681.134=
Annex 291.990 mm
Provide 25 mm bars @270 mm c/c
Ast,provided= 1000*490.87/270 = 1818.0513 mm2
> Ast,min O.K.
pt = 0.175 %

6 Check for one way shear

For Column A6
Considering 1m wide strip of equivalent beam A-A
W= 165.443 kN/m
W*l = 176.473*6 = 992.659 kN

Assuming the shear force at column A6 to be 60 % of Wl = 595.595 kN

The shear force at distance 'dx' from the column is given by

Vu = 635.302 - 176.473 * dx = 426.843 kN

�_𝑢=𝑉_𝑢/(𝑏�_𝑥 )= (455.3∗1000)/(1000 ∗1020)=

0.418 N/mm2

Here, the one way shear is very small compared to design shear strength of
concrete i.e. 1.369 N/mm2 at critical section. Hence, safe in one way shear.

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