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Hearts of Stone Quests

Last Edited: November 3, 2016 at 9:33 PM

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This page will contain walkthrough information for the main story quests of The Witcher 3's
first DLC expansion, Hearts of Stone. Side quest information for the HoS DLC can be found here.

Main Quests

 Evil's First Soft Touches

 Open Sesame!
 Dead Man's Party
 Scenes From A Marriage
 Whatsoever a Man Soweth

Evil's First Soft Touches

Last Edited: September 21, 2018 at 2:16 AM
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This page contains IGN's walkthrough for Evil's First Soft Touches, the first main quest of The
Witcher 3's first DLC expansion, Hearts of Stone.
Not Just Another Contract

Evil's First Soft Touches (1/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On

To begin the Hearts of Stone questline, go to and read the Notice Board at the Seven Cats Inn to the
South-East of Novigrad.
Take the contract for the "Monster in the Oxenfurt Sewers," (as well as any other notices you may
fancy) and head east past the Dancing Windmill until you reach the estate.
Discuss the contract with the company members inside - note that calling them a "bunch of idiots"
will result in having to fight the biggest and dumbest of them. After the conversation, head upstairs
to speak with Olgeird von Everec.
Once you return to the main foyer, accept the contract to continue the mission.
SIDE QUEST: Upon leaving the manor house, you will be approached by a young woman asking after her
friend. Accepting this job from her will open the side quest Rose on a Red Field.

The Sewers

Evil's First Soft Touches (2/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On


Make your way back to Oxenfurt and climb down the ladder into the well in the marketplace near
Oxenfurt Harbor (outside of Borsodi's Auction House). Once at the bottom, follow the path to the
next chamber, eliminate the Drowner and proceed through the grated door to the left of where you
entered from to trigger a cutscene and meet Shani.
After discussing her ordeal, use your Witcher Senses to locate the weak section of wall on the right
side of the smashed gate. Use Aard to demolish the brickwork and proceed to the far side of the
adjascent room, where a torch lies burning on near a large hole in the floor.
To locate the key to the sewers below, turn around 180 degrees from the mouth of the pit and
proceed to the wall opposite you. Search the body of the captain to find the key, then head to the
gate and unlock it to enter the lower sewer.
Eliminate the Drowners (there are six of them) in the room beyond the door to trigger a cutscene.
Examine the body to proceed and deduce that the creature is drawn to the scent of strong alcohols.
Continue through the doors until you reach the boarded up barrier. Pass through it to enter the
monster's lair.
Frog "Prince" Boss Battle

This boss battle can be made easier if you keep two things in mind:

 If you attempt to get close, you will get hurt.

 You can damage the Frog with fire, but he's also weak to Yrden.

This means your best offense is going to be a combination of the Igni sign and explosive bombs.
Grapeshot and Dragon's Dream work well, but the best bomb to equip for this battle is Dancing Star
- it's wide AoE will help set the beast alight better than either of the others.
Between fire blasts, use Yrden whenever possible to capitalize on its weakness, and if you need to
slow the rampaging frog, try using the Northern Wind Bombs to slow it considerably.
Once you do away with roughly 90-95% of the monster's health, a cutscene will trigger and the
battle will end.
The Olfiri Ship

Evil's First Soft Touches (3/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On


Upon awaking in a cell aboard an Olfiri ship, Geralt can has several options for conversation with
his new cellmate and captors, though they all have the same result: he's trapped without a decent
way out.
Thankfully, this is where we reconnect with Gaunter O'Dimm, a.k.a. Master Mirror, a.k.a. that dude
from the beginning of Wild Hunt that you probably said "this guy's got more going on with him."
Again, your conversations have but one outcome: O'Dimm agrees to help you escape, and you get
branded and forced into servitude in return.
Boss Battle: The Sand Mage

To defeat the Olfiri mage, the best course of action is to first defeat his entourage. Use your dodge /
roll to avoid the mage's magic attacks - if you're lucky, some of his henchmen will get caught in
them - and deal with the soldiers as they advance on you.
Once his guards have been taken care of, the Mage is fairly simple to get rid of. His biggest
weakness is Axii, especially if you're using an upgraded version, or Aard - though Aard can be
tricky because you need to close distance on him before he recovers from the stun attack.
Evil's First Soft Touches (4/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On


Once the mage and his soldiers have been defeated, make your way to the Crossroads to meet
O'Dimm. After that dialogue ends, head back to the manor house to speak with von Everec about
his three requests.
NOTE: You can take on either of the following quests ( Open Sesame! or Dead Man's Party ) in any order.

Open Sesame!
Last Edited: November 3, 2016 at 9:35 PM
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This page contaisn IGN's walkthrough for Open Sesame!, one of the main quests of The Witcher
3's first DLC expansion, Hearts of Stone.
The Auction

Open Sesame: The Auction (1/6) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough

Autoplay setting: On


Upon reaching the Borsodi Auction House, you’ll be confronted by two guards who inform you no
one is admitting without an invitation. Thankfully, before the situation can get too ugly, Vimme
Vivaldi (an old acquaintance of Geralt’s whom you may recognize from the Vivaldi Bank in
Novigrad) steps in and adds you as his +1.
Once inside, you’ll converse for a moment about life, the universe, and nothing in particular until
Vimme decides to head upstairs. Upon reaching the auction floor, he offers to introduce you to
some of his… friends.
The Art Dealer

The Art dealer challenges your knowledge of a renowed painter’s work, assuming that you’re as
cultured as your vertically-challenged associate. Prove him wrong by choosing the correct painting -
the Portrait of a Merchant.
For pointing out the correct piece, the dealer will give you a tip: bid on the painting by the up-and-
coming artist called Van Rough, and sell it at a much higher price to a fan and collector in
Be cautious, though - if you share this information with Vimme, he’ll attempt to outbid you for the
painting, and you’ll end up paying three times the original asking price for it.
The Countess

This aging widow is a collector of rare and valuable Witcher gear, thanks largely to an infatuation
she developed for the profession after a tryst with a Witcher in her youth.
Don’t miss this opportunity to acquire some rare Witcher Gear only available during this one interaction
in Hearts of Stone. Purchase the diagrams for the Viper School gear from the Countess when the
“Merchant” icon appears during conversation.

If you’re interested in learning more about the widow’s torrid affair with one of your own, you can
offer to help find her earring on the balcony.
The Card Shark

This interaction is fairly straightforward, though you’ll want to have a solid Gwent deck assembled
if you want to stand a chance at defeating this opponent. He uses a Monster deck, and is effective at
utilizing it's muster ability for his Close Combat units.
Decide whether or not to give Vimme a fraction of your winnings before you play (he won’t take
any offense if you don’t), then lay your cards on the table. Good luck!
On the Auction Block

After meeting with Vimme’s acquaintances, the auction will begin. There are three items up for

 Starry Night Over Novigrad, by the artist Van Rough - $20 ($60 if you have to outbid Vivaldi)
 A rare statuette of an eagle, potentially containing rare Witcher gear.
 A pair of spectacles that once belonged to the hired assassin known as The Professor

Once bidding on these items has ended, the auctioneer will announce an intermission and Vivaldi
will attempt to introduce you to the establishment’s proprietor, Horst Borsodi.
Be as charming or as indignant as you like, sadly there’s no version of this conversation that doesn’t
end with Geralt being “escorted” out by the guards.
Once outside, defeat the two would-be tough guys to trigger a cutscene introducing The Stranger,
whom instructs Geralt to meet him at the Herbalist’s hut outside of town.
The Setup

Open Sesame: The Setup (2/6) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On


Upon arriving at the Herbalists hut, Geralt finds several Fallen Knights outside his door. Sadly these
poor fools can't be reasoned with, so put your stabbing skills to good use and finish them quickly.
After they've been dispatched, approach the door and offer the password ("I'm looking for Yarrow
Extract") when prompted.
Head into the basement and talk to The Stranger, who suggests that the two of you work together to
break into the Borsodi vault beneath the auction house. Once you agree, you'll be tasked with
finding two accomplices and making sure that the guards aren't out in force during the break-in.
Breaking and Entering

Open Sesame: Breaking and Entering (3/6) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone


Autoplay setting: On


In order to gain access to the auction house, Geralt and his crew will need to enter through the tower
window of the building. The Stranger recommends one of two burglars: circus acrobat Eveline
Gallo or the stealthy doppler Hugo Huff.
Unfortunately, if you decide to go after Huff, you'll find that he's run afoul of some ill-tempered
criminals and is no longer in the land of the living - so you're only option is to seek out Eveline.
Once you approach her troupe's camp to the north-east of Oxenfurt, you'll find the nimble she-elf
talking to another of her company towards the back of the camp.
Pitch her the job, and she'll agree - but only on the condition that you help her group out of a jam
The job is easy, however - use your crossbow to shoot the four apples off of her friends foot, hands
and head. The shots are easy to make if you take your time, and even if you shoot the elf in the face
you'll still pass the test. Once you're done, tell Eveline to meet you at the herbalist's hut.
The Safecracker: Quinto

Open Sesame: Safecracker (Quinto) (4/6) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone



Autoplay setting: On


Unlike your break-in artist, you actually do have a choice when it comes to the man who will get
you inside the Borsodi vault. Quinto is an expert lockpick, and will enable your heist crew to avoid
making too much noise when breaking into the vault.
He can be found behind bars in a mercenary camp a short way east from the Herbalist's hut. There
are several ways to negotiate his release:

 Pay off his bounty of $200.

(this can be negotiated down to $170)

 Play a round of Gwent with the merc commander. Win, and the lockpick goes free.
 Insult the commander, then best him in a fight to set the thief free.

Once you've seen to Quinto's release, send him on his way to The Stranger to await the start of the
The Safecracker: Casimir

Oh, Casimir. Poor, poor Casimir.

Open Sesame: Safecracker (Casimir) (4/6) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone


Autoplay setting: On


If Geralt opts to say "to Hell with stealth" and really blow the doors of of the auction house
(literally), he can find a very distraught Casimir atop his roof in the village of Alnes, to the north of
the Herbalist's hut.
In order to prevent the safecracker from blowing himself - and half the village - sky high, Geralt
will need to calm him and convince him to come down from the explosive-covered roof he's on.
The best (and fastest) way to do this is by using your upgraded Axii ability to will him down - sure,
you can try meaningful conversation,' but that's just as likely to make him blow his top than bring
him down.
Once the situation has be successfully defused, tell him to return to the Herbalist's hut to await your
Witcher Seasonings

Open Sesame: Witcher Seasonings (5/6) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone


Autoplay setting: On


The last item on Geralt's "To-Do" list of setup missions is to ensure that the local constabulary will
be decidedly indisposed when it's time to set things in motion. To that end, The Stranger proposes
getting the garrison's cook to add a little something extra to his company's stew that night.
The first order of business is to brew a mixture that won't kill anybody, but will make certain no one
wants to venture more that ten feet from the nearest outhouse. To concot the Cleansing Mixture,
he'll need:

 Rotfiend Blood
 (Other Ingredients)

After some basic alchemy, it's time to find the cook. Make your way to the Borsodi auction house
and use your Witcher Senses to listen to the conversation of the guards out front.
When they don't say anything of interest, head around to the back of the building (where you first
met The Stranger) and listen to the guards through the window. When, once again, this fails to turn
up anything fruitful, hop the fence onto the walkway behind the auction house and use your Senses
to locate another pair of guards. Follow them (without getting too close) to learn the location of the
Make your way to the dock underneath the Western Gate to find the cook. Speak to him, and either
offer to pay him $400 crowns to spike his stew, or simply use Axii to get him to do it for free.
The Heist
Ultimately the heist on the Borsodi Auction house plays out very similarly regardless of which
choices you made during the setup.
The first leg sees you scaling the tower in a cutscene - be sure to collect the Love Letters from up
here before moving down the stairs into the Auction House. Once you reach the ground floor, you’ll
be forced to fight a group of five guards.
Once three of them have been dealt with, a short cutscene triggers wherein Horst Borsodi appears,
calls for the city watch and seals himself inside the vault in the basement. When the city watch
arrives, The Stranger decides to use the hostages as leverage.
NOTE: You can opt not to use hostages if you so choose, but know that if you ‘’do’’, no harm will
come to them.
What happens next depends on who your safecracker is.
The Heist: Quinto

Open Sesame: The Heist (Quinto / Horst) (6/6) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone


Autoplay setting: On


If you decided to take the silent approach, you can completely avoid fighting with the guardsmen
outside. Choose the following dialogue options after the stranger takes the merchants hostage:

 We’ve Got Hostages

 Pull back
 Bring us a carriage
 Any horse and wagon (not the Coronation carriage)
 Let one hostage go

If you choose any other options in this dialogue, the guards will end up storming the building. There
are only three of them, but it’s helpful to avoid conflict whenever possible.
After dealing with the city watch outside, follow the Stranger down into the vault and speak to
Quinto. He’ll crack the lock, and you’ll be ready to head inside.
Before crossing the threshold, however, go ahead and cast Quen on yourself and set Aard or Igni as
your active sign - the floor just past the door is booby-trapped, and you’ll have to fend off four
Arachnomorphs before you can continue.
The Heist: Casimir

Open Sesame: The Heist (Casimir / Ewald) (6/6) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone


Autoplay setting: On

Regardless of whether or not you attempt to diffuse the conflict with the city watch by taking
hostages, Casimir’s vault-smashing explosion will knock everybody of their feet. Once that
happens, Eveline will flee and the three guardsmen outside will bash their way inside. Take them
out, then head down the stairs to what used to be the vault door.
Fortunately, since Casimir’s explosion didn’t trigger the booby-trapped locking mechanism, you
can pass directly into the vault without having to fight any giant spiders.
The Heist: Finale
Once you make your way inside the vault, you’ll have to confront Horst Borsodi. Before you can
question him about Maximillian’s House, however, the Stranger who planned the heist with you
reveals himself to be none other than Horst’s estranged brother Ewald.
After airing some very dirty family laundry, Horst offers Geralt and the safecracker (either Casimir
or Quinto) the chance to betray Ewald and escape without being arrested.
‘’’NOTE:’’’ Depending on who your safecracker is and who you decide to stand with during this
segment, you may have an additional ally or opponent in the fight ahead. Casimir will choose to
remain loyal to Ewald, while Quito accepts Horst’s offer and betrays him.
Side with Horst

If you side with Horst, he and his guards will stand back while you dispatch of his brother. If
Casimir is your selected safecracker, you'll need to defeat him too.
Once Ewald is dead, speak with Horst about the house and decide whether or not you want to take
both the House and the documents contained within, or just the box itself. Either choice will allow
you to complete this quest.
Side with Ewald

If you side with Ewald, you'll need to eliminate Horst and his guards. Keep your focus on Horst, as
once his life bar reaches ~5%, you'll automatically proceed. If Quinot is your selected safecracker,
you'll need to defeat him too.
Once Horst is dead, speak with Ewald about the house and decide whether or not you want to take
both the House and the documents contained within, or just the box itself. Either choice will allow
you to complete this quest.
Note that the decision to take the box and the documents is also a decision to fight and kill Ewald
(along with Casimir if you used him). This allows you to loot both of their bodies along with the
entire treasure room, which contains a good amount of sellable trinkets and a few pieces of gear.
Despite the warning about the guards you have all the time you need to loot the room and find the
secret passage (it's a red-highlited brick on one of the support beams).
Return to Olgeird and his men at the Alchemy Inn near the Oxenfurt Harbor sign post.
Dead Man's Party
Last Edited: July 12, 2017 at 11:06 AM
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Dead Man's Party (1/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On


To begin the mission, head to Shani’s clinic on the western side of Oxenfurt. After the soldiers
leave, ask for her help and she’ll agree to meet you outside the von Everec estate.
The von Everec Family Crypt
Once you arrive at the abandoned manor, follow Shani through the gate to the entrance of the
mausoleum. Shani decides to stay above ground while Geralt heads down into the crypt.
Before descending the stairs to the main chamber, be sure to apply some Spectre Oil to your silver
sword - you’re about to fight several Wraiths.
Once the wraiths have been dealt with, use your Witcher Senses to locate the casket containing
Vlodimir von Everec’s body - it’s the one you passed on your way it, with the antique sabre sitting
on the ledge in front of it.
Once you’ve located the coffin, equip Shani’s censer and make your way through the rooms in the
lower level of the crypt to cover the area in incense. Once all the areas have been thoroughly
fumigated, return to the votive fire pit and use Igni to set it alight.
Dead Man's Party (2/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On

After the dialogue and cutscene ends, “Geralt” awakens in Shani’s lap - and thus the great 80’s
sitcom parody begins. Get used to your new self, and leave the tomb once Shani leaves to make
your way to Brunwich for a wedding feast.
After arriving at the wedding feast and donning some stylish new garb, it’s time to show Olgeird’s
ghost-brother the time of his afterlife. First things first is to introduce Vlodi-Geralt to the
It's worth noting that, unless you choose to immediately end the conversation, none of the optional
dialogue choices will result in warm feelings between either the bride or the groom (or both).
The Wedding Feast

Dead Man's Party (3/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On


There are several activities you can partake it - from pig herding to Gwent to drinking with various
wedding guests - and each event will advance time by one hour.
King of the Swinherds

Approach the pig pen and speak to the townsfolk gathered there to accept their challenge. The goal
is simple: herd the pigs marked with yellow paint into the stable on the far side of the mud pit.
It is hard to herd the pigs but you can use Axii to hex the pigs, then walk into the pen - they’ll
follow you in right away. Using Axii will not give you the King of the Swineherds trophy (15%
bonus Gold) which is the highest gold trophy in the game.
To pen the pigs, stand a small distance away from the pig till it stops, then approach it from the
sides to line it up with the pen. Slowly approach the pigs from the back and guide them into the pen.
It can take a few tries as the pigs panic and run easily, patience is the key.
Three Brave Brothers

After failing to impress the swinherds with your Witcher abilities, Shani will ask that Vlodimir
make good on his claim that he can seduce any woman in sight. Sidle up to and converse the
woman she indicates, and be ready for a fistfight when her brothers arrive.
The fight is 3-on-1, which wouldn’t be too difficult if you had more powerful weaponsthan a fence
post. Use dodges and rolls to avoid being struck, and counter-attack when the time is right.
A Short Game of Gwent

This activity is simple enough - play a game or two of Gwent with some dwarven party guests. Play
carefully, though - if you lose two games, you'll need to wear a set of ass's ears for the rest of the
An Unwelcome Guest

After completing your first two or three events, aroud the time when dusk falls, VlodiGeralt will
drag Shani into the barn to dance. After the first song ends, the three will have a brief conversation -
only to be interrupted by Master Mirror.
After the second dance, go and speak to O'Dimm in the back room where he's discussing the finer
points of baking ginger bread with some older ladies.
NOTE: You can also opt to speak with Master Mirror after completing other activites at the wedding as

After speaking with the mystery merchant, resume the wedding festivities.
Dead Man's Party (4/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On


The Fire Eater

Speak to the bride's parents in the center of the yard, and they'll ask for your help tracking down the
fire eater they hired who has since disappeared.
Use you Witcher Senses to scan the area around the dog house near the front gate. Follow the tracks
outside and up the hill on your right until you reach a large tree with a broken branch.
Examine the branch, then follow the tracks further into the woods - you can stop to pick up the
performer's cap along the way, if you so choose. Once the tracks lead to a small stream, climb up
the rock face towards the noise icon (when in Witcher vision) to find the fire eater.
You can choose to either chase the dog off or use Axii to calm it. Once the "monstrous" Demon has
been dealt with, convince the fire eater to return to the party (and give him his hat back, if you want
When you return to the stream, look out for a wild boar that will come charging at the two of you
from the right. Using Axii is a good way to avoid a difficult fight, especially since if the fire eater
dies, you'll have to deliver the bad news to the bride's parents.
Once the boar has been slain and the perform returns to camp, join Shani and the children to watch
the show.
Slip In For a Slipper

On the dock near the small watering hole, join the guests as they play their quaint couples game.
After the dialogue ends, dive into the pool and use your Witcher Senses to locate Shani's boot. You
can also retrieve two more maiden's shoes if you're feeling chivalrous. Return to the surface to give
your Cinderella her not-glass slipper.
The Capping
After completing all of the activities at the wedding feast, the clock conveniently strikes midnight.
This means that (A) Volidimir's time in Geralt's body is at an end, and (B) it's time to send the
newlyweds off to bed.
Enter the feasting hall and decide whether or not to make a speech (hint: do it), then sit back and
enjoy the festivities.
Vlodimir will make use of his time to pen a letter to his brother, proving that he's indeed had an
excellent time. After the Capping is over, head outside to exorcise yourself.
After deciding whether or not to stay at the feast with Shani (which will begin the side quest A
Midnight Clear), return to Olgeird at the Alchemy Inn to complete the quest.

Scenes From a Marriage

Last Edited: November 3, 2016 at 9:36 PM
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This page contains IGN's walkthrough for the main story quest Scenes From a Marriage in
the Hearts of Stone expansion for The Witcher 3.
The Estate Grounds

Scenes From a Marriage (1/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On


After arriving at the Von Everec estate, dismount your horse and speak to the peasant shouting into
the garden through a hole in the wall. After sending him on his way, venture into the garden to
begin searching for signs of the rose.
Inspect the manure sacks, fountain and bench on the south side of the front yard, then the beehives
and easle on the north side. Make your way up to the front doors of the manor and use your Witcher
Senses to inspect the broken lamp in front of the door.
Follow the trail of the dragged body down the steps and around the south corner of the manor until
you reach a gate. Open it and proceed into the rear garden, again using your Witcher Senses to
follow the trail towards the rear hedge rows.
Caretaker Boss Battle

How to Defeat the Caretaker - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone


Autoplay setting: On

The Caretaker is a formidable opponent, primarily because any of his attacks that successfully land
will regenerate a large portion of his health. The best strategy for efficiently defeating this boss is to
constantly retreat down the long pathways in the garden, then avoid his special attack and rush in to
deal damage.
His special attacks come in three phases (in addition to his basic swipe attacks), which advance
when you deplete his health past the dividing lines in his life bar:
Phase One: The Caretaker sends a wave of energy towards his opponent. This is indicated by the
large blue-green cone that appears on the ground in front of him a few seconds before his attack.
Use a backwards dodge or roll to avoid taking damage, then roll towards him and execute an attack
combo while he wrenches his shovel from the ground.
After (roughly) 5 seconds, the Caretaker will recover and another energy circle will appear on the
ground around him. Dodge backwards (don't roll - the circle isn't wide enough to merit that) to
avoid taking damage in the circle and regenerating your enemy's health, then wait for him to
execute his energy wave attack once more.
GHOSTBUSTER: Each time you reach the next phase of this fight, The Caretaker will summon a group of
spectres to use as fodder to regenerate his health. Kill as many of these ghosts as you can (while avoiding
The Caretaker) in order to prevent him from regenerating his entire life bar.

Phase Two: Instead of the energy wave, The Caretaker will channel his power into the blade of his
shovel and charge at you. The best way to avoid this is to perform a roll towards him, avoiding the
charge either to the left or to the right.
After avoiding the attack, sweep back in to deal damage while he recovers, then avoid his
rejuvenation circle and await another charge.
Phase Three:After depleting 2/3 of his health, The Caretaker will begin using both his charge
attack and his energy wave. Keep a close watchful eye on his movements to predict what the attack
will be, and continue avoiding them and attacking while he recovers until the fight is done.
The Haunted Manor

Scenes From a Marriage (2/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On


After dispatching The Caretaker and wrapping your head around the notion of a talking cat and dog,
head inside the manor house to search for Iris.
Make your way through the open door on the left of the foyer to enter the parlor, then pick up the
sketchbook on the table after the cutscene.
Go through the door to the right (near the front of the building) to enter the main hall, then head up
the stairs and follow the landing around to the left. Move through the burned-out study and onto the
balcony, then head back inside via the entrance to the guest bedroom to your right.
The Wraith

After moving through the door into the hall, you'll have a short mini-boss fight with a very
angry wraith. Use Quen to prevent yourself taking too much damage, and Yrdento slow or deal
additional damage.
If her health gets low, she'll activate a healing portal in one of the four paintings along the walls.
Strike these with your sword (or a destructive sign) to prevent her from healing or using them to
teleport around the arena (this will also grant her a full heal).
Once the spirit has been returned to the proper realm, move through the door at the other end of the
hall to enter the master bedroom.
OPTIONAL QUEST ITEM: Before examining the body on the bed, you can pick up the portrait of
Olgeird and Iris from the table at the far side of the room. This is not necessary, however, as you
(probably) already have her Sketchbook.
Examine the body on the bed to trigger a dialogue with the mysterious animal spirits. After coming
to the conclusion that Iris needs her body interred, head down the front steps and into the yard.
Head to the easel sitting beneath the tree, up the stairs at the front of the yard. Interact with it to
begin the burial ritual.
Once Iris's spirit appears, follow her through the portal into the painting.
The Painted World

Scenes From a Marriage (3/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


Autoplay setting: On


After arriving on the other side of the painting, make your way down into the garden. There are
several ghosts that need busting in this area - they're basically Arachnomorphs - so eliminate them
and then examine the memory of Iris and Olgeird near the fountain.
There are three items that could be used in this area - a bouquet of flowers, a glass, and
Iris's wedding veil. As pretty as she'd look with flowers, it's the cup that belongs in Iris's hand.
After completing the memory, a giant arachno-spectre appears. Defeating it should be fairly simple,
providing you maneuver into a position that allows you to dodge and roll a good amount. Once the
spectres have been dispatched, head into the house and examine the dining table scene.
To re-create this scene, you'll need to match the lighting to the painting on the wall opposite the
table. Use Igni to light the fire in the hearth, as well as the first two sets of candles closest to the
head of the table.
Head upstairs into the master bedroom and pick up the bloody towel on the floor near the bed.
Place it in the basin next to Olgeird to complete the memory.
Follow the specters out of the bedroom and into the drawing room across the hall. Pick up
the glass from the chair near the window and examine the fruit bowl beneath the portrait on the far
wall to take the apple and grapes from the dish.
Examine the work-in-progress on the easel to view the proper layout of the items, then place them
on the table next to Olgeird with the grapes on the left, the goblet in the center and the apple on the
right to complete the scene.
After Olgeird storms out, follow him into his study on the other side of the main hall. Pick up
the piece of chalk from the shelf next to the door, then take the beeswax candles from on top of the
desk beneath the window.
Examine the pentagram on the floor in the center of the room. When prompted to place the
candles, arrange them on the circle surrounding the pentagram. This will complete the memory.
When the cutscene ends, interact with the portrait of the snowscape on the wall to avoid being
burned alive.
Scenes From a Marriage (4/4) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


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After emerging into the blizzard, quickly run to the open doors leading into the manor's basement.
Once inside, pick up the marriage contract from the floor in front of the wine barrels, as well as
the mug off of the floor next to Olgeird.
Place the mug in von Everec's hand and the marriage contract in the grasp of Iris's father to
complete the scene.
After the cutscene ends, slash your way through the spectres (Ghouls), then make your way up the
steps to enter the dining hall.
To complete this final memory, first get the food tray from the shelf next to the door you entered
from, then the large bowl off the floor on the other side of the room, and finally the small
bowl next to that.
Place the small bowl on the floor near the spirit cat, the large bowl in front of the black dog, and
finally the food tray in the hands of the Caretaker to complete the memory.
After the cutscene, head across the foyer into the lounge and pick up the letter on the table to face
Iris von Everec's Greatest Fear.
Greatest Fears Boss Battle

How to Defeat Iris von Everec's Greatest Fear - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone


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When the battle begins, you're surrounded by six phantoms. Here are some basic tips that will help
throughout the fight:

 Unless you attack them first, the phantoms will only attack one at a time.
 The phantoms are vulnerable to Aard, especially during the charge-up for their special attack.
 After successfully parrying an attack, you can execute three sword attacks (light or heavy, it doesn't matter)
on your target before they recover.
 Once you eliminate five of the phantoms, the sixth will attack faster, and will only allow one strike after a
successful parry.

After defeating the last phantom, a cutscene will trigger an Geralt will return to the yard of the
Iris's Fate
Geralt can choose to either take the rose to give Olgeird or not. Doing so will force Iris's spirit from
the world, though it will also set the Cat and Dog free. In gratitude they will give you this warnng:
"Before we go, some advice - beware of the one called the Man of Glass. Stand in his way, and
you'll meet a fate worse than death. Seek salvation in glass that can't be broken."
If Geralt opts to leave her be, he will be transported back to the mortal realm and take a portion of
the painting (featuring Iris and her purple rose) to Olgeird instead.
Whatsoever a Man Soweth
Last Edited: December 13, 2016 at 5:18 AM
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This page contains IGN's walkthrough for the ending of the Hearts of Stoneexpansion for
The Witcher 3.
Whatsoever a Man Soweth (1/2) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough


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Return to the Alchemy Inn in Oxenfurt to begin the final quest, and speak to Master Mirror inside
the tavern.
Once the conversation has ended, make your way down the block to Shani's Clinic.
After speaking to Shani, decide whether or not to venture to the Oxenfurt Academy to speak with
the Professor about Gaunter O'Dimm. You can also head directly to the Temple of Lilvani.
Optional Objective: Talk to Professor Shakeslock

While Shani is permitted to enter the Academy, Geralt will need to find another way in. Turn back
and cross the bridge, then head down to the riverbank and swim across the narrow channel to reach
the underside of the Academy.
Head around the base of the structure to your right and kill the small group of drowners that are
lurking there, then wait for Shani to drop you a rope from the top of the wall.
Once inside, there are four Witch Hunters that you'll need to eliminate before you'll be able to reach
the professor's chambers.
After the guards have been dispatched, head up the path under the archway to enter the main
courtyard. The door to the professor's house is locked, so you'll need to find another way inside.
Using the ladder across the yard from the locked door, climb up onto the scaffolding then cross over
to the roof of Shakeslock's offices. Jump onto the balcony and use Aard to make your way inside.
Head downstairs to talk to the professor. Once the conversation has ended, exit through the front
door of the house and use the tower (in the first courtyard you entered into) to leap into the water
below and make your way towards the Temple.
Before heading towards the temple, you can visit Shani again for a talk, and also play Gwent with
her to win a unique Olgierd von Everec card.
The Temple of Lilvani

Make your way to the Temple of Lilvani - it's located in the cave system that you explored during
the Phantom of the Trade Route Witcher Contract.
After entering the chamber, a cutscene / dialogue will begin and you'll need to make a difficult
Side with Gaunter O'Dimm

ENDING: Whatsoever a Man Soweth (O'Dimm) (2/2) - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone


Autoplay setting: On


This is the simplest ending, by and large - just sit back and watch the interaction between Olgeird
and Master Mirror unfold. Afterwards, you're allowed to choose a reward for aiding the mysterious

 "Wanna be as swift as the wind."

Caparison of Lament Saddle. +100 Horse Stamina. Adds a black mist with a few flying insects around
Roach's head, the description states that it "addles the mind of a randomly-selected opponent within a
limited range." This puts a red and black glow around a random opponent's head and provides a few
seconds worth of an Axii-type effect.
 "Never wanna go hungry again."
Horn of Plenty. Provides an endless supply of food, offers +40 Vitality regeneration (25 in combat) for 5
 "A bottle of vodka that's always full."
Botomless Carafe. Provides an endless supply of alcohol to use in alchemic conconctions.
 "Wanna be rich."
5000 Crowns
 "I don't want anything from you."
Nothing. Except the sole ownership of your soul.
Side with Olgeird von Everec

If you choose to intervene and attempt to spare Ogleird's life, Geralt will challenge O'Dimm to a
game of wits.
Once you awaken in the spirit realm, Master Mirror will pose a riddle to you:
To all things and men I appertain,
and yet by some am shunned and distained.
Fondle me and ogle me til you're insane,
but no blow can harm me, cause me pain.
Children delight in me, elders take fright.
Fair maids rejoice and spin.
Cry and I weep, yawn and I sleep.
Smile, and I shal grin.
What am I?
Once you set foot onto the pathway beyond the broken ruins, a timer will apear at the top of your
screen. Instead of blithering about and inspecting every single item along the road, here's the path
that will lead you not only to the answer, but to the best rewards (including new Witcher Gear and a
sizeable pile of gold):
Follow the pathway straight, then fork to the right when you reach the open well with the two
specrtes in front of it.
NOTE: Avoid combat with as many specters as possible. This will save time and allow you to explore more
areas, which will grant better rewards.

After crossing the wooden bridge and rounding the corner, keep heading straight on the path that
leads under the large stone archway. Keep following this path (through the crooked trees) until you
encounter a large spirit resembling a Leshen.
Use Spectre Oil on your blade to make quick work of the ghostly beast, then climb the broken stairs
on the left of the path to pull the Venomous Viper Silver Sword out of the stone at the top. Turn
back down the stairs and continue up the path on your left along the cliffside.
Climb up the rocks at the top of the path, then run past the large glowing tree and keep to the right
until the path diverges. Follow the road ahead of you (the left fork) until you reach the glowing
cave entrance.
Along the entrance to the cave are small stacks of gold (5 crowns each). Pick those up if you want,
or head directly into the cave and begin ransacking every crate, box and sack that you can. They're
all filled with gold and precious gems, which can later be sold to merchants or craftsmen.
Upon exiting the money cave, head to your right and follow the path towards the large mansion.
Enter the graveyard and run past the two Gargoyle spectres, instead running straight to the entrance
of the house.
Head down the main hallway once inside to find the riddle's solution at the end. Of course, nothing
can ever be too easy, so O'Dimm drops the floor out from under you, and you must find another
way to solve the riddle.
Once you've dropped into the main courtyard, you can attempt to interact with any of the mirrors set
up around the terrace - though they'll only self-destruct before you can use them.
Instead, head to the fountain opposite the door you entered from, and use Aard to destroy the wall
behind it. This will allow a flow of water into the pool which you can use as a reflection to solve the
riddle and complete the quest.

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