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“Conversations with Al McFarlane” on

November 18 was broadcast from the

Bigelow Building in St Paul, MN, which is
home to Community Action Partnership of
Ramsey and Washington Counties. The
program focused on an issue of vital impor-
tance to our community and to our country:
health disparities in outcomes and access
for Black people in America.

Participating in this important conversation were stellar

leaders in the world of health and policy. Joining the
broadcast via videoconference from Encino, CA, was
well-known surgeon Dr. Richard Allen Williams who
recently published the book Eliminating Healthcare
Disparities in America.” In 1974, Williams founded the
Association of Black Cardiologists, and served as its
president for a decade. He also established the Minority
Health Institute and in doing so, created a new paradigm
for addressing health disparities, a paradigm that takes a
holistic approach to patient care, tailored to the specific,
unmet needs of African American communities. In
2001 he was cited among Black Enterprise Magazine’s
top 100 doctors.
Joining the program from the US House of
Representatives in Washington, DC, was the Hon.
Donna M. Christiansen, the first female physician in the
history of the US Congress, the first woman to represent
an offshore territory, and the first woman delegate to the
United States from the US Virgin Island. Christiansen is
a member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC),
and she chairs the Congressional Black Caucus’s Health
Brain Trust, which oversees and advocates minority
health issues, nationally and internationally.
The Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain Trust
has long established itself as an authority on African
American and minority health policy on Capitol Hill,
and as the CBC Health Brain Trust, under able leader-
ship of its chair, embarks on health legislative efforts, it
does so knowing that racial and ethnic health disparities
and the absence of racial and of health equity and justice
have long plagued health care and life opportunities of
African Americans and other people for the last century.
Clarence Hightower, William Davis, and Mitchell
Davis responded to the presentations of Williams and
Christiansen. Mitchell Davis heads the Office of
Minority Health in Minnesota Department of Health.
Davis is Executive Director of Community Action of
Minneapolis, and Hightower is Executive Director of
Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and
Washington Counties.
The forum was sponsored by Pfizer, Inc., which
joins NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center; Hennepin
County Medical Center, and UCare Minnesota as spon-
sors of the Health & Wellness Broadcasts of
“Conversations with Al McFarlane.”

Health Disparities and Solutions

Suluki Fardan
Clarence Hightower, Mitchell Davis, William Davis, and Al McFarlane

Following are excerpts of the broadcast health care treatment is concerned. And it has gaps in health care and health care services.
interview: come forward to today, where we see problems African Americans and other people of color
occurring in every area of our lives. are more than 50% of the uninsured, and we still
AL MCFARLANE: Dr. Williams, what are the I want to make sure that everybody realizes face discrimination in health care even when we
challenges, and how do we get to where we have how serious a problem this is, and connect the his- are insured. There was a report from the American
eliminated the gap in health for minority people? tory to the current situation. In the 18th century, a Public Health Association, last month, showing
man named Hoffman, took a look at the slave pop- bias for, towards white patients and against Black
DR.RICHARD ALLEN WILLIAMS: ulation of the United States, and looked at their and other ethnic minority patients, just in the
Well, first of all, Al, let me congratulate you for health care and their living conditions, their review of articles and reports. So we face a lot of
making it possible for us to focus on these prob- chances of survival. He made a prediction which challenges.
lems of health care disparities today. I think this rattles our consciences to this day. He predicted The Congressional Black Caucus bases its
is something that we need to see more of around that the slave population would not survive health care agenda on four principles. One is that
the country, and I’m sure Congresswoman beyond the year 2000 because of the health care health care is a right. Understanding that
Christiansen would agree to that. We need more problems which were present at that time. acknowledgement needs to undergird any efforts
information going out. Now obviously African Americans have sur- that we have moving forward. Second, is that to
Today we’re talking about health care dispari- vived, but with great difficulty. What we can take address health disparities, we must address the
ties, and the first thing we need to do is define the from that message is the fact that these problems social determinants of health care. That is some-
term and also give an indication of the nature and were, and still are, so important that we need to thing that we have not really focused on. We’ve
severity of that problem. Health care disparities give a great deal of attention to trying to solve focused on disease for a long time. To the extent
really is a term of convenience which is used to them. that we have ignored the social determinants of
describe the differences that occur between racial health, we find ourselves in a position that we’re
and ethnic groups in regards to what we call mor- AM: Dr. Christiansen, take a public policy view- in today where over 200 people of African descent
bidity, mortality, incidence and prevalence of dis- point and describe the challenges. How do we die prematurely from preventable causes every
ease and certainly outcomes of disease processes. move towards eliminating health disparities? day in this country.
There are tremendous differences that go along What are the legislative strategies to move our The last one is that an investment must be
ethnic and racial lines. One of the things that we country forward? made. I’m very glad to see that our President-
need to identify is where these health care dispar- elect has said that he is committed to ensuring uni-
ities come from. They emanate really, from some- DR. DONNA CHRISTIANSEN: Well thank versal coverage and health care access for every-
thing that is deep in the roots of our country, of our you and thank you for having me back again, and one, and equal education —which is really tied to
history, and that is slavery. it’s great to be here with my good friend Dr. it— for every child in this country.
It all started back at the time when African Williams. We’ve been on several programs We in the Caucus are going to continue our
Americans were in bondage, and I won’t go into together and he’s been a guest in our Health Brain push for an investment in prevention because we
great detail about that, but I want to simply indi- Trust as well. know that is the only way, not only to eliminate
cate that it all started with the maltreatment and Dr. Williams has laid out the history, but even the disparities, but to reign in the skyrocketing
poor treatment of slaves who were in bondage and today, the last national report on health disparities costs of health care.
who were not able to do for themselves as far as from the Department of Health shows continuing The principles involve coverage for everyone,

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“He [Hoffman] predicted that the slave
population would not survive beyond the year
2000 because of the health care problems which
were present at that time.” -Dr. Richard Williams

including immigrants, and making sure that our Report, which came out in 2002, from the Institute MITCHELL DAVIS: Last week, Al, we had the
providers are taken care of – that they get the kind of Medicine. It was a report on the medical treat- 2008 National Health Disparities Conference,
of support that they need to continue to practice in ment specifically of minorities in this country, and which was entitled “Health Equality: Honoring
our communities. We must make sure that we the disparities in their treatment. It was subtitled Culture While Closing The Gap.” Dr. Gail
increase the diversity in the health care workforce. “unequal treatment,” in fact. What it found is what Christopher from the Kellogg Foundation talked
That is a critical piece of eliminating disparities: you might expect from that title, and that is that about the racial dynamics that sit at the bottom of
we must have health care workers on all levels, our healthcare delivery system is imbalanced and this health disparity. We talked about social deter-
from the community health worker all the way up unequal. The recommendation was that that must minants, which means my education, my income,
to the policy maker, that represent us, if we are be changed. where I live, what air I breathe.
ever going to close the gaps in health care. My book took off on that, and extrapolates
data to give more evidence about the health care DC: We have introduced, with the other minority
AM: Dr. Richard Allen Williams you outlined the disparities which I have been finding. We talk caucuses, a bill called the Health Equity and
pervasive and historical issues associated with dis- about not only what the background of the prob- Accountability Act. It was introduced with the
parities in health outcomes for African Americans lem is, and the status of the problem, but also what Hispanic Caucus and the Asian-Pacific Caucus,
in your book, Eliminating Healthcare Disparities we might look forward to from the standpoint of and it addresses several areas that we feel are
in America. What are the findings of the essayists solving this problem. And I think what we have to important to address if we are going to eliminate
in this book? do is to focus on that aspect of things. health disparities. It speaks to data collection by
race, ethnicity and socio-economic factors,
RW: Well first of all, I want to mention that all of AM: Mitchell Davis, you just finished an impor- addressing individuals with limited English profi-
the scholars are not African American. There are tant conversation that mirrors the concerns dis- ciency and setting some standards and some train-
several other ethnicities represented as co-workers cussed by our esteemed speakers from the east ing around translating for medical offices. It has a
in producing this book. And I think that’s impor- and west coast. You recently conducted an Office large section on increasing under-represented
tant because we wanted to present a broad per- of Minority and Multi-Cultural Health Discussion minorities in the workforce on all levels, including
spective on this problem from several vantage and Conference on disparities in Minnesota. Tell policy fellowships. There’s a title that addresses
points. The book is based on, and emanates from, us about what you did locally, here. some of the leading causes of health disparities
what is called the Institute of Medicine, or IOM and how we provide comprehensive care from

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The Congressional Black Caucus
prevention all the way through to support for our our people both understand and can access or ties – figure out how it is that you reach down and
facilities and our institutions. And there are other acquire the assets, resources, solutions, we need to allow them to be part of the solution.
special provisions like border health and Indian improve our quality of life?
Health Services. There’s a title that deals with AM: Bill Davis you, among other things, have
accountability that would strengthen the Office of CLARENCE HIGHTOWER: Al in 2004, been a leader in environmental awareness: the
Minority Health, and would strengthen the Civil when I was president of the Minneapolis Urban abating of lead, and heating energy issues. It
Rights initiatives in the Department of Health and League, I produced The State of Black Minnesota seems that the country is acutely aware of the need
Human Services. Report, the first comprehensive exploration of to merge our understanding of health, energy and
The bill creates health empowerment zones, how disparities are impacting people of color in employment. Is there opportunity to organize,
which put the resources and information in the this state. We looked at how health disparities teach and transfer knowledge you’ve gained
hands of the community that is suffering from analysis shows we do less well than the white pop- around imparting environmental solutions to the
these health disparities, and enables them, with ulation. health equation?
help from all agencies in the Federal government, I think the issue about how it is that you mobi-
according to the plan, if they’re designated as a lize people around this is something that we have BD: There’s no doubt now that the people that we
health empowerment zone, to address those chal- not spent enough time talking about. I really am serve have a multitude of issues and problems that
lenges and reduce the disparities in their own impressed with and interested in this health they’re confronted with on a day-to-day basis.
community. empowerment zone. Years ago, there was this eco- One of the things we know is that the fastest grow-
nomic empowerment zone strategy that impacted ing of poverty is children. Parents come into our
AM: Bill Davis and Clarence Hightower you all places like North Minneapolis and South office with health related concerns looking for
are charged with organizing people in the commu- Minneapolis where folks were doing less well ways of relief. They’re dealing with nutritional
nity. Community Action Partnership in St Paul economically. The Federal government decided to issues, they’re dealing with energy issues, being
and Community Action of Minneapolis, have infuse resources in that area to help lift folks out able to keep warm in the winter time, being able
major responsibility in translating and delivering of poverty. To even think about something like to have proper nutritional meals for their children,
assistance, aid and opportunity, to people of color that around health disparities is tremendously and also how they deal with the healthcare related
in Hennepin, Ramsey and Washington counties. exciting to me. To make it work, you have to be issues. Not only on the front end, but on the back
How do we organize from the ground level so that able to involve those who suffer from the dispari- end, long term, chronic problems like lead abate-

Page 4
“The Federal government decided to infuse
resources in that area to help lift folks out
of poverty. To even think about something like that
around health disparities is tremendously exciting
to me.” -Clarence Hightower

ment certainly is one of the areas we’ve been

addressing in older homes that tend to be occupied
by lower income people. The risk factor there is
multiplied but we know that these things are pre-
ventable. We just need the resources and where-
withal to begin to tackle these mammoth issues.
Like Clarence I love the idea about having
health empowerment zones. I think that’s the type
of forward thinking we need to begin to put in
place mechanisms and vehicles that are going to
enable us to address these problems on the front
end, as opposed to allowing them to become
chronic and out of control.
Poor people, low income people, people of
color deserve to have adequate and preventive
health care treatment, and affordable health care
treatment, and that’s always been an issue. We’re Suluki Fardan
looking optimistically forward that with the new Bill Tendle (L), and Mitchell Davis
administration, we’ll have a level of receptivity I was on a panel last night. We were dis- islation that I’m talking about which we will be
for servicing the middle class, low income people, cussing the Congressional Black Caucus in the re-introduced next year. We invite anyone to
and people of color with life supporting and sus- context of having President-elect Barack come and follow the progress of the bill and to
taining of services. Health care clearly is one area Obama. I think what his success in this election make recommendations. When we introduce the
where we need to invest not only the resources has meant and will mean a lot, not only to our bill it’s still open to change and we invite people
and capital to change the overall health of our community but to our country and the world. to change it. We are developing principles that
community. One of the things that it has shown and I we want to see included in any health reform
think it will do, is empowerment. It will show package that comes forth from all of the discus-
AM: Dr. Christiansen, how would you charge and it has shown everyday people the power to sions that are taking place around the country.
local communities to be in sync with the legisla- create change. When that is unleashed, we will We will post those on our CBC web site, so that
tive considerations that you and the CBC health see change. I think it’s going to have a great people really can be engaged, even if we can’t
brain trust have advanced? How would you impact and one of our roles is going to be to con- get to you.
advise and direct local communities to connect tinue to engage our communities. The health But also, we need you to speak to the people
with what you perceive to be the direction of empowerment zone, because it does reach down who represent you, the people who depend on
President-Elect Obama? into the community, requires the community to you for votes.
form a broad-based coalition of stakeholders to
DR DONNA CHRISTIANSEN, MD: Well, identify the challenges and to create the plan and DC: We need their vote. When they come to
I’m going back to something Mr. Hightower then to implement the plan. And so it does get to Washington.
said that reminded me that the biggest obstacle the heart of the community taking ownership of
to eliminating disparities and bringing about their health and creating that change. I feel that, DR. RICHARD ALLEN WILLIAMS, MD:
change in our health is the lack of a political from having worked with President-elect So they need to go to their congress-people and
will. So mobilization is absolutely necessary. Obama, within the Black Caucus, and knowing talk to them
When the Congressional Black Caucus Health that he has also been involved in minority health
Brain Trust, as well as our foundation and the legislation and issues, that we have a great DC: Absolutely, members of the House and
institute that Dr. Williams chaired, goes out to opportunity here we need to take advantage of, members of the Senate.
our communities we have conversations on especially since he is determined to find the
health and in addition to screening we try to funding, wherever it comes from, to make sure CLARENCE HIGHTOWER: Al,
engage the community. We want our people to that we invest in the health and education of our Congresswoman Christiansen and I continue to
understand that we don’t have to dye premature- people. be on the same page regarding mobilization.
ly from preventable causes and that there is help Mobilization has to result in our people’s Here in St. Paul we have been working with
available. But mobilization is a very important representatives in the House and their represen- low-income people and training them to advo-
part of it and we really need to do a lot more. tatives in the Senate supporting the kinds of leg- cate for themselves. We’ve figured out that once

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“We have a great opportunity here that we need
to take advantage of, especially since he
[President Obama] is determined to find the funding,
wherever it comes from, to make sure that we invest in
the health and education of our people.” -Hon. Donna Christensen D-VI

you do that, you need three things: First they

need training or the jobs of the future. So we
provide the training. The second thing our folks
need is confidence. Once they’re trained they
have confidence to go out and speak for them-
selves, tell their own story and advocate for
themselves. The third thing they need is oppor-
tunity. When our communities figure out how to
do that … how to give people confidence,
opportunity and skills, then I think we can move
the health disparity down, especially on a local

AM: Mitchell, does that ring true to you, in your

experience at the Office of Minority Health here
in Minnesota?

MITCHELL DAVIS: It certainly has. As we Hon. Donna Christensen D-VI and Dr. Richard Williams
talk about the health empowerment, as we talk leg. root, or will it be presented in the next legisla-
about mobilization – we have 52 partners with What happens quite often is we have people tive session?
the Office of Minority and Multi-Cultural in our community that do not seek health care,
Health, and they’re spread out over half of the because it’s not affordable, until it’s absolutely DC: We certainly hope so. Whenever we speak
counties in Minnesota. They’re working in imperative and at total peril of them and their of it to different health advocacy and profession-
eight health areas of disparity: cervical cancer, family. al organizations everyone thinks that it’s the
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, healthy youth In this day and age people should not have to right way to go. To approach health comprehen-
development, HIV, AIDS, immunizations, infant live like that. They should not have to be con- sively like this we have to talk about housing,
mortality and also unintentional violence. And fronted with that kind of decision. The other we have to talk about a lot of things. This
these – our partners, are funded by the taxpayers thing we’re seeing when we talk to people in our approach would enable communities to get help
of Minnesota. They’re doing exactly that. community is the mental health issues. I think from Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
They’re mobilizing, they’re training, and they’re that’s also something that sort of flies below the and from Environmental Protection Agency
doing community education. radar, that people are dealing with drug abuse (EPA) for environmental issues.
issues and battering issues and other issues that We’re going to introduce it as a stand-alone
AM: Bill Davis? preclude them from being healthy and being bill again because we think it is really the key to
able to be productive members in our society. turning things around in our communities.
BILL DAVIS: Well, I think the thing we keep When we start sitting down and doing an
seeing is the affordability of health care. We’re assessment with individuals who come into our AM: Dr. Richard Allen Williams what is the
talking about the underinsured or not insured at office, to do an assessment to determine how we duty of our people? Too often we hear people
all. can best serve them, we find that there are issues say: “we want to wait on Washington to do for
There are people who make a determination of mental incapacity or mental health that pre- us.” But at some point individuals, families,
whether to take their child in, or take themselves cludes them or disables them from being full, neighbors and communities have to take respon-
into the hospital or see the doctor based on the productive citizens, and so that issue also needs sibility. How do we mobilize and organize at the
dollar, bottom-line. And sometimes they will to be addressed, and any kind of funding or dis- street level and produce policy that serves our
forego necessary treatment simply because they cussion about health and health disparities. interests long-term?
can’t afford to make that commitment or make
that sacrifice. And until we are able to provide CH: Al, we’re curious about whether or not this RW: Well, the wildfires here in California have
preventive health care to people… it’s akin to health empowerment zone idea is gaining legs been a point of interest across the nation, and
those who are able to take their cars to the across the country. we’re still suffering from them by the way. I
garage for a daily or maintenance update on a would like to hope that we can create a wildfire
regular scheduled basis vs. those who take their AM: Dr. Christianson, the idea of a health of interest in health care disparities at the com-
car into the shop when it’s absolutely on its last empowerment zone is intriguing. Has that taken munity level because when you get right down

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Suluki Fardan
(From left) Clarence Hightower, Mitchell Davis, Bill Davis

to it, it’s what happens in the grassroots level how their insurance, when they do have it, is they don’t trust other African Americans who
that’s important. These changes that we’re talk- handling them. are providing the service?
ing about, in health care reform, have to be
applied at the grassroots level, and to a large AM: Bill Tendle, you are the front line in health BT: They don’t trust providers who are not
extent the leadership for this has to come from care at South Side Health Services, in South African Americans, that don’t have cultural
the community. Minneapolis. How do you instruct our commu- competency to work with them.
The community can’t just stand there and be nity to engage and utilize the services you pro-
victims, as they have been for so long. The com- vide? What is the impact, negative or positive, AM: I see.
munity has to be mobilized, just as Dr. of insurance or lack thereof, and what legislative
Christianson has mentioned, to carry out the remedies would support you in delivering quali- BT: And that’s been a problem since the studies
programs that many of us in academia and in ty of life to your stakeholders, your clients? that have been done with African-Americans in
political life, have tried to lay out. But the Alabama –
changes have to emanate from the people. That’s Bill Tendle: Two things that are really a prob-
the importance of having someone like lem are access and trust. People don’t have AM: The Tuskegee syphilis studies.
Congresswoman Christiansen –she’s a political access, or they do have access and they don’t
leader who is very, very interested in what we have trust, and therefore access and trust are two BT: Every African American knows about that.
are doing. big issues in the African American community. Native Americans know about the smallpox
One specific issue we need to look at which For example, there’s not a lot of trust in health blankets that were passed out to them by the US
is one of the most important aspects of the care providers, especially if they don’t look like government. So it’s a legitimate matter of trust
whole health care disparities argument is insur- African Americans, so that’s a problem. It’s trust that’s an issue within the community.
ance coverage. It is at the very center of the for other people, as well. If you get into the But more importantly, I think that this is a
problems that we see. At least 47 million people Hispanic population, it’s a matter of trust new day, and people need to have more educa-
in the United States are uninsured or under- because some people maybe not have the right tion about health care and how health care mod-
insured. That is a tremendous problem which papers or they’re afraid they might be turned in. els are put together. Bottom line, if you really
inhibits our progress in eliminating health care get down to it: people have to have a base to
disparities. I think we need to talk about what AM: Let me understand that. You’re saying that move up from. Most African Americans who are
the insurance problem is. It’s not just a problem African American patients don’t trust physicians in poverty don’t have a base, and if you don’t
of people not having insurance, but a matter of or providers that are not African Americans? Or have a base, both educationally and monetarily,

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“Further, there is a criticism of this practice of
cost-based drug switching which doctors in
New York have stated, has impacted their practice
and are making worse medical outcomes for 92% of
the patients that they treat.” -Dr. Richard Williams

and economically, it really impacts your health


AM: Bill Tendel, what can Congress do to

support your vision and work to serve, enable
and empower your communities, your cus-

BT: I’m seeing a need for more community

health workers. You have to have someone
who knows the community, who interacts
with people on a daily basis in that communi-
ty and who can help set up lifestyle changes
that will have the most dramatic impact on
health care. When I say lifestyle changes, I
mean social health. No one’s ever talked
about social health. But it means when you
leave any health institution and you go back
to your home, how does your social environ-
ment help maintain your health. That means
diet and your living conditions. What we
need to do is change the paradigm of how
people live, and really attack their social

AM: Dorii Gbolo, Executive Director of

Open Cities Health Care Centers in St. Paul,
please explore the same question from your our clinic because we want people to be well and part of it is having a health care work-
point of view. and we want our community to be well. We force that is culturally competent, and sensi-
want to empower our community with those tive. The best way to do that is to have physi-
DORII GBOLO: In our country, we’re tools that they need, no matter what is going cians, nurses and community health workers
rewarded for being ill. We’re not rewarded on in their lives, so they can strive for well- that look and speak like the person being
for being healthy. We need to change that. I ness. So if somehow we can change shift served, that come from the same cultural
would hope that this Health Empowerment from rewarding when you’re sick to when background and speak the same language as
Zone would kind of change that and enable you’re well, that would be a great accom- the person being served.
that paradigm shift. People can be empow- plishment. We need to address all of those areas, but
ered to be healthy and rewarded for being we are going to try to make a really concert-
healthy. We should strive for that. AM: Congresswoman Christiansen, how do ed effort to increase our prevention dollars
But when you’re in the bonds of poverty and you respond to these managers, these leaders while we work to get everyone covered.
discouragement or whatever socially is going of community health services here in One of the first things we’ll do, I’m sure,
on with you, you don’t think about being Minneapolis and St Paul? [when we start the next session], is to try
well. You just expect to be well, until some- again —successfully this time I’m sure— to
thing happens and then people too often say: DC: This country spends somewhere between pass the Children’s Health Insurance bill that
“oh, I’m not well, how do I fix it?” We need 3 and 5% of all of its healthcare dollars in President Bush vetoed twice. It doesn’t go as
to help people while they’re well so that they prevention. Let me start with that. We are far as we’d like it to go, maybe we can
can stay well, so that they can be better con- going to mount a very strong legislative and expand on it. There are approximately 9 mil-
tributors to their families and to this commu- advocacy effort here to change that. lion children that are uninsured, 6 million of
nity. That would make a world of a difference whom would be eligible for State Children’s
I do agree with Bill about community if we can focus on prevention. We do want Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP). So we
health workers. That’s what we’ve utilized in people to have access. Part of it is insurance will be doing that.

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I can remember when Howard Dean was the advantage of the patient. that the doctor intended the patient to have.
governor of Vermont and every child born in What that means is that someone other
Vermont got a health visit. The mother and RW: Well let me begin with something else than a medically trained individual is making
child got a home visit, and it made a world of and then segue into that very quickly. What a decision as to how this patient is going to be
difference. It made a difference in their pre- I’d like to begin with is kind of tying things treated, because the outcomes may be differ-
paredness for entering school. It made a dif- together in regards to what has just been said. ent depending on what kind of medication is
ference in enabling them to address some of It seems that there is obviously a linkage given. There are some specific instances of
the problems that were occurring at home between poverty and poor health care or sub- that. You don’t have to just believe my criti-
through referrals. So a community health standard health care and we must be very vig- cism. There’s been an outcry against this kind
worker has got to be the bedrock of our health ilant to make sure that we observe that link- of practice for instance, by the New York del-
care system if we’re going to see change. age. egation to the American Medical Association,
People from within that community will have I like to think of this as being a system of which called for the development of a code of
the trust of that community, and will not only wealth care rather than health care. It’s a mat- conduct on the part of insurance companies,
help people get to the health care that they ter of how much money you’ve got as to how and is asking the full body of the American
need, but also support them. Sometimes it’s good your treatment is, and that should not be Medical Association to make a determination
difficult to test your sugar every day and take in this country in this democratic society. there.
your pills on time and eat properly. Some Now that also ties in with what you indi- Further, there is a criticism of this prac-
people need support to live healthy lives. cated about this situation which I call drug- tice of cost-based drug switching which doc-
switching. Let me also begin by stating that tors in New York have stated, has impacted
AM: Dr. Williams, let me ask you to respond the issue is not a matter of criticizing generic their practice and are making worse medical
to that as well. You recently caused a drugs. Generic drugs, in many cases, are very outcomes for 92% of the patients that they
firestorm in national media by challenging good medication, so I don’t want anybody to treat.
whether health plans are switching to lower- think that I’m putting out a blanket criticism That’s an enormous number, and I think it
cost generic drugs, rather than the items of the use of generic medications. needs to be recognized that we need to do
being prescribed by doctors. You questioned What I deplore is what is happening based something about the insurance company prac-
whether the health of patients is being put at on insurance company practices of switching tices, not only in regards to this situation
risk, and you were saying that people who are patients or requiring the switching of patients about drug switching, but in regards to things
maybe less knowledgeable, less aware, are from branded medications which their doc- like treatment of certain conditions, and in
more easily switched for the advantage of the tors might have prescribed, to a generic drug their patients who are already insured. And
health plan and provider, not particularly for which may not be an equivalent of the drug certainly we need to make sure that insurance

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“This country spends somewhere between 3
and 5% of all of its healthcare dollars in pre-
vention. We are going to mount a very strong legisla-
tive and advocacy effort here to change that.” -Dorii Gbolo

companies are more amenable to insuring

patients who don’t have necessary financial
means to pay for their medical care.

CH: I am particularly keenly aware of the

linkage that Dr. Williams just mentioned. It is
a fact that those who are less well off are
often times those that constitute the pool of
those involved in the disparity. And that’s the
work that Bill Davis and I do. Our work is to
lift those that are in poverty out of poverty.
As you begin to work to lift folks out of
poverty, then you will also be lifting folks out
of the mass array of disparities that we find
ourselves caught in. And so I appreciate the
fact that you brought full circle the notion of
the linkage between those who are in poverty
and those who have disparities.

DC: We will be electing our new chair of the

Congressional Black Caucus this afternoon,
and the likely person is Congresswoman
Barbara Lee from Oakland, and we will have
a poverty elimination agenda, in the caucus.

CH: Good!

DC: And our Whip, who is very close to our

President-Elect, is also very much an advo-
cate for poverty elimination agendas, and we
are sure that he is going to make sure that the
White House has a poverty elimination agen- StudioTobechi
da. And I also want to say, just on behalf of Bill English
the Congressional Black Caucus, thank you people, to analyze problems and solutions in interesting that the word poverty did not enter
for having me as a representative here, and to terms of the revenue streams associated with into this campaign. So I’m glad to hear the
assure you that whatever field, whatever them. To attack problems involves deploying Congresswoman say we really have to deal
committee or sub-committee all of us serve financial resources. How do we benefit? How with the issue of poverty in America.
on, our goal is always elimination of dispari- do we align ourselves so that we, not only The idea of Health Empowerment Zones
ty, whether it’s economic disparity, job dis- deal with the misery but also benefit from is interesting. Clarence and Bill spoke to that.
parity, educational disparity, housing dispari- commanding the resources required to elimi- But you and I both know that the Economic
ty. All of those things are part of the overall nate misery? Empowerment Zone in Minneapolis was a
Congressional Black Caucus agenda. And so disaster for Black folks. It was built on our
we do address them relentlessly. BILL ENGLISH: First of all, money is the poverty, but the people who benefited were
underpinning at the base of the health care the developers. Public policy must assure that
AM: Thank you so much, Dr. Christianson. problems in America. It is at the bottom of it. there is equity in anything that comes out of
Bill English is the co-chair of the Coalition of At one point, health care was a charitable this. Clearly as we go forward, we have to
Black Churches/African-American thing in America. When money came in, it pay attention and be vigilant, mobilizing our
Leadership Summit. Bill, you and I have became on the largest profit-making sectors community and using the court to address the
talked for years about the money side of this in this country. issues of equity.
equation. We think it’s important, as business While we’re all excited about Obama, it is

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